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Published on: July 3, 2021
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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Posted on April 14, 2021
Collaboration between hundreds of scientists/astronomers/physicists/satellite engineers etc., at multiple countries around the world - yield the most detailed information about black hole to date.
Facilities: ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chandra X-ray Observatory - , EAVN - , EHT - , EVN - , Fermi - , GMVA - , H.E.S.S. - , HSA - , HST - , KVN - , MAGIC - , Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory - , NuSTAR - , SMA - , VERA - , VERITAS - , VLBA. -
Telescopes unite in unprecedented observations of famous black hole, by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (phys.ord)
In April 2019, scientists released the first image of a black hole in galaxy M87 using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). However, that remarkable achievement was just the beginning of the science story to be told.
Data from 19 observatories released today promise to give unparalleled insight into this black hole and the system it powers, and to improve tests of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
"We knew that the first direct image of a black hole would be groundbreaking," says Kazuhiro Hada of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, a co-author of a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters that describes the large set of data. "But to get the most out of this remarkable image, we need to know everything we can about the black hole's behavior at that time by observing over the entire electromagnetic spectrum..."
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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We present the most extensive, quasi-simultaneous, broadband spectrum of M87 taken yet, together with the highest ever resolution mm-VLBI images using the Event Horizon Telescope from its 2017 April campaign. The primary result of this Letter is the presentation of this legacy data set, for which all data and some analysis scripts are available to the community via a Cyverse repository; see Appendix B. From the observational side, our main conclusions are that the M87 core was in a relatively low state compared to historical observations, but clearly still dominating over the nearest knot HST-1, which was seemingly at its lowest historical brightness state. This provides the ideal observing conditions for a multi-wavelength campaign combining data over a large range of spatial resolution, because M87's core was dominating the total flux in radio through X-ray bands.
While we defer detailed modeling to further work by ourselves and the broader community, we can already make some baseline conclusions based on simple single-zone models. The first conclusion is that M87's complex, broadband spectral energy distribution cannot be modeled by a single zone. The stratified nature of the radio through millimeter bands is clearly indicated by the high dynamic-range images that place significant size constraints on the emitting geometry per frequency band. However by selecting two representative regions for the EHT-observed region and the inner jets, respectively, we can already come to a few solid conclusions. First, it is not yet clear where the VHE γ-rays originate, but we can robustly rule out that they coincide with the EHT region for leptonic processes. The energetics and small size of this region, together with the VLBI constraints on optical depth and thus strong magnetic fields, cannot be reconciled with significant γ-ray production via SSC emission. A ~100 times larger region can provide VHE γ-ray fluxes but requires an uncomfortably high particle domination compared to magnetic fields, which may be inconsistent with the observed jet velocity and parabolic geometrical profile. Direct proton and muon synchrotron emission from the EHT-emission region contributing to the GeV/TeV range cannot be ruled out at this time, but can be tested in the future using the upcoming improved constraints on the magnetic fields expected from EHT polarization results. We emphasize in any case that a structured jet model including time-dependence will be important for any detailed interpretation. Additional information will be presented in the upcoming paper on the 2018 campaign, where there will be new constraints on the multi-wavelength variability properties.
This "quiescent active" core spectrum for M87 is also important for comparison with the upcoming analysis on the Galactic center supermassive black hole Sgr A*. Sgr A* has also been in an extended, much weaker quiescent period since (at least) its first identification as a high-energy source (Baganoff et al. 2001, 2003), punctuated only by moderate flaring (e.g., Neilsen et al. 2015; Witzel et al. 2018; Do et al. 2019; Haggard et al. 2019). M87's low state thus provides the ideal comparison spectrum to understand how sources evolve from quiescence into low-luminosity AGN and launch more extended jet outflows.
With results from the 2017 EHT campaign for 3C 279 already published (Kim et al. 2020), and other 2017 papers on M87's polarization (EHT Collaboration et al. 2021, in preparation), Sgr A* (EHT Collaboration et al. 2021, in preparation), Cen A (M. Janssen et al. 2021, in preparation), OJ 287 (J. L. Gómez et al. 2021, in preparation), and many more in the pipeline, we expect the context and impact of the multi-wavelength results to significantly broaden in the coming years. The precision EHT mm-VLBI images together with broadband SED information will be essential ingredients for developing a fuller understanding of the AGN phenomenon. Beyond simple accretion rate changes, this new body of work will allow us to directly study the interplay between strong gravity and magnetic fields and to trace those effects to the larger jet structures and their feedback onto the external environment. With our legacy sample, enhanced by multi-year campaigns with the steadily enhanced EHT array, as well as eventually with the future next-generation EHT, we aim to provide a rich, public data set to the community for decades of projects to come.
J.-C.A acknowledges support from the Malaysian Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) FRGS/1/2019/STG02/UM/02/6.
M.B. acknowledges support from the YCAA Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Black Hole Initiative at Harvard University, which is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant GBMF8273) and in part by the John Templeton Foundation.
S.C. is supported by the South African Research Chairs Initiative (grant No. 64789) of the Department of Science and Innovation and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
K.H. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JJP18H03721, JP19H01943, JP18KK0090, and support from the Mitsubishi Foundation grant No. 201911019.
D.H. acknowledges support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant and the Canada Research Chairs program.
T.K. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JP18K13594, JP19H01908, JP19H01906, MEXT as "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), MEXT as "Priority Issue on post-K computer" (Elucidation of the Fundamental Laws and Evolution of the Universe) and JICFuS. A part of the calculations were carried out on the XC50 at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
R.-S.L. is supported by the Max Planck Partner Group of the MPG and the CAS and acknowledges support from the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 11933007) and the Research Program of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, CAS (grant No. ZDBS-LY-SLH011).
M.L. and S.M. are thankful for support from an NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) VICI award, grant No. 639.043.513.
J.N. acknowledges support from SAO award DD7-18089X and NASA award 80NSSC20K0645.
J.P. acknowledges financial support from the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) via Global PhD Fellowship grant 2014H1A2A1018695 and support through the EACOA Fellowship awarded by the East Asia Core Observatories Association, which consists of the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Center for Astronomical Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.
M.S. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JP19K14761.
The authors of the present Letter thank the following organizations and programs: the Academy of Finland (projects 274477, 284495, 312496, 315721); Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Chile via NCN19_058 (TITANs) and FONDECYT 3190878; the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung; the Black Hole Initiative at Harvard University, through a grant (60477) from the John Templeton Foundation; the China Scholarship Council; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT, Mexico, projects 104497, 275201, 279006, 281692); the Delaney Family via the Delaney Family John A. Wheeler Chair at Perimeter Institute; Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico—Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (DGAPA—UNAM, project IN112417); the European Research Council Synergy Grant "BlackHoleCam: Imaging the Event Horizon of Black Holes" (grant 610058); the Generalitat Valenciana postdoctoral grant APOSTD/2018/177 and GenT Program (project CIDEGENT/2018/021); the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grants GBMF-3561, GBMF-5278); the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) sezione di Napoli, iniziative specifiche TEONGRAV; the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne; the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship; the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellowship (JP17J08829); the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS, grants QYZDJ-SSW-SLH057, QYZDJ-SSW-SYS008); the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellowship; the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG); the Max Planck Partner Group of the MPG and the CAS; the MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI (grants 18KK0090, JP18K13594, JP18K03656, JP18H03721, 18K03709, 18H01245, 25120007); the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Funds; the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan (105-2112-M-001-025-MY3, 106-2112-M-001-011, 106-2119-M-001-027, 107-2119-M-001-017, 107-2119-M-001-020, 107-2119-M-110-005, 108-2112-M-001-048 and 109-2124-M-001-005); the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, Fermi Guest Investigator grant 80NSSC20K1567 and Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51431.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555, NuSTAR award 80NSSC20K0645, Chandra award DD7-18089X); the National Institute of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan; the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant 2016YFA0400704, 2016YFA0400702); the National Science Foundation (NSF, grants AST-0096454, AST-0352953, AST-0521233, AST-0705062, AST-0905844, AST-0922984, AST-1126433, AST-1140030, DGE-1144085, AST-1207704, AST-1207730, AST-1207752, MRI-1228509, OPP-1248097, AST-1310896, AST-1337663, AST-1440254, AST-1555365, AST-1715061, AST-1615796, AST-1716327, OISE-1743747, AST-1816420, AST-2034306); the Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 11573051, 11633006, 11650110427, 10625314, 11721303, 11725312, 11991053); the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, including a Discovery Grant and the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program); the National Research Foundation of Korea (the Global PhD Fellowship Grant: grants NRF-2015H1A2A1033752, 2015-R1D1A1A01056807, the Korea Research Fellowship Program: NRF-2015H1D3A1066561); the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) VICI award (grant 639.043.513) and Spinoza Prize SPI 78-409; the New Scientific Frontiers with Precision Radio Interferometry Fellowship awarded by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), which is a facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF), an agency of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) of South Africa; the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation; the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) national infrastructure, for the provisioning of its facilities/observational support (OSO receives funding through the Swedish Research Council under grant 2017-00648) the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science); the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grants PGC2018-098915-B-C21, AYA2016-80889-P); the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award for the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709); the Toray Science Foundation; the US Department of Energy (USDOE) through the Los Alamos National Laboratory (operated by Triad National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the USDOE (Contract 89233218CNA000001)); the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 730562 RadioNet; ALMA North America Development Fund; the Academia Sinica; Chandra TM6-17006X; the GenT Program (Generalitat Valenciana) Project CIDEGENT/2018/021. This work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), supported by NSF grant ACI-1548562, and CyVerse, supported by NSF grants DBI-0735191, DBI-1265383, and DBI-1743442. XSEDE Stampede2 resource at TACC was allocated through TG-AST170024 and TG-AST080026N. XSEDE JetStream resource at PTI and TACC was allocated through AST170028. The simulations were performed in part on the SuperMUC cluster at the LRZ in Garching, on the LOEWE cluster in CSC in Frankfurt, and on the HazelHen cluster at the HLRS in Stuttgart. This research was enabled in part by support provided by Compute Ontario (, Calcul Quebec ( and Compute Canada ( We thank the staff at the participating observatories, correlation centers, and institutions for their enthusiastic support. This Letter makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2016.1.01154.V. ALMA is a partnership of the European Southern Observatory (ESO; Europe, representing its member states), NSF, and National Institutes of Natural Sciences of Japan, together with National Research Council (Canada), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST; Taiwan), Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA; Taiwan), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI; Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI)/NRAO, and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The NRAO is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement by AUI. APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Germany), ESO, and the Onsala Space Observatory (Sweden). The SMA is a joint project between the SAO and ASIAA and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica. The JCMT is operated by the East Asian Observatory on behalf of the NAOJ, ASIAA, and KASI, as well as the Ministry of Finance of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Key R&D Program (No. 2017YFA0402700) of China. Additional funding support for the JCMT is provided by the Science and Technologies Facility Council (UK) and participating universities in the UK and Canada. he LMT is a project operated by the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica, y Electrónica (Mexico) and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA), with financial support from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología and the National Science Foundation. The IRAM 30-m telescope on Pico Veleta, Spain is operated by IRAM and supported by CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), MPG (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany) and IGN (Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Spain). The SMT is operated by the Arizona Radio Observatory, a part of the Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona, with financial support of operations from the State of Arizona and financial support for instrumentation development from the NSF. The SPT is supported by the National Science Foundation through grant PLR- 1248097. Partial support is also provided by the NSF Physics Frontier Center grant PHY-1125897 to the Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, the Kavli Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant GBMF 947. The SPT hydrogen maser was provided on loan from the GLT, courtesy of ASIAA. The EHTC has received generous donations of FPGA chips from Xilinx Inc., under the Xilinx University Program. The EHTC has benefited from technology shared under open-source license by the Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER). The EHT project is grateful to T4Science and Microsemi for their assistance with Hydrogen Masers. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System. We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the extended staff of the ALMA, both from the inception of the ALMA Phasing Project through the observational campaigns of 2017 and 2018. We would like to thank A. Deller and W. Brisken for EHT-specific support with the use of DiFX. We acknowledge the significance that Maunakea, where the SMA and JCMT EHT stations are located, has for the indigenous Hawaiian people.
The European VLBI Network is a joint facility of independent European, African, Asian, and North American radio astronomy institutes. Scientific results from data presented in this publication are derived from the following EVN project code: EH033.
This research has made use of data obtained with 12 radio telescopes from the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN): 2 stations from the Chinese VLBI Network (the Tianma radio telescope operated by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Nanshan radio telescope operated by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory of CAS), 2 stations from the Japanese VLBI Network (the Hitachi station operated by Ibaraki University and the Kashima station operated by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), the Korean VLBI Network operated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope operated by NAOJ. We thank VERA staff members who helped the operation. We are grateful to KVN staff who helped to operate the array and to correlate the data for quasi-simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of M87. The KVN is a facility operated by KASI. The KVN operations are supported by KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open NETwork), which is managed and operated by KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
The VLBA is an instrument of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated by Associated Universities, Inc.
This study has been supported in part by the Russian Science Foundation: project 20-62-46021.
The Fermi LAT Collaboration acknowledges generous ongoing support from a number of agencies and institutes that have supported both the development and the operation of the LAT as well as scientific data analysis. These include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Energy in the United States, the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules in France, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in Japan, and the K. A. Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish National Space Board in Sweden. Additional support for science analysis during the operations phase is gratefully acknowledged from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica in Italy and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales in France. This work is performed in part under DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The support of the Namibian authorities and of the University of Namibia in facilitating the construction and operation of H.E.S.S. is gratefully acknowledged, as is the support by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the Max Planck Society, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Helmholtz Association, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS/IN2P3 and CNRS/INSU), the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the National Science Centre, Poland grant No. 2016/22/M/ST9/00382, the South African Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation, the University of Namibia, the National Commission on Research, Science & Technology of Namibia (NCRST), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and by the University of Amsterdam. We appreciate the excellent work of the technical support staff in Berlin, Zeuthen, Heidelberg, Palaiseau, Paris, Saclay, Tübingen, and in Namibia in the construction and operation of the equipment. This work benefited from services provided by the H.E.S.S. Virtual Organisation, supported by the national resource providers of the EGI Federation.
We would like to thank the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias for the excellent working conditions at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos in La Palma. The financial support of the German BMBF, MPG and HGF; the Italian INFN and INAF; the Swiss National Fund SNF; the ERDF under the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) (FPA2017-87859-P, FPA2017-85668-P, FPA2017-82729-C6-5-R, FPA2017-90566-REDC, PID2019-104114RB-C31, PID2019-104114RB-C32, PID2019-105510GB-C31,PID2019-107847RB-C41, PID2019-107847RB-C42, PID2019-107988GB-C22); the Indian Department of Atomic Energy; the Japanese ICRR, the University of Tokyo, JSPS, and MEXT; the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, National RI Roadmap Project DO1-268/16.12.2019 and the Academy of Finland grant No. 320045 is gratefully acknowledged. This work was also supported by the Spanish Centro de Excelencia "Severo Ochoa" SEV-2016-0588 and CEX2019-000920-S, and "Maria de Maeztu" CEX2019-000918-M, the Unidad de Excelencia "Maria de Maeztu" MDM-2015-0509-18-2 and the "la Caixa" Foundation (fellowship LCF/BQ/PI18/11630012) and by the CERCA program of the Generalitat de Catalunya; by the Croatian Science Foundation (HrZZ) Project IP-2016-06-9782 and the University of Rijeka Project; by the DFG Collaborative Research Centers SFB823/C4 and SFB876/C3; the Polish National Research Centre grant UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00382; and by the Brazilian MCTIC, CNPq, and FAPERJ.
This research is supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution, by NSERC in Canada, and by the Helmholtz Association in Germany. This research used resources provided by the Open Science Grid, which is supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, and resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. We acknowledge the excellent work of the technical support staff at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory and at the collaborating institutions in the construction and operation of the instrument.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on April 11, 2021
Here is a good read to help us understand the mind and drive of conspiracy advocates...
Making sense of conspiracy theorists as the world gets more bizzare, by Jon Ronson (
Selected excerpts;
"And, in hindsight, it was all clues (by hanging around the conspiracy world). The most popular tables at the gun shows were frequently the ones selling the conspiracy VHS tapes – recordings of very long conversations between unengaging men in public access TV studios. They’d discuss how the Illuminati were the puppet masters behind the deaths at David Koresh’s church in Waco, or how the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill was evidence of the Illuminati’s takeover of the Federal Reserve. They were as dull as anything, but due to their scarcity the VHSs were passed around militia circles like rare jewels, gun-show Rosetta stones...
"Then there was Art Bell’s popular paranormal radio show, Coast to Coast AM, broadcast from Bell’s desert home in Pahrump, Nevada. Ten million Americans routinely tuned in to hear spellbinding night-time tales of ghosts and UFOs and conspiracies – like how the streaks of condensation you see coming from aeroplanes are actually chemicals designed to keep the masses docile. It was the perfect theory for the extremely lazy. No travelling was necessary, no trips to ancient rune sites or whatever. You only had to look out of your window and up into the sky to see the smoking gun. It was Miss Marple for those who wanted to expend as little physical exertion as possible...
At first, I felt sad for him (Alex Jones), wondering if he was embarrassed that a thing like that had come out in court (at his divorce proceeding). But I kept thinking about it and, honestly, it answers a lot of questions. High-scoring narcissists are prone to paranoia and black-and-white thinking. Through their eyes everyone is either wonderful or else they’re the enemy. (Often the wonderful person commits some minor transgression and instantly becomes the enemy; if you’ve been close to a narcissist you’ll probably recognise that “love-bomb, devalue, discard” relationship arc.) And narcissists need to feel like they’re the smartest person in the room – hence, I suspect, their reaching for conspiracy theories with their obnoxiously counterintuitive, superficially complex worldviews...
"These days nothing much has changed, except instead of streaks of vapour and the dollar bill they’re deciphering clues in Beyoncé videos and Chrissy Teigen’s tweets. For QAnon to work, adherents have to allow themselves to believe that the secret paedophile elite, despite their Machiavellian genius, can’t resist leaving little visible pointers to their malevolent power, like a thief placing a monogrammed glove at the scene of the crime. It’s lucky for the armchair detective that that’s their achilles heel...
"When sceptics are asked to explain why people succumb to conspiracy theories, they tend to say they offer a strange comfort – they allow people to make sense of a chaotic world. But I think there’s another, more often ignored reason. You get renaissances of conspiracy theories when the powerful behave in conspiratorial ways. The mystery is why the theorists are never happy with the actual evidence, and instead behave like amateur sleuths inside some magical parallel world where metaphors are facts. In that world, the deaths at David Koresh’s church in Waco were caused not by government overreach but by the Illuminati’s Satanic desire for blood sacrifice. Why they invariably slap a layer of fiction on top of an already fascinating truth had long been a puzzle to me, and to many others, too: a question I’ve been asked over and over is whether I think Alex Jones knows he’s lying when he tells his millions of listeners that, for instance, the Sandy Hook school shootings were “a giant hoax”...
In 2020, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook executives had realised four years earlier that its algorithms were “exploiting the human brain’s attraction to divisiveness” – like the startling fact that 64% of users who joined extremist groups were enticed to do so by clicking on the “Groups you should join” and “Discover” buttons. Inside the company there was alarm. What might these rabbit holes be doing to users’ mental health and to society? Internal teams suggested numerous fixes – algorithmic tweaks to make the site more civil. But the executives nicknamed the proposals “Eat Your Veggies” and ignored them. (They argued that it was for reasons of fairness: there are more far-right pages on Facebook, so any changes would have disproportionately affected conservatives.) Facebook claimed in 2020 that it had changed in the years since these deliberations.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on April 10, 2021
Some of the flat Earth YouTube channels that have recently closed...
2outoflove | |
Aaron Dover | , |
American Income Life Grant | |
Anonymous News | |
Antonio Subirats | |
Antonio Subirats | | | |
Astro Not | |
BBY LON (Tyler DeSantis) | |
Before Its Too Late | |
Beyond The Veil | |
Blessing Emmanuel | |
Block 4 Block | |
Brainnews NG | |
Branco Sims | |
Brian Andrew | |
BS Detector | |
Cae sar | |
Captain Obvious | |
Chris Potter | |
Chris UK | |
Cognitive Dissonance | |
Curious Life of a Flat Earther | |
Curious Life of a Flat Earther | |
Curtis Flat Reality | |
Dan Flynn | |
Daniel Channel | |
Daniel Pratt & Daniel Pratt Reshaping Our World | |
Daphe Rimmel | |
Daphe Rimmel2.0 | |
Daphe Rimmel2.0 | |
Dill Martin | |
Dorothy Shenton | |
Earth Science | |
ekeresco jack | |
Enslaved By No Media | |
Ephesians 6:12 | |
Erik Verbeek | |
Flat | |
Flat Earth Facts | |
Flat Earth Mirror | |
Flat Earth Network | |
Flat Earth Network then changed to Anonymous FE | |
Flat Earth News | |
Flat Earth Paradise - Devin Madgy - North Seal Project | |
Flat Earth Research Center | |
Flat Earth Scientist | |
Flat Earth Sorcerer | |
Flat Earth Stream | |
Flat Earth Wax | |
Flat John | |
FlatEarthSamurai | |
GodlovesOurPassion | |
groovANDsooth | |
Hank Cooper | |
Higher Truth Channel | |
idongesit sam | |
Jason Richard Mangan | |
Josh Sparrow | |
Kaptain America | |
Karen Pettitt - Karen Pettitt | |
kaseyjosh | |
Last Day Loon | |
Liftin the Lid | |
LightSeeker TV | |
martyleeds33 New channel Marty Leeds Live | |
MatrixBreak | |
Max Malone | |
Mike T | |
Mike Truth Be Told - is Mike T | |
MLordandGod | |
NaNa Channel | |
Nasa Clown Show | |
Nathan Thompson | |
No Fanfair | |
Owen Benjamin | |
Political HillBilly | |
Pull Back The Curtain | |
QuasiLuminous | |
Question Everything | |
Red Pill Philosophy | |
RichieFromBoston | |
Rory Mcfizzflatearth | |
Russianvids | May 2018 - |
Rusty Payne | |
Sann Ingen | |
Scott Millar | |
Skyler Gene Butts | |
Sleeping Warrior - is Anthony Riley | |
SomeGuyNamedJD | |
Spill The Truth | |
SS52 now listed here as terminated | |
stephen smith | |
Steven Christ | |
subphotonic | |
SuckMyGlobes NASA | |
sunnypeaches 77 | |
Taboo Conspiracy | |
That Guy | |
The Event Is coming soon | |
The Flat Earth Society | |
The Flat Earth Survival Guide (John) | |
The Last Relevant Sage | |
The Sharpening Report (Josh Peck) | |
The Truth Files | |
TheNASAchannel | |
Through the Aether | |
tommix | |
UrBrain Wash | |
Vegan Warrior | |
vic button | |
Vince Abate | |
WakeTheSheeple2016 | |
waykiwayki (Mark Knight) | |
Yoda's Flat Earth | |
Yute Hube | |
Zetetic Astronomy | |
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Posted on April 9, 2021
Globe and flat Earth calculated curvature visualization
This site has a very good Java Script calculator that accurately shows calculated visual curvature for both a flat Earth and a Globe Earth,
of 7,918 mile diameter.
This is just simple Geometry.
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
Look thru the following images...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 10 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 100 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 500 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 1,000 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 10,000 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 25,000 Km
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
red circle.........curvature of Flat earth
blue circle.......curvature of Globe earth
angle of view = 90°
height above the surface = 75,000 Km
Exact same article here:
Globe and flat Earth calculated curvature visualization
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Posted on April 3, 2021
Direct land based measurements of the Earth's size. And how to use a Sextant for navigation.
Radius of the Earth Measurements, by MCToon
re: George Biddle Airy
re: Alexander Ross Clark
re: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
re: Sir George Everest
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Spherical Excess
A Course of Practical Astronomy for Surveyors with the Elements of Geodesy 1883 |
PDF 8 mb |
A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and its Applications to Astronomy and Geodesy 1892 |
PDF 6 mb |
A Treatise on Practical Astronomy as Applied to Geodesy and Navigation 1890 |
PDF 19 mb |
A Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry and its Application to Geodesy and Astronomy 1889 |
PDF 5 mb |
An Elementary Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry with Applications to Geodesy and Astronomy 1907 |
PDF 2 mb |
Elements of Geodesy 1886 |
PDF 5 mb |
Elements of Precise Surveying and Geodesy 1899 |
PDF 5 mb |
Elements of Precise Surveying and Geodesy 1907 |
PDF 38 mb |
Formulae for Atmospheric Refraction and their Application to Terrestrial Refraction and Geodesy 1913 |
PDF 5 mb |
Geodesy Including Astronomical Observations Gravity Measurements 1930 |
PDF 10 mb |
Geodesy-Application of the Theory of Least Squares to the Adjustment of Triangulation 1915 |
PDF 14 mb |
Geodesy-Clarke 1880 |
PDF 9 mb |
Geodesy-Descriptions of Triangulation Stations in Georgia 1917 |
PDF 3 mb |
Geodesy-Determinations of Latitude and Gravity for the Hawaiian Government 1890 |
PDF 6 mb |
Geodesy-General Instructions for Precise and Secondary Traverse 1919 |
PDF 3 mb |
Geodesy-Gore 1891 |
PDF 3 mb |
Geodesy-Latitude Observations with Photographic Zenith Tube at Gathersburg Md 1915 |
PDF 8 mb |
Geodesy-On the Measurement of the Base Lines at Holton Indiana and at St Albans West Virginia 1893 |
PDF 6 mb |
Geodesy-Primary Triangulation on the 104th Meridian and on the 39th Parallel in Colorado Utah and Nevada 1914 |
PDF 12 mb |
Geodesy-Tables for a Polyconic Projection of Maps 1917 |
PDF 9 mb |
Geodesy-The California-Washington Arc of Primary Triangulation 1913 |
PDF 4 mb |
Geodesy-The Eastern Oblique Arc of the US and Osculating Spheroid 1902 |
PDF 17 mb |
Geodesy-The Effect of Topography and Isostatic Compensation Upon the Intensity of Gravity 1912 |
PDF 8 mb |
Geodesy-The Texas-California Arc of Primary Triangulation 1912 |
PDF 6 mb |
Geodesy-Triangulation along the Columbia River and the Coasts of Oregon and Northern California 1915 |
PDF 12 mb |
Geodesy-Triangulation Along the West Coast of Florida 1913 |
PDF 15 mb |
Geodesy-Triangulation in W Virginia Ohio Kentucky Indiana Illinois and Missouri 1915 |
PDF 5 mb |
Geodesy-Triangulation on the Coast of Texas from Sabine Pass to Corpus Christi Bay 1913 |
PDF 6 mb |
Geodetic Surveying and the Adjustment of Observations 1911 |
PDF 14 mb |
Mathematical Geodesy 1969 |
PDF 30 mb |
Notes on Practical Astronomy and Geodesy 1921 |
PDF 3 mb |
Notes Upon Least Squares and Geodesy 1902 |
PDF 7 mb |
On The Variations of Latitude and on Determinations of Gravity and the Magnetic Elements 1893 |
PDF 678 kb |
Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey 1873 |
PDF 13 mb |
Practical Astronomy and Geodesy 1883 |
PDF 8 mb |
Practical Astronomy and Geodesy Including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry 1845 |
PDF 15 mb |
Practical Geodesy Comprising Chain Surveying and the Use of Surveying Instruments 1855 |
PDF 8 mb |
Practical Surveying and Elementary Geodesy 1913 |
PDF 7 mb |
Problems in Surveying Railroad Surveying and Geodesy 1906 |
PDF 3 mb |
Tables and Fromulae Useful in Surveying Geodesy and Practical Astronomy 1853 |
PDF 6 mb |
Text-Book on Geodesy and Least Squares 1907 |
PDF 11 mb |
The Elements of Surveying and Geodesy 1915 |
PDF 16 mb |
The Figure of the Earth and Isostasy from Measurements in the US 1909 |
PDF 10 mb |
The Figure of the Earth-An Introduction to Geodesy 1881 |
PDF 1 mb |
The Work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 1905 |
PDF 4 mb |
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Jesse Kozlowski, Surveyor
My Surveying Observations, Measurements and Pictures – My YouTube Channel
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Bob the Science Guy
The Mathematics of Navigation | The Sextant, by Bob the Science Guy
This is the first of my short series introducing the Marine Sextant and Latitude. In this episode I go over how a sextant works and the basic mathematics of the angles we read to celestial bodies.
I am by no means an expert with Celestial Navigation, but with some diligent work and the help of more experienced navigators, I've progressed to the point I can find my latitude within 3 nautical miles. These three episodes will allow you to do the same.
On line Naval Almanac:
The Davis Mk 25 Sextant:
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Bob the Science Guy
Talking Sextants with Conspiracy Catz Live, by Bob the Science Guy
Speaking with my friend Conspiracy Catz about Sextants and Conspiracy Claims, we decided it would be cool to do a simulcast of a live discussion between 1 and 2:30pm my time (5-6:30 BST). So join us for our chat...
Catz was one of the first science educators I followed on YouTube, check out his channel and see why...
Conspiracy Catz:
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Bob the Science Guy
The Mathematics of Navigation | The Sextant, by Bob the Science Guy
{REVISED} This is the first of my short series introducing the Marine Sextant and Latitude. In this episode I go over how a sextant works and the basic mathematics of the angles we read to celestial bodies.
I am by no means an expert with Celestial Navigation, but with some diligent work and the help of more experienced navigators, I've progressed to the point I can find my latitude within 3 nautical miles. These three episodes will allow you to do the same.
On line Naval Almanac:
The Davis Mk 25 Sextant:
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Bob the Science Guy
The Mathematics of Navigation | Standard Corrections, by Bob the Science Guy
In this episode we look at the corrections to the raw reading off the sextant. Index Correction, DIP Correction, Refraction, and Semi Diameter. While the raw readings from the sextant get you close, these are the corrections that get you to within a mile or two of your position.
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Bob the Science Guy
The Sextant Proves the Globe | Part 1, by Bob the Science Guy
In this episode we look at the fundamentals of Celestial Navigation- Specifically that the Earth is Spherical and the light from the sun and stars arrives in parallel. But is this the only way a sextant will work properly?
In this episode I compare a local and distant sun to the flat and spherical earth in the setting of the Eratosthenes determination of the circumference of the Earth. Which of the 4 independent variables match what we see in reality???
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Bob the Science Guy
The Mathematics of Navigation | Artificial Horizon, by Bob the Science Guy
In this episode we have a look at artificial horizons and the three point fix. Introducing the circles of equal altitude and lines of position.
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Bob the Science Guy
The Sextant Proves the Globe | Scale, by Bob the Science Guy
A major problem in the science denial community is the issue of scale. They simply can't comprehend it and as a result, make all sorts of errors in reasoning. In this episode we look at the scale of the universe and try to understand WHY light is parallel by the time it reaches earth.
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Bob the Science Guy
Circles of Equal Altitude, by Bob the Science Guy
Circles of Equal Altitude are used for three star fixes. Bob discusses what they are and how they are used. We address many of the misconceptions of the science denial community.
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Update September 14, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Bob Trolls QE and the Ballbusters, by Bob the Science Guy
This weekend I stopped by Ballbusters to give them a little training on the theory and use of a marine sextant, since they seem to be struggling with the concept.
Errors in Reasoning from the science denial community:
1/ Light from celestial objects arrives at Earth in Parallel
2/ There are no right triangles or triangulation involving the GP of an object.
3/ The Radius of the Earth is NOT part of celestial navigation
4/ Sextants measure angles, NAVIGATORS do calculations.
5/ Sextants do not work on a flat earth. Period.
Questionable Education showed his christian values with his language and lack of basic understanding of the subject. Aggressive ignorance at it's finest.
Here is the raw footage...
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Update September 16, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Bob Trolls QE and the Ballbusters, by Bob the Science Guy
Mirror from 'ResearchFlatMoon'- Bob Trolls Quantum Eraser and the Ball Busters in a Live Discord Chat.... Sextants, Bob and Alice, QE goes ballistic and claims his IQ is 220. I think he missed a decimal point.
Bob the Science Guy is a YouTube Creator hosting a daily live stream and creating original content debunking conspiracies such as Flat Derp, Moon Landing Denial and Anti-Derp.
Check out the new channel- ResearchFlatMoon
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Update: September 21, 2021
The Sextent | Noon Sight, by Bob the Science Guy
Time for some practical navigation. Today we take a noon sight with the A-12 Bubble Sextant and the Davis Mark 25- and nary a horizon in sight.... Note, this was in my driveway, so I degrade the reading by not taking all corrections into account and taking multiple readings. A talented amatuer for sure, but I am an amatuer with the sextant and my accuracy is expected to be within 15 nautical miles of my location. I do quite a bit better than that on this reading just after (hint) solar noon.
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Update: October 4, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Nathan Sextant | The Basics, by Bob the Science Guy
Today I start to go over all the science denier's excuses for why the sextant does not destroy their view of the world. In this first episode we start with the basic objections and we'll build from there until they are all addressed.
Use of the A12 and the Artificial Horizon:
Dyscalculia is a learning difficulty that affects an individual's ability to do basic arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Adults with dyscalculia often take longer when working with numbers and may be more prone to making mistakes in calculations.
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Update: October 4, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
The Sextant | Noon Sight, by Bob the Science Guy
In this episode Bob takes a noon sight, without a horizon, using both the Link A12 Bubble Sextant and the Davis M-25 Marine Sextant (using an artificial horizon). Despite not having access to the horizon, he was able to locate his position within just over 7 nautical miles.
This is a sight done start to finish with all navigational calculations (well most of them, we could have done a bit better, but this is my house).
Note, in order to provide an accurate location, the sextant requires two conditions to be true... 1/ light from the sun and stars must arrive at earth in parallel 2/ the surface of the earth must be curved (a sphere).
Bob the Science Guy is a YouTube Creator hosting a live streams and creating original content debunking conspiracies such as Flat Derp, Moon Landing Derp and Anti-Science.
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Update: October 5, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Nathan and the Sextan - The Horizon, by Bob the Science Guy
Today we look at the misconceptions the science denial community promotes concerning the horizon and the angles measured by the sextant. How much does refraction affect the angle measured by the sextant and what error does that cause in our position? Can we use the corrections in the naval almanac to find a horizontal to give us an accurate reading?
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Update: November 5, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
The Sextant Proves the Globe | Parallel Light, by Bob the Science Guy
Mirror from my main channel 'ResearchFlatMoon'- Can we deduce that light from the sun is parallel, or nearly so? Yes.
"Exactly why a sextant will not work on a flat Earth and how it proves the Globe."
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Update: November 29, 2021
Debunk by Wolfie6020
Flat Earthers can't sextant. They talk a lot but where are the results?
Listening to Flat Earthers talking about sextants it becomes obvious they don't know how to use one.
This challenge calls their bluff. Can they achieve it or will they instantly fold?
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Update December 10, 2021
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Learning the Basics of the Sextant, by Bob the Science Guy
As the title says, we have a look at the basics of how a sextant works and is used for celestial navigation by mariners, aviators and on land. You can learn the principles of the sextant and find your location (roughly) simply by measuring the shadow of a stick and calculating the zenith angle of that shadow. You then use the same nautical almanac and mathematics to find your position as you would with a sextant... We will have a series of videos going through the process step by step. Try it.
Bob's Websites
Check them OUT:
Bob the Science Guy:
ResearchFlatMoon (the production channel):
Slide Rules and Mathematics (STEM Education):
Common Sense Science (Archive and Livestreams):
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Update: January 20, 2022
SIMPLE 2 Star Fix | Google Earth, by Bob the Science Guy
We have used the sextant to find our location with a noon sight, now we move to the next phase and learn to do a two star fix with circles of equal altitude and google earth. This involves locating the Geographic Position of the stars and then using trilateration to find two possible positions, selecting the one closest to our dead reckoning position near Hawaii....
This is the work behind the challenge I issues Nathan, QE and the 'Flat Earth Sextant Experts' that exposed their lack of even basic understanding of how the sextant works.
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Update: January 21, 2022
Understanding Hour Angles, by Bob the Science Guy
In our last video we talked about the Greenwich Hour Angle to Aries and the Sidereal Hour Angle to a star as we learned to find the GP of a star for a circle of equal altitude. This is a table top exercise to show how that is done. GHA of Star = Greenwich Hour Angle to Aries + Sidereal Hour Angle of the Star.
GHA of Star is the Longitude of the GP of the Star.
Latitude of the GP of the Star is the Declination of the Star...
Note, as the earth rotates, the GHA to Aries and the Declination change min by min and second by second. The Sidereal Hour Angle to the star does not change.
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Other References:
An easy experiment you can do for yourself, to prove gravity and the Earth spins. Are you ready for a road trip?
How much you weigh, depends upon where you are on the Earth - because it's a rotating sphere
Verify Earth curvature from any location on the globe, as easy as 1 - 2 - 3
Non-composite images of the Earth from space
How to Detect the Chandler and the Annual Wobble of the Earth with a Large Ring Laser Gyroscope in 2011
We demonstrate a 16 m2 helium-neon ring laser gyroscope with sufficient sensitivity and stability to directly detect the Chandler wobble of the rotating Earth. The successful detection of both the Chandler and the annual wobble is verified by comparing the time series of the ring laser measurements against the “C04 series” of Earth rotation data from the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service
Who (and when) discovered that the earth's axis is on a 23-degree tilt?
The axial tilt of the Earth has been known for a surprisingly long time. The first reasonably accurate measurements were made in China and India. The first (that we know of) was made in 1100 B.C. (over 3000 years ago!) by Chou Li. The next set of measurements came from Greek geographers about 750 years later.
First ever direct measurement of Earth's rotation 2011
Scientists have just plotted changes in Earth's axis through laboratory measurements. To do this, they constructed the world's most stable ring laser. Previously, scientists were only able to track shifts in the axis indirectly by monitoring fixed objects in space. Capturing these shifts is crucial for navigation systems.
Flat Earth not - 1931 aeriel photographs presented by National Geographic Magazine, and 1936 balloon flight show Earth curvature
Curved Water Found by YouTube Channel Soundly
Clear visual Earth curvature from 44,000 feet
Flying aircraft do constantly adjust their nose downward to maintain altitude while flying the curved Earth
Earth curvature demonstration, by David Ridlen
What is the real angular size of the Sun in the sky during the day?
Telescope pointing at the Sun for 24-hours is evidence that the Sun does not circle above as claimed by flat Earth advocates
Flat Earth proponents spread deceit for various personal reasons:
6 Reasons People Lie When They Don't Need To...
...from Psychology Today, by David J Ley Ph.D.
Why can't we feel Earth's spin?
Read this great explanation...
"Bottom line: Why don’t we feel Earth rotating, or spinning, on its axis? It’s because Earth spins steadily – and moves at a constant rate in orbit around the sun – carrying you as a passenger right along with it."
EVERY celestial object in the universe moves and rotates, so to our beautiful blue planet Earth
US Navy documentation on range tables for their 16-inch guns
The article (OP-770-1) discusses corrections that must be applied due to the Earth's curvature and rotation. (
Battleships sink the Flat Earth
Field Artillery, Ballistics and Ammunition, Canada Department of Defense 1992
Chapter 5 - Rotations of the Earth; topics Effects of Rotation on Range, Rotation Effects on Bearing, and Application of Corrections
Modern Exterior Ballistics, The Launch and Flight Dynamics of Symmetric Projectiles
by Robert McCoy, 2012. Available on Amazon and other book stores.
Topics include, "Coriolis effect of a 7.62mm Ball M80 Bullet. 500 yards - .6 inches 1000 yards - 2.8 in 1500 yards - 7.6 in 2000 yards ."
Over the Horizon (OTH) radar systems were first developed by the US and Russia during the cold war years (1947 - 1991)
If the Earth were truly flat, these systems would not be needed - since on a flat plain the horizon is at the flat Earth's edge.AN/FPS-118 Over-The-Horizon-Backscatter (OTH-B) Radar ....
Information on current operations by the US, Russia, Australia, France and China can be found here..
Globe and flat Earth calculated curvature visualization
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Posted on April 3, 2021
You mocking StarLink and other space satellite based internet communication/routers?
You are just showing the world how ignorant you are. Foot in mouth.
From the Wall Street Journal...
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Related articles here about flat Earthers who deny and mock near Earth satellites…
Flat Earth NOT - Flat Earthers that claim satellites are fake and space does not exist - meet your DOOM. Just look up at the sky at the right time to see the SpaceX Starlink and Himawari 8 & 9 satellites. Trust your eyes folks
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1,567 satellites of 1,584 now launched into space...
SpaceX to launch Starlink rideshare mission as constellation deployment milestone nears, by Lee Kanayama and Joseph Navin (
SpaceX is set to launch its third Starlink mission in just 11 days on the v1.0 L26 flight. The mission will bring the total number of operational Starlink v1.0 satellites launched to near 1,567 – just shy of the 1,584 needed to declare all of the first shell of Starlinks launched.
The mission, with 52 Starlink satellites and two rideshare payloads (Capella Whitney 4 and Tyvak-0130), is scheduled to launch on a Falcon 9 from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on Saturday, 15 May at 18:54 EDT / 22:54 UTC.
Overall, this will be the 28th Starlink mission, the 27th flight of operational Starlinks, the 15th Falcon 9 flight of the year, the fourth Starlink rideshare mission, the third time a Falcon 9 first stage will fly for an eighth time, and the third Falcon 9 flight in 11 days.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: May 26, 2021
Starlink v1.0 L28 mission completes first "shell" of satellites for worldwide coverage, by Justin Davenport (
This launch delivered the final satellites for the first shell of the constellation to orbit. Prior to launch, there were 1,677 Starlink satellites in orbit, including demo satellites (1,578 satellites are currently active). After a successful L28 launch and orbit raising maneuvers, the first shell will consist of 1,584 satellites orbiting at an altitude of 550 kilometers, inclined 53 degrees to the equator.
The entire first shell of Starlink satellites will be in its operational orbit within the next few months, which will enable service for 80 percent of the world.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: September 14, 2021
SpaceX begins second Starlink shell with Vandenberg launch (
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, carrying a total of 51 second-generation Starlink satellites into orbit. This was the first launch in support of deploying the second shell of Starlink satellites.
The Falcon 9 lifted off from Vandenberg’s Space Launch Complex 4-East (SLC-4E) at 8:55 PM Pacific time (03:55 UTC on September 14).
The Second Starlink Shell
Monday’s launch, designated Starlink Group 2-1, began the second main stage of deploying the Starlink satellite internet constellation constellation. SpaceX had previously launched 1740 Starlink spacecraft over the course of over 30 missions, all of which have been either development spacecraft or satellites for the first “shell” of the constellation.
Previous Starlink flights have seen the vast majority of satellites deployed at an orbital inclination of 53 degrees, constituting the first shell of the Starlink constellation. These spacecraft provide coverage between Earth’s 55th parallels.
In order to build the second shell, SpaceX is now deploying satellites at an approximately 70-degree inclination, which will allow for Starlink coverage in northern parts of the Americas such as Canada’s territories or Alaska, as well as Northern Europe and Southern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Alongside the first and second shells, SpaceX has deployed a small number of Starlink spacecraft at 97.5 degrees, utilizing spare spots on Falcon 9 smallsat rideshare missions, which will allow Starlink to begin providing coverage for polar regions.
(Please read the article posted in the URL above)
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Posted on April 2, 2021
Experience the Apollo 11, 13 and 17 missions in real time.
For those that say these events never happened, listen to the hundreds of hours of space-to-ground audio, see the pictures, video & voice from the surface during the walks, mission details - so please stop your DENIALS since you are just embarrassing yourself.
Apollo in Real Time
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Apollo 11
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All TV transmissions and onboard film footage
- 2,000 photographs
- 11,000 hours of Mission Control audio
- 240 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All onboard recorder audio
- 15,000 searchable utterances
- Post-mission commentary
- Astromaterials sample data
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Apollo 13
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All on-board television and film footage
- All Mission Control audio (7,200 hours)
- 144 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All on-board recorder audio
- Press conferences as they happened
- 600+ photographs
- 12,900 searchable utterances
- Post-mission commentary
- Onboard view reconstructed using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data
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Apollo 17
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All on-board television and film footage
- 302 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All on-board recorder audio
- 3,600+ photographs
- 35,800 searchable utterances
- Landing area reconstruction using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data
Other info...
Official NASA Apollo photo archives at...
Apollo Lunar Landing Missions:
Apollo 11 - Landed on Moon 20 July 1969, Sea of Tranquility, Returned to Earth 24 July 1969
Apollo 12 - Landed on Moon 19 November 1969, Ocean of Storms, Returned to Earth 24 November 1969
Apollo 14 - Landed on Moon 5 February 1971, Fra Mauro, Returned to Earth 9 February 1971
Apollo 15 - Landed on Moon 30 July 1971, Hadley Rille, Returned to Earth 7 August 1971
Apollo 17 - Landed on Moon 11 December 1972, Taurus-Littrow, Returned to Earth 19 December 1972
Apollo 11 Image Library
Apollo 12 Image Library
Apollo 14 Image Library
Apollo 15 Map and Image Library
Apollo 16 Map and Image Library
Apollo 17 Image Library
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Other debunked articles here...
Clara Apollo's Chi Time TV - Says about 5G , "I feel its become a human rights issue ..."
Conscious Truth - NASA's Apollo 16 Fake Earth 100% PROOF **UPDATED
Stephen Curry (Golden State Warriors star) - Moon landing denial advocate FAIL - is pretty sure the moon landing was faked, just in case you cared
Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app (David Weiss & Matt Long) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Flat Earth FAIL - No Moon Rocks? Better check again before you fall off your cliff...
Flat Earth NOT - Flat Earthers have yet to explain why the planet Venus displays to us in phases, just like our Moon does.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon - DEBUNKED, by Humans of Earth
Shane Dawson - YouTube stupid NO moon landing conspiratard
Owen Benjamin - YouTube stupid NO moon landing and flat Earth conspiratard. Lunar tidal locking also explained.
Th3NewMoon (Brett Wilson) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock - iPhone app REVIEW
YourCurvelessEarth (Nathan Roberts) - Moon DEBUNKS Spinning Ball (globe) Earth! FLAT EARTH TRUTH! – DEBUNKED
Zetetic Flat Earth - flat Earth advocate FAIL, exposed for making incorrect statements about the Moon as seen from both hemispheres
Mike Helmick - Stars Through the Moon 100 Percent Proof by Science DEBUNKED
Flat Earth NOT - Distance to the Moon (flat Earth con-game) easily exposed by you and a friend
Jessie Johnson - MOON: ...impossible setting with sun. ...a 100% self-illuminating system. #1 DEBUNK
Flat Earth NOT - the Moon is not a light or a hologram up in the sky
Bruce Sees all (Bruce Swartz) - A fraud who imagines seeing aliens and man-made structures on the moon, all at his telescopes fuzzy resolution limit
Taboo Conspiracy - Wagging the Moondoggie Parts 1-2 - BEST MOON LANDINGS HOAX - DEBUNKED as misrepresenting the true stance of Wernher von Braun
The Flat Earth Society - Flat Earth Translucent Moon Dusk Moon Gazing - is Bollocks
The Constable - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion - misuse of Stellarium in faulty proof of Moon distance
SFearless Earth (Diana Campanella) - Claims to understand astronomy yet calls some craters on the moon "bubbles" and refuses to answer two simple astronomy questions - Flat Earth - Balls in space? Moon bubbles continued... :P
YourCurvelessEarth (Nathan Roberts) - Moon's crescent and light reveals FLAT EARTH
Enslaved By No Media (David Mispilkin) - Clouds Behind The Moon debunked
Flat Earth - If the Moon is just a LIGHT, why is it 6-times brighter when FULL then when 1/2 full? And why the shadows?
In Rem (Brian) - "FLaT EaRTH 101" The Moon Circles Over EaRTH, It Does NOT Orbit - he is one nasty foul mouthed person
Taboo Conspiracy - The Space Shuttle Joke Was on You - backs out of his Sun/Moon gravity claim
Mike Helmick - Upside Down Moon Australia DEBUNKED Flat Earth
FlatEarthSamurai - Flat Earth - Various Phases Of The Self-Luminous Moon Compilation - 07-29-2017
Does Moon Light make things colder, as some flat Earth advocates claim?
Pastor Ernest / Brother Ernest (Ernest Perce) - Filming the Translucent Blue Moon with a Nikon P900 on Nov 18, 2016
MatrixBreak (Jeffrey James aka Jeffrey Luckay) - Flat Earth & Secrets of The Moon Explained
Aaron Dover (Michael Ashbury) - Flat Earth: PROOF! Amazing Flight Between Sun and Moon
GLOBEBUSTERS (Bob Knodel) - Flat Earth - To the Moon and Back
Dorje Daka / Happiness NOW - Moon Craters Debunked 100% Proof ✅ (Flat Earth)
FlatEarth Photography - NASA busted! - The impossible FULL MOON & Sun above horizon - Nikon coolpix P900
Crrow777 - The Moon Is Not Reflecting Sunlight - Weird Plane Near Chemtrails
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Posted on March 29, 2021
Driving to the top of a mountain confirms our atmosphere has a pressure gradient (air pressure gets less the higher you go).
This proof is so easy to verify yourself. Just do it, and stop your flat Earth lunacy.
Debunk by Wades Underworld
How to test what flat earthers say/ air pressure next to a vacuum #Shorts, by Wades Underworld
Flat earthers say lots of things, but very rarely do they test them. This is a #Shorts version of a much longer video on my channel testing the atmospheric pressure gradient, to see if the atmosphere is capable of existing in the vacuum of space.
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Posted on March 25, 2021
The American psyche is sick. We overwhelmingly prefer to hear the negative side of every story, rather than a balanced viewpoint.
Americans focus on the negative aspect of events. By choice - pain, strife and fear make the headlines.
The media provides slanted coverage, because that's what sells = that is what Americans want to hear.
So don't blame the media for all your troubles, or for only reporting a certain way. THE FAULT IS ALL YOURS. You get what you ask for.
Belief in flat Earth is a symptom of our sick society. So PLEASE stop spreading that disinformation.
Who are flat Earth supporters? Our 2018 data analysis...
Here is where they live:
United States = ................................53%
United Kingdom = ............................16%
Canada = ...........................................5%
Australia = ..........................................4%
the other 191 countries combined = 22%
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Bad News Bias (The New York Times)
The U.S. media is offering a different picture of Covid-19 from science journals or the international media, a study finds.
(all rights reserved by the New York Times)
Bruce Sacerdote, an economics professor at Dartmouth College, noticed something last year about the Covid-19 television coverage that he was watching on CNN and PBS. It almost always seemed negative, regardless of what was he seeing in the data or hearing from scientists he knew.
When Covid cases were rising in the U.S., the news coverage emphasized the increase. When cases were falling, the coverage instead focused on those places where cases were rising. And when vaccine research began showing positive results, the coverage downplayed it, as far as Sacerdote could tell...
The coverage by U.S. publications with a national audience has been much more negative than coverage by any other source that the researchers analyzed, including scientific journals, major international publications and regional U.S. media. “The most well-read U.S. media are outliers in terms of their negativity,” Molly Cook, a co-author of the study, told me.
About 87 percent of Covid coverage in national U.S. media last year was negative. The share was 51 percent in international media, 53 percent in U.S. regional media and 64 percent in scientific journals.
Notably, the coverage was negative in both U.S. media outlets with liberal audiences (like MSNBC) and those with conservative audiences (like Fox News)…
The researchers say they are not sure what explains their findings, but they do have a leading contender: The U.S. media is giving the audience what it wants.
When the researchers examined which stories were the most read or the most shared on Facebook, they tended to be the most negative stories. To put it another way, the stories that people choose to read skew even more negative than the stories that media organizations choose to publish. “Human beings, particularly consumers of major media, like negativity in their stories,” Sacerdote said. “We think the major media are responding to consumer demand.”
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on March 20, 2021
If planets are just "lights in the sky" as Biblical Flat Earth folks claim, then please explain to us why they get visually* (bigger and smaller) and (brighter and dimmer) when observed at different times.
And why does Saturn have rings around it? Why do the orientation of those rings change over time?
(re: * observed apparent angular size/diameter in the sky)
Flat Earthers have NEVER provided an answer to these questions. All they do is DENY any of that happens.
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Posted on March 19, 2021
Saturn documented to change in coloring hue and intrinsic brightness as it goes thru its own seasonal changes. Saturn's 1 orbit around the Sun takes 29 of our Earth years.
Since the planet Saturn has a large observable disk with features (as viewed even thru a smaller amateur telescope), it's not just a "light in the sky" as some people ignorantly pretend.
Hubble Sees Midsummer Atmospheric Changes in Northern Hemisphere of Saturn (
Saturn is the sixth planet from our Sun and orbits at a distance of about 1.4 billion km (886 million miles) from the Sun.
It takes around 29 Earth years to orbit the Sun, making each season on Saturn more than seven Earth years long.
Earth is tilted with respect to the Sun, which alters the amount of sunlight each hemisphere receives as our planet moves in its orbit. This variation in solar energy is what drives our seasonal changes.
Saturn is tilted also, so as the seasons change on that distant world, the change in sunlight could be causing some of the observed atmospheric changes.
“These small year-to-year changes in Saturn’s color bands are fascinating,” said Dr. Amy Simon, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
“As Saturn moves towards fall in its northern hemisphere, we see the polar and equatorial regions changing, but we are also seeing that the atmosphere varies on much shorter timescales.”
“What we found was a slight change from year-to-year in color, possibly cloud height, and winds — not surprising that the changes aren’t huge, as we’re only looking at a small fraction of a Saturn year.”
“We expect big changes on a seasonal timescale, so this is showing the progression towards the next season.”
The new Hubble data show that from 2018 to 2020 the equator got 5-10% brighter, and the winds changed slightly.
In 2018, winds measured near the equator were about 1,600 kmh (1,000 mph), higher than those measured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft during 2004-2009, when they were about 1,300 kmh (800 mph).
In 2019 and 2020, they decreased back to the Cassini speeds.
Saturn’s winds also vary with altitude, so the change in measured speeds could possibly mean the clouds in 2018 were around 60 km (37 miles) deeper than those measured during the Cassini mission.
The findings were published in the Planetary Science Journal.
Amy A. Simon et al. 2021. Midsummer Atmospheric Changes in Saturn’s Northern Hemisphere from the Hubble OPAL Program. Planet. Sci. J 2, 47; doi: 10.3847/PSJ/abe40f
(Please read the article(s) listed at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on March 18, 2021
Mars InSight lander...
Mar's core has been measured - and its surprisingly large, by Alexandra Witze (
Mars becomes the first inner planet after Earth to have the size of its core estimated.
Scientists have peered into the heart of Mars for the first time. NASA’s InSight spacecraft, sitting on the Martian surface with the aim of seeing deep inside the planet, has revealed the size of Mars’s core by listening to seismic energy ringing through the planet’s interior.
The measurement suggests that the radius of the Martian core is 1,810 to 1,860 kilometres, roughly half that of Earth’s. That’s larger than some previous estimates, meaning the core is less dense than had been predicted. The finding suggests the core must contain lighter elements, such as oxygen, in addition to the iron and sulfur that constitute much of its make-up. InSight scientists reported their measurements in several presentations this week at the virtual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, based out of Houston, Texas.
Rocky planets such as Earth and Mars are divided into the fundamental layers of crust, mantle and core. Knowing the size of each of those layers is crucial to understanding how the planet formed and evolved. InSight’s measurements will help scientists to determine how Mars's dense, metal-rich core separated from the overlying rocky mantle as the planet cooled. The core is probably still molten from Mars’s fiery birth, some 4.5 billion years ago.
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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NASA’s InSight Lander Detects Two Strong, Clear Marsquakes (
On March 7 and 18, 2021, NASA’s InSight lander detected 3.3- and 3.1-magnitude marsquakes originating in a location called Cerberus Fossae, further supporting the idea that this location is seismically active.
InSight is the first mission dedicated to looking deep beneath the Martian surface.
Among the lander’s science tools are a seismometer called the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) for detecting quakes, sensors for gauging wind and air pressure, a magnetometer, and a heat flow probe designed to take the planet’s temperature.
The SEIS instrument has recorded over 500 quakes to date, but because of their clear signals, March 7 and 18 events are among the best quake records for probing the interior of the planet.
These two marsquakes add weight to the idea that Cerberus Fossae is a center of seismic activity.
“Over the course of the mission, we’ve seen two different types of marsquakes: one that is more ‘Moon-like’ and the other, more ‘Earth-like,’” said Dr. Taichi Kawamura, a researcher at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.
“Earthquake waves travel more directly through the planet, while those of moonquakes tend to be very scattered; marsquakes fall somewhere in between.”
“Interestingly, all four of these larger quakes, which come from Cerberus Fossae, are ‘Earth-like’.”
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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A Lake in a Martian Crater was Once Filled with Glacial Runoff, by Matt Williams (
All across the Martian surface, there are preserved features that tell the story of what Mars once looked like. These include channels that were carved by flowing water, delta fans where water deposited sediment over time, and lakebeds where clay and hydrated minerals are found. In addition to telling us more about Mars’ past, the study of these features can tell us about how Mars made the transition to what it is today.
According to new research led by Brown Ph.D. student Ben Boatwright, an unnamed Martian crater in Mars southern highlands showed features that indicate the presence of water, but there is no indication of how it got there. Along with Brown professor Jim Head (his advisor), they concluded that the crater’s features are likely the result of runoff from a Martian glacier that once occupied the area.
The crater they examined is located in Mars’ southern highlands, measures 54 km (33.5 mi) in diameter, and dates to the Noachian Era on Mars (ca. 4.1 to 3.7 billion years ago). Based on images obtained by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), Boatwright and Prof. Head mapped out the crater’s floor and found features that are unmistakable indications that stream beds and ponds once existed there...
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Seismicity on Mars full of surprises, in first continuous year of data, by Seismological Society of America (
The SEIS seismometer package from the Mars InSight lander has collected its first continuous Martian year of data, revealing some surprises among the more than 500 marsquakes detected so far.
At the Seismological Society of America (SSA)'s 2021 Annual Meeting, Savas Ceylan of ETH Zürich discussed some of the findings from The Marsquake Service, the part of the InSight ground team that detects marsquakes and curates the planet's seismicity catalog.
Marsquakes differ from earthquakes in a number of ways, Ceylan explained. To begin with, they are much smaller than earthquakes, with the largest event recorded at teleseismic distances around magnitude 3.6. SEIS is able to detect these small events because the background seismic noise on Mars can be much lower than on Earth, without the constant tremor produced by ocean waves.
"For much of a Martian year, from around sunset until early hours, the Martian atmosphere becomes very quiet, so there is no local noise either," he said. "Additionally, our sensors are optimized and shielded for operating under severe Martian conditions, such as extremely low temperatures and the extreme diurnal temperature fluctuations on the red planet."
Marsquakes also come in two distinct varieties: low-frequency events with seismic waves propagating at various depths in the planet's mantle, and high-frequency events with waves that appear to propagate through the crust. "In terms of how the seismic energy decays over time, the low-frequency events appear to be more like earthquakes" in which the shaking dies away relatively quickly, Ceylan said, "while the high-frequency events are resembling moonquakes" in persisting for longer periods...
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Bright Ejecta Reveals a Fresh Crater on Mars, by Andy Tomaswick (
Meteors hit much harder on Mars than they do on the Earth. Lack of atmosphere obviously contributes to that, but its proximity to the asteroid belt also makes the red planet a more likely target for some gravitationally disturbed rock to run into. Now that we have a satellite infrastructure consistently monitoring Mars, we are able to capture the aftermath of what happens when it is pummeled by space debris, and the results can be dramatic.
One powerful tool in that impact hunting toolkit is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It has a variety of instruments on it that make it possible to both track down areas of interest and then follow up with high resolution imagery, incluidng HiRISE, the camera that took the picture above. That is exactly what happened with a new crater that the satellite noticed on one of its flybys.
The new crater shows up as a bright spot, which scientists theorize might be shallow subsurface materials that were blasted into the open on impact. This contrasts with many new craters, which show up as dark spots as dust from the ejecta is covered in a darker material. Those bright spots are significantly bright in the attached image though, as it was color enhanced in post processing.
The new crater is 13m in diameter, and shows up spectacularly on the newly released image. It goes to show just how active our solar system still is, and how a little rock can make a big impact when there’s little to nothing to stop it.
(Please read the article posted at the URL above)
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NASA’s InSight Experiences its Most Powerful Marsquake so far: Magnitude 4.2, Lasting 90 Minutes (
NASA’s InSight lander has detected one of the most powerful and longest-lasting quakes on the Red Planet since the start of its mission. The big marsquake happened on Sept. 18 on Earth, which happened to coincide with InSight’s 1,000th Martian day, or sol since it landed on Mars.
The temblor is estimated to be about a magnitude 4.2 and shook for an unthinkable hour-and-a-half! For comparison, on Earth, most quakes last for just a few seconds, although two (one in 1960 and another in 2004) lasted for about 10 minutes. Scientists are still studying the data collected on this marsquake to determine why (and how) it endured for such a long time.
This big quake followed close on the heels of two other quakes that both took place on August 25 (on Earth) that had magnitudes of 4.2 and 4.1. The biggest previous quake InSight detected was a magnitude 3.7 quake in 2019.
InSight scientists also will be able to determine how far away the quake was from InSight. One of the August 25 quakes, the magnitude 4.2 event, occurred about 5,280 miles (8,500 kilometers) from InSight – the most distant temblor the lander has detected so far...
Please read the article posted at the URL above)
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Posted on March 13, 2021
Flat Earth celebrity roundup by SciManDan. What are these folks doing now? They are as rats running from a sinking ship.
Where are the Flat Earthers Now?, by SciManDan
D. Marble - flat Earth advocate FAIL, here is a sad example of how bad science, by someone who is deficient in intellect and understanding of physics, leads other people down the rabbit hole of delusion
Last flat earth video was release 6-months ago
Now doing political commentaries
M Bens (new channel "MB') - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Flat earth channel now gone.
He has moved onto gaming videos
Zetetic Astronomy (Nathan Thompson) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Now with his YouTube channel gone and Facebook pages deleted, he is living in his car.
Beyond the imaginary curve (Del) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Del still streams flat Earth videos but deletes them when done.
His channel views have dropped significantly
Flat Out Hero (Jeff McDill) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Has not released a new video in more than a year.
He still owes Australian YouTuber Wolfie6020 - $100,000 for losing his flat Earth bet.
martyleeds33 (Marty Leeds) now Marty Leeds Live - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Marty Leeds has not produced a flat Earth video in over a year. He now releases videos expounding political and Christian religious content / views.
Brandon's (prior Shane Cook, aka Ranty, channel) - flat Earth advocate FAIL. Satellites NOT DROPPED into clouds
Has handed over his flat Earth channel to Brandon.
Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley) - flat Earth advocate FAIL, deluded flat Earther wants to waste more of you money
Anthony Riley has recently lost his YouTube channels
Nathan Oakley - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Still talking talking flat Earth nonsense over and over again, to the same 200 people.
Who is Tesla - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Claimed he will be the game changer, but has disappeared ever since.
YourCurvelessEarth (Nathan Roberts) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Vanished from YouTube and now only has one video on his channel. With it no surprises though, that it’s an anti-mask one.
His flat Earth stuff now released on another unknown site.
C C (Chris) - Flat Earth advocate FAIL
Still releasing flat Earth videos from his car. But not from his home anymore, after his wife said “why don’t you stop this bullshit, please?”
Flattening Atheism (Allan Spencer) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
He thought it was appropriate to deface globes in Walmart.
Now is another one in the YouTube grave yard.
Orphan Red (Sasha Cullen) -flat Earth advocate FAIL
Said pictures from space weren’t real, because we weren’t there observing the cameras.
Now also at ...
Orphan Blue Bedtime Stories - Wow. What is this all about?
dmurphy25 aka Allegedly Dave (Dave Murphy) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
The infamous urine drinker
After the collaboration with Roxanne the Globalist Denier
“The Pursuit of Truthyness with Roxanne the Globalist Denier"
He is now on the anti COVID vaccine path.
Latest video titles are: The Great Supermarket Free Money Challenge, The Spiritual War for your Soul, Peaceful protest and interviews – Senedd, Cardiff, Allegedly Dave’s Speech at Stand Up X Bristol.
Red Pill Philosophy (Chris Delamo) - - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion
The “High IQ guy”
after a flurry of flat Earth videos he went a little bit quite, started posting political commentary videos, and now actually his channel has now been completely removed.
Flat Earth Universe & PINEAL FOUNDATION (Martin Kenny) - flat Earth Advocate FAIL
Remember him? The Cosmic Egg Universe Theory guy?
Well, he renamed his YouTube channel to PINEAL FOUNDATION where his current emphasis is on ...
Geocentric /Universal syncretic research...Occult & Esoteric knowledge...Anthropology....Astrology...Astronomy...Natural science...Plant based health...Spiritual well-being.
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Posted on March 13, 2021
Celestial occultations, a geometric line of sight event in space, continue to provide reliable and accurate information. This is how we know.
Eris: Queen of the Dwarf Planets, by Professor Dave Explains
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Apart from all the planets in the solar system, we've discussed smaller objects as well, like asteroids and comets, and also dwarf planets. While Pluto is the most famous dwarf planet, Eris is actually slightly more massive, making it the most massive object in the solar system after the sun and the planets. But it is very, very far away, much farther than Pluto, so how do we get information about this object? We calculated its size in 2010 by observing a phenomenon called stellar occultation. This is a fascinating technique, so let's get a closer look now.
Watch the whole Astronomy/Astrophysics playlist:
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Posted on March 12, 2021
Follow us on Twitter to keep up with the latest news about flat Earth, and the celebrities who constantly put "foot in mouth" in support of it.
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Posted on March 12, 2021
The current misinformation apocalypse.
Why are so many people willing to spread fake news across the internet before anyone has a chance to circle around and determine if it’s actually correct or not?
And then why do some of those people still dispute reality after it’s clearly shown to them?
Because the human race is still deeply steeped in ignorance, egoity, and fear.
The flat Earth effort to denigrate science is part of those dark happenings in current human consciousness.
The world is as you are. What you give to the world is what it gives back to you. How you see your glass, as either half empty or half full, depends upon you - upon YOUR individual level of consciousness. Are you a current Neanderthal human predator? Looking for suckers to take advantage of?
If you see God as a Narcissist, that is because you are a narcissist. You can't see past your nose. If you see the world as nothing but problems, that is because your mind is filled with problems, pain and suffering.
The bird that flies the highest sees the farthest. That is a truism.
People walk around convinced that they know everything. That their conclusions are correct. But the reality of human life is that when you are only using 10% of your conscious capacity, as is just about everyone, you can't evaluate things, emotions, concepts - as it truly is in entirety.
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Posted on March 11, 2021
Patricia Steere, Paul Lindberg, and Robbie Davidson...
Three flat Earth Failures now hawking Crypto Currency speculation for the "Cryptocurrency World of Axion," in partnership with Denver Digital.
Patricia Steere (Flat Earth and other Hot Potatoes)
Paul Lindberg (Paul on the Plane)
Robbie Davidson (Celebrate Truth)
Ep. 14 - Climbing the Ranks with Denver Digital | Axion Today
They are hosting the YouTube "Axion Today Club" channel.
They are sponsored by the “Cryptocurrency World of Axion” Facebook group.
Partnership with Denver Digital.
They are not registered investment, legal, or tax advisors.
They reiterate; "the information should not be construed as professional advice. The show is for informational and educational purposes only."
They advertise:
Purchase Axion Tokens and Stake them
Smart contracts – pieces of code that users interact with, to perform some type of action on the blockchain.
Staking – Means to exchange your tokens for Shares, using Axion Smart Contract
Shares – A representative of the value of your stake, based on two things:
1. The amount of Axion tokens burned
2.. The length of stake in days
Other hosts: Jubbin, Jeff Kirdelkis, BigBearCrypto, LivingLikeMike, tdelly, JoeJoe,
Fatboy2307, Empress Status, dcfisdf, Michael Gadoua, Ryan Fabin, LL LL Crypto, emmi brick, Numberofthings, Sigurd Pleym, FBAM, Shane Jenkins, Marcus Millstrom, Lee Clark, Cryptatshian, Cadillace Jack, marian devine, AJI, Kris Gilbert, Zov Erion, Edvardas Janciauskas, Andreas Freiholtz, gnome, JohnnyO O, Vince Ragsdale, fajja, Romeo Casper, Robert Kellett, Jeff S, Scott Crosby, That 337 Guy, Ayahead, imsku, Konstantinos Karentzos, Pamper, Phixxation, RICH, codes95, neh 317, Luke V, Jay, mich proson, M Dawhipwhipwhip, Dogger, Louis Capece, Andras Borgula, Mario Urena, Slurpees Are Good, Richard Guy (ELITE).
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Posted on March 10, 2021
The Cavendish experiment on steroids...
It's time for the crazies to set aside and abandon their pseudoscience fallacy
Physicists have measured gravity on the smallest scale ever, by Leah crane (
The current best value for big G, the universal gravitational constant is = 6.67408 ± 0.00031 × 10–11 kg–1 m3 s–2)
A very small number / force indeed = 0.0000000000667408 (m3/kg * s2)
Physicists have measured the gravitational field of a smaller object than ever before, a gold sphere with a mass of about 90 milligrams. This could help us understand how gravity fits together with quantum mechanics on the smallest scales.
We have long known that our understanding of gravity is missing something – it doesn’t explain how dark energy accelerates the expansion of the universe, nor does it fit with quantum mechanics, which describes how objects behave on very small scales. One way to try to fit the pieces together is to observe how small objects interact with gravity.
Markus Aspelmeyer at the University of Vienna in Austria and his colleagues have taken this to the smallest extreme yet. They used a specialised horizontal pendulum to measure the gravitational field of a tiny gold sphere with a radius of about 1 millimetre.
They wiggled the gold sphere back and forth by 1.6 millimetres while it was near a similar gold sphere attached to the pendulum. The gravity of the first sphere moved the second one by just a few nanometres, which then swung the pendulum.
Measuring how much the pendulum moved allowed them to calculate the gravitational field of the first gold sphere, the least massive object whose gravity has ever been measured.
To measure these tiny gravitational effects, their experiment had to be extraordinarily sensitive. The researchers shielded it from electromagnetic forces using a Faraday cage between the gold spheres, and they performed the experiment in the middle of the night during the least seismically active time of year – around Christmas – in a vacuum so that gas molecules bouncing off one another wouldn’t affect the results.
“We even detected the first finisher at the Vienna marathon, which ends 2 kilometres outside our lab – that’s how sensitive the experiment is,” says Aspelmeyer. To test the most fundamental properties of gravity, it will need to be even more sensitive; the researchers are already working on that, including a proposed experimental set-up where the spheres and pendulum levitate.
“It turns out that when you do experiments that test gravity on very small scales with very small masses, you can, in theory, probe both dark energy and quantum physics,” says Aspelmeyer. “This experiment is a door-opener.” Someday, we may even be able to directly measure the gravitational forces at work in a quantum system in an attempt to unify gravity and the quantum world, he says.
Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03250-7
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Detailed research papers about on the experiment...
Measurement of Gravitational Coupling between Millimeter-Sized Masses
We demonstrate gravitational coupling between two gold spheres of approximately 1mm radius and 90mg mass. By periodically modulating the source mass position at a frequency f=12.7mHz we generate a time-dependent gravitational acceleration at the location of the test mass, which is measured off resonance in a miniature torsional balance configuration. Over an integration time of 350 hours the test mass oscillator enables measurements with a systematic accuracy of 4E-11m/s^2 and a statistical precision of 4E-12m/s^2. This is sufficient to resolve the gravitational signal at a minimal surface distance of 400mum between the two masses. We observe both linear and quadratic coupling, consistent in signal strength with a time-varying 1/r gravitational potential. Contributions of non-gravitational forces could be kept to less than 10% of the observed signal. We expect further improvements to enable the isolation of gravity as a coupling force for objects well below the Planck mass. This opens the way for precision tests of gravity in a new regime of isolated microscopic source masses.
Measurement of Gravitational Coupling between Millimeter-Sized Masses (
Quantum physicists measure the smallest gravitational force yet (
Date:March 10, 2021
Source:University of Vienna
Summary:Researchers have succeeded in measuring the gravitational field of a gold sphere, just 2 mm in diameter, using a highly sensitive pendulum - and thus the smallest gravitational force. The experiment opens up new possibilities for testing the laws of gravity on previously unattained small scales.
Researchers have succeeded in measuring the gravitational field of a gold sphere, just 2 mm in diameter, using a highly sensitive pendulum -- and thus the smallest gravitational force. The experiment opens up new possibilities for testing the laws of gravity on previously unattained small scales.
Gravity is the weakest of all known forces in nature -- and yet it is most strongly present in our everyday lives. Every ball we throw, every coin we drop -- all objects are attracted by the Earth's gravity. In a vacuum, all objects near the Earth's surface fall with the same acceleration: their velocity increases by about 9.8 m/s every second. The strength of gravity is determined by the mass of the Earth and the distance from the center. On the Moon, which is about 80 times lighter and almost 4 times smaller than the Earth, all objects fall 6 times slower. And on a planet of the size of a ladybug? Objects would fall 30 billion times slower there than on Earth. Gravitational forces of this magnitude normally occur only in the most distant regions of galaxies to trap remote stars. A team of quantum physicists led by Markus Aspelmeyer and Tobias Westphal of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences has now demonstrated these forces in the laboratory for the first time. To do so, the researchers drew on a famous experiment conducted by Henry Cavendish at the end of the 18th century.
During the time of Isaac Newton, it was believed that gravity was reserved for astronomical objects such as planets. It was not until the work of Cavendish (and Nevil Maskelyne before him) that it was possible to show that objects on Earth also generate their own gravity. Using an elegant pendulum device, Cavendish succeeded in measuring the gravitational force generated by a lead ball 30 cm tall and weighing 160 kg in 1797. A so-called torsion pendulum -- two masses at the ends of a rod suspended from a thin wire and free to rotate -- is measurably deflected by the gravitational force of the lead mass. Over the coming centuries, these experiments were further perfected to measure gravitational forces with increasing accuracy.
The Vienna team has picked up this idea and built a miniature version of the Cavendish experiment. A 2 mm gold sphere weighing 90 mg serves as the gravitational mass. The torsion pendulum consists of a glass rod 4 cm long and half a millimeter thick, suspended from a glass fiber a few thousandths of a millimeter in diameter. Gold spheres of similar size are attached to each end of the rod. "We move the gold sphere back and forth, creating a gravitational field that changes over time," explains Jeremias Pfaff, one of the researchers involved in the experiment. "This causes the torsion pendulum to oscillate at that particular excitation frequency." The movement, which is only a few millionths of a millimeter, can then be read out with the help of a laser and allows conclusions to be drawn about the force. The difficulty is keeping other influences on the motion as small as possible. "The largest non-gravitational effect in our experiment comes from seismic vibrations generated by pedestrians and tram traffic around our lab in Vienna," says co-author Hans Hepach: "We therefore obtained the best measurement data at night and during the Christmas holidays, when there was little traffic." Other effects such as electrostatic forces could be reduced to levels well below the gravitational force by a conductive shield between the gold masses.
This made it possible to determine the gravitational field of an object that has roughly the mass of a ladybug for the first time. As a next step, it is planned to investigate the gravity of masses thousands of times lighter.
The possibility of measuring gravitational fields of small masses and at small distances opens up new perspectives for research in gravitational physics; traces of dark matter or dark energy could be found in the behavior of gravity, which could be responsible for the formation of our present universe. Aspelmeyer's researchers are particularly interested in the interface with quantum physics: can the mass be made small enough for quantum effects to play a role? Only time will tell. For now, the fascination with Einstein's theory of gravity still prevails. "According to Einstein, the gravitational force is a consequence of the fact that masses bend spacetime in which other masses move," says first author Tobias Westphal. "So what we are actually measuring here is, how a ladybug warps space-time."
Story Source:
Materials provided by University of Vienna. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Journal Reference:
- Tobias Westphal, Hans Hepach, Jeremias Pfaff, Markus Aspelmeyer. Measurement of gravitational coupling between millimetre-sized masses. Nature, 2021; 591 (7849): 225 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03250-7
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on March 6, 2021
The Moon's Comet-Like Tail. Every Month It Shoots a Beam Around Earth, by Robin George Andrews (
NASA Lunar Surface Science Workshop announced for August 18-19, 2021.
The moon, lacking an atmosphere to shield it, is constantly under attack. When meteorites bombard its volcanic surface, sodium atoms fly high into orbit. The sun’s photons collide with the sodium atoms, effectively pushing them away from the sun and creating a tail-like structure flowing downstream from the moon.
“It makes the moon sort of look like a comet,” said Jeffrey Baumgardner, a senior research scientist at Boston University’s Center for Space Physics. “It has a stream of stuff coming off it.”
For a few days each month, when the new moon moves between Earth and the sun, this comet-like tail dusts the side of our world that is facing the sun. Our planet’s gravity pinches that sodium stream, narrowing it into a beam, invisible to the naked eye, that wraps around Earth’s atmosphere and shoots out into space from the opposite side of the planet.
This moonbeam can be seen by special cameras as a spot in twilight skies. Sometimes it appears brighter, sometimes dimmer. Ever since the tail and its beam were first seen back in the late 1990s, scientists have been wondering what controls the beam’s brightness. As reported Wednesday in a study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 14 years of observations suggests meteors — particularly larger, faster ones that bombard the moon at random — may explain what controls its flicker.
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
Long-Term Observations and Physical Processes in the Moon's Extended Sodium Trail (agupubs..)
The lunar surface is constantly bombarded by the solar wind, photons, and meteoroids, which can liberate Na atoms from the regolith. These atoms are subsequently accelerated by solar photon pressure to form a long comet‐like tail opposite the sun. Near new moon, these atoms encounter the Earth's gravity and are “focused” into a beam of enhanced density. This beam appears as the ∼3° diameter Sodium Moon Spot (SMS). Data from the all sky imager at the El Leoncito Observatory have been analyzed for changes in the SMS shape and brightness. New geometry‐based relationships have been found that affect the SMS brightness. The SMS is brighter when the Moon is north of the ecliptic at new moon; the SMS is brighter when new moon occurs near perigee; and the SMS peaks in brightness ∼5 h after new moon. After removing these effects, the data were analyzed for long term and seasonal patterns that could be attributed to changes in source mechanisms. No correlation was found between the SMS brightness and the 11‐year solar‐cycle, the proton or the He++ flow pressure, the density, the speed or the plasma temperature of the solar wind, but an annual pattern was found. A ∼0.83 correlation (Pearson's “r”) was found between the SMS brightness and a 4‐year average of sporadic meteor rates at Earth, suggesting a cause‐and‐effect. The new insights gained from this long‐term study put new constraints on the variability of the potential sources of the Na atoms escaping from the Moon.
Plain Language Summary
Once a month, at the time of new moon a small, diffuse spot of light appears in the sky opposite the Sun. This spot is about five times the diameter of the full moon, and is 50 times fainter than can be seen with the unaided eye. The spot is reflected light from millions of sodium atoms that two days earlier were on the surface of the Moon. These atoms were liberated from the Moon's surface by meteoroid impacts, the solar wind and photons. Once free of the lunar surface, the atoms are pushed by light pressure into a long comet‐like tail. When this very diffuse cloud of sodium atoms encounters the Earth's gravity, it is “focused” into a region of enhanced density becoming visible to sensitive cameras equipped with filters tuned to the orange light emitted by sodium near 589.3 nm. All‐Sky‐Imager data were analyzed to see how the brightness of this spot varies over time, with a goal of finding a correlation with one (or more) of the above mentioned source processes. A correlation was found between the brightness of the sodium spot and the meteor rate observed at Earth using meteor radar data.
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
NASA Lunar Surface Science Workshop (
The NASA Biological and Physical Sciences Division is hosting a workshop on fundamental and applied research on the Moon in physical sciences on August 18–19, 2021.
This workshop will bring together the science community, commercial companies, and NASA Divisions and Programs with the goals of discussing investigations on reduced gravity and lunar environmental effects in physical sciences research for sustained lunar human habitation and in preparation for human exploration to Mars and to inform and inspire the science community to contribute white papers for the Biological and Physical Sciences Decadal Survey.
This physical sciences workshop will focus on:
- ·Lunar dust and its properties, behavior, and mitigation
- ·Life support and thermal management
- ·Materials flammability and habitat fire safety
- ·Extraction of water-ice from regolith research, including separation, purification, electrolysis, and liquefaction
- ·Lunar environment and its effects on materials
- ·Lunar research in extraction, processing, and handling
- ·Lunar research for advanced manufacturing
The call for abstracts opens May 3, 2021. Solicited abstracts are limited to 3,000 characters, and an abstract pdf is not required.
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on March 5, 2021
Solar Orbiter spacecraft: A joint ESA/NASA Mission to Investigate the Heliosphere - the latest research and info presented in 23 color slides.
Dear Readers,
Flat Earther's...
Deny that the distance to the Sun is on average 92-million miles from the Earth. They claim it's only 3,000 miles up.
Claim the Sun, Moon and Planets orbit around the Earth's North Pole. There is no such thing as Space and Gravity.
Solar eclipse - a shadow object (Rahu & Ketu, Nibiru, Black Sun, 2nd Moon) blocks the Sun from the Moon creating an eclipse.
Claim Lunar Eclipse - is red because the light of the sun is shining through the edges of the Shadow Object.
Claim the Sun is the same physical size as the Moon (50-km in diameter).
When asked...
What is the chemical composition of the Sun? They have no clue.
What is temperature of the Sun? They have no clue.
What are sunspots? They have no clue.
What process generates the Sun's light and heat? They have no clue.
Flat Earther's live in a fantasy world all their own. A private, isolated, mental bubble. They deny our reality (time & space) and actual scientific observation. Their personal religious, emotional, and egoic ties are so strong to belief, it prevents them for accepting the universe as it truly is.
Here is the latest news/research on the new Solar Orbiter spacecraft mssion.
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Solar Orbiter: A joint ESA/NASA Mission to Investigate the Heliosphere
Solar Orbiter: A joint ESA/NASA Mission to Investigate the Heliosphere Solar Orbiter is a space mission of international collaboration between ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA, and is the latest mission to study the Sun. The mission will address a central question of heliophysics: How does the Sun create and control the giant bubble of magnetic fields around it, the heliosphere? Solar Orbiter will reach unprecedented milestones in our field. The inclined orbit will allow Solar Orbiter to better image the regions around the Sun’s poles than ever before.
Solar Orbiter was launched on February 9th 2020 from Cape Canaveral, FL onboard of an Atlas V 411 rocket. The mission is currently in the cruise phase, placed into an elliptical orbit around the Sun and coming as close to 26 million miles away from the star every five months. Solar Orbiter will be even closer than Mercury to the Sun and it will be assisted by the gravity of this planet to modify the trajectory and get the highly inclined orbit to observe, for the first time, the poles of the Sun. The first gravity assisted maneuver was carried out on December 27th, 2020.
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Solar Orbiter Observes Two Huge Eruptions on Sun (
May 18, 2021: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), the Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) and the Metis coronagraph onboard the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter captured different aspects of two coronal mass ejections that erupted on February 12, 2021.
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View ALL 23 color slides in the following article:
Flat Earth Not - 2021 Solar Orbiter: A joint ESA/NASA Mission to Investigate the Heliosphere - the latest research info
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Posted on March 3, 2021
To flat Earthers who still claim we are living under a DOME - how do you explain recent observations/data of high energy plasma disturbances and movements in the upper atmosphere?
A flat out DENIAL is not acceptable as an answer.
Researchers Observe "Space Hurricane" in Earth's Ionosphere (
Hurricanes in the Earth’s low atmosphere are well known; however, disturbances resembling hurricanes had never before been detected in the upper atmosphere.
“Until now, it was uncertain that space plasma hurricanes even existed, so to prove this with such a striking observation is incredible,” said Professor Mike Lockwood, a space scientist in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading.
“Tropical storms are associated with huge amounts of energy, and these space hurricanes must be created by unusually large and rapid transfer of solar wind energy and charged particles into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.”
“Plasma and magnetic fields in the atmosphere of planets exist throughout the Universe, so the findings suggest space hurricanes should be a widespread phenomenon.”
In the study, Professor Lockwood and colleagues analyzed data gathered by four Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites in 2014.
They detected a 1,000-km- (621-mile) wide mass of plasma in the northern polar ionosphere and magnetosphere during low solar and otherwise low geomagnetic activity.
The hurricane was spinning in an anticlockwise direction, had multiple spiral arms, and lasted almost eight hours before gradually breaking down.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on March 2, 2021
Iru Landucci, prominent flat Eather - lost his primary YouTube channel for compulsively promoting the Chlorine Dioxide, that substance derived from bleach, that is offered as a miracle cure and also as a "definitive solution" for Covid19.
But he has more back up channels, they are the following:
Nur Para Todos (Nur For All):
Nur Para Todos Respaldo (Nur For All Support):
Nur Para Siempre (Nur Forever):
Currently he touches on flat earth only superficially, he did a rather lame live on Perseverance on Mars, and talks about political issues and Bitcoin.
He was in Switzerland visiting almost since the beginning of the pandemic.
A member of the YouTube Globebusters channel...
Related article here:
Iru Landucci (FECORE affiliate) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on February 25, 2021
You know the old problem of how to portray the round globe of Earth on a flat map? Now a trio of map experts has worked together to solve this problem. Their new map is 2-sided and round.
Astrophysicists design ‘radically different’ world map, posted by EarthSky Voices in Earth|Human World (
By Liz Fuller-Wright, Princton University Office of Communications.
How do you flatten a sphere? For centuries, mapmakers have agonized over how to accurately display our round planet on anything other than a globe.
Now, a fundamental re-imagining of how maps can work has resulted in what might be the most accurate flat map ever made, from a trio of map experts: Princeton astrophysicist J. Richard Gott; Robert Vanderbei, a Princeton professor of operations research and financial engineering who created the “Purple America” map of election results; and Drexel University astrophysicist David Goldberg.
Their new map is two-sided and round, like a DVD or vinyl LP phonograph record. Like many radical developments, it seems obvious in hindsight. Why not have a two-sided map that shows both sides of the globe? It breaks away from the limits of two dimensions without losing any of the logistical convenience — storage and manufacture — of a flat map. Gott said:
In 2007, Goldberg and Gott invented a system to score existing maps, quantifying the six types of distortions that flat maps can introduce: local shapes, areas, distances, flexion (bending), skewness (lopsidedness) and boundary cuts (continuity gaps). The lower the score, the better: a globe would have a score of 0.0.
Gott said:
One can’t make everything perfect. A map that is good at one thing may not be good at depicting other things.
The Mercator projection, popular on classroom walls and used as the basis for Google maps, is excellent at depicting local shapes, but it distorts surface areas so badly near the North and South Poles that polar regions are usually simply chopped off.
Clearly, a completely new approach was needed. Gott drew a comparison to Olympic high jumpers: In 1968, Dick Fosbury shocked sports fans by arching his back and jumping over the bar backwards. He set a new record and won a gold medal, and high jumpers have jumped backwards ever since. Gott said:
We’re like Mr. Fosbury. We’re doing this to break a record, to make the flat map with the least error possible. So, like him, we’re surprising folks. We’re proposing a radically different kind of map, and we beat Winkel tripel on each and every one of the six errors.
The inspiration came from Gott’s work on polyhedra — solid figures with many faces.
Polyhedral maps are nothing new — in 1943, Buckminster Fuller broke the world into regular shapes and provided instructions for how to fold it up and assemble it as a polyhedral globe. But while he could protect the shapes of continents, Fuller shredded the oceans and increased many distances, such as between Australia and Antarctica.
In a 2019 paper, Gott began considering “envelope polyhedra,” with regular shapes glued together back-to-back, which led to the breakthrough idea for the double-sided map.
It can be displayed with the Eastern and Western Hemispheres on the two sides, or in Gott’s preferred orientation, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, which conveniently allows the equator to run around the edge. Either way, this is a map with no boundary cuts. To measure distances from one side to the other, you can use string or measuring tape reaching from one side of the disk to the other, he suggested. He said:
If you’re an ant, you can crawl from one side of this ‘phonograph record’ to the other. We have continuity over the equator. African and South America are draped over the edge, like a sheet over a clothesline, but they’re continuous.
This double-sided map has smaller distance errors than any single-sided flat map, the previous record-holder being a 2007 map by Gott with Charles Mugnolo, a 2005 Princeton alumnus. In fact, this map is remarkable in having an upper boundary on distance errors: It is impossible for distances to be off by more than ± 22.2%. By comparison, in the Mercator and Winkel tripel projections, as well as others, distance errors become enormous approaching the poles and essentially infinite from the left to the right margins (which are far apart on the map but directly adjacent on the globe). In addition, areas at the edge are only 1.57 times larger than at the center.
The new map can be printed front-and-back on a single magazine page, ready for the reader to cut out. The three cartographers imagine printing their maps on cardboard or plastic and then stacking them like records, to be stored together in a box or slipped inside the covers of textbooks. Gott said:
A thin box could hold flat, double-sided maps of all the major planets and moons in the solar system, or a stack of Earth maps giving physical data, political boundaries, population density, climate, languages, explorers’ voyages, empires at different historical periods or continents at different geological epochs.
To the best of the scientists’ knowledge, no one has ever made double-sided maps for accuracy like this before. A 1993 compendium of nearly 200 map projections dating back 2,000 years did not include any, nor did they find any similar patents. Gott said:
Our map is actually more like the globe than other flat maps. To see all of the globe, you have to rotate it; to see all of our new map, you simply have to flip it over.
Bottom line: A team of astrophysicists has designed a radically different flat world map that is 2-sided and round.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Flat Maps that improve on the Winkel Tripel, Cornell University
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Posted on February 24, 2021
Recent parallax measurements of nearby stars by Gaia mission, and what are binaries?
Flat Earthers who claim there is no stellar parallax, need to hide their head in shame. Please stop the lies.
Our Part of the Galaxy is Packed with Binary Stars, by Scott Alan Johnston (
Binary star systems are everywhere. They make up a huge percentage of all known solar systems: from what we can tell, about half of all Sun-like stars have a binary partner. But we haven’t really had a chance to study them in detail yet. That’s about to change. Using data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft, a research team has just compiled a gigantic new catalog of nearby binary star systems, and it shows that at least 1.3 million of them exist within 3000 light-years of Earth.
This detailed survey of our local galactic neighborhood offers an enormous sample of binary stars for researchers to dig into. Previous surveys of binary stars, like the Tycho and Hipparcos catalogs (which were compiled between 1997 and 2002), only found around 13,000 paired stars. The new Gaia survey sample size is 100 times larger, which will allow astronomers to make far more accurate models of star system formation.
Confirming the existence of a binary system isn’t an easy task. Two stars that appear close to each other in the sky from our perspective may actually be very distant from each other; they just happen to lay along a similar line of sight.
To find out if the stars are actually close to one another, astronomers rely on the parallax effect: the apparent motion of a distant object as the observer’s point of view changes. In other words, astronomers need to observe the distant stars twice, from two different positions in Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The stars’ positions in the sky will appear to change from one perspective to the second. If the stars being observed appear to move together, they are close; if they do not, they are far apart.
Parallax is most useful for measuring nearby stars. Beyond about 3000 light-years from Earth, the apparent motion is just too small to measure accurately. That’s why this new catalog focuses on nearby binary systems rather than distant ones.
The researchers – Kareem El-Badry, Hans-Walter Rix, and Tyler M. Heintz – hope that the new dataset will provide astronomers with a wealth of new research opportunities. The team is particularly interested in studying binary pairs which include white dwarfs (old stars in their final stages of evolution). White dwarfs no longer produce fusion reactions in their core, meaning they slowly cool over time at a measurable rate. This makes it possible to estimate the age of white dwarfs, whereas main-sequence stars (middle-aged stars like our Sun) are much harder to date.
This is where studying binary systems become useful. As the researchers explain, stars in binary pairs usually form at the same time as their partners. Both stars were born “from the same gas cloud and have orbited one another ever since. They thus have essentially the same age, initial composition, and distance, but generally different masses and occasionally different evolutionary phases.” As a result, if you can date one star in the pair (because it is a white dwarf, for example), then you also know the age of the other star by association, even if it is a (normally undatable) main-sequence star.
In the new catalog, there are 15,982 of these white dwarf/main-sequence binaries – a huge sample size beyond anything available before, and it will allow astronomers to better understand the history, age, and evolution of nearby Sun-like stars.
The data also holds some surprises. One of the strangest discoveries so far is that binary stars tend to be the same mass as their partners.
“That is really weird,” said El-Badry, “because most of these are separated by hundreds or thousands of AU, so they are so far apart that, by conventional star formation theories, their masses should be random. But the data tells a different story: They know something about their companions’ masses.”
El-Badry thinks that the best explanation for this phenomenon is that the stars must have formed close to each other, and been thrown apart later by the gravitational pull of other stars and objects passing through the system.
More surprises are sure to turn up as astronomers dig into the new catalog. We have only just begun to map out the composition of our local galactic neighborhood. Binary systems offer new tools to characterize our surroundings, and when combined with our expanding knowledge of star types, gas clouds, and exoplanets, binary star systems will help us understand our place in the galaxy better than ever before.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Binary stars are all around us, new map of solar neighborhood shows, by Robert Sanders (Berkeley News)
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Gaia mission finds parts of the Milky Way much older than expected (
Using data from ESA's Gaia mission, astronomers have shown that a part of the Milky Way known as the 'thick disc' began forming 13 billion years ago, around 2 billion years earlier than expected, and just 0.8 billion years after the Big Bang.
This surprising result comes from an analysis performed by Maosheng Xiang and Hans-Walter Rix, from the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany. They took brightness and positional data from Gaia's Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) dataset and combined it with measurements of the stars' chemical compositions, as given by data from China's Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) for roughly 250 000 stars to derive their ages.
(Please read the article posted in the URL above)
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Posted on February 23, 2021
A map of 25,000 supermassive Black Holes Across the Universe, by Brian Koberlein (
The Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) is a different kind of radio telescope. Although radio light has the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, much of radio astronomy has focused on the higher frequency end. Observatories such as ALMA study radio light at frequencies of hundreds of Gigahertz, and the VLA studies the fifty Gigahertz range, LOFAR captures radio signals below 250 Megahertz, which is in the range of the lowest radio frequencies that can be seen from Earth.
Low-frequency radio astronomy is challenging because astronomical radio sources are very faint. Low-frequency light also has a longer wavelength, which means that it is hard to capture radio images with good resolution. To overcome these challenges, LOFAR uses an array of omnidirectional antennas. It has about 20,000 antennas clustered at 52 stations across Europe. Together they create a virtual telescope more than 1,000 kilometers across. With such a large number of antennas, processing the data is extremely complex. Other radio telescopes also combine multiple signals from an antenna array, but LOFAR operates at such low frequencies that Earth’s ionosphere can distort the signals. It’s similar to the way visible light can be distorted when viewed through ripples of water. So powerful new software had to be developed to convert the radio data into images of the sky.
Recently, LOFAR released the first data on its Long Baseline Array Sky Survey. They have only mapped 4% of the northern sky so far, but have already mapped 25,000 supermassive black holes. While the universe is filled with radio sources, most low-frequency radio light comes from concentrated sources such as black holes at the hearts of galaxies. LOFAR has a high enough resolution that the black hole map looks like a starry night, with each black hole as an isolated radio dot, as you can see in the image above.
It will take several more years for the team to make a full map of the northern sky. When completed, the sky survey could help us learn not only about black holes but also about the large-scale structure of the cosmos.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
The LOFAR LBA Sky Survey I. survey description and preliminary data release
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Telescopes unite in unprecedented observations of famous black hole, by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (phys.ord)
In April 2019, scientists released the first image of a black hole in galaxy M87 using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). However, that remarkable achievement was just the beginning of the science story to be told.
Data from 19 observatories released today promise to give unparalleled insight into this black hole and the system it powers, and to improve tests of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
"We knew that the first direct image of a black hole would be groundbreaking," says Kazuhiro Hada of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, a co-author of a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters that describes the large set of data. "But to get the most out of this remarkable image, we need to know everything we can about the black hole's behavior at that time by observing over the entire electromagnetic spectrum..."
Data from 19 -
We present the most extensive, quasi-simultaneous, broadband spectrum of M87 taken yet, together with the highest ever resolution mm-VLBI images using the Event Horizon Telescope from its 2017 April campaign. The primary result of this Letter is the presentation of this legacy data set, for which all data and some analysis scripts are available to the community via a Cyverse repository; see Appendix B. From the observational side, our main conclusions are that the M87 core was in a relatively low state compared to historical observations, but clearly still dominating over the nearest knot HST-1, which was seemingly at its lowest historical brightness state. This provides the ideal observing conditions for a multi-wavelength campaign combining data over a large range of spatial resolution, because M87's core was dominating the total flux in radio through X-ray bands.
While we defer detailed modeling to further work by ourselves and the broader community, we can already make some baseline conclusions based on simple single-zone models. The first conclusion is that M87's complex, broadband spectral energy distribution cannot be modeled by a single zone. The stratified nature of the radio through millimeter bands is clearly indicated by the high dynamic-range images that place significant size constraints on the emitting geometry per frequency band. However by selecting two representative regions for the EHT-observed region and the inner jets, respectively, we can already come to a few solid conclusions. First, it is not yet clear where the VHE γ-rays originate, but we can robustly rule out that they coincide with the EHT region for leptonic processes. The energetics and small size of this region, together with the VLBI constraints on optical depth and thus strong magnetic fields, cannot be reconciled with significant γ-ray production via SSC emission. A ~100 times larger region can provide VHE γ-ray fluxes but requires an uncomfortably high particle domination compared to magnetic fields, which may be inconsistent with the observed jet velocity and parabolic geometrical profile. Direct proton and muon synchrotron emission from the EHT-emission region contributing to the GeV/TeV range cannot be ruled out at this time, but can be tested in the future using the upcoming improved constraints on the magnetic fields expected from EHT polarization results. We emphasize in any case that a structured jet model including time-dependence will be important for any detailed interpretation. Additional information will be presented in the upcoming paper on the 2018 campaign, where there will be new constraints on the multi-wavelength variability properties.
This "quiescent active" core spectrum for M87 is also important for comparison with the upcoming analysis on the Galactic center supermassive black hole Sgr A*. Sgr A* has also been in an extended, much weaker quiescent period since (at least) its first identification as a high-energy source (Baganoff et al. 2001, 2003), punctuated only by moderate flaring (e.g., Neilsen et al. 2015; Witzel et al. 2018; Do et al. 2019; Haggard et al. 2019). M87's low state thus provides the ideal comparison spectrum to understand how sources evolve from quiescence into low-luminosity AGN and launch more extended jet outflows.
With results from the 2017 EHT campaign for 3C 279 already published (Kim et al. 2020), and other 2017 papers on M87's polarization (EHT Collaboration et al. 2021, in preparation), Sgr A* (EHT Collaboration et al. 2021, in preparation), Cen A (M. Janssen et al. 2021, in preparation), OJ 287 (J. L. Gómez et al. 2021, in preparation), and many more in the pipeline, we expect the context and impact of the multi-wavelength results to significantly broaden in the coming years. The precision EHT mm-VLBI images together with broadband SED information will be essential ingredients for developing a fuller understanding of the AGN phenomenon. Beyond simple accretion rate changes, this new body of work will allow us to directly study the interplay between strong gravity and magnetic fields and to trace those effects to the larger jet structures and their feedback onto the external environment. With our legacy sample, enhanced by multi-year campaigns with the steadily enhanced EHT array, as well as eventually with the future next-generation EHT, we aim to provide a rich, public data set to the community for decades of projects to come.
J.-C.A acknowledges support from the Malaysian Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) FRGS/1/2019/STG02/UM/02/6.
M.B. acknowledges support from the YCAA Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Black Hole Initiative at Harvard University, which is funded in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant GBMF8273) and in part by the John Templeton Foundation.
S.C. is supported by the South African Research Chairs Initiative (grant No. 64789) of the Department of Science and Innovation and the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
K.H. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JJP18H03721, JP19H01943, JP18KK0090, and support from the Mitsubishi Foundation grant No. 201911019.
D.H. acknowledges support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant and the Canada Research Chairs program.
T.K. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JP18K13594, JP19H01908, JP19H01906, MEXT as "Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku" (Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets), MEXT as "Priority Issue on post-K computer" (Elucidation of the Fundamental Laws and Evolution of the Universe) and JICFuS. A part of the calculations were carried out on the XC50 at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
R.-S.L. is supported by the Max Planck Partner Group of the MPG and the CAS and acknowledges support from the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 11933007) and the Research Program of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, CAS (grant No. ZDBS-LY-SLH011).
M.L. and S.M. are thankful for support from an NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) VICI award, grant No. 639.043.513.
J.N. acknowledges support from SAO award DD7-18089X and NASA award 80NSSC20K0645.
J.P. acknowledges financial support from the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) via Global PhD Fellowship grant 2014H1A2A1018695 and support through the EACOA Fellowship awarded by the East Asia Core Observatories Association, which consists of the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Center for Astronomical Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.
M.S. acknowledges support from JSPS KAKENHI grant Nos. JP19K14761.
The authors of the present Letter thank the following organizations and programs: the Academy of Finland (projects 274477, 284495, 312496, 315721); Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Chile via NCN19_058 (TITANs) and FONDECYT 3190878; the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung; the Black Hole Initiative at Harvard University, through a grant (60477) from the John Templeton Foundation; the China Scholarship Council; Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT, Mexico, projects 104497, 275201, 279006, 281692); the Delaney Family via the Delaney Family John A. Wheeler Chair at Perimeter Institute; Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico—Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (DGAPA—UNAM, project IN112417); the European Research Council Synergy Grant "BlackHoleCam: Imaging the Event Horizon of Black Holes" (grant 610058); the Generalitat Valenciana postdoctoral grant APOSTD/2018/177 and GenT Program (project CIDEGENT/2018/021); the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grants GBMF-3561, GBMF-5278); the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) sezione di Napoli, iniziative specifiche TEONGRAV; the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne; the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship; the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellowship (JP17J08829); the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS, grants QYZDJ-SSW-SLH057, QYZDJ-SSW-SYS008); the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellowship; the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG); the Max Planck Partner Group of the MPG and the CAS; the MEXT/JSPS KAKENHI (grants 18KK0090, JP18K13594, JP18K03656, JP18H03721, 18K03709, 18H01245, 25120007); the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Funds; the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan (105-2112-M-001-025-MY3, 106-2112-M-001-011, 106-2119-M-001-027, 107-2119-M-001-017, 107-2119-M-001-020, 107-2119-M-110-005, 108-2112-M-001-048 and 109-2124-M-001-005); the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, Fermi Guest Investigator grant 80NSSC20K1567 and Hubble Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51431.001-A awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555, NuSTAR award 80NSSC20K0645, Chandra award DD7-18089X); the National Institute of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan; the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant 2016YFA0400704, 2016YFA0400702); the National Science Foundation (NSF, grants AST-0096454, AST-0352953, AST-0521233, AST-0705062, AST-0905844, AST-0922984, AST-1126433, AST-1140030, DGE-1144085, AST-1207704, AST-1207730, AST-1207752, MRI-1228509, OPP-1248097, AST-1310896, AST-1337663, AST-1440254, AST-1555365, AST-1715061, AST-1615796, AST-1716327, OISE-1743747, AST-1816420, AST-2034306); the Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 11573051, 11633006, 11650110427, 10625314, 11721303, 11725312, 11991053); the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, including a Discovery Grant and the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program); the National Research Foundation of Korea (the Global PhD Fellowship Grant: grants NRF-2015H1A2A1033752, 2015-R1D1A1A01056807, the Korea Research Fellowship Program: NRF-2015H1D3A1066561); the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) VICI award (grant 639.043.513) and Spinoza Prize SPI 78-409; the New Scientific Frontiers with Precision Radio Interferometry Fellowship awarded by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), which is a facility of the National Research Foundation (NRF), an agency of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) of South Africa; the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation; the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) national infrastructure, for the provisioning of its facilities/observational support (OSO receives funding through the Swedish Research Council under grant 2017-00648) the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science); the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grants PGC2018-098915-B-C21, AYA2016-80889-P); the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award for the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709); the Toray Science Foundation; the US Department of Energy (USDOE) through the Los Alamos National Laboratory (operated by Triad National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the USDOE (Contract 89233218CNA000001)); the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 730562 RadioNet; ALMA North America Development Fund; the Academia Sinica; Chandra TM6-17006X; the GenT Program (Generalitat Valenciana) Project CIDEGENT/2018/021. This work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), supported by NSF grant ACI-1548562, and CyVerse, supported by NSF grants DBI-0735191, DBI-1265383, and DBI-1743442. XSEDE Stampede2 resource at TACC was allocated through TG-AST170024 and TG-AST080026N. XSEDE JetStream resource at PTI and TACC was allocated through AST170028. The simulations were performed in part on the SuperMUC cluster at the LRZ in Garching, on the LOEWE cluster in CSC in Frankfurt, and on the HazelHen cluster at the HLRS in Stuttgart. This research was enabled in part by support provided by Compute Ontario (, Calcul Quebec ( and Compute Canada ( We thank the staff at the participating observatories, correlation centers, and institutions for their enthusiastic support. This Letter makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2016.1.01154.V. ALMA is a partnership of the European Southern Observatory (ESO; Europe, representing its member states), NSF, and National Institutes of Natural Sciences of Japan, together with National Research Council (Canada), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST; Taiwan), Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA; Taiwan), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI; Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI)/NRAO, and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The NRAO is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement by AUI. APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (Germany), ESO, and the Onsala Space Observatory (Sweden). The SMA is a joint project between the SAO and ASIAA and is funded by the Smithsonian Institution and the Academia Sinica. The JCMT is operated by the East Asian Observatory on behalf of the NAOJ, ASIAA, and KASI, as well as the Ministry of Finance of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Key R&D Program (No. 2017YFA0402700) of China. Additional funding support for the JCMT is provided by the Science and Technologies Facility Council (UK) and participating universities in the UK and Canada. he LMT is a project operated by the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica, y Electrónica (Mexico) and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (USA), with financial support from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología and the National Science Foundation. The IRAM 30-m telescope on Pico Veleta, Spain is operated by IRAM and supported by CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), MPG (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Germany) and IGN (Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Spain). The SMT is operated by the Arizona Radio Observatory, a part of the Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona, with financial support of operations from the State of Arizona and financial support for instrumentation development from the NSF. The SPT is supported by the National Science Foundation through grant PLR- 1248097. Partial support is also provided by the NSF Physics Frontier Center grant PHY-1125897 to the Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, the Kavli Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant GBMF 947. The SPT hydrogen maser was provided on loan from the GLT, courtesy of ASIAA. The EHTC has received generous donations of FPGA chips from Xilinx Inc., under the Xilinx University Program. The EHTC has benefited from technology shared under open-source license by the Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER). The EHT project is grateful to T4Science and Microsemi for their assistance with Hydrogen Masers. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System. We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the extended staff of the ALMA, both from the inception of the ALMA Phasing Project through the observational campaigns of 2017 and 2018. We would like to thank A. Deller and W. Brisken for EHT-specific support with the use of DiFX. We acknowledge the significance that Maunakea, where the SMA and JCMT EHT stations are located, has for the indigenous Hawaiian people.
The European VLBI Network is a joint facility of independent European, African, Asian, and North American radio astronomy institutes. Scientific results from data presented in this publication are derived from the following EVN project code: EH033.
This research has made use of data obtained with 12 radio telescopes from the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN): 2 stations from the Chinese VLBI Network (the Tianma radio telescope operated by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Nanshan radio telescope operated by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory of CAS), 2 stations from the Japanese VLBI Network (the Hitachi station operated by Ibaraki University and the Kashima station operated by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology), the Korean VLBI Network operated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope operated by NAOJ. We thank VERA staff members who helped the operation. We are grateful to KVN staff who helped to operate the array and to correlate the data for quasi-simultaneous multi-wavelength observations of M87. The KVN is a facility operated by KASI. The KVN operations are supported by KREONET (Korea Research Environment Open NETwork), which is managed and operated by KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
The VLBA is an instrument of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated by Associated Universities, Inc.
This study has been supported in part by the Russian Science Foundation: project 20-62-46021.
The Fermi LAT Collaboration acknowledges generous ongoing support from a number of agencies and institutes that have supported both the development and the operation of the LAT as well as scientific data analysis. These include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Energy in the United States, the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules in France, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in Japan, and the K. A. Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish National Space Board in Sweden. Additional support for science analysis during the operations phase is gratefully acknowledged from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica in Italy and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales in France. This work is performed in part under DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The support of the Namibian authorities and of the University of Namibia in facilitating the construction and operation of H.E.S.S. is gratefully acknowledged, as is the support by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the Max Planck Society, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Helmholtz Association, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS/IN2P3 and CNRS/INSU), the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the National Science Centre, Poland grant No. 2016/22/M/ST9/00382, the South African Department of Science and Technology and National Research Foundation, the University of Namibia, the National Commission on Research, Science & Technology of Namibia (NCRST), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and by the University of Amsterdam. We appreciate the excellent work of the technical support staff in Berlin, Zeuthen, Heidelberg, Palaiseau, Paris, Saclay, Tübingen, and in Namibia in the construction and operation of the equipment. This work benefited from services provided by the H.E.S.S. Virtual Organisation, supported by the national resource providers of the EGI Federation.
We would like to thank the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias for the excellent working conditions at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos in La Palma. The financial support of the German BMBF, MPG and HGF; the Italian INFN and INAF; the Swiss National Fund SNF; the ERDF under the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) (FPA2017-87859-P, FPA2017-85668-P, FPA2017-82729-C6-5-R, FPA2017-90566-REDC, PID2019-104114RB-C31, PID2019-104114RB-C32, PID2019-105510GB-C31,PID2019-107847RB-C41, PID2019-107847RB-C42, PID2019-107988GB-C22); the Indian Department of Atomic Energy; the Japanese ICRR, the University of Tokyo, JSPS, and MEXT; the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, National RI Roadmap Project DO1-268/16.12.2019 and the Academy of Finland grant No. 320045 is gratefully acknowledged. This work was also supported by the Spanish Centro de Excelencia "Severo Ochoa" SEV-2016-0588 and CEX2019-000920-S, and "Maria de Maeztu" CEX2019-000918-M, the Unidad de Excelencia "Maria de Maeztu" MDM-2015-0509-18-2 and the "la Caixa" Foundation (fellowship LCF/BQ/PI18/11630012) and by the CERCA program of the Generalitat de Catalunya; by the Croatian Science Foundation (HrZZ) Project IP-2016-06-9782 and the University of Rijeka Project; by the DFG Collaborative Research Centers SFB823/C4 and SFB876/C3; the Polish National Research Centre grant UMO-2016/22/M/ST9/00382; and by the Brazilian MCTIC, CNPq, and FAPERJ.
This research is supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution, by NSERC in Canada, and by the Helmholtz Association in Germany. This research used resources provided by the Open Science Grid, which is supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, and resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. We acknowledge the excellent work of the technical support staff at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory and at the collaborating institutions in the construction and operation of the instrument.
Facilities: ALMA - Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chandra X-ray Observatory - , EAVN - , EHT - , EVN - , Fermi - , GMVA - , H.E.S.S. - , HSA - , HST - , KVN - , MAGIC - , Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory - , NuSTAR - , SMA - , VERA - , VERITAS - , VLBA. -
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on February 20, 2021
Nano and Cube Satellites are the favorite for Private Enterprise, Universities, and Students for getting their package into low Earth Orbit.
So flat Earth advocates, why not contact the presidents of the following companies and universities and call them liars - since you maintain there is no such thing as "space" and "satellites?"
World's Largest Database of NanoSatellites, over 2900 nanosats and CubeSats
Nanosatellite & CubeSat Database
Facts as of 2021 January 1:
Nanosats launched: 1474
CubeSats launched: 1357
Interplanetary CubeSats: 2
Nanosats destroyed on launch: 93
Most nanosats on a rocket: 103
Countries with nanosats: 70
Companies in database: 483
Forecast: over 2500 nanosats to launch in 6 years
These and other organizations are operating those nano and cube sats in orbit:
Santa Clara University, Arizona State University, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Aalborg (Denmark), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Universidade Norte do Parana (Brazil), Norwegian University of Technology and Science (Norway), Zhejiang University (China), Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), University of Bucharest (Romania) …
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Posted on February 16, 2021
Stellar and Planetary research does not stop just because flat Earther's are stuck in the 17th century.
CRIRES+ and TESS discoveries, and exoplanet current list (4,375 and still counting)...
In search of super-Earths: Spectrograph CRIRES+ at ESO's Very Large Telescope, by University of Göttingen, Germany (Astrophysical Journal Letters,
The astronomy research instrument CRIRES+ is designed to study planets outside our solar system. It is now in operation at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The Institute of Astrophysics at the University of Göttingen is part of the international research consortium that built the high-resolution infrared spectrograph at the Paranal Observatory in Chile.
When a new optical instrument on a telescope begins its research for the very first time, astronomers call this moment: 'First Light.' For CRIRES+, the moment came at the beginning of February 2021 when ESO announced First Light. A spectrograph breaks down the incident light captured by the telescope into its spectrum, in this case in the infrared wavelength range. From the spectrum, scientists can learn more about the star and its planet. The task of CRIRES+ is to search the sky for 'super-Earths,' planets that move in the habitable zone around their star. Super-Earths are planets outside our solar system whose mass is comparable to that of Earth. The habitable zone (also known as the 'Goldilocks Zone') means that the planet is in a place where life could be possible theoretically, ie where it is neither too cold (too far away from the star) nor too hot (too close to the star).
With CRIRES+, astronomers now have a tool to detect such super-Earths. They can use it to observe a huge number of stars in our stellar neighborhood. The instrument also helps researchers analyze the atmosphere of extrasolar planets during a transit. During such a transit, a planet passes in front of its star and dims the star's light, which provides useful data about potential planetary atmospheres. Another research goal of CRIRES+ is to learn more about the origin and evolution of stars' magnetic fields. This helps researchers to better understand the activity of our own Sun.
ESO built the astronomy research instrument together with a consortium of European institutes. The abbreviation CRIRES stands for CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph. An adaptive optics module corrects image distortions caused by the Earth's turbulent atmosphere. The earlier instrument, CRIRES, and the adaptive optics system have been modernized so that the wavelength range that the instrument can analyze has increased tenfold.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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TESS Discovers Three Planets in Triple-Star System TOI-451, by Natali Anderson (
Astronomers using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have discovered a trio of hot planets orbiting a much younger version of our Sun in the triple stellar system TOI-451.
TOI-451 resides approximately 404 light-years away in the constellation of Eridanus.
Also known as CD-38 1467, TIC 257605131 and Gaia DR2 4844691297067063424, the system is only 120 million years old.
It consists of the young solar-mass star TOI-451 and its wide-binary companion, TOI-451B (itself a system of two red dwarfs).
“The parent star in this planetary system is very similar to our own Sun, but much younger,” said Dr. Elisabeth Newton, an astronomer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Dartmouth College.
“By studying these planets in the context of others, we can piece together the picture of how planets form and develop.”
Dr. Newton and her colleagues identified three planets transiting the central star TOI-451 in the TESS data and followed up the signals with observations from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and ground-based telescopes: the Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope and Las Cumbres Observatory.
“TOI-451b orbits every 1.9 days, is about 1.9 times Earth’s size, and its estimated mass ranges from two to 12 times Earth’s,” they said.
“The next planet out, TOI-451c, completes an orbit every 9.2 days, is about three times larger than Earth, and holds between three and 16 times Earth’s mass.”
“The farthest and largest world, TOI-451d, circles the star every 16 days, is four times the size of our planet, and weighs between four and 19 Earth masses.”
The TOI-451 system resides in the recently discovered Pisces-Eridanus stream, a collection of stars less than 3% the age of our Solar System that stretches across one-third of the sky.
“The Pisces-Eridanus stream offers a new set of young, nearby stars around which to search for planets,” the astronomers said.
“The stream complements the similarly-aged Pleiades, in which no exoplanets have been found to date.”
The discovery is described in a paper in the Astronomical Journal.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). IV. Three Small Planets Orbiting a 120 Myr Old Star in the Pisces–Eridanus Stream (The Astronomical Journal)
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The first planet discovered around a sun-like star, 51 Pegasi B, was found in 1995.
Exoplanets: The Hunt for Habital Worlds, by Professor Dave Explains
Just as our own sun has many planets, other stars also have planets of their own. These are called exoplanets. The first of these was discovered in the 1990s, and since then, thousands of others have been found, thanks largely to the Kepler space telescope. What can we say about these other worlds? Are they similar to Earth? Might we ever go there? Let's get a closer look at some of these potentially habitable worlds now.
Watch the whole Astronomy/Astrophysics playlist:
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Exoplanet catalogue. Check it every so often to see what the new count is, and the discoveries made.
The Legacy of NASA's Kepler Space Telescope: More Planets Than Stars
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Posted on February 15, 2021
A meteor streaking thru the sky is clear evidence that flat Earth is BUNK. Here is why...
Summary: a falling meteor disproves the two most popular flat Earth models, and their claim that gravity does not exist.
Meteor lights up Melbourne skies (
3 videos. People have captured video of a meteor dramatically disintegrating in the skies above Melbourne, Australia.
Rare Type of Meteorite Found In United Kingdom (
Almost 300 g of the so-called Winchcombe meteorite, a space rock that fell from the fireball that lit up the sky over the United Kingdom and Northern Europe on February 28, 2021, have been located in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, the United Kingdom.
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Posted on February 10, 2021
A Flat Earther's psychological profile...
HUGH JARSV LIVESTREAM #012 - Nutter Roundup, by Hugh Jarsv
Mental Health Professional Paul will join me to discuss a few of the more prominent conspiracy nutters, and give us some insights into their psychology. What on Earth causes someone to believe in crazy conspiracies? What keeps them preaching the 'truth' despite ALL evidence that they're wrong? Hopefully we'll understand that more at the end of this.
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The Essential Guide to Defense Mechanisms, by Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D. (
Defense mechanisms are a part of our everyday life. Even if you're not a Freudian by philosophy or training, you've got to admit that there's something to be said for the idea that everyone engages in some form of self-deception at least some of the time. The question is—can you detect the form of deception that you, your friends, colleagues, and family are using at any given moment?
We'll take a look at the nine most common defense mechanisms but first, let's set the record straight on two counts. First, it was a Freud, but not Sigmund, who defined the defense mechanisms. Anna Freud defined in detail the defense mechanisms sketched out by her father in her book, "The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense."
Second, defense mechanisms aren't just an unconscious protective measure to prevent you from connecting with your ravenous instinctual desires. They also protect you from the anxiety of confronting your weaknesses and foibles. You can now add these two points to the 25 surprising facts about psychology I wrote about in an earlier post.
1. Denial. You can consider this the "generic" defense mechanism because it underlies many of the others. When you use denial, you simply refuse to accept the truth or reality of a fact or experience. "No, I'm just a social smoker," is a good example; similarly people can apply this to any bad habit they wish to distance themselves from including excessive alcohol or substance use, compulsive shopping or gambling, and the like.
"Just say no," in this case means that you protect your self-esteem by failing to acknowledge your own behavior. Denial may also be used by victims of trauma or disasters and may even be a beneficial initial protective response. In the long run, however, denial can prevent you from incorporating unpleasant information about yourself and your life and have potentially destructive consequences.
2. Repression. One step above denial in the generic classification scheme, repression involves simply forgetting something bad. You might forget an unpleasant experience, in the past, such as a car accident at which you were found to be at fault. You might also use repression when you "forget" to do something unpleasant such as seeing the dentist or meeting with an acquaintance you don't really like.
Repression, like denial, can be temporarily beneficial, particularly if you've forgotten something bad that happened to you. But as with denial, if you don't come to grips with the experience, it may come back to haunt you.
3. Regression. From repression to regression—one little "g" makes all the difference. In regression, you revert back to a childlike emotional state in which your unconscious fears, anxieties, and general "angst" reappear.
In Freud's theory of "psychosexual" development, people develop through stages such as the oral, anal, and phallic so that by the time they're five or six, the basic structures of personality are laid down. However, every once in a while, a person either reverts back to a childlike state of development, particularly under conditions of stress. That road rage you see when drivers are stuck in traffic is a great example of regression. People may also show regression when they return to a child-like state of dependency. Retreating under the blankets when you've had a bad day is one possible instance.
The problem with regression is that you may regret letting your childish self show in a self-destructive way. Driving badly or refusing to talk to people who've made you feel bad, mad, or sad can eventually get you in worse trouble than what you had when you began.
4. Displacement. In displacement, you transfer your original feelings that would get you in trouble (usually anger) away from the person who is the target of your rage to a more hapless and harmless victim. Here's the classic example: You've had a very unpleasant interaction with your boss or teacher, but you can't show your anger toward him or her. Instead, you come home and, so to speak, "kick the cat" (or dog). That's not very nice imagery, but you get the picture.
Any time you shift your true feelings from their original, anxiety-provoking, source to one you perceive as less likely to cause you harm, you're quite possibly using displacement. Unfortunately, displacement may protect you from being fired or failing a class, but it won't protect your hand if you decide to displace your anger from the true target to a window or wall.
5. Projection. The first four defense mechanisms were relatively easy to understand. (I think.) Projection is more challenging. First, you have to start with the assumption that recognizing a particular quality in yourself would cause you psychic pain. Let's take a kind of silly example. For instance, you feel that an outfit you spent too much on looks really bad on you. Wearing this outfit, you walk into the room where your friends stare at you perhaps for a moment too long (in your opinion). They say nothing and do nothing that in reality could be construed as critical. However, your insecurity about the outfit (and distress at having paid too much for it) leads you to "project" your feelings onto your friends, and you blurt out "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you like this outfit?"
In a less silly case, you might project your more general feelings of guilt or insecurity onto friends—or worse—people who don't know and love you with all your projected flaws. Let's say you're worried that you're not really very smart. You make a dumb mistake that no one says anything about at all, and accuse others of saying that you're dumb, inferior, or just plain stupid. The point is that no one said anything that in reality could be construed as critical. You are "projecting" your insecurities onto others and in the process, alienating them (and probably looking somewhat foolish as well).
6. Reaction formation. Now we're getting into advanced defense mechanism territory. Most people have difficulty understanding reaction formation, but it's really quite straightforward. Let's say that you secretly harbor lustful feelings toward someone you should probably stay away from. You don't want to admit to these feelings, so you instead express the very opposite of those feelings. The object of your lust now becomes the object of your bitter hatred.
This defense mechanism could be subtitled the "lady doth protest too much," that wonderful quote from Hamlet. A less highbrow example is "Church Lady," the old Dana Carvey character from Saturday Night Live. Her secret obsession with pornography became reversed into her extreme scorn for all things sexual. In short, reaction formation means expressing the opposite of your inner feelings in your outward behavior.
7. Intellectualization. You might also neutralize your feelings of anxiety, anger, or insecurity in a way that is less likely to lead to embarrassing moments than some of the above defense mechanisms. In intellectualization, you think away an emotion or reaction that you don't enjoy feeling.
For instance, rather than confront the intense distress and rejection you feel after your roommate suddenly decides to move out, you conduct a detailed financial analysis of how much you can afford to spend now that you're on your own. Although you aren't denying that the event occurred, you're not thinking about its emotional consequences.
8. Rationalization. When you rationalize something, you try to explain it away. As a defense mechanism, rationalization is somewhat like intellectualization, but it involves dealing with a piece of bad behavior on your part rather than converting a painful or negative emotion into a more neutral set of thoughts. People often use rationalization to shore up their insecurities or remorse after doing something they regret such as an "oops" moment. It's easier to blame someone else than to take the heat yourself, particularly if you would otherwise feel shame or embarrassment.
For example, let's say you lose your temper in front of people you want to like and respect you. Now, to help make yourself feel better, you mentally attribute your outburst to a situation outside of your control and twist things so that you can blame someone else for provoking you.
9. Sublimation. We've just seen that people can use their emotions to fire up a cognitively-oriented response. Intellectualization tends to occur over the short run, but sublimation develops over a long period of time, perhaps even throughout the course of a person's career. A classic example is that of a surgeon who takes hostile impulses and converts them into "cutting" other people in a way that is perfectly acceptable in society.
This is perhaps putting things in terms that are too extreme. More realistically, sublimation occurs when people transform their conflicted emotions into productive outlets. They do say that psychologists are inherently nosy (not true!), but it's possible that people who go into human services fields to help others are trying to "pay forward" to compensate for difficulties they experienced in their early lives.
In short, defense mechanisms are one of the most common ways of coping with unpleasant emotions. Although Freud and many of his followers believed that we use them to combat sexual or aggressive feelings, defense mechanisms apply to a wide range of reactions from anxiety to insecurity.
Which defense mechanism is most adaptive? In general, the more "mature" defense mechanisms include intellectualization, sublimation, and rationalization. According to research by George Vaillant, people who use these defense mechanisms more often than others tend to experience better family relationships and work lives. You may never rid yourself of all your defense mechanisms, but at least you can grow from understanding what they can, and cannot, do for you.
Copyright 2011 Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on February 9, 2021
Hope, Tianwen-1, and Perseverance (todate the 9th craft to land) - Mars 2021
UAE's Hope mission is now orbiting Mars, by Theresa Wiegert (
The United Arab Emirates mission to Mars – called “Hope” – successfully entered Mars orbit today. It’ll be followed tomorrow by China’s Tianwen-1 mission and, on February 18, by NASA’s Perseverance mission.
The United Arab Emirates Mars mission, called Hope, successfully entered orbit around the planet Mars today (February 9, 2021). Orbit insertion took place as scheduled at 15:30 UTC (9:30 CST), followed by widespread celebration in the UAE. Hope (al-Amal in Arabic) has now made the UAE the fifth earthly culture to reach our red neighboring planet, after the United States, India, the former Soviet Union and Europe (via the European Space Agency).
Meanwhile, China’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft is also fast approaching Mars and will arrive tomorrow (February 10). And NASA’s Perseverance will land on February 18. Both the Chinese and the American missions are robotic – consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover – and aim to land on the surface of Mars.
The Hope mission will collect its data from orbit.
July 2020 provided a launch window to the planet Mars, and all three missions launched at that time. That’s why all three missions are to arrive at Mars this month, on one another’s heels.
Read more about Perseverance here
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Arab nations come out in a support of Hope probe's entry into history (
DUBAI: Arab countries have shown their unity with the UAE as the Gulf country waits anxiously to see if the Mars Hope Probe will successfully enter the red planet’s orbit.
In Iraq the Iraq Museum and the Baghdad Mall Tower were lit up in red in support of the UAE’s historic journey.
The same happened at the arches fountain in the gardens of the Royal Opera House in Oman’s capital city, Muscat, in celebration of the probe’s arrival.
And the Nasdaq Dubai decorated it façade with images of the red planet.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: February 11, 2021
China’s ambitious mission to Mars, Tianwen 1, has arrived at the Red Planet and will attempt to land a rover on the surface in May.
...and now there are two. The second 2021 arrival at Mars occurred this week, as China’s aspiring Tianwen 1 (meaning ‘questions to the heavens’ in Chinese) burned its thrusters for 15 minutes, entering an initial capture orbit around the Red Planet.
The engine burn commenced at 6:52 a.m. EST (11:52 UT) on Wednesday, February 10th, and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) mission control received the spacecraft's signal of success 11 minutes later.
The European Space Agency assisted China with tracking Tianwen 1 on Wednesday as it emerged from behind Mars and phoned home.
Note: Getting into Mars Orbit is challenging and complicated...
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: February 14, 2021
UAE Hope mission returns first image of Mars, by Jonathan Amos (
CaSSIS mission: The camera capturing Mars' craters and canyons, by Samantha Jagger (
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Update: February 18, 2021
Perseverence Arrives on Mars, by Kelly Beatty (
NASA’s Perseverance lander, now safely sitting inside Jezero crater, will soon begin its search for evidence of past life on Mars.
Mars has welcomed its newest emissary from Earth, as NASA’s Perseverance rover plopped onto the planet’s surface today at 3:55 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (20:55 Universal Time).
Its arrival inside Jezero crater followed a perilous 7-minute descent through the planet’s thin atmosphere. In the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee, an aerodynamic shield, parachute, and rockets reduced the arriving spacecraft’s velocity from 5.4 kilometers per second (12,100 mph) at the top of the Martian atmosphere to a final gentle touchdown on the frigid landscape…
Because Mars is 205 million km (127 million miles) away, the touchdown telemetry took 11m 21s to reach JPL. The time delay also forced the spacecraft’s entire entry, descent, and landing sequence to happen autonomously, without any help from the project’s team back on Earth…
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: February 22, 2021
Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)
NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover's entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft's descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its landing site), a camera on the rover looking up at the descent stage, a camera on the top of the aeroshell (a capsule protecting the rover) looking up at that parachute, and a camera on the bottom of the rover looking down at the Martian surface.
The audio embedded in the video comes from the mission control call-outs during entry, descent, and landing.
For more information about Perseverance, visit
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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Update: February 27, 2021
... in binary code.
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Update: March 4, 2021:
This is MARS in 4K UHD, by Seán Doran
Made with MastcamZ images from Perseverance Rover / Sol 004 / Jezero Crater / Mars
Source data was denoised, repaired, graded and upscaled for this film.
Images by NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU / MSSS
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Update: March 12, 2021
NASA’s Perseverance rover, China’s Tianwen 1, and the United Arab Emirates’ Hope orbiter share their latest photos from Mars. (
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Update: March 18, 2021
Reprojecting the Perseverance landing footage onto satellite imagery, Created by Matthew Earl (
The landing of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover last month amazed the world. The stunning footage of the descent shows each stage of the sequence. If you have not seen it already you can watch it here.
One thing that I found remarkable was the self-similarity of the martian terrain. As the lander descends towards the ground it is hard to get a sense of scale, since there is no familiar frame of reference to tell us how far away the ground is. This led me to embark on a project in which I reproject the footage onto a satellite image obtained from the Mars Express Orbiter, along with a scale to tell us how large features on the ground actually are:
YouTube video - Perseverance rover landing footage projected onto map
This is footage from the downward facing camera on the Perseverance rover during its landing, which has been reprojected onto reference satellite imagery with an added scale.
Read a description of how this video was made here:
Credit for the source video goes to NASA, watch it here:
Credit for the reference satellite images goes to the European Space Agency. The images were taken from:
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Update: March 21, 2021
CWRU (Case Western Reserve University) alumni contribute to Mars mission (
Katie Colbaugh (CWR '13; GRS '15, materials science and engineering), crystal growth fabrication and assembly manager, is excited by the opportunity to be involved with the Mars Perseverance. “There are a lot of variables [in crystal growth] and I think that’s why we like it so much,” said the double alumna, who studied biomedical engineering as an undergrad. “It’s very fun to troubleshoot and develop because of how much goes into it.”
Robert Kidwell (CWR '18), crystal growth engineer at Gooch & Housego, thanks Case Western Reserve’s David Matthiesen, associate professor of materials science and engineering and director of the Wind Energy Research and Commercialization Center, for introducing him to industry technology. “I’ve been able to do a lot of modernization for what we do here,” said Kidwell, who studied materials science and engineering. “I’ve been able to automate data collection through LabView.”
NASA is also hoping for a “first in flight” moment on Mars. The helicopter, Ingenuity, made the trip to Mars strapped to the belly of the Perseverance. Venkata “Raja” Gosula (CWR '85; GRS '87, electrical engineering and applied physics), former senior staff engineer/manager at QualComm, found out after the Mars landing that a power management chip he worked on (previously used in cell phones) was part of the robotics kit aboard the Ingenuity. If the helicopter survives the minus 130 degrees below zero Fahrenheit temperatures on Mars, the NASA team will proceed with the first flight of an aircraft on another world in the coming weeks.
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Update: March 21, 2021
Monitoring the weather on Mars. MEDA instruments package on the Perseverance Rover:
The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer is known as MEDA. It makes weather measurements including wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity, and also measures the amount and size of dust particles in the Martian atmosphere.
Air temperature sensors:
Each of five sensors is 2.25 by 1 by 2.7 inches
(5.75 by 2.75 by 6.75 centimeters)
Radiation and dust sensor:
5.2 by 4.5 by 5 inches
(13.2 by 11.5 by 12.5 centimeters)
Relative humidity sensor:
24 by 4.4 inches
(5.5 by 2.5 by 7.25 centimeters)
Thermal infrared sensor:
2.5 by 2.25 by 2.25 inches
(6.25 by 5.75 by 5.75 centimeters)
Wind sensors:
Wind Sensor 1 is 2 inches by 6.7 inches (5 by 17 centimeters)
Wind Sensor 2 is 2 by 15.75 inches (5 by 40 centimeters)
Instrument control unit and pressure sensor:
5.5 by 5.5 by 5.1 inches
(14 by 14 by 13 centimeters)
(Please read the article listed at the URL's posted above)
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Update: April 22, 2021
NASA Extracts Breathable Oxygen From Thin Martian Air, by Reuters (
By Steve Gorman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - NASA has logged another extraterrestrial first on its latest mission to Mars: converting carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere into pure, breathable oxygen, the U.S. space agency said on Wednesday.
The unprecedented extraction of oxygen, literally out of thin air on Mars, was achieved Tuesday by an experimental device aboard Perseverance, a six-wheeled science rover that landed on the Red Planet Feb. 18 after a seven-month journey from Earth.
In its first activation, the toaster-sized instrument dubbed MOXIE, short for Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, produced about 5 grams of oxygen, equivalent to roughly 10 minutes' worth of breathing for an astronaut, NASA said.
Although the initial output was modest, the feat marked the first experimental extraction of a natural resources from the environment of another planet for direct use by humans.
"MOXIE isn't just the first instrument to produce oxygen on another world," Trudy Kortes, director of technology demonstrations within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, said in a statement. She called it the first technology of its kind to help future missions "live off the land" of another planet.
The instrument works through electrolysis, which uses extreme heat to separate oxygen atoms from molecules of carbon dioxide, which accounts for about 95% of the atmosphere on Mars.
The remaining 5% of Mars' atmosphere, which is only about 1% as dense Earth's, consists primarily of molecular nitrogen and argon. Oxygen exists on Mars in negligible trace amounts.
But an abundant supply is considered critical to eventual human exploration of the Red Planet, both as a sustainable source of breathable air for astronauts and as a necessary ingredient for rocket fuel to fly them home.
The volumes required for launching rockets into space from Mars are particularly daunting.
According to NASA, getting four astronauts off the Martian surface would take about 15,000 pounds (7 metric tons) of rocket fuel, combined with 55,000 pounds (25 metric tons) of oxygen.
Transporting a one-ton oxygen-conversion machine to Mars is more practical than trying to haul 25 tons of oxygen in tanks from Earth, MOXIE principal investigator Michael Hecht, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in NASA's news release.
Astronauts living and working on Mars would require perhaps one metric ton of oxygen between them to last an entire year, Hecht said.
MOXIE is designed to generate up to 10 grams per hour as a proof of concept, and scientists plan to run the machine at least another nine times over the next two years under different conditions and speeds, NASA said.
The first oxygen conversion run came a day after NASA achieved the historic first controlled powered flight of an aircraft on another planet with a successful takeoff and landing of a miniature robot helicopter on Mars.
Like MOXIE, the twin-rotor chopper dubbed Ingenuity hitched a ride to Mars with Perseverance, whose primary mission is to search for fossilized traces of ancient microbes that may have flourished on Mars billions of years ago.
(Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles)
Copyright 2021 Thomson Reuters.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: May 14, 2021
February China lands its Zhurong rover on Mars (
China has successfully landed a spacecraft on Mars, state media announced early on Saturday.
The six-wheeled Zhurong robot was targeting Utopia Planitia, a vast terrain in the planet's northern hemisphere.
The vehicle used a combination of a protective capsule, a parachute and a rocket platform to make the descent.
The successful touchdown is a remarkable achievement, given the difficult nature of the task.
Only the Americans have really mastered landing on Mars until now. With this landing, China becomes the second country to put a rover on Mars.
Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated the team's "outstanding achievement" in a special message.
"You were brave enough for the challenge, pursued excellence and placed our country in the advanced ranks of planetary exploration," he said.
The probe officially landed at 07:18 on Saturday, Beijing time (Friday 23:18 GMT), according to state media.
It took 17 minutes to unfold its solar panels and send a signal back to Earth.
Zhurong, which means God of Fire, was carried to Mars on the Tianwen-1 orbiter, which arrived above the planet in February.
The time since has been spent surveying Utopia, taking high-resolution images to pinpoint the safest place to put down.
The aim with all such ventures is to pick a spot, as far as possible, that is devoid of imposing craters and large boulders.
Chinese engineers have to follow events with a time lag.
The current distance to Mars is 320 million km, which means radio messages take almost 18 minutes to reach Earth.
Every stage of the Zhurong's approach to the surface therefore has to be managed autonomously.
The entry (into the atmosphere), descent and landing strategy follows a familiar architecture.
At the chosen moment, the rover, encased in an aeroshell, is released from the Tianwen orbiter and dives downwards.
A heatshield on the capsule slows the fall by pushing up against the Martian air. A parachute then opens to reduce the velocity still further. Finally, the robot breaks away on a rocket-powered bench for the manoeuvres that take it to the ground.
It is a daunting challenge, but China has shown great competence of late in its space endeavours, which have included putting two rovers on the Moon.
Now that Zhurong has got down successfully, scientists will try to get at least 90 Martian days of service out of it, studying the local geology. A day, or Sol, on Mars lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes.
The robot looks a lot like the American space agency's (Nasa) Spirit and Opportunity vehicles from the 2000s. It weighs some 240kg and is powered by fold-out solar panels.
A tall mast carries cameras to take pictures and aid navigation; five additional instruments will help assess the mineralogy of local rocks and look for any water-ice below ground.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: June 1, 2021
This Is MARS / Perseverance Rover / Sol 00096 [ 4k ], by Sean Doran
Made with MastcamZ images from Perseverance Rover / Sol 00096 / Jezero Crater / Mars Source data was denoised, repaired, stitched, graded and rescaled for this film. Images by NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU / MSSS
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Update: June 2, 2021
Mars cam 360, by Bob the Science Guy
The Mars Cam 360 from the rover
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Update: July 1, 2021
UAE’s Hope Probe captures first images of Mars discrete aurora (
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: August 2, 2021
UAE’s Hope Probe captures crystal-clear image of Mars’ surface (
(Please read the entire article posted at the URL above)
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Update: August 6, 2021
Perseverance Rover Sol 156 Panorama | This Is MARS | 8K (Sean Doran)
by Seán Doran © / Music by Chris Zabriskie / 'Chance, Luck, Errors in Nature, Destruction as a Finale' from the album 'Reappear' Made with 80 images from Perseverance Rover / Sol 156 / Jezero Crater / Mars Source data was denoised, repaired, stitched, graded and upscaled for this film. Images by NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASU / MSSS
All rights reserved / Redistribution prohibited without license
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Posted on February 9, 2021
Analemmas: The biggest reason why it rises and dips is because of Earth’s axis tilt. Yes, that’s it.
New Flat Earth Stupidity: Analemmas, by Professor Stick
"When you take a snapshot of the Earth at the same time every day, from the same spot.
It’s not continues and every time you do so, the Sun very slightly shifts in the sky a bit. It’s not always is the same position every day. Then when you compile these photos together and play it one by one, then you see the sun move into figure eight across the sky.
The earth does not shake and tilt in a figure eight pattern, while having just one side of the Earth face the Sun at all times, as flat earthers want you to think. That’s simply not the case. This is just a purposeful fraud by flat Earthers."
Flat Earth fraud here once again...
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Posted on February 8, 2021
Anthony Riley (aka Sleeping Warrior) - flat Earth advocate is interested in keeping this mayhem going, for personal notoriety and money.
When offered a simple and easy experiment to resolve the shape of the Earth, once and for all, he just ignored it rather than prove himself wrong.
Anthony is guilty of selectively deleting video comments (see below) so that the entire thread looks favorable to his view.
So people, he is not your friend. He is a fraud.
We asked ...
Hi Anthony. What did you do with the £2,335 "Help me slip FE into a university?" GoFundMe money you collected?
His answer...
"Spent it on drugs, hookers and sports cars. Any scientific evidence for gravity yet?
Hi Anthony. What did you do with the £2,335 "Help me slip FE into a university?" GoFundMe money you collected?
Spent it on drugs, hookers and sports cars. Any scientific evidence for gravity yet?
Didn't think so.
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The moon moves in a stable orbit...
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@Sleeping Warrior I thought it was 'Blerfers' who distract, dismiss, divert? This is a straight forward question that should have a straight forward answer. Did the examiner of your thesis agree there was no scientific evidence for gravity? Or did it get thrown out before it even got to that point?
@nWo 4Life I answered it directly.
You won't ever answer questions directly though will you. Why won't you accept that gravity is not a force and nothing more than a fanatical belief of religitards obsessed with lying about science to children unable to critically think for themselves? I's because you are a fanatic.
@Sleeping WarriorI answered it directly. Fair enough. But you did enroll and you did submit a thesis so you used your own money for that and then used the GoFundMe money for skag and smut?!
Ask me a question and I will answer it directly. Then answer my question - Did the examiner of your thesis agree there was no scientific evidence for gravity? Or did it get thrown out before it even got to that point?
@Sleeping Warrior - Well I saw this response from JonahTheScientist yesterday, but now it's gone Anthony. Why did you DELETE IT? JonahTheScientist wrote here ...
The Moon moves in a stable orbit around the Earth, because of the Moon’s velocity (speed & direction) and the attraction force of gravity. Without the influence of gravity the Moon would not orbit the Earth. So please explain why the Moon circles the Earth every 27.3 days. OK?
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If you claim that the Moon is not real, or is a projection in the sky, well than that is an entirely different issue – which you need to prove on its own. Best way is for you yourself to measure the distance to the Moon. That alone is acceptable evidence. Using simple trigonometry parallax: To find the distance of the Moon from the Earth, you and a friend stand 1,000 km apart and each take a picture of the Moon at exactly the same time. Then, compare your images. The Moon will be in a different spot, but the background stars will be in the same place. What your images have given you is a triangle. You know the base (the distance between you and your friend), and you can find the angle at the top (the point of the Moon in this triangle). Simple geometry will give you a value for the distance of the Moon.
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Ok. So please post your parallax result here for us to see. kind regards,
@nWo 4Life nah, I'm not answering your question. It off topic and of a personal nature. All you need to know is that the money was used to pay for the course. That's it.
@Robert Oberdove I didn't delete it. It might be in spam. I'm the only admin/mod. There is no other person that could have deleted it. Only me.
@Sleeping Warrior Actually it's 100% on topic for this thread and I was just trying to clarify a statement which you said was a direct answer? But again, fair enough if you don't want to answer it.
How about the other question? Did the examiner of your thesis agree there was no scientific evidence for gravity? Or did it get thrown out before it even got to that point? You insert 'gravity is not a force' into every topic and reply so it HAS to be on topic.
@nWo 4Life I'm not addressing any ins and outs of the course. You wouldn't believe me anyway so why even ask?
@Sleeping Warrior Wait? you plastered it all over Youtube when it was ongoing and you even showed screenshots of your correspondence with the head of the dept? But now you have gone all coy? I think that tells me all I need to know. Thanks.
@nWo 4Life Have a really flat day!!!
@Sleeping Warrior I will try but the BALL and chain will likely give me a load of jobs to do, although I am already ahead of the CURVE. I have a few issues to deal with at work but I understand the GRAVITY of the situation. Laters! 😉- -
Hello Anthony. So please write here your answer to the 2 questions posed by JonahTheScientist: 1. Without the influence of gravity the Moon would not orbit the Earth. So please explain why the Moon circles the Earth every 27.3 days. OK? 2. What is the distance (via parallax method described) to the Moon, that you and a friend determined? How many miles up? If you don't answer both questions, well then, that speaks for itself.
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So now Anthony, I have evidence that you are purposely deleting comments that you don't want your channel visitors to see. All to make you look better. My friend Robert Oberdove posted the following comment...
Robert Oberdove10 hours ago Hello Anthony. So please write here your answer to the 2 questions posed by JonahTheScientist: 1. Without the influence of gravity the Moon would not orbit the Earth. So please explain why the Moon circles the Earth every 27.3 days. OK? 2. What is the distance (via parallax method described) to the Moon, that you and a friend determined? How many miles up? If you don't answer both questions, well then, that speaks for itself.
That comment is not here visible. And now we also believe that the missing JonahTheScientist comment, despite what you claim about your innicense and spam, was ALSO deliberately deleted.
What say you?
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@Luke Matheson stop moanin
@Sleeping Warrior - Just gathered evidence to show the world that you:
1. Delete comments by visitors to make posts appear to agree with your flat earth narrative, and that you deliberately lie about not manipulating anything.
2. You want to keep the flat earth conspiracy going for personal sadistic reasons (you enjoy being a smart ass and infuriating people) and for monetary gain. You just want to create trouble.
3. When presented with easy (experiments /observations) that you can make yourself to finally prove one way or another the true shape of the Earth (like from JonahTheScientist on how very easily determine the true distance to the Moon and settle that question), you will mock and not do those experiments for fear your flat earth views will be proved wrong. You want to keep the charade going as long as possible.
4. You are just a down right lying, manipulative and nasty person. As such you are hurting yourself and society.
P.S. - It will take you decades to work off the damaging karma you are generating.
@Luke Matheson stop moanin
@Sleeping Warrior - this is your last chance to do the right thing.
You measure the distance to the Moon so that it can be settled once and for all. OK?
Let us know on what date you will begin the following experiment:
Best way is for you yourself to measure the distance to the Moon. That alone is acceptable evidence. Using simple trigonometry parallax: To find the distance of the Moon from the Earth, you and a friend stand 1,000 km apart and each take a picture of the Moon at exactly the same time. Then, compare your images. The Moon will be in a different spot, but the background stars will be in the same place. What your images have given you is a triangle. You know the base (the distance between you and your friend), and you can find the angle at the top (the point of the Moon in this triangle). Simple geometry will give you a value for the distance of the Moon.
Good luck. We look forward to SEEING your results posted HERE.
Update: March 3, 2021
Looks like his current YouTube channel has been terminated:
Related info:
Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley) - flat Earth advocate FAIL, deluded flat Earther wants to waste more of you money
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Posted on February 5, 2021
Gravity = Buoyancy + Density, according to flat earthers. .
But then should not helium balloons just float in a vacuum chamber on Earth since Buoyancy is then ZERO?
Well, that does not happen. See here for yourself.
Debunked once again...
Helium balloons (in a vacuum) FALL on the Earth due to the presence of Gravity when Buoyancy = 0
There is no such thing as Buoyancy without the presence of a gravitational force. FB = p x V x g = Zero x V x g = ZERO
When there is no AIR in an earth bound vacuum chamber, there is nothing to push upward. So the lone force of gravity takes over and ALL objects fall.
This Weird Shape Rolls Uphill Instead of Down, by The Action Lab
"In this video I show you some objects the roll uphill instead of down. Then I talk about how it is possible and how it is still falling down."
Starting at time mark: 2:10...
Helium filled balloons in a vacuum...
“The reason that a balloon goes upward isn’t necessarily that it’s falling upward, but it’s being pushed upward. In fact gravity is still pulling things downward. In fact it’s pulling the air around it downward, it’s pulling the balloon downward, but the air is being pulled a little bit harder than the balloon and so the air goes below it and pushes the balloon upward.
So that means if we were to take the air out of the situation, for example put a helium balloon in a vacuum chamber, then the helium balloon would just fall like normal. And as you can see that’s exactly what happens.
When I turn on my vacuum chamber the balloons will expand, and what I’m going to try to do and hope for is that they’ll expand but the balloon will keep its pressurized enough so that the outside air will be less dense than the helium inside of it. And at that point the helium balloon should fall…”
Update: July 30, 2021
Debunk by BlueMarbleScience
The Gas Weight Conundrum, by BlueMarbleScience
If gas molecules are bouncing equally off all the internal surfaces of a container, why do full gas cylinders weigh more than empty ones?
Consider this. If I have two enclosed trucks each with an equal number of birds but the birds are sitting on the floor in one truck and flying around in the other truck - which truck is heavier?
Other reference:
Buoyancy requires the presence of gravity - proved in this drop tower. Flat Earthers lose another one, by FlatEarthLunacy
Flat Earth NOT - The “you can’t have gas pressure without a container" argument drops dead. Helium filled balloons in a vacuum.
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Posted on February 5, 2021
Shane Cook (aka Ranty) prominent flat Earth advocate, calls it quits for now and passes his YouTube channel to Brandon's
Brandon's - flat Earth advocate FAIL. Satellites NOT DROPPED into clouds
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Posted on February 2, 2021
The secrets of 3,000 galaxies laid bare (
Sydney-AAO Multi-Object Integral-Field Spectrograph (SAMI), connected to the 4-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) at Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales. The telescope is operated by the Australian National University.
No two galaxies are alike. They have different bulges, haloes, disks and rings. Some are forming new generations of stars, while others haven't done so for billions of years. And there are powerful feedback loops in them fueled by supermassive black holes.
"The SAMI survey lets us see the actual internal structures of galaxies, and the results have been surprising," said lead author Professor Scott Croom from ASTRO 3-D and the University of Sydney …
One group of astronomers showed that the direction of a galaxy's spin depends on the other galaxies around it, and changes depending on the galaxy's size. Another group showed that the amount of rotation a galaxy has is primarily determined by its mass, with little influence from the surrounding environment. A third looked at galaxies that were winding down star-making, and found that for many the process began only a billion years after they drifted into the dense inner-city regions of clusters…
Professor Croom added, "The survey is finished now, but by making it all public we hope that the data will continue to bear fruit from many, many years to come."
Co-author Associate Professor Julia Bryant from ASTRO 3-D and the University of Sydney said: "The next steps in this research will make use of a new Australian instrument—which we've called Hector—that will start operation in 2021, increasing the detail and number of galaxies that can be observed."
When fully installed in the AAT, Hector will survey 15,000 galaxies…
AAT Archive
Search for a download data from the ATT Archive
(Please watch the video listed at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on February 1, 2021
Attention all flat Earthers!
If SPACE IS FAKE as you claim, why are 66 countries in the world spending billions of dollars every year, just to send/waste rockets down range into the oceans depths?
Do you really think that enemies like: China vs Taiwan, Azerbaijan vs Armenia, Ethiopia vs Somalia, Israel vs Iran, Pakistan vs India, Philippines vs China, etc.- who send satellites into space, are cooperating together to uphold the same line - that SPACE IS REAL, if that were not true?
Rocket Launch Compilation 2020 (SUPERCUT SPEED 500%) | Go To Space
Here is a Chinese rocket launch...
Country of Operator/Owner of the 2,787 satellites currently in orbit around our globe Earth:
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, China/Brazil, China/France, China/Germany, China/Italy, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, ESA, ESA/USA/Russia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, France/Belgium/Sweden, France/Israel, France/Italy, France/Italy/Belgium/Spain/Greece, France/USA, Germany, Greece, Greece/United Kingdom, Hungary, India, India/Canada, India/France, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Japan/Singapore, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Morocco/Germany, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Russia/USA, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Singapore/Taiwan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Taiwan/USA, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan/Monaco, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Kingdom/ESA, USA, USA/Argentina, USA/Canada, USA/Canada/Japan, USA/France, USA/Germany, USA/Japan, USA/Japan/Brazil, USA/Mexico, USA/Sweden, USA/United Kingdom/Italy, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
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Posted on January 31, 2021
FLAT EARTH vs GLOBE EARTH: There is no Flat earth, by Wade's Underworld
Flat Earther's please stop your memes and outright denial of reality. Your misinformation is damaging to yourself AND society. Come join the 21st century!
Wade says, "This is episode 33 of my journey looking for the flat earth. For some strange reason, after hundreds of my own observations, I still haven’t found the flat earth."
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Posted on January 24, 2021
Welcome to JonahTheScientist. We recommend quality science products for the whole family.
The following books and science projects sold at Amazon, are recommended for your reading pleasure and education*. Just click on the link and be taken to where you can purchase your selections.
(* we have no financial affiliation or agreement with those Amazon sellers. We make no money. We are just recommending some good books/products to expand your education)
JonahTheScientist recommended books, STEM and other "hands on" science projects ...
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These JonahTheScientist logo items, however, are for sale at our shopify store -
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Posted on January 21, 2021
Major conspiracy takes a hit - QAnon disproved. Millions of people hoodwinked.
Flat Earth conspiracy advocates fall into the DENIAL category. In today's world there is ample real evidence that the Earth is a globe, spinning on axis, in orbit around the Sun. To claim otherwise is foolish, detached from reality, psychotic behavior.
The damage done, when beliefs are shattered by reality.
Biden inauguration leaves QAnon believers in disarray (
Followers of the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory are divided after Joe Biden's inauguration confounded their predictions that Donald Trump would remain president in order to punish his enemies in the "deep state".
Many reacted with shock and despair as Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th US president.
"I just want to throw up," said one in a popular chat on the Telegram messaging app. "I'm so sick of all the disinformation and false hope."
Others insisted "the plan" had not failed, finding new theories to latch on to.
For weeks, QAnon followers had been promoting 20 January as a day of reckoning, when prominent Democrats and other elite "Satanic paedophiles" would be arrested and executed on the orders of President Trump.
But, as Mr Biden took his oath and no arrests were made, some in the QAnon community had an uncomfortable meeting with reality.
"It's done and we were played," wrote another.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Some Conspiracy Theorists Lose Hope After Biden Inauguration | NBC News Now
QAnon supporters believed Wednesday's inauguration was an elaborate trap set by Trump to retain power. That didn’t happen, and now some QAnon followers are losing hope. NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny reports.
According to the QAnon false conspiracy theory the inauguration was an elaborate trap set by President Trump to round up, execute democrats, and hold onto power himself.
Brandy Zadrozny says, “This is the day where the military was to take over, march all the democrats they don’t like down the street, and execute them. Trump would be reinstated, their messiah would be back, and all would be right in the world.”
“This of course did not happen because it’s a ludicrous scenario, but it’s based on 4 years of lies people have built up for themselves. And so this was a real sad day in QAnon world, and people are very confused. If you want to see something scary its, pump a group full of lies, give them a date when all is supposed to be well, and then don’t deliver”
“This is just like any other doomsday cult. The day didn’t come. Aliens never came down to rescue them all.
Those people fall into 3 buckets:
1) Group that will stay with them forever. They are pushing the goal posts. Now it’s the 27th. Then the 30th. Then in 2025. These people will always be under this illusion.
2) People leaving the QAnon group because they have been disappointed for so long, and are now testing out more extreme groups. We’ve seen white supremacist groups and these channels recruiting QAnon people now.
3) People just fed up, and giving up. Ron Watkins threw in the towel yesterday. These are the people who may take the off ramp this week.
Please watch the video listed at the URL's posted above)
QAnon: Reckoning or Radicalization | DW News
Please watch the video listed at the URL's posted above)
Lost loved ones to an alternate reality...
Combating Misinformation When A Loved One Is Caught In A Web Of Conspiracies, NPR National Public Radio
QAnon is nothing new. It's a revival of past Satanic and Child Abuse hysterics.
America's Satanic Panic Returns - This Time Through QAnon (
The first time sociologist Mary de Young heard about QAnon, she thought: "Here we go again."
De Young spent her career studying moral panics — specifically, what became known as the "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s, when false accusations of the abuse of children in satanic rituals spread across the United States.
Decades later, echoes of that same fear had emerged in QAnon. The seemingly novel conspiracy theory has grown in far-right political circles since November 2017. Adherents of QAnon believe that a shadowy cabal kidnaps children, tortures them and uses their blood in satanic rituals. The alleged perpetrators in the QAnon conspiracy theory are Democratic politicians — not preschool teachers, as had been the case in the 1980s — but the accusations are eerily similar.
"Every moral panic has to have a folk devil," says de Young, the author of The Day Care Ritual Abuse Moral Panic. "It has to have a person — or more likely a group of people, whether real individuals or fantasized individuals — who are the devils in the middle of all of this."
(Please read the article at the URL listed above)
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Posted on January 18, 2021
A new watershed method for getting to Earth orbit - Richard Branson rocket launched from a modified Boeing 747
Virgin Orbit rocket reaches Earth orbit, adding an entrant to the commercial space race, by TheWashingtonPost
Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit flew a rocket into orbit on Sunday in a test flight that marks the introduction of a new method for low-cost satellite launches and the likely shake-up of the aerospace industry.
The flight was the company’s first successful trip into space, launching a small rocket from the wing of a 747 airplane flying over the Pacific Ocean. And it marked a triumph for Branson, the starry-eyed British billionaire who now has two companies that have reached space successfully with two different vehicles.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Watch the launch here ...
"Blue Skies Went to Black:" Mission Recap: Launch Demo 2 | Virgin Orbit, by Virgin Orbit
LauncherOne has successfully reached orbit! Virgin Orbit’s unique air-launched system successfully delivered small satellites for 9 different missions precisely into their target 500km circular, 60.7 degrees inclination orbit on January 17, 2021. The flight was conducted from the Mojave Air and Space Port in Kern County, California — the first orbital launch ever to occur from there. This “Launch Demo 2” flight was conducted for NASA’s Venture Class Launch Services program. Unlike traditional ground-launched rocket, Virgin Orbit’s system uses a 747 jet as its flying launch pad and mobile mission control, allowing flexible and responsive launch from almost anywhere on the planet!
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Posted on January 18, 2021
Flat earth vs Globe earth / Startrails, by Wade's Underworld
Startrails, what would they actually look like on a flat earth compared to the globe earth. Thanks to a Friend on twitter we're able to make that comparison, and test which model matches reality using my own Startrails from the east coast of Australia. Oh and for those wondering, my latitude is 32.7 South.
Thanks to Fred from twitter for his startrail comparisons.
What would star trials look like on a flat Earth compared to the globe?
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Posted on January 15, 2021
No satellites is space? Only if you are deaf, dumb and blind.
UCS Satellite Database
In-depth details on the 2,787 satellites currently orbiting Earth, including their country of origin, purpose, and other operational details. Updated August 1, 2020
Database (Excel format)
Country of Operator/Owner of the 2,787 satellites currently in orbit around our globe Earth:
Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, China/Brazil, China/France, China/Germany, China/Italy, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, ESA, ESA/USA/Russia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, France/Belgium/Sweden, France/Israel, France/Italy, France/Italy/Belgium/Spain/Greece, France/USA, Germany, Greece, Greece/United Kingdom, Hungary, India, India/Canada, India/France, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Japan/Singapore, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Morocco/Germany, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Russia/USA, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Singapore/Taiwan, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Taiwan/USA, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan/Monaco, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Kingdom/ESA, USA, USA/Argentina, USA/Canada, USA/Canada/Japan, USA/France, USA/Germany, USA/Japan, USA/Japan/Brazil, USA/Mexico, USA/Sweden, USA/United Kingdom/Italy, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
Exolaunch Delivers 30 Small Satellites into Orbit on SpaceX’s First Dedicated Rideshare Launch, by
Exolaunch Delivers 30 Small Satellites into Orbit on SpaceX’s First Dedicated Rideshare Launch
Exolaunch, the leading rideshare launch and deployment services provider for the NewSpace industry, announced a successful launch of 30 commercial, space agency, and university satellites for its customers from Europe and the U.S. on the first dedicated rideshare mission of SpaceX’s SmallSat Rideshare Program. The mission, named “Zeitgeist,” lifted off on January 24 at 15:00 UTC on Falcon 9 “Transporter-1,” completing one of the largest and most diverse rideshare missions for Exolaunch.
Zeitgeist kicked-off the first of several rideshares Exolaunch will manifest on Falcon 9 as part of a multi-launch agreement with SpaceX. On this mission, Exolaunch provided deployment, mission management and integration services to the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Dresden Technical University, ICEYE, NanoAvionics and other commercial companies for IoT, Earth observation and scientific applications.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on January 10, 2021
The flat Earth community...
- It's just ignorance and manipulation that they perpetuate.
- They lie and do anything as long as it gets them another dollar.
- These same people just keep doing this time and time again.
- Flat Earth wants to keep people ignorant, keep them angry, and then they'll believe whatever (the YouTube flat Earth lairs) feed them as long as it conforms to their own personal biases.
- So many people are being willfully manipulated simply because it is much easier to latch onto something that was created to make you believe it, because you want to believe it.
It's so much easier than to go out and educate yourself.
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Posted on January 8, 2021
Attention all flat Earthers!
Please explain why Neptune's moon Triton travels in a retrograde orbit (opposite direction of its planet's rotation), and why is it also tidally locked just like our own Moon? A flat out DENIAL is not acceptable.
Neptune's moon Triton...
As a captured Kuiper Belt object, it's retrograde orbit takes it closer to Neptune every year. It is estimated that in about 200-250 million years, it will collide with Neptune and get absorbed. It did not form together with Neptune, but came along much later.
Surface features on Triton...
Pluto ALSO has an atmosphere...
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Tidal locking...
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Posted on January 5, 2021
Simultaneous observations of the recent (Jupiter - Saturn) conjunction, from thirty different locations, overwhelmingly proves that the Earth is a globe.
It's another great and clever method for proving the shape of the Earth.
The Jupiter and Saturn Angle Proves The Globe With Demonstrable Science, by WheresWa11y
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Update: March 18, 2021:
First direct measurement of auroral and equatorial jets in the stratosphere of Jupiter (Astronomy & Astrophysics,
by T. Cavalié, B. Benmahi, V. Hue, et al. 2021, A&A, 647, L8
The circulation in Jupiter's upper troposphere at cloud level has been measured for decades using the cloud-tracking technique. It consists of alternating prograde and retrograde zonal jets (i.e., east-west) with velocities up to ~100m/s that peak at low latitudes. More than 1000 km higher, in the ionosphere, supersonic jets have been discovered at polar latitudes in the auroral region. In this paper, Cavalié and collaborators use the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile to discover jets 150-200 km above the clouds in the stratosphere. Benefiting from the combination of high spectral and spatial resolving powers as well as high sensitivity and near instantaneous imaging with ALMA, they directly probe the wind speeds using Doppler shifts induced by the winds on spectral lines formed in the stratosphere. They discover strong nonzonal jets located under the main auroral ovals with velocities of 300-400 m/s. Auroral jets may thus extend from the ionosphere down to the stratosphere, forming huge vortices in which chemical compounds may be dynamically confined and bombarded by energetic magnetospheric electrons, resulting in a richer chemical inventory. In addition, zonal jets with velocities peaking at 150 m/s were found around Jupiter’s equator, the first direct measurement of the winds generated by the quasi-quadrennial oscillation in Jupiter’s equatorial stratosphere.
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Posted on January 3, 2021
Inmartsat's Global Xpress network marks five years of service
Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications, today marks the fifth anniversary of its Global Xpress (GX) network entering service worldwide. GX is, and remains, the world’s first and only globally available, high-speed broadband network, owned and managed by a single operator. It is already driving the digital transformation of major industries across the world, enhancing fundamentally the way maritime, aviation, government and humanitarian users, among others, work.
Delivered through a geostationary satellite constellation, with each satellite offering coverage of one third of the planet, Inmarsat announced that the GX network had achieved global coverage on 4 January 2016. Over the ensuing five years, redundancy and additional capacity to support high-demand growth regions have been added in the form of GX4 and GX5. The latter of which began commercial service on 10 December 2020 over Europe and the Middle East...
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
GX5 launch success
Mission success! Watch the amazing moment our next generation GX5 satellite successfully launched from the Arianespace Launch Complex No 3 on an Ariane 5 heavy-lift launcher on 26 November at 21:24 GMT. The first satellite signal was received at 21:58 GMT on 26 November, marking the start of our GX transformation!
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Posted on December 30, 2020
Year in Review 2020: Mars missions, Lunar samples, Crew Launched from the US, and Starlink.
Flat Earth space and satellite deniers - your lies are exposed. All the info presented in the article below has also been verified by sources other than NASA. Check for yourselves.
Despite a worldwide pandemic which affected agencies around the world, 2020 featured many significant achievements in spaceflight. In total, 114 orbital launches were attempted, including deep space missions like Solar Orbiter, three missions to Mars, and the Chinese Chang’e 5 lunar sample return mission. Also this year, the United States regained domestic crew launch capability with SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft, and SpaceX launched hundreds of new satellites for the growing Starlink constellation.
Of the 114 orbital launch attempts made in 2020, eight were the maiden flights of new launch vehicles. Of these debuts, four successfully reached orbit on the first attempt: the Iranian Qased rocket, and the Chinese Long March 5B, Ceres-1, and Long March 8 launchers. The other four, Chinese Long March 7A and Kuaizhou-11, Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne, and Astra’s Rocket 3, did not.
In total, 10 of the 114 attempts made this year failed to reach orbit. However, only four of these failures were by launchers which had previously reached orbit safely. The Iranian Simorgh rocket failed on its third orbital attempt, and has yet to reach orbit, and a second attempt by Astra with Rocket 3 came close, but fell short. Four established launchers suffered launch failures in 2020: the Chinese Long March 3B and Kuaizhou-1A vehicles, Rocket Lab’s Electron, and Arianespace’s Vega launch vehicle.
The final flight of Japan’s H-IIB rocket also occurred this year, launching the final flight of the HTV cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station. Another ISS cargo spacecraft, SpaceX’s Cargo Dragon 1, was also retired in 2020, in favor of Cargo Dragon 2 which debuted later in the year.
In total, SpaceX conducted 25 orbital launches in 2020, the most orbital launches in a year since the company was founded. 14 flights were in support of the Starlink satellite internet constellation, launching a total of 833 new satellites into low Earth orbit. SpaceX also completed the suborbital Crew Dragon In-Flight Abort test, for a total of 26 Falcon 9 flights this year.
Other flagship missions launched by SpaceX this year included the company’s first two crewed missions, Demo-2 and Crew-1, as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. These were the first crewed missions to orbit launched from the United States since the retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2011. SpaceX also debuted the Cargo Dragon 2 spacecraft on the CRS-21 mission, following the Cargo Dragon 1 retirement flight on CRS-20. Testing of the Starship launch system also progressed with three atmospheric test flights using the SN5, SN6, and SN8 vehicles.
All of SpaceX’s orbital launches utilized the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, with zero flights of Falcon Heavy. The 26 total Falcon 9 flights were completed with just 11 first stage boosters, as new reuse milestones were reached and turnaround records were set. All of the orbital launches conducted by SpaceX attempted first stage landings, with a 92% success rate. The two failures occurred on the fifth and sixth Starlink missions, which both attempted landings on autonomous spaceport drone ships.
On the fifth Starlink mission, also known as Starlink v1.0 L4, the booster experienced different wind conditions during landing than predicted, and automatically aborted to a splashdown away from the drone ship. On the next Starlink flight, a first stage engine failure occurred just before main engine cutoff due to a small amount of isopropyl alcohol trapped in a sensor. This was just the second ever in-flight engine failure for Falcon 9, the other being the CRS-1 mission. Just like CRS-1, the success of the primary mission was unaffected by the engine failure, and SpaceX achieved a 100% mission success rate in 2020. SpaceX has not had a launch failure since the debut of the Block 5 Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launchers.
SpaceX had more limited success with fairing recovery in 2020. Over 21 missions which utilized payload fairings, which excludes Dragon missions, 35 of 42 fairing halves were recovered with no visible damage. Only seven of these recoveries were catches on board SpaceX’s fairing recovery vessels, as the others were scooped after splashing down in the ocean.
In 2021, Elon Musk says that SpaceX is aiming for 48 orbital launches, an average of about one launch every week. The upcoming manifest will include many more Starlink missions, two NASA Crew Dragon flights and up to two private Crew Dragon flights for Axiom and Space Adventures, three flights of Cargo Dragon 2, and as many as three Falcon Heavy launches. Two Falcon Heavy rockets will launch the classified USSF-44 and USSF-52 missions for the United States Space Force, and the launch of a ViaSat-3 communications satellite on Falcon Heavy could occur as early as next year.
A slate of robotic missions for NASA are also scheduled to launch on Falcon 9 next year, including the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), the Nova-C moon lander for the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, and the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission.
Depending on how Starship and Super Heavy booster testing progresses over the next several months, its possible that the orbital debut of Starship could occur near the end of 2021.
Elsewhere in the United States, United Launch Alliance conducted six launches and maintained their perfect mission success record. The workhorse Atlas V rocket flew five times, including the heliocentric Solar Orbiter mission and the Mars 2020 mission with the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter, which will land on Mars in February 2021.
Atlas V also launched the first mission for the Space Force, AEHF-6, and and the sixth flight of the Space Force’s X-37B spaceplane, which remains in orbit conducting its mission today. ULA also debuted the Northrop Grumman GEM-63 solid rocket boosters on the NROL-101 mission, which will evolve into the GEM-63XL boosters for the upcoming Vulcan rocket.
ULA’s sixth flight of 2020 was the NROL-44 mission on Delta IV Heavy. The launch was delayed over three months from its first attempt, including two aborts in the final seconds of the countdown, before successfully lifting off. Four Delta IV Heavy missions now remain before the launcher’s retirement.
The 2021 ULA manifest includes the second orbital flight test OFT-2 of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft, possibly the first crewed Starliner test flight CFT, and the Lucy asteroid flyby mission for NASA, all launching on Atlas V. One Delta IV Heavy mission is scheduled for next year, NROL-82 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The first launch of the Vulcan rocket, carrying the Peregrine robotic moon lander, could also possibly occur in 2021.
Rocket Lab, the smallsat launch provider based in the United States and launching from New Zealand, made seven orbital launch attempts with their Electron rocket, six of which were successful. The “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen” mission failed during second stage flight due to an electrical issue. Rocket Lab returned to flight less than two months later, and debuted the Photon satellite bus on that mission. Rocket Lab also achieved a soft splashdown of Electron’s first stage on the “Return to Sender” mission, a step towards recovery and reuse.
The debut of Rocket Lab’s Launch Complex 2 at Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia and Launch Complex 1B on the Mahia Peninsula of New Zealand are both planned for no earlier than 2021. One mission on next year’s manifest is the CAPSTONE mission to the lunar orbit which will be used for NASA’s Gateway outpost, which will launch from Wallops.
Northrop Grumman launched three orbital missions in 2020, all successful. Two Antares rockets launched two Cygnus cargo spacecraft to the ISS, and a Minotaur IV rocket launched the NROL-129 mission from Wallops. Two more Antares and Cygnus launches are scheduled for 2021, as well as a Minotaur I rocket on the NROL-111 mission, also from Wallops.
Two other American companies made orbital launch attempts in 2020, both making their unsuccessful first attempts. Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne and Astra’s Rocket 3 vehicles, while not successful in 2020, are both set to make their next attempts in early 2021. Two other small lift launch vehicles, Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha and Relativity Space’s Terran 1, could also debut next year.
In total, there were 44 US orbital launch attempts this year, including Rocket Lab’s launches from New Zealand but operated from the US. 40 were successful. This is both the most successes and the most attempts of any nation in 2020.
Blue Origin completed one flight of their suborbital New Shepard rocket, and has more planned for 2021. There is also the possibility of the orbital New Glenn launch vehicle making its debut next year. Another suborbital launcher, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, made one spaceflight attempt from Spaceport America in New Mexico, which was safely aborted shortly after release from the WhiteKnightTwo carrier aircraft.
The nation with the second most orbital launches this year is China, amassing 35 successes and four failures. 34 launches were completed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), China’s state-owned launch provider. The others were completed by private Chinese launch companies, four by ExPace, and one by Galactic Energy.
China’s 2020 launches included the final BeiDou-3 satellite, completing China’s satellite navigation constellation, a test flight of a next generation crew capsule, the Tianwen-1 Mars mission, an experimental spaceplane mission, and the Chang’e 5 lunar sample return. In 2021, China is expected to launch the first module of a new Chinese space station.
The Russian space program completed 12 orbital launches this year, all successful. Two crewed Soyuz missions and two Progress cargo missions flew to the ISS, and the second test flight of the Angara A5 rocket was launched. Angara and Proton each flew just one mission in 2020, complementing 10 Soyuz launches operated by the Russian space program. There are up to three crewed Soyuz missions planned for 2021.
The Soyuz rocket was the second most active launcher this year, behind Falcon 9, thanks to five additional launches operated by European launch provider Arianespace. Three of these launches were in support of the OneWeb satellite constellation. In addition to the five Soyuz launches, Arianespace launched three Ariane 5 rockets and 2 Vega rockets, one of which was a launch failure. Next year, Arianespace will launch the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for NASA on Ariane 5, and possibly debut the new Vega-C launcher.
Japan made four successful orbital launches, three with the H-IIA rocket and the H-IIB retirement flight. The H-IIA launch slate included the Al Amal mars mission for the United Arab Emirates. NASA’s Mars 2020, China’s Tianwen-1, and the UAE’s Al Amal missions will all arrive at Mars in February 2021.
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus only completed two orbital launches near the end of 2020. Both flights of the PSLV rocket were successful.
Iran made two orbital launch attempts with one success this year, and Israel completed one successful retrograde orbit launch with the Shavit-2 rocket. In total, seven nations launched missions to orbit in 2020, plus Arianespace’s ten missions which are a cooperation between several European countries.
34 different launch vehicles flew in 2020, and payloads from 29 different countries were on board. In 2021, the world’s space agencies are aiming for several ambitious missions, including several maiden flights of new rockets.
(Please read the article in full at the URL's posted above)
How large are telescopes, land and space based, today 2020?
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Posted on December 29, 2020
When it comes to space galaxies, all flat Earthers do is scoff and deny their existence. They can't and don't want to explain what THESE LIGHTS IN THE SKY truly are.
After colliding with 4 smaller galaxies and absorbing them, our Milky Way is a Barred Spiral type that looks about like this...
But galaxies are made from condensing interstellar matter, internal star formation, and collision/absorption of other galaxies.
Galaxy merger sequence - when they collide...
Galaxies catalogued by large Earth based telescopes...
But our LARGER stellar neighbor, the large Andromeda galaxy who also has been eating small galaxies, is headed our way for a front head-on collision in 4.5-billion years, according to new research based on Europe's Gaia spacecraft.
Andromeda - Milky Way collision
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Update: January 5, 2021
Digital Sky Survey maps the entire sky, providing new data to astronomers, by Marissa Shapiro, Vanderbilt University
The fifth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey is collecting data about our universe for Vanderbilt University astronomers and other project members to use to explore the formation of distant galaxies and supermassive black holes, and to map the Milky Way....
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Astronomers Study Star Formation in Six Galaxy Mergers, by Natali Anderson,
Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have detected and studied numerous young star clusters in six merging galaxy systems.
“Merging galaxy systems are excellent laboratories to trace cluster formation under extreme gas physical conditions, rare in the local Universe, but typical for star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon,” said Stockholm University astronomer Angela Adamo and her colleagues.
“It is during rare merging events that galaxies undergo dramatic changes in their appearance and in their stellar content.”
“Even after the collision, when the resulting galactic system begins to fade into a more quiescent phase, these very massive star clusters will shine throughout their host galaxy, as long-lasting witnesses of past merging events.”
“The Milky Way typically forms star clusters with masses that are 10,000 times the mass of our Sun,” they noted.
“This doesn’t compare to the masses of the star clusters forming in colliding galaxies, which can reach millions of times the mass of our Sun.”
As part of the Hubble imaging Probe of Extreme Environments and Clusters (HiPEEC) survey, the astronomers searched for young stellar clusters in six merging systems: NGC 34, NGC 1614, NGC 3256, NGC 3690, NGC 4194, and NGC 6052.
They were able to detect numerous clusters with ages between 1 and 500 million years and masses over 10 million solar masses.
To analyze the star formation rate within these systems, the researchers derived star cluster ages, masses, and extinctions.
They found that the star cluster populations undergo large and rapid variations in their properties, with the most massive clusters formed towards the end of the merger phase.
“The recent cluster formation history and their distribution within the host galaxies suggest that systems such as NGC 34, NGC 1614, and NGC 4194 are close to their final coalescing phase, while NGC 3256, NGC 3690, and NGC 6052 are at an earlier/intermediate stage,” they said.
The results were published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
A. Adamo et al. 2020. Star cluster formation in the most extreme environments: insights from the HiPEEC survey. MNRAS 499 (3): 3267-3294; doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa2380
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on December 22, 2020
Calling all flat Earthers - If gravity is not a real force, then why are space traveling comets locked in orbit around the Sun?
Comets orbiting the Sun continuous change the position of their tail to point directly away from the Sun. Why is that FE people?
The recent December 14, 2020, solar eclipse caught an image of Kreutz family comet C/2020 X3 passing near the Sun.
SOHO Observtory Spots Newly Discovered (by Thai amateur astronomer Worachate Boonplod) Sungrazer Comet,
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on December 21, 2020
NASA Announces its Artemis Astronauts: 18 People Training to Fly To The Moon, by
So flat Earth TRILOBYTES, are you going to claim these 18 people are just "crisis actors," paid to fake the Moon trip and appear in documentaries? Before you insult these folks, better think again.
First 9 women to the Moon.
In less than four years, NASA will be sending the “first woman and next man” to the Moon as part of the Artemis III mission. This will be the first time that astronauts have landed on the lunar surface since the final mission of the Apollo Program, which was Apollo 17 in 1972. After careful consideration, NASA has announced the names of the 18 astronauts that make up the Artemis Team.
The team was announced last Wednesday (Dec. 16th) during the eighth meeting of the National Space Council (NSC) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. During the meeting, Vice President Mike Pence introduced the NASA astronauts and remarked on the historic significance of their selection:
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on December 20, 2020
For all you flat Earth COVID-19 deniers...
A COVID-denier owes me $2,000,000, by molecular and structural biologist - Debunk the Funk With Dr. Wilson
Way too many people are denying the existence and threat of a pandemic virus that is currently ravaging the world. Understanding and acknowledging the science is important to beating this pandemic. Here are all the resources you need to get started in dispelling some of the most common myths currently preventing that from happening.
Dr. Wilson HERE LISTS the evidence that wins the $2,000,000 challenge...
1) List independent scientific studies (with full disclosure of funding sources) proving the existence of the so-called “Corona Virus” or “Covid19”.
2) Provide video-graphic or photo-graphic evidence of the actual virus including the identity of the photographer, scientists involved and the equipment used to take the photograph (or video) including calibration data of the equipment, source of funding and location of laboratory.
3) Scientifically verifiable evidence that this virus is contagious.
4) Evidence of the origin of the virus, including time, date and location.
5) Evidence that this virus is not a biological weapon engineered by man.
6) Evidence that any one person may be a risk to the public safety or the health and well-being of anyone.
7) Evidence that anyone who has purportedly died from this so-called virus, could not have possibly died from any other cause.
8) Evidence of documented cases where people died, such that the evidence and cause of death can be independently and scientifically verified that the cause of death could have been nothing other than the virus, and full disclosure of all related funding sources used.
9) Proof that shutting down society is less of a public safety risk than treating infected people just like any other flu or virus.
10) Proof that this virus is an epidemic or pandemic by traditional standards and criteria.
11) Proof that the public safety claims are true and accurate based upon scientifically verifiable evidence.
Song used in outro: Funky Party by Lobo Loco
Original article:
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Delores Cahill is lying about COVID vaccines, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
Shocking numbers of health care workers are refusing the COVID vaccines for terrible reasons:
How mRNA vaccines work:
SARS 2003 vaccine never happened because the money dried up:
SARS vaccine mice study:
Review of studies that found how to make a safe SARS vaccine:
No evidence of what Cahill is talking about has been found in COVID vaccines:
Why vaccines are injected into muscle:
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Debunking Simone Gold | Part 1: COVID vaccine misinformation, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
How to contact me:
Original video:
COVID vaccines did not skip any steps in their development:
The COVID vaccines are not “experimental”:
mRNA vaccine technology has been studied since 1990:
SARS 2003 vaccine never happened because the money ran out:
Animal studies of the now-used COVID mRNA vaccines:
BMJ report on Norwegian deaths following COVID vaccination:
No, the CDC did not report that 99.997% of young adults survive COVID:
COVID caused excess mortality in Americans aged 25-44:
COVID is not harmless for younger adults:
COVID excess deaths:
Explanation on how SARS vaccines are made to be safe:
No evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement with the COVID vaccines:
No evidence so far that COVID vaccines cause infertility:
COVID infection is very risky for pregnant women and their babies:
Why headlines about adverse effects due to COVID vaccines should not concern you:
COVID vaccine FAQ’s from Johns Hopkins:
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Debunking Simone Gold | Part 2: Hydroxychloroquine still is not a cure for COVID, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
Hydroxychloroquine is (still) not effective against COVID:
Shortages of hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic:
The Lancet paper retraction story explained:
Simone’s statements about fear and the virus have been said before, and they were wrong before:
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Debunking Simone Gold | Part 3: COVID and marginalized people, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
How to contact me:
Original video:
A great medical history podcast episode about racism in science and medicine:
No evidence that people of color are adversely affected by vaccines more often than white people:
Why people of color are being disproportionately affected by COVID:
Environmental justice helps explain why people of color have, on average, poorer health:
Africa and COVID:
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Update: February 14, 2021
OK. So let’s see if Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is correct or not about her Covid-19 vaccine claims. Let’s take stock of the situation in 14- months = April 2022.
Is she is correct, then we are all in trouble. If she is wrong, will you give up your anti-vaccine attitude?
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains how the Depopulation Covid Vaccines will start working in 3-6 Months.
Sherri Tenpenny is an American osteopathic physician and anti-vaccination activist who supports the disproved hypothesis that vaccines cause autism. She is the author of four books opposing vaccination, and her 2015 lecture tour of Australia was cancelled due to a public outcry over her views on vaccination, which go against the established scientific consensus.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny says, “You must ask what’s coming thru the needle. Know what’s in these vaccines and why you must refuse because they are deadly.
The problem is that the anti bodies that it generates are going to be deadly and it’s going to take somewhere between four months and maybe 14 months until we see the full ravage of whats going to happen to people who are vaccinated with this vaccine...”
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Update: February 23, 2021
DebunkingLee Merritt's COVID conspiracy theories, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
The real fatality rate of COVID is not known yet:
What is known is that COVID is killing way too many people:
Vaccines are profitable but not as profitable as other drugs:
COVID vaccines are likely to prevent or reduce transmission:
mRNA decays on the order of hours:
Animal studies showing safe vaccines against SARS 2003:
Still no evidence of antibody dependent enhancement with SARS-CoV-2:
They tell you exactly what the mRNA encodes:
And you can find the sequence for it here:
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Update: March 2, 2021
Sherri Tenpenny has not done her research, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
Not every coronavirus or influenza virus is equal
H5N1 (bird flu):
COVID PCR tests only detect SARS-CoV-2:
Animal studies of mRNA vaccines:
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Update: March 9, 2021
Derek Knauss does not know how to test for COVID, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Koch’s postulates for viruses: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.c...
Real high-resolution images of purified SARS-CoV-2 virus:
Scanning electron microscopy is not enough to differentiate between Influenza viruses and coronaviruses:
SARS-CoV-2 isolate samples are available for researchers to buy:
Full genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2:
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Update: March 23, 2021
Debunking Geert Vanden Bossche, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
Vaccines have historically been used during epidemics, that is the point:
People with no immunity to COVID increase the likelihood that SARS-CoV-2 can evolve to become more infectious:
COVID vaccines elicit a robust antibody AND cellular immune response:
Preliminary data suggests that COVID vaccines do prevent viral shedding from infected hosts in addition to disease:
COVID vaccines still have effectiveness against variants, and modifications are easy to make:
Interesting immunology resources:
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Update: March 27, 2021
BBC News
Covid vaccine: Social media urged to remove ‘disinfo dozen’
Facebook, Twitter and Google
The Disinformation Dozen
Joseph Mercola
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Sherri Tenpenny
Rizza Islam
Rashid Buttar
Erin Elizabeth
Sayer Ji
Kelly Brogan
Christine Northrup
Ben Trapper
Kevin Jenkins
Most COVID vaccine disinformation can be traced to just 12 people on social media (
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Update: March 31, 2021
Putting PCR misinformation to rest, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
How you can contact me:
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Original video:
Example PCR data graph:
Kary Mullis’ original PCR patent specifies diagnostics as an application:
HIV definitely causes AIDS:
qPCR procedures for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 have been clinically validated for specificity and sensitivity in blinded experiments:
You don’t need to purify a virus in order to sequence an isolate:
List of SARS-CoV-2 isolates:
SARS-CoV-2 has been purified:
Sam Bailey is misrepresenting Barbara McClintock’s work:
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Debunk the Disinformation Dozen: by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Debunking the Disinformation Dozen - Sayer Ji, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
How you can contact me:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Original video:
The Disinformation Dozen: https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57b...
Pandemic preparedness exercises have been around for a while and serve the same purpose as fire drills:
How SARS-CoV-2 satisfies (River’s modified) Koch’s postulates: Isolation, cultivation in host cells, and proof of filterability
Production of comparable disease in the original host species or a related one and detection of a specific immune response to the virus
Re-isolation from an infected host
Mechanisms of viral entry into cells:
Immune cell chasing a bacteria cell shows how fluid cell membranes are:
High-resolution images of SARS-CoV-2:
Kary Mullis’s original PCR patent includes diagnosis of infections:
Viruses are not exosomes:
No, Fauci never said that the case fatality rate of COVID is 0.1%:
Numbers you can use to calculate the case fatality rate every day:
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Debunking the Disinformation Dozen - Kelly Brogan, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Original video:
Kelly Brogan’s misinformed article:
Paper about flu vaccines, inflammation, and depression:
Inflammation happens all the time:
Influenza infection causes a lot of inflammation, so why isn’t Kelly Brogan worried about that?:
Inflammation might play a role in depression, not flu vaccines specifically:
Average R0 for influenza viruses:
What R0 means:
Concordance explains why a 28% effective flu shot still makes a huge impact:
Flu vaccines are effective in reducing hospitalization and death due to flu:
Flu vaccines are safe for pregnant women:
No, flu vaccines were not linked to deaths in Japan:
No, getting the flu shot does not make you more likely to contract other viral infections:
List of inactivated and attenuated flu vaccines and their contents:
Debunking the Disinformation Dozen - Rizza Islam
How you can contact me:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
Original video:
The Disinformation Dozen:
About 2,700,000 people died worldwide from measles between 2004 and 2014:
The MMR vaccine has never been linked with deaths in healthy people:
A complete and independent analysis on measles vaccine safety:
No, vaccines do not cause more Autism in black boys:
Vaccines don’t cause Autism, even in high-risk groups:
Amount of formaldehyde in vaccines vs. common foods:
Aluminum in vaccines is safe and plays an important role:
Thimerosal was taken out of all childhood vaccines in 2001:
Rizza’s lies about Vitamin K shots are going to get babies killed:
Real facts that black birthing mothers should be concerned about:
Debunking the Disinformation Dozen - Joseph Mercola
How you can contact me:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
The Disinformation Dozen:
The COVID vaccine is effective:
COVID vaccines likely reduce transmission as well:
How gene therapies (CRISPR) work:
Components of mRNA vaccines explained:
Synthetic mRNA’s are shown to last up to 10 days in the body:
COVID vaccines were shown to be safe in people with autoimmune disorders:
Differences between an mRNA and Adenovirus vector vaccine:
Money and interest for a SARS-CoV-1 vaccine ran out:
Scientists figured out why early versions of SARS-CoV-1 vaccines failed and fixed the problem:
COVID vaccine animal trials:
Debunking the Disinformation Dozen - Erin Elizabeth
Original video:
The Disinformation Dozen:
Independent safety review of the vaccine schedule:
Vaccine schedules are similar all around the world:
Studies showing the risk of delayed vaccinations:
Childhood vaccination does not cause allergies:
Aluminum in vaccines:
Formaldehyde in vaccines:
Difference between FDA EUA and approval (not much):
Kevin Jenkins - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen
The Disinformation Dozen:
Disproportioante impact of COVID on poor and minority communities:
A great medical history podcast episode about the ugly history of race and medicine:
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Update: May 19, 2021
Exposing COVID-denying grifters, by Dr. Wilson
Webinar with Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan
Actual atomic structures of the SARS-CoV-2 virion and spike protein:
Basic virology:
How cryo-electron microscopy works:
Protein data bank link to a spike protein structure:
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Update: May 26, 2021
Ty & Charlene Bollinger - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen, by Dr. Wilson
The Disinformation Dozen:
Original video:
D-limonene is a helpful supplement to chemotherapy, but it will not cure cancer:
Using alternative medicine instead of conventional cancer treatments kills patients:
Chemotherapy is not always needed with solid-tumor cancers:
Fear does not make the immune system “not work”:
Over 80% of children with cancer go on to live normal lives thanks to chemotherapies and, in part, the work of Dr. Sidney Farber:
Cancer doesn’t care how much sugar you eat:
There is no evidence that diet cures cancer:
As multicellular organisms, cancer is a part of us:
Ty & Charlene Bollinger are rich grifters profiting off of pseudoscience:
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Update: June 1, 2021
Two scientists dismantle Andrew Kaufman's rediculous COVID claims, by Debunk the Funck with Dr. Wilson
After my video where Sense Strand and I exposed Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan's bogus claims on their own webinar, we both reached out to Dr. Kaufman and offered to discuss the topic of COVID isolation live. He has not responded to those emails. Instead, he released this video on his website:
So, we are going to rip it apart.
Subscribe to Sense Strand's channel:
Follow Sense Strand on Twitter:
Studies showing animal models of COVID infection (for AL):
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Update: June 2, 2021
Ben Tapper - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen, but Dr. Wilson
I rarely ever read YouTube comments these days, but this is how you can contact me:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or
The Disinformation Dozen:
Original video:
Allowing loose vaccine exemption laws leads to outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases:
No, pediatricians do not get huge bonuses for vaccinating their patients:
Indian doctor describes the situation in Mumbai:
Mass graves around the world:
Vaccines are not huge money-makers for pharmaceutical companies compared to other drugs:
CDC death data for COVID:
Merck is partnered with Johnson & Johnson to help produce more COVID vaccines:
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Update: June 5, 2021
Naomi Wolf banned from Twitter for spreading vaccine myths (
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Update: June 9, 2021
Rashid Buttar - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen
DNA damage, RNA, and telomerase:
COVID vaccines and Bell’s Palsy are not statistically linked:
COVID vaccines and HIV? No…just no. See my previous video and its sources for more on this:
Vaccines are constantly monitored for safety:
Nickel is not in any vaccines, mercury is not in any childhood vaccines, and only insignificant amounts of formaldehyde are present to prevent bacterial growth:
Babies definitely have functional immune systems:
The secondary immune response after a booster shot is important for immune memory:
Rashid Buttar literally injects cancer patients with hydrogen peroxide and charges a premium for it:
Rashid Buttar has cheated his patients out of their money:
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Update: June 13, 2021
Dr. Wilson vs. Patrick Gunnels (aka "Derek Knauss") - Is SARS-CoV-2 real?
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Update: June 16, 2021
Sherri Tenpenny - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen
Original video:
Sherri Tenpenny has made spreading junk science and misinformation her very profitable career:
COVID mRNA vaccine ingredients:
James Randi debunks “magnetic man”:
My previous video on Sherri Tenpenny:
How mRNA works (it doesn’t multiply, and it doesn’t shed):
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Update: June 23, 2021
Christiane Northrup - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen, Dr. Wilson
History of the Flexner Report:
The Lancet hydroxychloroquine retraction story:
No, hydroxychloroquine does not work for COVID:
Pharmaceutical companies have done shady things, but that does not invalidate all of science:
Flu vaccines do not increase your risk of infection from other viruses:
You can’t get the flu from a flu shot:
Medical errors are NOT the 3rd leading cause of death in the US:
Google is not owned by a pharmaceutical company:
How mRNA for vaccines is made:
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Update: June 30, 2021
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Debunking the Disinformation Dozen, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
No steps were skipped in the COVID vaccine clinical trials:
Pfizer and Moderna vaccine clinical trials:
Nationwide Pfizer vaccine study:
COVID vaccines significantly reduce the viral load and risk of transmission:
COVID vaccines do reduce risk of disease and death from COVID:
Continuous monitoring has found COVID vaccines to be safe and adverse events to be very rare:
Recent easy to read summary of the data:
Almost all vaccine side effects occur within 8 weeks of receiving a dose and are much more likely to happen with the disease itself:
Pharmaceutical companies usually have to front the cost of doing clinical trials:
Vaccines provide several beneficial health effects in addition to immunity:
List of 1,500+ studies on vaccines and autism as well as vaccine efficacy/effectiveness, safety, and immunogenicity:
Song used for outro: Funky Party by Lobo Loco
Opinions are my own.
A handful of great sources of science communication on COVID and vaccine topics:
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Update: July 11, 2021
Two scientists take Andrew Kaufman back to school, by Dr. Wilson
Andrew Kaufman won't talk to us but he continues to say wrong things. Now he has an "explanation" for the existence of the spike protein that exists on the surface of SARS-CoV-2. Where does it come from? What is it? What does it do? Kaufman has attempted to answer all of these questions and more but fails in stunning fashion. Here we review his answers, explain the science, and have some laughs.
Link to the google drive with Kaufman's talk:
Some information on alternative splicing that Kaufman missed in school:
Sense Strand's Twitter:
My Twitter:
Link to ivermectin study:
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Update: August 9, 2021
A compassionate case for COVID vaccination, by Dr. Wilson
I rarely ever read YouTube comments these days, but this is how you can contact me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or or Twitter @Debunk_The_Funk
Do I think COVID vaccines should be mandated? Not really, because I don't think that will solve the problem. Mandating vaccines is a forceful approach to the problem that not enough people are getting vaccinated. People aren’t getting vaccinated due to hesitancy and misinformation. In my opinion, education is the solution. Here are the data that can help educate people.
Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated data:
COVID vaccines reduce the length of the transmissible period of infection in the event of a breakthrough infection:
Vaccines are not likely to produce more infectious strains:
COVID vaccines reduce transmission of COVID, thus making the emergence of new variants or strains less likely:
American Society for Virology town hall where you can ask experts anything:
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Update: August 17, 2021
Dr. Dan Stock gets so much wrong in so little time, by Dr. Wilson
Masks do reduce the spread of aerosols and respiratory viruses in general:
Masks work in the community, too:
Respiratory viruses can and do have outbreaks in Spring/Summer months:
RSV just had a large spike in the US…in the summer:
There is no evidence of ADE.
Not in animal studies:
Not in any clinical trials:
And not in any breakthrough infections:
Individuals vaccinated against COVID transmit the virus less than those who are unvaccinated:
Even the transmission of measles, the most infectious respiratory virus we know of, is drastically reduced on a population level by vaccination:
Ivermectin has not been shown to work against COVID:
People who previously had COVID still benefit from vaccination:
American Society for Virology public town hall meeting where you can ask experts anything:
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Update: August 24, 2021
Dr. Sean Brooks goes full CovIdiot at a school board meeting, by Debunk the Funk with Dr. Wilson
Robert Malone did not invent mRNA vaccines and had nothing to do with making COVID vaccines:
Nobody has died of a 3rd COVID vaccine dose in Israel:
ADE is still not a thing with COVID vaccines:
Risk of blood clotting does not significantly increase after COVID vaccination:
Rare immune responses are responsible for blood clots following COVID vaccination, but your general risk does not increase:
D-dimer tests won’t necessarily confirm blood-clotting:
Symptoms to watch for if you’re worried about blood clotting:
COVID vaccines have been tested for any infertility effects and there aren’t any:
You can still donate blood following COVID vaccination:
I can’t find any verification that Sean Brooks has any expertise in biology or medicine:
ASV town hall meetings:
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Update: September 7, 2021
Fred Corbin joins the CovIdiot club, by Dr. Wilson
High resolution images of purified SARS-CoV-2:
Coronavirus family tree:
“Coronavirus” patents have nothing to do with the origins of SARS-CoV-2:
This HKU spike protein story is a publicly available scientific paper that characterizes the MERS spike protein:
There is no graphene oxide in COVID vaccines:
The “deleted sequences” don’t really tell us anything new:
ASV town hall meetings:
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Update: September 14, 2021
Dr. Mike Yeadon can't stop being wrong about COVID, by Dr. Wilson
The actual current infection fatality rates of COVID:
Comprehensive global mortality analyses of COVID:
The original PCR patent includes diagnostics as an application:
Clinical labs ran COVID PCR tests with internal standards early in the pandemic:
How PCR positivity correlates to infectiousness:
False positives are not a problem with qPCR:
Yeadon’s critique of the Dorsten PCR paper did not go over well:
Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission of COVID:
Anti-syncitin-1 study that Anti-syncytin-1 study that Yeadon doesn’t understand:
There is no evidence that COVID vaccines affect a woman’s fertility or pregnancy:
ASV town hall meetings:
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Posted on December 19, 2020
Measured Earth orbiting satellite precession proves our globe is ever so so so slightly oblate (fatter at the equator by 67 km than at the poles).
So then, is the flat Earth exactly CIRCULAR or OBLATE? Someone from the FE community please address this issue (a flat out DENIAL is not acceptable).
Flat Earth Theory - How Earth's Shape Changes Spacecraft Orbits, by Scott Manley
A follow on the small effect of the oblateness of the earth is enough to make satellite orbits precess around the planet. And furthermore how this effect can be exploited for a special class of orbits called sun synchronous orbits.
(Please watch the video at the URL's posted above)
Astronomy 6570 - Physics of the Planets. Precession: Free and Forced, by Cornell University
We have seen above how information concerning the distribution of density within a planet (in particular, the polar moment of inertia factor, C/MR2) can be derived from measurements of the oblateness and J2 of a rotating planet. In some cases, notably the Earth and Mars and probably Saturn in the relatively near future, we can also obtain such information from studying the planet’s spin-axis precession. Precession may take one (or both) of two forms – free or Eulerian precession, and forced precession.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on December 18, 2020
How to find direction using the Sun and Stars (or, what to do when your cell phone battery dies).
Memorize these tips. They could save your life one day.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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An ordinary watch can be used to determine the approximate true north (fig. 2-3). In the North Temperate Zone only, the hour hand is pointed toward the sun. A north-south line can be found midway between the hour hand and 12 o’clock. This applies to standard time. For daylight saving time, the north-south line is found midway between the hour hand and 1 o’clock. If there is any doubt as to which end of the line is north, remember that the sun is in the north, remember that the sun is in the eastern part of the sky before noon and in the western part in the afternoon. The watch may also be used to determine direction in the South Temperate Zone. However, it is used a bit differently. Twelve o’clock is pointed toward the sun, and halfway between 12 o’clock and the hour hand will be a north-south line. If on daylight saving time, the north-south line lies midway between the hour hand and 1 o’clock. The temperate zones extend from latitude 23 1/2° to 66 1/2° in both hemispheres. On cloudy days, place a stick at the center of the watch and hold it so that the shadow of the stick falls along the hour hand. One-half the distance between the shadow and 12 o’clock is north.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on December 14, 2020
The Christmas Star, planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, is here yet again.
Jupiter and Saturn Have Historic Dusk Encounter, by Sky & Telescope Magazine
Don't miss this upcoming close conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Was the Christmas Star Real?, by
A comet. A bright comet might be interpreted as a star, and it could be widely visible over the Earth for many weeks. Comet Halley appeared a few years too early in 12 B.C. And comets were beheld by the ancients as bad omens, not something to announce the birth of a new king. Nor did Chinese and Korean stargazers, who kept records in those days, note an exceedingly bright comet.
A nova or supernova. A flaring or exploding star would fit the bill. There is some record made by Chinese astronomers of a nova in 5 B.C. in Aquarius or Capricornus, but it was not particularly bright or noteworthy.
A planetary conjunction. A conjunction, the apparent close approach of two bright planets, is perhaps the most promising explanation for the Star of Bethlehem. By running the celestial clockworks back in time, astronomers know a rare “triple alignment” of Jupiter and Saturn occurred in 7 B.C. when the planets approached each other closely three times between April and December. The first approach may have alerted the wise men, and by the time they traveled to Judea to pay respects, the planets would have approached each other again to appear nearly as a single “star”.
Even more striking conjunctions occurred in 3 B.C. and 2 B.C., this time between the two brightest planets Jupiter and Venus in the constellation Leo. The planets came as close as 12 arc-minutes of each other during these conjunctions, close enough to appear as a single very bright star. The first conjunction would have been visible in August of 3 B.C. in the eastern sky before dawn, which corresponds to the location described by the wise men in the gospel of Matthew. Jupiter and Leo were associated by the ancients with kings, and Venus was associated with fertility. So to three ancient Babylonian astrologers—the “wise men”—this event may have heralded the birth of a new king and got them packed and headed west. When they arrived in Judea months later, in June, Venus and Jupiter would have returned together for a second close approach in the western sky.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Star of Bethlehem, by Wikipedia
The Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, appears in the nativity story of the Gospel of Matthew where "wise men from the East" (Magi) are inspired by the star to travel to Jerusalem. There, they meet King Herod of Judea, and ask him:
Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.[2]
Herod calls his scribes and priests who quote to him that a verse from the Book of Micah interpreted as a prophecy, states that the Jewish Messiah would be born in Bethlehem to the south of Jerusalem. Secretly intending to find and kill the Messiah in order to preserve his own kingship, Herod invites the wise men to return to him on their way home.
The star leads them to Jesus' home in the town, where they worship him and give him gifts. The wise men are then given a divine warning not to return to Herod, so they return home by a different route.
Many Christians believe the star was a miraculous sign. Some theologians claimed that the star fulfilled a prophecy, known as the Star Prophecy. Astronomers have made several attempts to link the star to unusual celestial events, such as a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn or Jupiter and Venus, a comet, or a supernova.
Some modern scholars do not consider the story to be describing a historical event but a pious fiction created by the author of the Gospel of Matthew.
The subject is a favorite at planetarium shows during the Christmas season.However, most ancient sources and Church tradition generally indicate that the wise men visited Bethlehem sometime after Jesus’ birth. The visit is traditionally celebrated on Epiphany (January 6) in western Christianity.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Update: December 21, 2020
LIVE from our telescope in Florida, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn!
Telescope footage provided by Astronomy Live -
Equipment: 8 inch Meade LX200 Classic at f/20 with BlackMagic Pocket Cinema 4K
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Posted on December 13, 2020
Viewing the Sun terminator line from space and from the Earth's surface.
Flat Earthers now hawking about "where is the terminator line" are just plain ignorant. I guess they have never been in the spy, cloak and dagger business?
The see the solar terminator on the Earth's surface, simply watch any sunrise or sunset from across a flat horizon.
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View the Earth's solar terminator in real time, from the Himawari-8 satellite
Here is a Himawari-8 time lapse video by Geo de Graff...
At an altitude of 36,000 km (22,000 miles), Japan's Himawari-8 satellite is in stationary orbit over New Guinea. It captures some truly amazing imagery of the western Pacific, Australia, and parts of Asia, Antarctica & Alaska. Glittering Blue II is a time-lapse, made of 24 hours of photos, taken every 10 minutes on February 1st 2016. It is one day in the life of earth, playing in a loop.
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How does the solar terminator work?
1. Stand with your eye slightly ABOVE the terminator line, and you will see the Sun directly on the horizon.
2. Stand with your eye slightly BELOW the terminator line, and you will not see the Sun at all, since it is below the horizon. Now you are in the Earth's shadow.
Examples are everywhere to be seen in nature, at Sunrise and Sunset...
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There are a class of satellites that ride the Sun/Earth terminator line.
A Sun-synchronous orbit is useful for imaging, spy, and weather satellites, because every time that the satellite is overhead, the surface illumination angle on the planet underneath it will be nearly the same. This consistent lighting is a useful characteristic for satellites that image the Earth's surface in visible or infrared wavelengths, such as weather and spy satellites; and for other remote-sensing satellites, such as those carrying ocean and atmospheric remote-sensing instruments that require sunlight. For example, a satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit might ascend across the equator twelve times a day each time at approximately 15:00 mean local time.
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Posted on December 12, 2020
The Flat Earth story does not work.
It's not possible to get millions and millions of people to lie about the Earth's shape, and keep it a secret.
Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 4: The Conspiracy, by Professor Dave Explains
It may seem like I've said all there is to say about the flat earth phenomenon, that dumbest hoax on the internet, but we haven't yet examined the conspiracy itself. What would have to be true for this scam to be pulled off? Rather incredibly, without making a single observation or knowing anything about science whatsoever, even just the story of the con itself falls apart quite laughably upon the slightest bit of scrutiny. Let's check it out.
Part 1 in this series:
Part 2 in this series:
Part 3 in this series:
10 Challenges for Flat Earthers:
The Destruction of the Globebusters:
(Please watch all videos at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on December 10, 2020
A history lesson in paranoia and deliberate fear mongering.
Remember 5 years ago when flat Earthers were saying that CERN (Large Hadron Collider) was going to open a space/time dimension portal that will allow the devil and other black forces into our universe? Well, that never happened and those people have stopped posting about CERN.
Just tell these people they need a career change...
By rollingthunder42...
Dated August 15, 2015
Super Colliders, the Curvature of the Earth and code LIAR
rollingthunder42 said, "The International Linear Collider is set to be the longest linear collider by 10x the current SLAC at 2 miles long, and known as the straightest thing on Earth, The ILC will be 30 km long and will be the first collider ever to be built to the curvature of the Earth...or, so they say. This story is a lie to promote the spinning ball lie and serves no other purpose than to keep you clinging to it. Code LIAR..."
The Christian Truther (Nate Brown) - CERN Manifesting Hell on Earth with Their Darkest Finding Yet
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) did not create a black hole, warp space & time, or open a portal to other dimensions.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world.
Several upgrades to the LHC have been completed over the past five years, and new science is being uncovered every day.
CERN highlights from 2019
CERN's newest accelerator awakens
CERN YouTube channel - CERN
Update: January 28, 2021
CERN's latest LS2 Report: Beams circulate in the PS Booster (
If you follow CERN on social media, you probably saw back in December that the first beam had been injected into the PS Booster (PSB), thus connecting the machine for the first time to the new Linac4.
This is a crucial milestone for the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project and an extraordinary accomplishment for all the teams involved in the PSB metamorphosis. "We changed almost everything in the Booster during LS2; it is basically a new accelerator that we turned on at the beginning of December. It was a remarkable achievement and a testament to the excellent preparatory work done by all equipment groups to see that practically everything was working as expected," says Bettina Mikulec, who leads the operations team for the PS Booster and Linac4.
But the commissioning of the booster is not as easy as turning on a TV. It is a lengthy and ongoing process. "In December, the brand-new state-of-the-art injection system was commissioned progressively and low-intensity beams were first guided to the very entrance of the accelerator, then injected into each one of the booster's four rings," explains Gian Piero Di Giovanni, LIU project leader for the PS Booster. "We managed to have beam circulating systematically for several hundred milliseconds, which is already a great success."
The PS Booster is made up of four superposed synchrotron rings that are fed by Linac4. Depending on the beam schemes "requested" by the accelerators downstream, only some or all of the four rings receive beams.
Still, many settings have to be refined, and the operators must take ownership of their new machine. "The theoretical model developed for the upgraded booster now gives a better description of the machine. This allows us to be precise in our tuning, and to get the most out of the accelerator," adds Mikulec.
The booster currently receives beams from Linac4 at the energy of 160 MeV; its job is to accelerate them up to 2 GeV. "The booster's new radiofrequency acceleration system is currently being commissioned. Once this crucial step is completed, we will be able to accelerate protons in the machine," says Di Giovanni. This should happen in the coming weeks. In March, the first beams will then be extracted from the Booster into the PS. But that is another story.
Update: March 3, 2021
The Large Hadron Collider's official tally: 59 new Hadrons and counting, by Piotr Traczyk CERN (
How many new particles has the LHC discovered? The most widely known discovery is of course that of the Higgs boson. Less well known is the fact that, over the past 10 years, the LHC experiments have also found more than 50 new particles called hadrons. Coincidentally, the number 50 appears in the context of hadrons twice, as 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of hadron colliders: on 27 January 1971, two beams of protons collided for the first time in CERN's Intersecting Storage Rings accelerator, making it the first accelerator in history to produce collisions between two counter-rotating beams of hadrons.
So what are these new hadrons, which number 59 in total? Let's start at the beginning: hadrons are not elementary particles—physicists have known that since 1964, when Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig independently proposed what is known today as the quark model. This model established hadrons as composite particles made out of new types of elementary particles named quarks. But, in the same way as researchers are still discovering new isotopes more than 150 years after Dmitri Mendeleev established the periodic table, studies of possible composite states formed by quarks are still an active field in particle physics.
The reason for this lies with quantum chromodynamics, or QCD, the theory describing the strong interaction that holds quarks together inside hadrons. This interaction has several curious features, including the fact that the strength of the interaction does not diminish with distance, leading to a property called color confinement, which forbids the existence of free quarks outside of hadrons. These features make this theory mathematically very challenging; in fact, color confinement itself has not been proven analytically to this date. And we still have no way to predict exactly which combinations of quarks can form hadrons.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Update: March 14, 2021
Scientists discover 4 new particles (
On March 3, scientists at CERN in Geneva – which operates the the Large Hadron Collider, largest particle physics laboratory in the world – announced the discovery of 4 brand-new elementary particles.
By Patrick Koppenburg, Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics and Harry Cliff, University of Cambridge
This month is a time to celebrate. On March 3, 2021, CERN announced the discovery of four brand new particles at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva. This means that the LHC has now found a total of 59 new particles, in addition to the Nobel prize-winning Higgs boson, since it started colliding protons – particles that make up the atomic nucleus along with neutrons – in 2009. Excitingly, while some of these new particles were expected based on our established theories, some were altogether more surprising.
The LHC’s goal is to explore the structure of matter at the shortest distances and highest energies ever probed in the lab, testing our current best theory of nature: the Standard Model of Particle Physics. And the LHC has delivered the goods: it enabled scientists to discover the Higgs boson, the last missing piece of the model. That said, the theory is still far from being fully understood.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
More on this topic:
LHCb - Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment
Update: July 7, 2021
CERN Physicists Observe New Excited Beauty-Strange Baryon (
Using proton-proton collision data collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), physicists from the CMS Collaboration have discovered a new excited beauty-strange baryon: Ξb(6100)–.
To those flat Earth folks that also supported the conspiracy that CERN would create a black hole which would devour the Earth – that never happened, by FlatEarthLunacy
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Posted on December 9, 2020
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE).
Survey Result - The remnant of an old colliding galaxy found in our Milky Way.
Astronomers Find ‘Fossil Galaxy’ Hidden in Depths of Milky Way, by
A small satellite galaxy, named Heracles, collided with our Milky Way Galaxy about 10 billion years ago and its remnants account for about one third of the Milky Way’s spherical halo, according to an analysis of data gathered by Sloan Digital Sky Surveys’ Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE).
“To find a fossil galaxy like this one, we had to look at the detailed chemical makeup and motions of tens of thousands of stars,” said Dr. Ricardo Schiavon, an astronomer at Liverpool John Moores University.
“That is especially hard to do for stars in the center of the Milky Way, because they are hidden from view by clouds of interstellar dust.”
“APOGEE lets us pierce through that dust and see deeper into the heart of the Milky Way than ever before.”
“APOGEE does this by taking spectra of stars in near-infrared light, instead of visible light, which gets obscured by dust.”
Over its ten-year observational life, APOGEE has measured spectra for more than half a million stars all across the Milky Way, including its previously dust-obscured core.
“Examining such a large number of stars is necessary to find unusual stars in the densely-populated heart of the Milky Way, which is like finding needles in a haystack,” said Danny Horta, a graduate student at Liverpool John Moores University.
To separate stars belonging to Heracles from those of the original Milky Way, the astronomers made use of both chemical compositions and velocities of stars measured by the APOGEE instrument.
“Of the tens of thousands of stars we looked at, a few hundred had strikingly different chemical compositions and velocities,” Horta said.
“These stars are so different that they could only have come from another galaxy. By studying them in detail, we could trace out the precise location and history of this fossil galaxy.”
The team found that Heracles’ stars account for roughly one third of the mass of the entire Milky Way halo today, meaning that this newly-discovered ancient collision must have been a major event in the history of our Galaxy.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Other resources:
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)
The APOGEE Survey
Telescopes and Instruments
Evidence from APOGEE for the presence of a major building block of the halo buried in the inner Galaxy
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Thousands of stars that once belonged to an ancient galaxy are inside our own.
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Astronomers have reconstructed the Milky Way’s merger history, finding that our galaxy has absorbed five large satellite galaxies in the last 12 billion years.
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Posted on December 5, 2020
Another flat Earth BUSTER !!
Why is the North Star Polaris not visible at all from our Southern Hemisphere skies?
Why are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds not visible* from most of our Northern Hemisphere Skies?
=> Because the Earth is a globe.
* In the Northern Hemisphere, only observers south of about 20 degrees north latitude can ever see the Large Magellanic Cloud at all. This excludes North America (except southern Mexico), Europe, northern Africa and northern Asia.
It Took 50 Nights of Observations to Capture New Data on the Magellanic Clouds, by Evan Gough,
Part of the SMASH dataset showing what is arguably the best wide-angle view of the Small Magellanic Cloud to date. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are the largest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way and, unlike the rest of the satellite galaxies, are still actively forming stars — and at a rapid pace.
Image Credit: CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/SMASH/D. Nidever (Montana State University)
Acknowledgment: Image processing: Travis Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Mahdi Zamani & Davide de Martin
The Dark Energy Camera is located on the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile. The DECam is a 520-megapixel high-performance camera in operation since 2012. It was primarily designed as part of the Dark Energy Survey but also performs other science observations.
For this latest data release, DECam’s power was concentrated on the Magellanic Clouds, resulting in the deepest data-set yet of the two satellite galaxies. It’s all part of what’s called the SMASH survey, or Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History.
“To date, this is the deepest and most extensive astronomical dataset of the Magellanic Clouds, which are the closest large galaxies to us,” explains David Nidever, Assistant Professor in the Physics Department at Montana State University and Principal Investigator of the SMASH survey. “These satellite galaxies have been studied for decades, but SMASH is being used to map out their structure over their full, enormous extent and help solve the mystery of their formation.”
Because the Magellanic Clouds are so close to us, they provide a great opportunity to study small galaxies and understand how they formed. In a 2017 paper announcing the first data release from SMASH, the authors wrote: “The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC), as two of the nearest and most massive satellite galaxies of the Milky Way (MW), offer a unique opportunity to study the processes of galaxy formation and evolution of low-mass galaxies in great detail. The Clouds have long held broad importance for astronomy, both as laboratories of astrophysical processes and as calibrators of the extragalactic distance scale. As the closest example of an interacting pair of galaxies, they provide special insight into the impact of such interactions on the structure and evolution of galaxies.”
But their proximity is both helpful and a challenge. The Universe contains a massive population of dwarf galaxies, and most of them are at extreme distances and appear only as tiny, dim objects. Compare that to the LMC and the SMC, which can be seen with the naked eye. Unfortunately, that also means that it’s difficult to image them completely and in detail. But DECam and SMASH are up to the task.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on December 5, 2020
A Historic Day: First retrieval of asteroid material to the planet Earth by the Human Race.
That's not a meteor streaking thru the sky - instead Japan's Hayabusa 2 Probe Drops Off Bits of an Asteroid (Ryugu) and Heads for Its Next Target, by Alan Boyle,
Japan’s Hayabusa 2 probe zoomed past Earth on December 5th and dropped off a capsule containing bits of an asteroid, finishing a six-year round trip.
But the mission is far from over: While Hayabusa 2’s parachute-equipped sample capsule descended to the Australian Outback, its mothership set a new course for an encounter with yet another asteroid in 2031.
Hayabusa 2’s prime objective was to deliver bits of Ryugu, an asteroid that’s currently 11.6 million kilometers from Earth. Mission controllers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, cheered and laughed when word came that the capsule had survived atmospheric re-entry.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Japan's capsule with asteroid samples retrieved in Australia, By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press,
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Hayabusa2 Leaving Earth AGAIN and The Images Are EPIC, by WheresWa11y
I had to compare to Himawari8 as well as Epic Discover Matches fully
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Update: December 15, 2020
Hayabusa-2: Pieces of an asteriod found inside space capsule, by Paul Rincon,
Scientists have been greeted by the sight of jet black chunks of rock and soil from an asteroid after opening a capsule that returned from deep space a week ago.
It's the first significant sample of material to be delivered to Earth from a space rock and was grabbed last year by Japan's Hayabusa-2 spacecraft.
Researchers began opening the capsule on Monday (GMT) in Sagamihara, Japan.
The material was retrieved from an asteroid called Ryugu.
Hayabusa-2 reached the object in June 2018; it is believed to be one of the building blocks left over from the formation of the Solar System.
Scientists at the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (Jaxa) curation facility at Sagamihara have now opened one of three sample chambers inside the capsule.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: March 25, 2022
Asteroid Ryugu Might Actually Be a Dead Comet (
In 2014, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA launched the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft to visit asteroid Ryugu. It arrived at the asteroid in June 2018 and studied it from orbit for over a year. Hayabusa 2 even dispatched four rovers to the asteroid’s surface. After departing, it flew past Earth in December 2020, dropping off a sample of Ryugu.
Of all the scientific results from that impressive mission, the most interesting one might be this: Asteroid Ryugu might not be an asteroid. It might be the remnant of a comet.
(Please read the article posted at the URL above)
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Posted on December 4, 2020
Gaia's 3rd data release, in numbers, by Deborah Byrd,
ESA announced this morning (December 3, 2020) that its Early Data Release 3 from the great Gaia space observatory is now public. This space observatory – which focuses on astrometry, the measurements of the positions of stars over time – is giving us a 3D map of our Milky Way galaxy.
ESA said the December 3 data release includes:
1,811,709,771 sources with positions to provide the best ever sky map
1,467,744,818 sources with parallax and proper motion to reveal their distances and motions
1,806,254,432 sources with the measurement of their brightness in white light
1,542,033,472 sources with the brightness of the objects in blue light
1,554,997,939 sources with the brightness of the objects in red light (a comparison of the blue and the red light provides information of the temperature of the object)
1,614,173 extragalactic sources to provide a reference frame for measuring ‘absolute’ positions and motions.
We’ll have more about Gaia’s 3rd data release soon, but, for now, look here for more information.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Gaia Discovers New Fossil Galaxy Hidden in Milky Way's Halo (
Using data from ESA’s Gaia spacecraft, astronomers have looked for the remains of ancient dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way’s halo, which surrounds the disk of younger stars and central bulge of older stars that comprise the more luminous parts of our Galaxy.
Our Milky Way Galaxy began forming around 12 billion years ago. Since then, it has been growing in both mass and size through a sequence of mergers with smaller galaxies.
Perhaps most exciting is that this process has not quite finished, and by using Gaia data, astronomers can see it taking place.
“When a foreign galaxy falls into our own, great gravitational forces known as tidal forces pull it apart,” said Dr. Khyati Malhan of the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie and colleagues.
“If this process goes slowly, the stars from the merging galaxy will form a vast stellar stream that can be easily distinguished in the halo.”
“If the process goes quickly, the merging galaxy’s stars will be more scattered throughout the halo and no clear signature will be visible.”
“But the merging galaxy may contain more than just stars. It could also be surrounded by a population of globular clusters and small satellite galaxies.”
So, the astronomers looked for these in the data from the Gaia’s early third data release (EDR3).
In total, they studied 170 globular clusters, 41 stellar streams and 46 satellites of the Milky Way.
Plotting them according to their energy and momentum revealed that 25% of these objects fall into six distinct groups.
Each group is a merger taking place with the Milky Way. There was also a possible seventh merger in the data.
Five — Sagittarius, Cetus, Gaia-Sausage/Enceladus, LMS-1/Wukong, and Arjuna/Sequoia/I’itoi — had been previously identified on surveys of stars.
But the sixth was a newly-identified merger event. The authors called it Pontus, meaning the sea.
Based upon the way Pontus has been pulled apart by the Milky Way, they estimate that it probably fell into our Galaxy some 8-10 billion years ago.
Four of the other five merger events likely also took place around this time as well.
But the sixth event, Sagittarius, is more recent. It might have fallen into the Milky Way sometime in the last 5-6 billion years.
As a result, the Milky Way has not yet been able to completely disrupt it.
“The global dynamical atlas of Milky Way mergers that we present provides a present-day reference for galaxy formation models,” the researchers said.
Their paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal.
(Please read the full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on December 2, 2020
Flat Earth laughter and ridicule hold no candle to REAL SCIENCE ... the Cavendish experiment
Flat-Earthers are in a constant effort to discredit the Cavendish experiment. They would invent various “explanations” to “explain” the result of the experiments.
The Cavendish experiment, performed in 1797–1798 by English scientist Henry Cavendish, was the first experiment to measure the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory and the first to yield accurate values for the gravitational constant constant. Because of the unit conventions then in use, the gravitational constant does not appear explicitly in Cavendish's work. Instead, the result was originally expressed as the specific gravity of the Earth, or equivalently the mass of the Earth. His experiment gave the first accurate values for these geophysical constants.
The experiment was devised sometime before 1783 by geologist John Michell, who constructed a torsion balance apparatus for it. However, Michell died in 1793 without completing the work. After his death the apparatus passed to Francis John Hyde Wollaston and then to Cavendish, who rebuilt the apparatus but kept close to Michell's original plan. Cavendish then carried out a series of measurements with the equipment and reported his results in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 1798.
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The Cavendish Experiment | Scientific Method in Action, by Bob the Science Guy
Cavendish Animation:
BM Furball Cavendish Examination:
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The Cavendish Experiment – Introduction, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 1, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 2, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 3, by BlueMarbleScience
Construction Episode 1 (Edited Version), by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 3, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 4, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 5, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish Episode 6, by BlueMarbleScience
Cavendish – Calculating the Universal Gravitational Constant “G”, by BlueMarbleScience
Nathan and Anthony Screw Up Gravity, by BlueMarbleScience
It's hard to believe how stupid these two morons are!
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Some of our (FlatEarthLunacy) prior posts that debunk flat Earth claims against the validity of the Cavendish experiment:
The Cavendish Experiment - original intent was to measure the density of the Earth
Modern technology and physics takes the Cavendish Experiment to new heights of accuracy
Flat Earth NOT - Density is not a force as claimed by flat Earthers Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley) and others - Cavendish?
John le Bon - LB1580 | 'Armoured Skeptic' Meets Henry Cavendish
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Posted on December 1, 2020
The flat Earth mindset - "beliefs become impervious to the facts in a process psychologists call cognitive immunization."
5 Reasons Why People Stick to Their Beliefs, No Matter What, by
A mind convinced is immune to logic. Here's why.
We all naturally strive to reduce uncomfortable thoughts and emotions that sit poorly with our dearly held beliefs. Such is the way when we deny the evidence of an unfaithful partner or of the abysmal performance of a beloved sporting team. Our beliefs become impervious to the facts in a process psychologists call cognitive immunization.
Cognitive immunization helps to explain why some beliefs become even stronger when challenged. They also help to explain how we cannot let go of some beliefs in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.
Immune beliefs are almost impossible to challenge with reasoning and structured argument. Try the following experiment: Google "greatest ever superhero" or something similar, and glance through the stunningly vigorous mass of blog, forum, and web article debate. Our mental firewalls defend immune beliefs well, so it really doesn’t matter if Superman should logically be able to defeat Batman to the keyboard warrior already committed to the opposing position.
Classic psychology studies show that we have trouble remembering the times when our personal beliefs have failed the test of outside evidence. This is because our minds automatically neutralize clashing information—such as that awkward moment when practitioners of a doomsday cult realize that the world did not come to an end when predicted. They just need to reset the date to accommodate a variable that went uncalculated in the initial forecast...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on November 30, 2020
Reds Rhetoric with Nikon P1000 captures (from the ground) the SpaceX Crew Dragon docked on the ISS (International Space Station).
Nikon P1000 - ISS Lunar Transit w/ SpaceX Crew Dragon!, by Reds Rhetoric
Reds Rhetoric comments, “On November 15, 2020, a SpaceX Falcon 9 launched out of Cape Canaveral Florida, carrying the Crew Dragon spacecraft, with astronauts on board, so began their journey to the International Space Station…
Footage of the Dragon Space Station DOCKED to the ISS. On November 29, 2020, I would get my chance…
Filmed by: Reds Rhetoric
Date: 11/29/2020
ISS Altitude Observation:
SpaceX Falcon 9 w/ Crew 1:
Now to calculate the SPEED of the ISS...
How Easy Is It To Speed Test The ISS? Demonstrable Proof Is Easy, by WheresWa11y
VERY EASY as it turns out. Here is how I did it without leaving the couch.
Why will flatties not do this? Do they get what his means to their fantasy?
LOCATIONS 28.54799280850451, -82.39990381290409
28.1280459, -81.9514964
Nikon P1000 - ISS Lunar Transit w/ SpaceX Crew Dragon!
Reds Rhetoric -
John Kraus
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Posted on November 30, 2020
Australian telescope maps new atlas of the universe in record speed, by
A powerful new telescope developed by Australian scientists has mapped three million galaxies in record speed, unlocking the universe’s deepest secrets.
The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (Askap) broke records as it conducted its first survey of the entire southern sky, mapping approximately three million galaxies in 300 hours.
Scientists used the telescope at an observatory in outback Western Australia to observe 83% of the sky.
The result is a new atlas of the universe, according to the telescope’s developer and operator, Australian science agency the CSIRO.
The survey – the Rapid Askap Continuum Survey – has mapped millions of star-like points; most are distant galaxies, the CSIRO says. About a million of those distant galaxies have never been seen before.
The CSIRO’s chief executive, Larry Marshall, said the survey had unlocked the deepest secrets of the universe.
“Askap is applying the very latest in science and technology to age-old questions about the mysteries of the universe and equipping astronomers around the world with new breakthroughs to solve their challenges,” Marshall said in a statement.
Scientists expect to find tens of millions of new galaxies in future surveys, lead author and CSIRO astronomer David McConnell said.
The telescope mapped the sky in unprecedented speed and detail. The CSIRO says the result proves that an all-sky survey can be done in weeks rather than years.
The instrument has a particularly wide field of view, enabling it to take panoramic pictures of the sky in high detail. The quality of the telescope’s receivers means the team only needed to combine 903 images to form a full map of the sky.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Australian telescope creates a new atlas of the universe,
A Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey I. Design and First Results, by Pubications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
The Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) is the first large-area survey to be conducted with the full 36-antenna Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. RACS will provide a shallow model of the ASKAP sky that will aid the calibration of future deep ASKAP surveys. RACS will cover the whole sky visible from the ASKAP site in Western Australia and will cover the full ASKAP band of 700–1800 MHz. The RACS images are generally deeper than the existing NRAO VLA Sky Survey and Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey radio surveys and have better spatial resolution. All RACS survey products will be public, including radio images (with 15 arcsec resolution) and catalogues of about three million source components with spectral index and polarisation information. In this paper, we present a description of the RACS survey and the first data release of 903 images covering the sky south of declination made over a 288-MHz band centred at 887.5 MHz.
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Posted on November 27, 2020
Penumbral lunar eclipse on November 29, 2020, and the flat Earth eclipse causing culprit "Rahu" is nowhere near the Moon. How do you explain this flat Earthers?
View the Earth's shadow after sunset.
Position of the Moon at eclipse time: in the constellation Taurus the Bull
Position of the fictional Hindu "dark object" Rahu at eclipse time: in the constellation Sagittarius
Distance apart = 215-degrees on the Zodiac.
See Earth's shadow after sunset, by Bruce McClure (
These next few evenings – November 27 and 28, 2020 – look for Earth’s shadow and the Belt of Venus below the bright waxing gibbous moon. The moon will be high in the east when the sun goes down. An unobstructed horizon and clear sky will increase your chances of seeing the dark blue of the Earth’s shadow capped by the pinkish Belt of Venus, below the moon. You’ll be looking opposite the sunset direction, roughly 30 to 60 minutes after sunset. If you look too soon, your sky will be too bright, but if you look too late, your sky will be too dark.
The moon phase shifts throughout the month, and sometimes you won’t find the moon in the night sky. Earth’s shadow, on the other hand, is more reliable. It can be seen any clear evening, ascending in the eastern sky at the same rate that the sun sets below the western horizon.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on November 26, 2020
More evidence of ongoing thermonuclear activity in the Sun - which is just a "light in the sky" for you flat Earth folks. Flat Earth FAIL = 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.0
Spectacular "coronal rain" eruption in the Sun filmed by an amateur astronomer.
Physicists Detect Solar CNO Neutrinos for First Time, by
For most of their existence, stars are fuelled by the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Fusion proceeds via two processes that are well understood theoretically: the proton-proton (p-p) chain and the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle. Neutrinos that are emitted along such processes in the solar core are the only direct probe of the deep interior of the Sun. A complete spectroscopic study of neutrinos from the p-p chain, which produces about 99% of the solar energy, has been performed previously. Now, physicists from the Borexino Collaboration report the direct observation of neutrinos produced in the CNO cycle in the Sun. This experimental evidence was obtained using a large-volume neutrino detector called Borexino, which is located at the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle of the Sun,
For most of their existence, stars are fuelled by the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Fusion proceeds via two processes that are well understood theoretically: the proton–proton (pp) chain and the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen (CNO) cycle1,2. Neutrinos that are emitted along such fusion processes in the solar core are the only direct probe of the deep interior of the Sun. A complete spectroscopic study of neutrinos from the pp chain, which produces about 99 per cent of the solar energy, has been performed previously3; however, there has been no reported experimental evidence of the CNO cycle. Here we report the direct observation, with a high statistical significance, of neutrinos produced in the CNO cycle in the Sun. This experimental evidence was obtained using the highly radiopure, large-volume, liquid-scintillator detector of Borexino, an experiment located at the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The main experimental challenge was to identify the excess signal—only a few counts per day above the background per 100 tonnes of target—that is attributed to interactions of the CNO neutrinos. Advances in the thermal stabilization of the detector over the last five years enabled us to develop a method to constrain the rate of bismuth-210 contaminating the scintillator. In the CNO cycle, the fusion of hydrogen is catalysed by carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and so its rate—as well as the flux of emitted CNO neutrinos—depends directly on the abundance of these elements in the solar core. This result therefore paves the way towards a direct measurement of the solar metallicity using CNO neutrinos. Our findings quantify the relative contribution of CNO fusion in the Sun to be of the order of 1 per cent; however, in massive stars, this is the dominant process of energy production. This work provides experimental evidence of the primary mechanism for the stellar conversion of hydrogen into helium in the Universe.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Neutrinos prove the Sun is doing a second kind of fusion in its core, by Brian Koberlein,
Like all stars, our Sun is powered by the fusion of hydrogen into heavier elements. Nuclear fusion is not only what makes stars shine, it is also a primary source of the chemical elements that make the world around us. Much of our understanding of stellar fusion comes from theoretical models of atomic nuclei, but for our closest star, we also have another source: neutrinos created in the Sun’s core.
Whenever atomic nuclei undergo fusion, they produce not only high energy gamma rays but also neutrinos. While the gamma rays heat the Sun’s interior over thousands of years, neutrinos zip out of the Sun at nearly the speed of light. Solar neutrinos were first detected in the 1960s, but it was difficult to learn much about them other than the fact that they were emitted from the Sun. This proved that nuclear fusion occurs in the Sun, but not the type of fusion.
According to theory, the dominant form of fusion in the Sun should be the fusion of protons that produces helium from hydrogen. Known as the pp-chain, it is the easiest reaction for stars to create.
For larger stars with hotter and more dense cores, a more powerful reaction known as the CNO-cycle is the dominant source of energy. This reaction uses helium in a cycle of reactions to produce carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The CNO cycle is the reason why these three elements are among the most abundant in the universe (other than hydrogen and helium).
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Spectacular "coronal rain" eruption in the Sun filmed by an amateur astronomer.
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Posted on November 23, 2020
China launches moon mission (Chang'e-5), seeking to be first country in decades to collect lunar rocks, by Washington Post
China launched a spacecraft without a crew aboard toward a previously unexplored part of the moon Tuesday in a bid to bring back material that could help scientists better understand the satellite and planets beyond Earth.
Only the United States and the Soviet Union have successfully brought lunar material back to Earth, in missions launched several decades ago.
Chang’e-5 launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province Tuesday. The mission is named for the Chinese goddess of the moon.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Launch of Chinese Lunar Sample Return Mission - Chang'e 5, by Space Videos
China are set to launch their first lunar sample return mission - Chang'e 5 - on November 23rd 2020 at 20:25 UTC on a Long March 5 heavy lift rocket.
The launch will take place from the Wenchang LC-1 complex in China.
Landing on Moon will take place by November 27th with a return to Earth in mid December 2020.
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Update: December 2, 2020
Take a Look at What China's Chang'e 5 Probe Is Seiing (and Doing) on the Moon, by Alan Boyle,
China’s Chang’e-5 robotic moon lander is due to spend only two days collecting samples of lunar rock and soil before it sends its shipment on its way back to Earth, but it’s making the most of the time.
Just hours after landing on December 1st, the probe started using its robotic scoop and drill to dig up material at Mons Rümker, a lava dome in a region called Oceanus Procellarum, or the Ocean of Storms.
It’s also been sending back pictures and video, including this stunning view of the final minutes before touchdown. Watch how the camera tips straight down to focus on the target spot for the lander:
The lander is gathering scientific data about its surroundings, which are thought to have been formed through volcanic processes relatively late in the Moon’s geological history, around 1.2 billion years ago.
Chang’e-5’s scientific suite includes ground-penetrating radar as well as a spectrometer. But its main job is to get what are expected to be the youngest samples of lunar regolith ever collected back safely to Earth. The mission schedule calls for up to 2 kilograms of material to be stashed inside a rocket-powered ascent vehicle that’s sitting on top of the lander...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: December 16, 2020
China’s Chang’e-5 Probe Drops Off Moon Samples at the Climax of a Historic Mission, by
A Chinese probe has delivered the first samples to be collected from the Moon in more than 40 years, and its mission isn’t done yet.
The Chang’e-5 sample return capsule floated down to the snowy plains of Inner Mongolia, capping an odyssey that began less than a month ago with the launch of a nine-ton spacecraft from south China’s Wenchang Space Launch Center.
After a week’s transit time, the spacecraft’s orbiter sent a lander down to the lunar surface on December 1st. That lander stuffed as much as two kilograms of rock and dirt into an ascent vehicle over the course of two days, and then sent the ascent vehicle up to its scheduled rendezvous with the orbiter. Once the goods were transferred to the return capsule, the ascent vehicle headed back to its demise on the Moon’s surface.
Meanwhile, the orbiter fired its thrusters to head back to Earth and make the crucial delivery. It released the sample return capsule, then executed an evasive maneuver to head back toward deep space — potentially for another mission that’s yet to be revealed.
The sample return capsule slowed its descent with an initial bounce off the upper layers of the atmosphere over the Arabian Sea, followed by the parachute-aided plunge to Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia.
China’s state-run Xinhua news agency quoted the China National Space Administration as saying that the capsule landed at 1:59 a.m. Beijing time December 17th (1759 UTC December 16th).
Chang’e-5’s recovery team first spotted the probe on aerial infrared imagery, and quickly arrived at the site. Video from the scene showed the capsule sitting upright and apparently in good shape, with a Chinese flag set up nearby for the photo op.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
China's Chang'e-5 spacecraft brings home sample from the moon, by New China TV
The return capsule of China's Chang'e-5 probe has brought back (2kg) the country's first samples collected from the moon. It marks a successful conclusion of China's current three-step lunar exploration program. Xinhua's Yu Jia reports from the spacecraft's landing site in Inner Mongolia, China.
China's lunar mission returns to Earth with moon samples, by Global News
China’s national space agency says its Chang’e-5 return capsule carrying rock and soil from the moon landed safely in snow-covered grasslands of the country’s Inner Mongolia region in the early hours of Dec. 17.
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Update: January 21, 2021
China's Chang'e 5 Probe Heads Sunward, by
China’s Chang’e-5 spacecraft helped deliver samples from the Moon to Earth, but now it’s heading for an extended mission to observe the Sun.
The orbiter that successfully brought Chang’e 5’s lunar samples back to Earth is continuing on an extended mission toward areas of the solar system that China has yet to visit.
The orbiter dropped off the mission’s return capsule for a skip-reentry on December 17th, ending an intense 23-day expedition to obtain the youngest lunar samples so far collected. But the orbiter wasn’t done. Thanks to its insertion into a precise lunar orbit trajectory, the orbiter had plenty of remaining propellant. Following its capsule release, it performed a maneuver to avoid Earth and head for new deep-space territory.
An update from the China Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) on January 19th states that the spacecraft is now 1.43 million kilometers (889,000 miles) from Earth and will arrive at the L1 Sun-Earth Lagrange point in mid-March. Once at L1 between Earth and the Sun, the probe will test the design and control of the orbit, take readings of the radiation environment, and make observations of the Sun.
This gravitationally stable orbit offers a prime vantage point for solar observations. The 25-year-old Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) still operates there, as does NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR).
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
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Posted on November 21, 2020
Accerator makes cross-country trek to enable laser upgrade, by Chris Patric (
Why is this important?
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has shipped the final new section of accelerator that it has built for an upgrade of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The section of accelerator, called a cryomodule, has begun a cross-country road trip to DOE's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, where it will be installed in LCLS-II, the world's brightest X-ray laser.
"This is the culmination of seven years of work," said Naeem Huque, the cost account manager who led the cryomodule efforts at Jefferson Lab. "A lot of the staff in Jefferson Lab's Superconducting Radiofrequency Institute came in right from the start of the project, and they're still here seeing it off. We are happy to see this project conclude successfully."
LCLS-II is a project to upgrade the existing Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the world's first X-ray free-electron laser. The X-ray pulses generated by the machine act like a powerful microscope, allowing researchers to watch chemical reactions in real time, probe materials and more. Once complete, LCLS-II will begin its reign as the biggest and brightest X-ray free-electron laser in the world.
LCLS-II will provide even better resolution than the original LCLS, which accelerated electrons at room temperature and generated 120 X-ray laser pulses per second. The upgraded machine will accelerate electrons at superconducting temperatures to generate 1 million X-ray laser pulses per second. Jefferson Lab is a key contributor to the upgrade project, providing a total of 21 cryomodules for the new superconducting portion of LCLS-II since work began in 2013.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on November 16, 2020
These events (near Earth encounters) are always happening. But until the invention of modern telescopes and digital computer image evaluation hardware/software, we just did not know.
This asteroid just skimmed Earth's atmosphere, by Eddie Irizarry (
The asteroid – 2020 VT4 – is estimated to be between 16 and 36 feet (5-11 meters). It skimmed the top of our atmosphere on Friday, November 13, 2020. Astronomers spotted it one day later.
Astronomers are looking with better and better technology, and thus they’re finding smaller and smaller asteroids skimming close to Earth. Astronomers with the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) survey in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, detected a new asteroid on November 14, 2020. After an analysis of the space rock’s orbit, they realized its closest approach had occurred one day earlier, on Friday, November 13, 2020. This Friday the 13th asteroid was initially designed as A10sHcN. Now it has an official asteroid designation, 2020 VT4. Astronomers estimate its size as between 16 and 36 feet (5-11 meters). The space rock swept closest at just 4,197 miles (6,754 km) from Earth’s center (just 238 miles or 383 km over Earth’s surface)!
The asteriod was traveling at a speed of 30,014 miles per hour (48,303 km/h).
Closest approach was November 13 at 17:20 UTC (12:20 pm EST) over the South Pacific Ocean.
It passed at about the same height as the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS), but there was no collision, of course. Was a collision ever likely? Space is so big – and the space station and asteroid are both so relatively small – that it would be extremely unlikely for an asteroid of this size to collide with the space laboratory. However, it’s not impossible, and the space station has had close calls in the past, mostly with other orbiting human-made debris. During closest approach of asteroid 2020 VT4 over the South Pacific, ISS was orbiting over Tierra Del Fuego, South Argentina. The two weren’t exactly worlds apart, but they were a long way apart...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Graduate student first to spot asteroid speeding past Earth, by University of Western Ontario (
For as long as he can remember, Cole Gregg has been interested in space. Last week, the Western University graduate astronomy student had a night he'll never forget as he spotted a previously undiscovered asteroid flashing through the night sky.
Studying at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gregg is one of a number of astronomers with remote access to a telescope based in Nerpio, Spain at an observatory known as Astrocamp.
While operating the telescope, located on a mountaintop in Spain, Gregg noticed a bright dot moving rapidly across his field of view. Upon further investigation with Western astronomy professor Paul Wiegert, the object proved to be a small asteroid estimated at 50 to 100 meters in diameter passing through near-Earth space.
"It's a rare treat to be the first person to spot one of these visitors to our planet's neighborhood," said Wiegert, Gregg's research advisor, "Astronomers around the globe are continuously monitoring near-Earth space for asteroids so this is certainly a feather in Cole's cap."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on November 12, 2020
Mystery solved on new "About" page...
Dear Readers,
I am John Kirszenberg (aka JonahTheScientist). Despite speculation, this announcement is to confirm that JonahTheScientist is indeed a real person. My family nickname is Jonah.
Thank you for visiting my website.
Some personal history:
President of the Cleveland Heights High School Science Club.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Ralph Mueller Planetarium and Observatory (1969 - 1973).
Part time on weekends while going to High School and College. Planetarium shows, public observing with the 10.5-inch telescope, and satellite orbital calculations to observe - and then time, when passing across the night sky transit meridian.
ESA Solar Observer in Boulder, Colorado (summers of 1971 and 1972).
Case Western Reserve University (1973), with a BA in Astronomy, and minor in Physics & Math.
Completed a senior thesis and a graduate level Astronomical Techniques class.
Harshaw Chemical Company, Crystal Division, laser materials testing and quality control technician, etc.(1974 - 1978).
IBM Midrange Systems Computer; Manager, Data Center Operations Manager, Project Manager, Programmer Analyst, Programmer - at six different companies (30 years) = [Robinson Memorial Hospital, Nestle/Stouffer Hotels and Resorts, Collins & Aikman Wallcoverings, BF Goodrich Specialty Chemicals, Lubrizol Inc.]
IBM Midrange Systems Computer self-employed consultant (6 years).
Cleveland Astronomical Society long time member, and on the Board of Trusties (2015 - 2020).
Akron Physics Club long time member (+ 20 years), and current Secretary & Webmaster.
Debunking the flat Earth Community since 2012..
The views expressed and articles written on this website are my personal opinion.
The Cleveland Astronomical Society, Akron Physics Club and the other professional organizations that I belong to have nothing to do with this site, or any of my flat Earth activities.
We do not “dox” flat Earth advocates or anyone. All of our information is obtained from YouTube / social media sites that flat Earthers have *PUBLIC created / presented willingly themselves.
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Posted on November 11, 2020
Interest in the flat Earth conspiracy is on the decline.
Hundreds of flat Earth YouTube channels have been abandoned just over the past 12-months. Notice how many of them, by their name alone, claimed to be spreading the truth about the shape of the Earth.
Here are just a few of them:
2outoflove, Aaron Dover, American Income Life Grant, Anonymous News, Astro Not, BBY LON (Tyler DeSantis), Before Its Too Late, Beyond The Veil, Blessing Emmanuel, Block 4 Block, Brainnews NG, Branco Sims, Brian Andrew, BS Detector, Cae sar, Captain Obvious, Chris Potter, Cognitive Dissonance, Curious Life of a Flat Earther, Curtis Flat Reality, Dan Flynn, Daniel Channel, Dill Martin, Dorothy Shenton, Earth Science, ekeresco jack, Ephesians 6:12, Erik Verbeek, Flat Earth Facts, Flat Earth Mirror, Flat Earth Network, Flat Earth News, FLAT EARTH PUNK, Flat Earth Research Center, Flat Earth Scientist, Flat Earth Sorcerer, Flat Earth Stream, Flat Earth Wax, Flat John, FLATEARTHAUSSIE, FlatEarthSamurai, GodlovesOurPassion, groovANDsooth, Hank Cooper, Higher Truth Channel, idongesit sam, Jason Richard Mangan, Josh Sparrow, Kaptain America, Karen Pettitt, kaseyjosh, Last Day Loon, LightSeeker TV, LOGICBEFOREAUTHORITY, MatrixBreak, Max Malone, Mike Truth Be Told, MLordandGod, NaNa Channel, Nasa Clown Show, No Fanfair, QuasiLuminous, Question Everything, Sann Ingen, Skyler Gene Butts, SomeGuyNamedJD, SS52, stephen smith, SuckMyGlobes NASA, sunnypeaches 77, TETs TRUTH TUBE, THE FLAT EARTH REPORT 33, The Flat Earth Society, The Last Relevant Sage, The Sharpening Report (Josh Peck), The Truth Files, tommix, UrBrain Wash, Vegan Warrior, WakeTheSheeple2016, Yoda's Flat Earth, and Yute Hube.
What a waste of mental energy, by those flat Earth people.
And also there is a large number of channels who have stopped posting flat Earth videos, and/or deleted all of them.
Some prominent FE leaders such as "M Bens", renamed his channel to "MB" and no longer posts flat Earth videos.
M Bens (new channel "MB') - flat Earth advocate FAIL
And the flat Earth Biblical literalist who heard the trumpets announcing Armageddon on June 24, 2020, is still waiting...
CancersKryptonite (Don Wilkins) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Time to live and learn folks.
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Posted on November 7, 2020
Flatoberfest 2020 - Flat Earth Convention looking for Biblical literalist acceptance, October 24th
Join us for the only Flat Earth open event slated for 2020! Bob Knodel, Mark Sargent, Jason Lindgren, James True, Hosted by Karen B. Featuring an interactive "How the World Works" exhibit with Cami Knodel and Zach Zabala. Family friendly, all creator's children welcome.
Mike Williams, Sage of Quay
James True
Jason Lindgren
Mark Sargent
Bob Knodel
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Looks like Robbie Davidson is not sponsoring this one.
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Flatoberfest 2020 - Part 1, by Unveiling This Realm
Live stream from Flatoberfest 2020! October 24 - Greenville South Carolina
44:10 - Mark Sargent
1:38:01 - Jason Lindgren
2:55:30 - Mike Williams
4:59:00 - James True
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B.C. man charged after refusing to self-isolate upon return from flat Earth conference, by Theresa McManus (
Mak Singh Parhar has been charged with three counts of contravening a section of the Quarantine Act, which requires him to self-isolate for 14 days upon re-entry into Canada...
During his speech, Parhar said “people die all the time,” but they’re not dying of COVID because “COVID doesn’t exist.”
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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B.C. COVID-19 conspiracy theorist and yoga studio owner charged with breaking quarantine law, by Bethany Lindsay (
FLAT EARTH EMOTIONAL🎢ROLLERCOASTER - Flat Earth Focker ( Makhan Parhar) vs His Love for Flatoberfest, by TROLLS VS TROLLS
FLAT EARTH FREEDOM⚔️FIGHTERS - Flat Earth Focker (Makhan Parhar) vs Quarantine🍁Act of Canada, by TROLLS VS TROLLS
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Posted on November 5, 2020
Two great movie captures of the ISS (International Space Station) passing in front of the Moon.
Dedicated amateur astronomers in action.
Flat Earth folks. Get up from your arm chair and go outside. See for yourself rather than typing nonsense on your computer channels. Spreading false conspiracy claims helps no one.
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Lunar Transit of the ISS - Celebrating 20 Years!, by Reds Rhetoric
Celebrating 20 years of continuous human occupation on the international Space station!
Many thanks to Astronomy Live -
Many thanks to Bool for helping out -
Transit Finder -
More complete and detailed article here:
International Space Station (ISS) distance, size and velocity determined from ground based parallax observations - another flat Earth talking point (no satellites in space) taken off the table - done with P900 and telescope
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0.56 seconds and it's over - ISS Lunar Transit in 4K, by Woodland Hills Cameras and Telescopes
A quick video of the Lunar ISS pass on Wednesday May 19th (2021) at 7.36 PST
This short sequence was filmed using a Black Magic 6K Pocket Cinema camera at 60fps.
For reference, any daytime ISS transit of the moon is lit by the Sun. You will not be able to see it without the aid of a telescope, but with a camera, you can see the ISS against the blue skies (assuming you have no clouds).
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Posted on November 1, 2020
Sunrise/Sunset real time experiment to confirm for yourself in one day, if the Earth is flat or a globe.
No traveling necessary.
You flat Earth folks. Get up out of your house, leave your keyboard, and do something real.
Why spend the rest of your life wasting your mental energy and boiling emotions supporting a stance that may/may-not be true? Settle it today! Find out using your own eyes.
A challenge to: Globebusters (Bob Knodel), Jeranism, Taboo Conspiracy, The Morgile, Nathan Oakley, Quantum Eraser, Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley), Arjin, Ranty, Nathan Thompson, Nathan Roberts, MrThriveAndSurvive, Flat Earth Brothers, Robbie Davidson, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargent, Liftin the Lid, John Smith Globe Lie, Chris UK, Allegedly Dave, Antonio Subirats, Phuket Word, Marty Leads, Orphan Red, Red Pill Philosophy, CC, D Marble, Daniel Pratt, Del, Level Earth Observer, and Eric Dubay.
Do the above experiment today and post your results on our discussion page. We will be sending out a personal invitation to you requesting your participation.
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Verify Earth curvature from any location on the globe, as easy as 1 – 2 – 3
Stop your excuses. Go outside tonight and watch the sunset !!!
Step 1 - go to Walmart or anywhere on-line and buy an inexpensive drone that has a camera.
Step 2 - find a nearby hill or place that gives you a clear view of the horizon.
Step 3 - go outside a few minutes before sunset with your drone. Turn the drone camera on, hold at eye height, and record the sunset. Immediately after the sun is gone (it has set) fly the drone 500-feet upward above your head with the camera recording the entire time. The sun will then still be visible above the horizon from the drone's elevated position, but not from your standing location (it already set there).
Continue recording as you lower the drone back down to catch it and notice that the sun is no longer visible in the camera.
Repeat several times (drone going up and down) until even at the 500-feet elevation, the sun is no longer visible from the drone.
So what is it that you just witnessed?
You can definitely see farther from higher...
03/12/18 Unedited Drone Footage (2 of 9), by Soundly
In summary:
=> the ability to see father (more surface land becomes exposed to view in the distance) from a higher position is only possible when living on a globe.
In the bottom picture, the tree is visible from the higher location, and not seen (hidden by Earth curvature) from the lower position.
=> the sequence of shots from higher elevations prove that the Sun really does set. That is, it does go BELOW the HORIZON.
Such an event is not possible if we were living on a flat plane. On a flat plane, everything above the plane will forever stay above it, no matter how far away from an observer it gets.
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The evidence:
Multiple Sunset, Orphan Red Edition, by Shawn Hufford
Sunset at 137 feet elevation...
Sunset at 269 feet elevation...
Sunset at 1,639 feet elevation...
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You can watch the same thing here, but for multiple sunrises - at the same location on the same morning.
Multiple Sunrise, Two Birds, One Drone, by Shawn Hufford
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Twilight and the Rotating Earth, by Bob the Science Guy
In this video we discuss the stages of twilight and their characteristics. We use Date and Time, the Astrolabe and Stellarium to visualize the twilight effects.
Twilight requires a rotating spherical earth. It is as simple as that. We discuss the cause of the three stages of twilight- Civil, Nautical and Astronomic Twilight in terms of the position of the sun.
Bob's Websites
Check them OUT:
Bob the Science Guy:
ResearchFlatMoon (the production channel):
Slide Rules and Mathematics (STEM Education):
Common Sense Science (Archive and Livestreams):
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Read our following article or more information and examples of this experiment:
Flat Earth NOT - Verify Earth curvature from any location on the globe, as easy as 1 – 2 – 3
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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Posted on October 28, 2020
To counter the current Covid-19 conspiracy folks that are spreading false news, incorrect assestments, and down right lies - here is among the best information that is known today.
Herd Immunity - Fact and Numbers, by Sabine Hossenfelder
0:00 Intro
0:21 What is herd immunity?
1:28 When do we reach herd immunity? Simple Answer.
3:33 When do we reach herd immunity? Complicated Answer.
5:40 What do the data say?
10:52 Fact Summary.
11:14 The Great Barrington Declaration
13:24 Why am I telling you this?
I read a lot about herd immunity lately and thought that some of you might be interested, too, in a brief summary.
Correction to what I say at 49 secs. Herd immunity was not first *observed* on sheep, the phrase was first used referring to sheep. See:
The paper about herd immunity suggesting 40% is this:
The one with the even lower estimate is this:
Please remember that these are models, and these are the very optimistic end. The more conservative estimate is about 60-70%.
The paper about the blood donation study in Manaus is this:
You find the Great Barrington Declaration here:
The pieces from the Guardian I mention are here:
The one in the Lancet is this:
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Posted on October 27, 2020
Facebook shuts down the largest flat Earth page - "Flat Earth And Globe Discussion" by Nathan Thompson, citing the following violations:
As reported by YouTube's Creaky Blinder;
Facebook says, “are working to reduce exposure for groups which repeatedly share content rated false by fact checkers. And remove those groups that either continue to violate the rules or share content that violates its community standards. Group admins are also now notified each time a piece of content rated false by fact checkers is posted in their group.”
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Flat Earth Facebook Group GONE Thanks Nasa, by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earth Facebook Group GONE Thanks Nasa for everything you do to help us protect the true shape of the earth.
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The Largest Flat Earth Facebook group on the globe is no more, by MCToon
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Posted on October 26, 2020
Major discovery announcement - Looks Like The Moon Has Water ALL Over The Place, NASA Watch
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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NASA’s SOFIA Discovers Water on Sunlit Surface of Moon,
Nasa announcement: What is on The Moon?,
SOFIA discovers water on sunlit surface of moon, by Felicia Chou, NASA,
NASA's SOFIA Discovers Water on Sunlit Surface of Moon,
Water On The Moon: NASA Confirms Water Molecules On Our Neighbor's Sunny Surface,
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Molecular water detected on the sunlit Moon by SOFIA
Nature Astronomy (2020) Cite this article
Widespread hydration was detected on the lunar surface through observations of a characteristic absorption feature at 3 µm by three independent spacecraft1,2,3. Whether the hydration is molecular water (H2O) or other hydroxyl (OH) compounds is unknown and there are no established methods to distinguish the two using the 3 µm band4. However, a fundamental vibration of molecular water produces a spectral signature at 6 µm that is not shared by other hydroxyl compounds5. Here, we present observations of the Moon at 6 µm using the NASA/DLR Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). Observations reveal a 6 µm emission feature at high lunar latitudes due to the presence of molecular water on the lunar surface. On the basis of the strength of the 6 µm band, we estimate abundances of about 100 to 400 µg g−1 H2O. We find that the distribution of water over the small latitude range is a result of local geology and is probably not a global phenomenon. Lastly, we suggest that a majority of the water we detect must be stored within glasses or in voids between grains sheltered from the harsh lunar environment, allowing the water to remain on the lunar surface.
Using SOFIA and the Faint Object infraRed CAmera for the SOFIA Telescope (FORCAST) instrument, we conducted observations of the lunar surface at 6 µm on 31 August 2018 in a search for molecular water. FORCAST is well suited to look for 6 µm lunar water due to its wavelength coverage from 5 to 8 µm, spectral resolution of R = 200 and high signal-to-noise ratios. The FORCAST entrance slit that defines the portion of the Moon observed is 2.4 × 191 arcsec sampled with 248 pixels. At the lunar centre of disk the slit has a spatial extent of 4.8 × 1.5 km2 (the spatial resolution near the limb is lower due to foreshortening). During the observations, the Moon was at a phase angle of 57.5°. We observed a region at high southern latitudes near Clavius crater and a low-latitude portion of Mare Serenitatis (Extended Data Fig. 1). Details regarding observations, site selection and data reduction can be found in the Methods. Data from SOFIA reveal a strong 6 µm emission band at Clavius crater and the surrounding terrain (Fig. 1) relative to the control location near the lunar equator, which shows low hydration in some analyses (see Methods). All spectra from the Clavius region exhibit this 6 µm emission feature. The majority of these emission peaks (98%) exceed 2σ significance relative to the background noise, and about 20% exceed 4σ significance (Extended Data Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 - Full size image
To determine whether the spectral properties of the lunar 6 µm band are consistent with spectra of particulate water-bearing materials, we examined other planetary materials that show a 6 µm H2O band. We compared our measurements to literature values of the centre position of the H–O–H bend in crystalline hydrates6, the 6 µm band centres and widths of spectra of a water-bearing mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) glass7 and to meteorites with water adsorbed from the terrestrial environment8. For each lunar spectrum, we fit the emission peak with a Gaussian function and report the band centres (Fig. 2) and widths in Table 1.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on October 24, 2020
This is how a satellite is launced from SPACE, by Waa Sop
Hello Waa Sop community, I'm Jona and this time I bring you this incredible video in 4K resolution about the process of deploying several CubeSats satellites into space from the International Space Station.
Enjoy the video in 4K. 🛰
Credits: NASA/ESA Edited by Jonathan Castañeda (Waa Sop) (@elfamosisimoJON)
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Posted on October 22, 2020
The Southern Celestial Pole. Not Posible on a flat earth. Timelapse & Startrails, by Wade's Underworld
The Southern celestial pole, filmed/photographed from my backyard in Nelson Bay NSW Australia, with my canon 3000d. Sigma octantis officially known as Polaris Australis is clearly visible rotating clockwise around the SCP.
The flat earth is ridiculous anywhere on the globe, but it’s particularly crazy in the Southern Hemisphere for obvious reasons.
I thought I’d do a few short videos of my various clips on a range of flat earth debunking topics, mainly to make it easier for you to show the earth is a globe, just in case you need any evidence documented from a resident of the Southern Hemisphere.🙃
Here’s a collection of a bunch of my observations and graphics.
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Posted on October 13, 2020
The Artemis Accord - Enabling International Partnership for Lunar Exploration
BACKGROUND: During the Apollo era, international participation in lunar missions were limited. Under the auspices of the current Artemis program, America plans to lead a robust global coalition to explore the Moon. Specifically, NASA will engage international partners via a series of bilateral agreements called the Artemis Accords which, in addition to describing the specific activity, will include a series of principles to ensure a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space for all of humanity to enjoy.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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The Artimis Accords, Principles for cooperation in the civil exploration and use of the Moon, Mars, Comets and Asteroids, for Peaceful Purposes
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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The Artimis Accords, Principles for a Safe, Peaceful, and Prosperous Future
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: October 20, 2020
NASA and Seven Countries Sign The Artemis Accords for the Exploration of the Moon. Russia declined to participate, by
So far, eight countries have signed on. They are:
- Australia
- Canada
- Italy
- Japan
- Luxembourg
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Update: October 20, 2020 - Brazil Signs Artemis Accords
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Posted on October 9, 2020
Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope ends mission of astronomical discovery
Flat Earth Neanderthals are missing out (via denial) on the many NEW astounding discoveries about our universe. The universe is diverse, complex, and beautiful.
After more than 16 years studying the universe in infrared light, revealing new wonders in our solar system, our galaxy and beyond, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope's mission has come to an end.
Mission engineers confirmed at about 2:30 p.m. PDT (5:30 p.m. EDT) Thursday the spacecraft was placed in safe mode, ceasing all science operations. After the decommissioning was confirmed, Spitzer Project Manager Joseph Hunt declared the mission had officially ended.
Launched in 2003, Spitzer was one of NASA's four Great Observatories, along with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The Great Observatories program demonstrated the power of using different wavelengths of light to create a fuller picture of the universe.
Among its many scientific contributions, Spitzer studied comets and asteroids in our own solar system and found a previously unidentified ring around Saturn. It studied star and planet formation, the evolution of galaxies from the ancient universe to today, and the composition of interstellar dust. It also proved to be a powerful tool for detecting exoplanets and characterizing their atmospheres. Spitzer's best-known work may be detecting the seven Earth-size planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system—the largest number of terrestrial planets ever found orbiting a single star—and determining their masses and densities.
In 2016,following a review of operating astrophysics missions, NASA made a decision to close out the Spitzer mission in 2018 in anticipation of the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, which also will observe the universe in infrared light.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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The legacy of the Spitzer Space Telescope, by Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala, University of Central Florida
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Spitzer’s Solar System studies of comets, centaurs and Kuiper belt objects, Nature Astronomy,
In its 16 years of scientific measurements, the Spitzer Space Telescope performed ground-breaking and key infrared measurements of Solar System objects near and far. Targets ranged from the smallest planetesimals to the giant planets; Spitzer helped us to reshape our understanding of these objects while also laying the groundwork for future infrared space-based observations like those to be undertaken by the James Webb Space Telescope in the 2020s. In this Review Article, we describe how Spitzer advanced our knowledge of Solar System formation and evolution through observations of small outer Solar System planetesimals—that is, comets, centaurs and Kuiper belt objects (KBOs). Relics from the early formation era of our Solar System, these objects hold important information about the processes that created them. We group Spitzer’s key contributions into three broad classes: characterization of new Solar System objects (comets D/ISON 2012 S1, C/2016 R2 and 1I/‘Oumuamua); large population surveys of known objects (comets, centaurs and KBOs); and compositional studies through spectral measurements of body surfaces and emitted materials.
Werner, M. W. et al. The Spitzer Space Telescope Mission. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 154, 1–9 (2004).
Gehrz, R. D. et al. The NASA Spitzer Space Telescope. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 011302 (2007).
Werner, M. & Eisenhardt, P. in More Things in the Heavens: How Infrared Astronomy Is Expanding Our View of the Universe (ed. Yao, J. & Werneck, A.) Ch. 1 (Princeton Univ. Press, 2019).
Fulton, B. J. et al. The California-Kepler Survey. III. A gap in the radius distribution of small planets. Astron. J. 154, 109 (2017).
DeMeo, F. E. & Carry, B. Solar System evolution from compositional mapping of the asteroid belt. Nature 505, 629–634 (2014).
Gehrz, R. D. et al. Infrared observations of comets with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Adv. Space Res. 38, 2031–2038 (2006).
Fernandez, Y. R. et al. Thermal properties, sizes, and size distribution of Jupiter-family cometary nuclei. Icarus 226, 1138–1170 (2013).
Singer, K. N. et al. Impact craters on Pluto and Charon indicate a deficit of small Kuiper belt objects. Science 363, 955–959 (2019).
Lisse, C. M. et al. Comets sourced by KBOs — comparison of SFDs derived from Spitzer/Wise JFC imaging and Pluto and Charon KBO cratering rates. In 50th Lunar Planetary Science Conf. 50, 2132 (abstr.) (2019).
Opitom, C., Hutsemékers, D., Jehin, E. & Rousselot, P. High resolution optical spectroscopy of the N2-rich comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS). Astron. Astrophys. 624, A64 (2019).
... many other discoveries
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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A Spitzer retrospective, by natureastronomy 14+ articles
The Spitzer Space Telescope came to the conclusion of its mission at the end of January 2020. In this Collection, we celebrate the legacy of Spitzer with a variety of broad Review Articles, Comments and interviews with Spitzer mission architects and users, and related research that has appeared in the pages of Nature Astronomy.
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Posted on October 8, 2020
European Space Agency (ESA) roundup: includes an update on the James Webb space telescope, set to replace/enhance the Hubble Space Telescope
At present, James Webb remains on track for a launch from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana, on an Ariane 5 rocket No Earlier Than 31 October 2021.
Earlier this week, James Webb successfully completed all of its environmental testing, designed to verify and ensure the telescope can survive the rigors it will be exposed to during launch aboard an Ariane 5 rocket next year.
“The successful completion of our observatory environmental tests represent a monumental milestone in the march to launch,” said Bill Ochs, Webb project manager for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
“Environmental testing demonstrates Webb’s ability to survive the rocket ride to space, which is the most violent portion of its trip to orbit approximately a million miles from Earth. The multinational group of individuals responsible for the execution of the acoustic and vibration test is composed of an outstanding and dedicated group of folks who are typical of the entire Webb team.”
At this time, liftoff remains on track for 31 October 2021. An international effort, the telescope’s design, build, and integration was accomplished via the cooperation of 258 companies, agencies, and universities spread across the United States, Europe, and Canada.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Update: March 31, 2021
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope General Observer Scientific Programs Selected (
Mission officials for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have announced the selection of the General Observer programs for the telescope’s first year of science, known as Cycle 1. These specific programs will provide the worldwide astronomical community with one of the first extensive opportunities to investigate scientific targets with Webb.
The 286 selected proposals address a wide variety of science areas and will help fulfill NASA’s overarching mission to further our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Webb will begin observing the universe in 2022 after the spacecraft unfolds, travels a million miles, and checks the functioning of all of its instruments....
More than 1,000 proposals were submitted by the November 24, 2020 deadline. Scientists hailing from 44 countries applied for a portion of the 6,000 observing hours available in Webb’s first year, which represents about two-thirds of all Cycle 1 observing time....
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General Observer Programs in Cycle 1
The Cycle 1 General Observers (GO) program provides the worldwide astronomical community with the first extensive opportunity to make observations with JWST. Approximately 6,000 hours were awarded to observing programs using the full suite of JWST instrumentation. Scientists also proposed for archival analysis of data from DD ERS programs and public GTO programs, theoretical investigations, and the development of software tools relevant to JWST observations. Science observations will begin following a 6-month commissioning period after launch.
Example of approved projects:
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Posted on October 8, 2020
New measurements of the solar spectrum verify Einstein's theory of General Relativity, by Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias,
An international team of researchers led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has measured, with unprecedented accuracy, the gravitational redshift of the Sun, a change in frequency of the lines in the solar spectrum which is produced when the light escapes from the gravitational field of the Sun on its way to Earth. This work, which verifies one of the predictions of Einstein's General Relativity, is to be published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Other well known effects of General Relativity are the observed gradual change in Mercury's orbit due to space-time curvature around the "massive" Sun, or the gravitational redshift, the displacement to the red of lines in the spectrum of the Sun due to its gravitational field.
The gravitational redshift is an important effect for satellite navigation systems such as GPS, which would not work if General Relativity was not put into the equations. This effect depends on the mass and the radius of an astronomical object, so that even though it is bigger for the Sun than for the Earth, it is still difficult to measure in the solar spectrum...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: October 22, 2020
Einstein's theory of relativity, critical for GPS, seen in distant stars, by Chandra X-ray Center,
What do Albert Einstein, the Global Positioning System (GPS), and a pair of stars 200,000 trillion miles from Earth have in common?
The answer is an effect from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity called the "gravitational redshift," where light is shifted to redder colors because of gravity. Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have discovered the phenomenon in two stars orbiting each other in our galaxy about 29,000 light years (200,000 trillion miles) away from Earth. While these stars are very distant, gravitational redshifts have tangible impacts on modern life, as scientists and engineers must take them into account to enable accurate positions for GPS.
While scientists have found incontrovertible evidence of gravitational redshifts in our solar system, it has been challenging to observe them in more distant objects across space. The new Chandra results provide convincing evidence for gravitational redshift effects at play in a new cosmic setting.
The intriguing system known as 4U 1916-053 contains two stars in a remarkably close orbit. One is the core of a star that has had its outer layers stripped away, leaving a star that is much denser than the Sun. The other is a neutron star, an even denser object created when a massive star collapses in a supernova explosion. The neutron star (grey) is shown in this artist's impression at the center of a disk of hot gas pulled away from its companion (white star on left)...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: December 14, 2020
Hubble Space Telescope Spots Enormous Einstein Ring, by
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on October 7, 2020
Astronomers find evidence planets start to form while infant stars are still growing, by Max Plank Society,
Astronomers have found compelling evidence that planets start to form while infant stars are still growing. The high-resolution image obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) shows a young proto-stellar disk with multiple gaps and rings of dust. This new result, just published in Nature, shows the youngest and most detailed example of dust rings acting as cosmic cradles, where the seeds of planets form and take hold.
An international team of scientists led by Dominique Segura-Cox at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Germany targeted the proto-star IRS 63 with the ALMA radio observatory. This system is 470 light years from Earth and located deep within the dense L1709 interstellar cloud in the Ophiuchus constellation. Proto-stars as young as IRS 63 are still swaddled in a large and massive blanket of gas and dust called an envelope, and the proto-star and disk feed from this reservoir of material.
In systems older than 1,000,000 years, after the proto-stars have finished gathering most of their mass, rings of dust have been previously detected in great numbers. IRS 63 is different: at under 500,000 years old, it is less than half the age of other young stars with dust rings and the proto-star will still grow significantly in mass. "The rings in the disk around IRS 63 are so young," emphasizes Segura-Cox. "We used to think that stars entered adulthood first and then were the mothers of planets that came later. But now we see that proto-stars and planets grow and evolve together from early times, like siblings."
"The size of the disk is very similar to our own Solar System," Segura-Cox explains. "Even the mass of the proto-star is just a little less than our Sun's. Studying such young planet-forming disks around proto-stars can give us important insights into our own origins."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on October 6, 2020
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 was divided, one half awarded to Roger Penrose "for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity", the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez "for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy."
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The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020
with one half to
Roger Penrose
University of Oxford, UK
“for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity”
and the other half jointly to
Reinhard Genzel
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany and University of California, Berkeley, USA
Andrea Ghez
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
“for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy”
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Black holes and the Milky Way’s darkest secret
Three Laureates share this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics for their discoveries about one of the most exotic phenomena in the universe, the black hole. Roger Penrose showed that the general theory of relativity leads to the formation of black holes. Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez discovered that an invisible and extremely heavy object governs the orbits of stars at the centre of our galaxy. A supermassive black hole is the only currently known explanation.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on October 5, 2020
Dear flat Earth advocates. Please explain to us why the planet Mars (just a light in the sky according to you) changes in brightness, and has a visible disk with features when viewed through a telescope. The apparent angular size of that visible disk also changes. Why?
After a two-years hiatus Mars returns big and bright at opposition, its best until September 2035
Mars closest to Earth October 6, by Bruce McClure,
Remember the historically close approach of Mars in 2003? At that time, Mars was closer than it had been in some 60,000 years. Mars was only slightly farther, but still very close, in 2018. On October 6, 2020, at 14 hours UTC, Mars is closest for this two-year period, only a bit farther away than in 2003 or 2018. October 6 of this year presents Earth and Mars closer together than they will be again for another 15 years, or until September 2035. For the continental U.S. and Canada, Mars’ closest approach comes on October 6, 2020, at at 10 a.m. EDT, 9 a.m. CDT, 8 a.m. MDT, 7 a.m. PDT, 6 a.m. Alaskan Time and at 4 a.m. Hawaiian Time. At that precise time, Mars is about 38.57 million miles (62.07 million km) from us. Of course, these moments are fleeting as both Earth and Mars move in their orbits around the sun.
At its 2003 close approach – on August 27, 2003 – Mars was 34.65 million miles (55.76 million km) away.
At the 2018 close approach – on July 31, 2018 – Mars was 35.78 million miles (57.59 million km) away.
Mars won’t beat its 2003 performance until until August 28, 2287, when the red planet will be 34.60 miles (55.69 million km) away.
But, as we said above, Earth and Mars are closer on October 6, 2020 than they will be again for another 15 years, or until September 2035.
Have you seen Mars yet? You can see it easily with the eye alone as the resplendent red “star” in the east every evening, and in the west before dawn. In fact, dazzling Mars is easily the brightest starlike object to light up the evening sky. Only the planet Venus – the 3rd-brightest celestial object, after the sun and moon – beams brighter than Mars. Yet Mars lords over the nighttime from evening until dawn, whereas Venus is relegated to the eastern morning sky.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on October 2, 2020
A great roundup of prominent flat Earthers, the best they have to offer - all debunked!
Debunk by SciManDan
The Ultimate Guide to Flat Earth, by SciManDan
I've realised you all might not know who everyone is in this Flat Earth saga you all regularly watch, so I thought I'd put together the ultimate guide to flat earthers. Sit back and relax as we learn all about all the big players of flat earth!
Globebusters (Bob Knodel), Jeranism, Taboo Conspiracy, The Morgile, Nathan Oakley, Quantum Eraser, Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley), Arjin, Ranty, Nathan Thompson, Nathan Roberts, MrThriveAndSurvive, Flat Earth Brothers, Robbie Davidson, Rob Skiba, Mark Sargent, Liftin the Lid, John Smith Globe Lie, Chris UK, Allegedly Dave, Antonio Subirats, Phuket Word, Marty Leads, Orphan Red, Red Pill Philosophy, CC, D Marble, Daniel Pratt, Del, Level Earth Observer, and Eric Dubay.
Thanks for watching everyone!!
Debunk by WheresWa11y and 6 others.
Things Flattes Say - To Comfort Themselves Cognitively, by WheresWa11y
The Creators is ascending channel size. These are the globe Earth debunkers in the video...
Jörmungandr -
Arctic Reflections -
Tommy Grønvold -
Hugh Jarsz -
Wade's Underworld -
Critical Think -
WheresWally -
00:00 - Intro
01:25 - Do your own research
04:06 - Perspective and Compression
06:57 - 1000mph earth spin and Polaris
11:35 - Sky Vacuum Beside Gas Pressure
15:06 - CGI Photoshopped
17:59 - Antarctica
21:34 - The ISS
25:07 - Horizons and Eye Level
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Posted on October 2, 2020
Washington State emergency teams use SpaceX's Starlink satellite internet, by James Rogers,
Crews have used the satellite-based high-speed broadband internet while fighting wildfires
Emergency teams in Washington State have been harnessing SpaceX’s Starlink internet technology to provide connectivity in areas devastated by wildfires.
“Happy to have the support of @SpaceX’s Starlink internet as emergency responders look to help residents rebuild the town of Malden, WA that was overcome by wildfires earlier this month,” tweeted Washington Emergency Management on Monday.
The satellite-based Starlink system delivers high-speed broadband internet “to locations where access has been unreliable, expensive, or completely unavailable,” according to SpaceX. The service is initially focused on the northern U.S. and Canada, but will expand to provide near-global coverage of the populated world by 2021, SpaceX says.
"Four terminals were installed in Bridgeport, Omak, Skamania, and Malden," a spokesperson for the Washington Emergency Management Division told Fox News, via email. "All four performed incredibly well – and have been recovered. They’re no longer being used at this time."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on September 29, 2020
What does REAL astronomical research look like today? Astrophysics, immense observational data, and professional Ph.D. analysis by intelligent people. By comparison, flat Earth arguments are Micky Mouse.
Erin Hicks - The OSIRIS Nearby AGN Survey: The Distribution and Kinematics in Local Seyfert Galaxies
Keck Science Meeting - Day 2 - Session VI - The Keck OSIRIS Nearby AGN Survey: The Distribution and Kinematics of the Circumnuclear Stars, Molecular Gas, and Ionized Gas in Local Seyfert Galaxies - Erin Hicks
(Please watch this full video at the URL posted above)
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Keck Science Meeting 2020, Lick Observatory, Calrech (California Institute of Technology) Astronomy
Agenda topics: Flat Earthers are on par with Trilobites when compared to the professional astronomer.
Vikram Ravi (Caltech) - Fast radio burst science: progress and promise
Brad Holden (UCO/Lick) - Ideas and Concepts for a New LRIS
Alexa Villaume (University of Waterloo) - Unexpected Spatially-resolved Age, Iron, and Alpha Gradients for the Ultra-Diffuse Galaxy DF44
James Kirk (CfA) - Keck II/NIRSPEC detection of helium in the atmosphere of the sub-Saturn mass exoplanet WASP-107b
Sara Faggi (NASA/GSFC) - The extraordinary passage of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE): investigations of its organic composition as revealed by NIRSPEC2.0 at Keck II
Giacomo Terreran (Northwestern) - Flash spectroscopy with Keck
Myriam Prasow-Émond (Montréal) - The first high contrast images of near, high-mass X-ray binaries
Namrata Roy (UC Santa Cruz) - Galactic-scale AGN driven winds in nearby elliptical galaxies
Abhimat Gautam (UCLA) - Discovery of a Candidate Old Ellipsoidal Binary System at the Milky Way Galactic Center and Dynamical Constraints on a Dark Cusp
Denise Hung (University of Hawai'i) - Optical/NIR Discovery of Large Scale Structure and the Characterization of the Cluster Mass Function at z~1
Simon Murphy (University of Sydney) - Confirming invisible compact stellar remnants found by pulsation timing using Keck/HIRES
Rajeshwari Dutta (Durham University) - Metal-enriched gaseous haloes around z~1 galaxies
Jeffrey Cummings (Indiana University) - Carbon Star Formation as Seen Through the Non-Monotonic Initial-Final Mass Relation
Jason Wang (Caltech) - Early Science Results from the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer
Thomas Bohn (UC Riverside) - Near-Infrared Coronal Line Observations in Dwarf Galaxies hosting AGN-driven Outflows
Emily Ramey (UC Berkeley) - Analyzing long-term performance of the Keck-II adaptive optics system
Jinyi Yang (University of Arizona) - Exploring Reionization-era Quasars: Study the Early SMBHs at Redshift 7 with Keck/NIRES
Nicholas Lehner (Notre Dame) - KODIAQ-Z: Metallicity of the IGM/Galaxy Interface at z~2-4
Lee Rosenthal (Caltech) - The California Legacy Survey: Population Statistics With an Expanded Catalog of RV-Detected Exoplanets
Shelley Wright (UCSD) - Liger: Next generation AO-fed imager and spectrograph
Geoff Chih-Fan Chen (UCLA) - Lens modeling and time-delay prediction of J0924+0219 strong lens system with Keck AO data
Samantha Trumbo (Caltech) - Hydrogen peroxide within chaos terrain on the surface of Europa
Erin Hicks (University of Alaska, Anchorage) - The Keck OSIRIS Nearby AGN Survey: The Distribution and Kinematics of the Circumnuclear Stars, Molecular Gas, and Ionized Gas in Local Seyfert Galaxies
Jeff Cooke (Swinburne) - The Keck Wide-Field Imager
Bronwyn Reichardt Chu (Swinburne) - Mapping Outflows in Starbursting Disk Galaxies with DUVET
Vandorou Aikaterini (University of Tasmania) - The Combined Power of Microlensing and Keck Adaptive Optics for Mass Measurements of Planetary Systems
James Esdaile (Swinburne) - Velocity dispersion measurements of massive quiescent galaxies at 3 < z < 4
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Posted on September 29, 2020
Back to the Moon: First COMMERCIAL lunar deliveries scheduled for next year 2021.
So flat Earth people. Are you shaking in your pants, or just starting to create more of your DENIAL videos?
Two Lunar Lander Missions For 2021, by David Dickinson,
NASA is about to head back to the Moon, in a big way. After a long hiatus, two new lunar missions are set to head back to the lunar surface as precursors to the crewed Artemis missions. These will represent the first new lunar missions for NASA since the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) orbiter in 2013, and the first lunar landings for the space agency since the Apollo era. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter launched in 2009 also remains operational in orbit around the Moon.
Mission One:
First is Astrobotic is based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Astrobotic will launch its Peregrine lunar lander in July 2021 as part of the United Launch Alliance’s inaugural launch of a Vulcan-Centaur rocket. Astrobotic's Peregrine lander will carry 11 NASA payloads to Lacus Mortis, including the following:
- Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG): Designed by NASA Goddard to characterize localized magnetic fields near the lunar surface.
- Neutron Measurements at the Lunar Surface (NMLS): Developed at the Marshall Space Flight Center, NMLS will use a neutron spectrometer to detect the presence of water and other rare elements on the lunar surface.
- Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS): Developed by NASA AMES, NSS will also use a spectrometer to search for hydrogen-bearing material in the lunar regolith in the hunt for water near the landing site.
- Prospect Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) for Lunar Surface Volatiles: A proven instrument that already flew once with the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission, a modified PITMS will look to characterize volatiles in the tenuous lunar exosphere during descent and landing.
- Mass Spectrometer Observing Lunar Operations (MSolo): Under development at the Kennedy Space Center, MSolo will look at low-molecular weight volatiles, including spacecraft outgassing and interaction with the local lunar surface and exosphere.
- Near-Infrared Volatile Spectrometer System (NIRVSS): Developed by the Ames Research Center, NIRVSS will map the surface temperature near the landing site and measure the amounts subsurface methane, carbon dioxide, and hydration present for possible future use by lunar astronauts.
- Linear Energy Transfer Spectrometer (LETS): Based on flight-proven hardware aboard NASA’s uncrewed 2014 Orion flight, LETS will measure radiation levels present at the lunar surface. The Johnson Spaceflight Center is responsible for its development.
- Photovoltaic Investigation on Lunar Surface (PILS): Designed at the Glenn Research Center, PILS will demonstrate the feasibility of using advanced solar arrays for power on future crewed missions to the lunar surface.
- Surface Exosphere Alterations by Landers (SEAL): Designed by NASA Goddard, SEAL will look at how the landing disturbs and contaminates samples at the local site.
Mission Two:
Next up is Intuitive Machines based out of Houston, Texas. On October 11, 2021, their NOVA-C lander will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket for a landing at Oceanus Procellarum, near where Apollo 18 would have landed, had the U.S. continued the Apollo Moon program.
Intuitive Machines’ first Moon landing will carry five payloads to the lunar surface, including:
- Low–Frequency Radio Observations for Near Side Lunar Surface (ROLSES): Designed at NASA Goddard, ROLSES will serve as a pathfinder for a possible future radio observatory on the Moon, investigating the lunar radio environment. ROLSES will observe solar radio bursts and measure the scale height and density of the photo-electron sheath environment present near the lunar surface.
- Stereo Cameras for Lunar Plume–Surface Studies (SCALPSS): Developed at NASA Langley, SCALPSS will capture the landing plume stirred up by the lander on descent, in an effort to design future engines producing less site contamination.
- Lunar Node 1 Navigation Demonstrator (LN-1): Designed at Marshall Spaceflight Center, LN-1 will demonstrate autonomous navigation capabilities.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on September 28, 2020
Underground water found on Mars
Mars Express Finds Three New Water Bodies below Martian South Pole, by Natali Anderson,
Using new radar data from ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, researchers have detected three reservoirs of liquid water trapped below the south polar cap of the Red Planet.
In 2018, the Mars Express orbiter found evidence of liquid water under the ice in Ultimi Scopuli, a region near the south pole of Mars.
To establish the extent of subglacial water in this region, Dr. Elena Pettinelli from the Università degli studi Roma Tre and colleagues analyzed new data gathered by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) instrument onboard Mars Express.
“Mars was once warmer and wetter with water flowing across the surface, much like early Earth,” the researchers said.
“While it is not possible for water to remain stable on the surface today, the new result opens the possibility that an entire system of ancient lakes might exist underground, perhaps millions or even billions of years old.”
“They would be ideal locations to search for evidence of life on Mars, albeit very difficult to reach.”
“Subglacial lakes are also known on Earth, like Lake Vostok in Antarctica,” they added.
“They harbor unique ecosystems, providing useful analogies for astrobiologists exploring how life can survive in extreme environments.”
Using techniques similar to those used in investigations of subglacial lakes in Antarctica, Canada and Greenland, Dr. Pettinelli and co-authors detected three new subglacial water bodies.
The largest reservoir measures about 20 x 30 km (12.4 x 18.6 miles), and is surrounded by several smaller bodies.
The water is thought to be very salty in order for it to remain liquid at cold temperatures.
Mars Express finds more underground water on Mars
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Planetary Scientists Have Created a Map of Mars' Entire Ancient River System, by
Turns Out, Mars Had Liquid Rivers for Billions of Years
Three to four billion years ago, Mars did in fact have running rivers of water. Evidence for these rivers has shown up in satellite imagery and rover samples for almost as long as we have been exploring the red planet. Since Mars has little tectonics or erosion, that evidence has remained somewhat intact until the present day.
Recently, a team of scientists developed a tool to better examine those features. They managed to stitch together an 8-trillion pixel image of the entire Martian surface. Each pixel in this incredibly detailed image represents about a 5-6 square meter area. Unfortunately, it also doesn’t seem to available to the general public just year. Whether it is or not it is sure to prove useful for a variety of research projects regarding the environment of Mars. One of the first ones, which was recently published a paper in Geology was a map of the red planet’s river “ridges”.
The old dried up riverbeds on Mars are well mapped, and have been for quite some time, starting with Giovanni Schiaparelli‘s famous “canali“. However, there are other features of rivers that geologists like to study. One of the most important is the ridges described in the paper.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on September 23, 2020
ISS International Space Station unscheduled maneuver...
Astronauts shelter as ISS boosted to avoid orbital debris, by Deborah Byrd, posted at
The International Space Station underwent an unscheduled reboost in orbit yesterday, to avoid a collision with an unknown piece of space junk. The 3-man crew was ordered to shelter, but is safe.
While its three-man crew sheltered near an escape vehicle, NASA and Russian flight controllers worked in tandem yesterday to reboost the International Space Station to a higher orbit, to avoid what NASA called a “possible conjunction” with an unknown piece of space debris. The reboost was conducted by firing thrusters on a Russian Progress cargo spacecraft currently docked with ISS. The thrusters fired for 150 seconds. The maneuver – which came at 5:19 p.m. EDT (21:19 UTC) on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – was successful. The crew consists of NASA’s Chris Cassidy and cosmonauts Anatoli Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner. All three are safe.
Because of the late notification of the possible conjunction, the three Expedition 63 crew members were directed to move to the Russian segment of the station to be closer to their Soyuz MS-16 spacecraft as part of the safe haven procedure out of an abundance of caution.
At no time was the crew in any danger.
The estimated closest approach of ISS with the unknown chunk of debris was 6:21 p.m. EDT (22:21 UTC; translate UTC to your time zone) on September 22.
NASA said the maneuver raised the station’s orbit out of the predicted path of the debris, which was estimated to come within 0.86 miles (1.39 km). That is too close for comfort, especially when you consider that these objects in space are moving at about 17,500 mph (28,000 kph), or more than 10 times faster than a speeding bullet.
Once the avoidance maneuver was completed, the crew reopened hatches between the U.S. and Russian segments and resumed their regular activities, NASA said.
Such drastic maneuvers are standard protocol if there’s a greater than 1-in-10,000 chance of collision, according to an article about the maneuver in yesterday’s Business Insider. This article also said that ISS has executed at least 29 avoidance maneuvers since 1999.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on September 16, 2020
Attention all flat Earth advocates. Here is your chance to prove that gravity does not exist, and make $10,000 to boot for your effort.
$10,000 Flat earth gravity challenge, by MCToon
I challenge gravity deniers to provide an accurate predictive explanation for the measured downward accelerating force. I am certain this cannot be done so I am offering $10,000 to anyone that can do it.
The challenge is to provide an alternative mechanism to accurately predict the measured downward force at different points on the earth without using mass in any way. This means that mass cannot be hidden or obscured in any part of the formula, directly or indirectly. Neither can constants be included that incorporate the mass of the earth or the gravitational constant.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on September 15, 2020
Why are the terms “pseudoscience” and “junk science” so common today?
Simply, the uneducated populace don’t understand it, never took a college course, sometimes equates the discipline of science and math to elitism; and just feels much better about themselves by denying what they can’t comprehend.
It is an example of society in decay.
Medical Advances Timeline, by
Thank you ...
Hippocrates, Greek physician and founder of the first university. Considered the father of medicine.
René Laënnec invents the stethoscope.
Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease.
German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X rays.
Ronald Ross, a British officer in the Indian Medical Service, demonstrates that malaria parasites are transmitted via mosquitoes.
Felix Hoffman develops aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid).Insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting (pictured), Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto in 1921 and it was subsequently purified by James B Collip
Tuberculosis The vaccine was developed over a period of 13 years, from 1908 to 1921, by French bacteriologists Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin, who named the product Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, or BCG.
Scottish bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
Bernard Fantus starts the first blood bank at Cook County Hospital in Chicago
Microbiologist Selman A. Waksman discovers the antibiotic streptomycin
Paul Zoll develops the first cardiac pacemaker to control irregular heartbeat.
Jonas Salk develops the first polio, and many many others …
Have you thanked a biological scientist today, for your extended (by 2.5 times) life span?
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When was the last time you thanked these folks for discovering and understanding what electricity is, and how to manipulate it for our common good?
Thank you = Benjamin Franklin, Georg Simon Ohm, James Watt, Gustav Kirchoff, Michael Faraday, Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz, Charles-Augustin de Coullomb, Carl Friedrich Gauss, and many other great people.
Basic Electrical Theory: The Fundamental Laws of Electricity, by
Benjamin Franklin flies kite in storm – 1752 & 1753.
The World’s first battery, buy Alessandro Volta in 1800.
Michael Faraday discovers electrical current, 1821.
Georg Ohm published his mathematical theory of electricity, defining the relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
Thomas Davenport (1835-1976), an American from Vermont, is credited with inventing the first electric car.
Thomas Edison builds DC generator, 1870.
The first public electricity supply was provided in the Surrey Town of Goldalming in 1881.
The first electric train invented by Magnus Volks. Operated 1883 in Brighton UK.
Nicola Tesla develops AC Generator in 1891.
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Posted on September 14, 2020
Human exploration of "just a light in the sky" according to flat Earth advocates, sheds new data on the true nature of planetary moons.
Uranian moons in new light, by Markus Nielbock, Max Plank Society,
More than 230 years ago astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus and two of its moons. Using the Herschel Space Observatory, a group of astronomers led by Örs H. Detre of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy now has succeeded in determining physical properties of the five main moons of Uranus. The measured infrared radiation, which is generated by the Sun heating their surfaces, suggests that these moons resemble dwarf planets like Pluto. The team developed a new analysis technique that extracted the faint signals from the moons next to Uranus, which is more than a thousand times brighter. The study was published today in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Additional reading...
Uranian Moons Are Like Dwarf Planets, by Govert Schilling, Sky & Telescope
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Posted on September 10, 2020
We all need to thank the planet Saturn for throwing the Earth into its current "goldilocks zone" (not too hot, and not too cold) - life supporting distance from our Sun.
Why the Earth exists because of Saturn | Migration of planets, by Dr. Becky
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Posted on September 10, 2020
MaOSIRIS-REx Team Explores Activity of Asteroid Bennu
Particles As Big as Softballs Ejected from Asteroid Bennu Seem to Do the Impossible - Now Astrophysicists Know why
MaOSIRIS-REx Team Explores Activity of Asteroid Bennu, by
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, launched in 2016, is currently orbiting the near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu with the aim of briefly touching on the surface and obtaining a sample from the asteroid in October 2020, and then returning to Earth. Shortly after entering orbit around Bennu, the spacecraft’s instruments detected asteroid activity in the form of particles emanating from the surface. The OSIRIS-REx science team has since documented multiple discrete particle ejection events, orbiting particles, and particle sub-orbital trajectories. In a series of eleven papers published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets and the journal Earth and Space Science, the team reports detailed observations of this activity.
“We thought that Bennu’s boulder-covered surface was the wild card discovery at the asteroid, but these particle events definitely surprised us,” said OSIRIS-REx principal investigator Professor Dante Lauretta, a researcher in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.
“We’ve spent the last year investigating Bennu’s active surface, and it’s provided us with a remarkable opportunity to expand our knowledge of how active asteroids behave.”
“We’ve been studying asteroids for a long time, and no one had ever seen this phenomenon before — these little particles getting shot off of the surface,” said Professor Daniel Scheeres, a scientist in the Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.
“We want to know what that means for the bigger picture of how asteroids live their lives,” said Dr. Jay McMahon, also from the Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.
OSIRIS-REx observed and tracked more than 300 particle ejection events on Bennu. Some particles escape into space, others briefly orbit the asteroid, and most fall back onto its surface after being launched.
Ejections most often occur during Bennu’s local two-hour afternoon and evening timeframe.
During a number of observation campaigns between January and September 2019 dedicated to detecting and tracking mass ejected from the asteroid, a total of 668 particles were studied, with the vast majority measuring between 0.5 and 1 cm (0.2-0.4 inches), and moving at about 20 cm (7.9 inches) per second. In one instance, a speedy outlier was clocked at about 3 m (9.8 feet) per second.
On average, the team observed one to two particles kicked up per day, with much of the material falling back onto the asteroid.
“To give you an idea, all of those 200 particles we observed during the first event after arrival would fit on a 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 inches) tile,” said Dr. Carl Hergenrother, a researcher in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.
“The fact that we can even see them is a testament to the capabilities of our cameras.”
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Particles As Big as Softballs Ejected from Asteroid Bennu Seem to Do the Impossible - Now Astrophysicists Know why, by
In January 2019, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft was orbiting the asteroid Bennu when the spacecraft’s cameras caught something unexpected: Thousands of tiny bits of material, some just the size of marbles, began to bounce off the surface of the asteroid—like a game of ping-pong in space. Since then, many more such particle ejection events have been observed at Bennu’s surface.
OSIRIS-REx is an unprecedented effort to investigate what makes up asteroids like Bennu and how they move through space. But, as those leaping particles show, the mission has already delivered a few surprises.
“We’ve been studying asteroids for a long time and no one had ever seen this phenomenon before—these little particles getting shot off of the surface,” said Daniel Scheeres, distinguished professor in the Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences. He leads the radio science team for OSIRIS-REx along with CU Boulder’s Jay McMahon.
Now, a series of new studies seeks to recreate and understand the observed particle ejection events, piecing together what happened and why. Scheeres and McMahon are focusing on one question in particular: How might the leaping particles change the long-term fate of Bennu and other asteroids like it?
In research published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, the duo and their colleagues report that such seemingly small occurrences may add up over time—perhaps even helping to give the asteroid its telltale shape, which is often compared to a spinning top.
“We want to know what that means for the bigger picture of how asteroids live their lives,” said McMahon, an assistant professor of aerospace engineering.
The University of Arizona leads science operations for OSIRIS-REx, which was built by the Colorado-based Lockheed Martin. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland manages the overall mission.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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OSIRIS-REx readies for sample collection, observes strange activity at asteroid Bennu, by Chris Gebhardt
OSIRIS-REx — an international sample-return mission led by NASA and joined by science team members from Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy, and with an instrument provided through the Canadian Space Agency — is less than one month away from performing a Touch-And-Go sample collection maneuver to return portions of asteroid Bennu to Earth.
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NASA’s Osiris-REX mission has found evidence of ancient water flows on the surface of asteroid Bennu., by
Carbonate rocks that crystallized just a few million years after the birth of the solar system now lie on the surface of near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu. They were likely born within water flowing inside a much larger planetesimal before ending up on the asteroid’s surface.
NASA's Osiris-REX mission spotted the rocks while searching the 500-meter (0.3-mile) rubble-pile asteroid for a place where it can safely collect 60 grams of small rocks on October 20th. The spacecraft will deliver its sample to Earth in 2023.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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On Oct. 20, the OSIRIS-REx mission will perform the first attempt of its Touch-And-Go (TAG) sample collection event. Not only will the spacecraft navigate to the surface using innovative navigation techniques, but it could also collect the largest sample since the Apollo missions.
Video credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
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Update: October 22, 2020
See images and video from NASA’s Osiris-REX spacecraft as it samples the Nightingale site.
After more than a year and a half of exploration and mapping from afar, NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (Osiris-REX) spacecraft descended to the surface of asteroid 101955 Bennu, extended its TAGSAM (Touch and Go Sampling) arm, and — for six seconds — touched the surface of the asteroid...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: October 23, 2020
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Collects Significant Amount of Asteroid
Two days after touching down on asteroid Bennu, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission team received on Thursday, Oct. 22, images that confirm the spacecraft has collected more than enough material to meet one of its main mission requirements – acquiring at least 2 ounces (60 grams) of the asteroid’s surface material.
The spacecraft captured images of the sample collector head as it moved through several different positions. In reviewing these images, the OSIRIS-REx team noticed both that the head appeared to be full of asteroid particles, and that some of these particles appeared to be escaping slowly from the sample collector, called the Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) head. They suspect bits of material are passing through small gaps where a mylar flap – the collector’s “lid” – is slightly wedged open by larger rocks.
“Bennu continues to surprise us with great science and also throwing a few curveballs,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. “And although we may have to move more quickly to stow the sample, it’s not a bad problem to have. We are so excited to see what appears to be an abundant sample that will inspire science for decades beyond this historic moment.”
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Spacecraft official home page - OSIRIS-Rex Asteroid Sample Return Mission
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Update: October 28, 2020
Bennu’s near-Earth lifetime of 1.75 million years inferred from craters on its boulders, in
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Visit - - for the latest news updates.
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Update: May 10, 2020
Nasa craft carrying 4.5bn-year-old asteroid dust begins long trek home (
A time capsule containing a sample of rock and dirt as old as the Solar System will drop from outer space into the Utah desert on 24 September 2023.
That is what Nasa has planned for its historic Osiris-Rex asteroid probe, which began its trek home on Monday.
Its precious cargo of 60g of ancient debris from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu is the largest sample collected since the Apollo Moon missions.
Scientists believe it may provide clues on the formation of the Solar System.
Nasa's Osiris-Rex started its two-and-a-half-year return journey from Bennu on Monday at 16:16 EDT (21:16 GMT).
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Update: October 27, 2021
Asteroid Bennu’s boulder mystery solved, by Paul Scott Anderson (
Why does near-Earth asteroid Bennu have so many boulders on its surface? Prior to late 2018, when NASA’s visiting spacecraft OSIRIS-REx visited Bennu, scientists expected the asteroid to have a surface entirely or partly coated in a fine regolith of sand and pebbles. In fact, the REx in OSIRIS-REx stands for Regolith Explorer. But OSIRIS-REx found Bennu’s surface strewn with boulders and large rocks. This month (October 21, 2021), scientists announced they might now have an answer to asteroid Bennu’s boulder mystery.
The new study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature on October 6, 2021, comes from the University of Arizona. The study suggests that porous rocks are responsible for the lack of fine regolith on Bunnu’s surface.
Asteroid Bennu’s boulder mystery: rocks but no sand
Scientists had thought Bennu would be covered in fine regolith. Close-up images from a spacecraft showed it nearly completely covered in large boulders. How could that be? As co-author and OSIRIS-REx Principal Investigator Dante Lauretta explained in a NASA statement:
… Mapping and characterizing the surface of the asteroid was a main goal. The spacecraft collected very high-resolution data for Bennu’s entire surface, which was down to 3 millimeters [1/10 inch] per pixel at some locations. Beyond scientific interest, the lack of fine regolith became a challenge for the mission itself, because the spacecraft was designed to collect such material...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Tour of Asteroid Bennu
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Posted on August 29, 2020
Maui Teens Track Space Satellite Plummeting to Earth, University of Hawaii
To flat Earthers - if there are no satellites in space or circling the Earth, then what is all that stuff falling to the Earth's surface, and where did it come from?
Two Maui middle schoolers spotted a 250-pound space satellite projected to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere on Saturday, August 29. Scientists expect the inoperative satellite, OGO-1, to break up over the South Pacific, away from inhabited areas at around 10:45 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time. University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy (IfA) outreach astronomer J.D. Armstrong mentors Maui Waena Intermediate School eighth-graders Holden Suzuki and Wilson Chau, and the pair used observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) Faulkes Telescope North on Haleakala to track OGO-1.
Suzuki and Chau followed up after the Center for Near Earth Object Studies at NASA issued a notification that the object would likely come close to Earth.
Based on data obtained by the students and scientists at other observatories, it was discovered the target was not an asteroid, but a satellite launched by NASA more than 50 years ago. OGO-1 is one of six large Orbiting Geophysical Observatory missions launched from 1964 to 1969. These were some of the largest scientific satellites, designed to study Earth’s atmosphere, magnetosphere, and the space between the Earth and Moon. The last of the missions ceased operations in 1972.
“Some people wonder if it is a good idea to put the safety of the planet in the hands of teenagers. I see them as scientists, and if they know what they are doing then age doesn’t make much difference,” said Armstrong. “I’ve seen a lot of students who do things like this end up getting scholarships for college. It is great to see them get the opportunity of the excitement of doing real science, and then for the experience to help pay for college.”
Telescopes on Maui Vital to Tracking Potentially Hazardous Satellites
The observatories on Haleakala play a critical role in satellite tracking, with observations from IfA and LCO telescopes and the Air Force’s Maui Space Surveillance Complex. The site hosts the Advanced Electro-Optical System, or AEOS, a 3.6-meter telescope. It is the nation’s largest optical telescope designed for tracking satellites and missiles with visible and infrared sensors to collect data on near-Earth and deep-space objects. These telescopes are part of the “air traffic control” that track the thousands of satellites in Earth’s orbit, warning of possible collisions and re-entry to Earth.
On July 20, the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope atop Haleakala discovered an asteroid 65 feet in diameter that appeared likely to pass close to Earth. Asteroid 2020 OO1 safely flew by Earth a week later. Some of the first follow-up images of the approaching asteroid were taken by Hawaii high school students participating in the IfA’s HI STAR program, using telescopes from LCO.
Suzuki and Chau have received accolades for earlier observations of the famous SpaceX Tesla launched in February 2018. Using filtered images, they measured the color of the space faring car and attached rocket booster. Their work was presented at the Maui County Science and Engineering Fair and earned several awards including first place for the Junior Division. The pair also took first place at the Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair in physics and astronomy in the Junior Division and were invited to compete in the Broadcom MASTERS science competition.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Watch this video of the Faulkes North 2.0m Telescope
We now invite the following flat Earth satellite deniers the opportunity to present fact based evidence to back up their claim that Satellites are not real.
Here say and opinion is not welcome. Let's keep this real.
Tim Ozman Infinite Plane Society/Radio, Flat Earth channel, Joey Rocha, Scientific Lee, Brian Mullin, Crrow777, QNFee (Lawrence Wright), kaseyjosh, Jack Esin, Peter Pan, and others.
Flat Earth NOT - Flat Earthers that claim satellites are fake and space does not exist - meet your DOOM. Just look up at the sky at the right time to see the SpaceX Starlink satellites. Trust your eyes folks
Flat Earth NOT - The flat Earth assertion that GPS technology does not use space based satellites, but only land based transmission towers, suffers another blow as China is soon to complete their own GPS system
Tim Ozman IPS (Infinite Plane Society/Radio) - DEBUNKED. Tim is feeding factually incorrect information about STARLINK and other space satellites to his channel visitors.
Flat Earth NOT - Satellites are real and exist in space. The Himawari 8 shows the Australian fires in real time.
Flat Earth NOT - Satellite TV on a flat Earth does not line up
Peter Pan (in the Netherlands) - MUST SEE!!! No satellites in space! Just balloons above the Flat Earth
Jack Esin - Flat Earth - There are no Satellites in Space - This man has the Proof
International Space Station (ISS) distance, size and velocity determined from ground based parallax observations - another flat Earth talking point (no satellites in space) taken off the table - done with P900 and telescope
Flat Earth NOT - New satellite telescope tracking software allows anyone to DISPROVE the flat Earth myth, that satellites don't exist and nothing is in Earth low orbit
Flat Earth Scientist - he says they are fire creatures, not satellites
kaseyjosh - GPS Hoax Satellites never existed ever!! ALL CREDIT TO FakeSpaceman
QNFee (Lawrence Wright) - Flat Earth How to Destroy a Satellite Myth : DSCOVR & LRO Destroyed in 4 minutes P900 / P610
Crrow777 - Satellites Do Not Exist As Described
Brian Mullin - Balls Out Physics Episode 4.0: The ISS, Satellites, and the Thermosphere
Scientific Lee - feeds conspiracies with his opinion that "gravity and the ISS (International Space Station) do not exist"
Joey Rocha - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Flat Earth channel - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on August 28, 2020
Globebusters Bob Knodel displays his failed aviation skills
An article confirming the Mars Helicopter is controlled by collective pitch.
Flight Dynamics Of A Mars Helicopter
Debunk by Wolfie6020
This Flat Earth pilot doesn't know how the Mars helicopter works, by Wolfie6020
Bob Knodel said,
“You have to have a much larger pitch than what is showing here. You guys can probably see my little hand here. And this is a very very very mild pitch and this is almost ridiculous to be honest with you. This should have something that should be two to three times this easily.
It’s just one of the first thing that I noticed when I looked at this thing is how ridiculously mild the pitch of this these propeller blades are.
Wolfie6020 said,
So it’s not ridiculous Bob. That low amount of pitch is because it is a collective pitch helicopter sitting on the ground. When it comes time to lift off the pitch on those blades will increase by two, three, and even four times to generate the lift required. You can see very clearly the swashplate in this image too. So how could you not know the basic operation of a coaxial helicopter?
Globebusters original video at YouTube (Globebusters DLive) -
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Flying vehicles and quadcopter drones are a game changer to enhance the exploration of our planets and their moons.
Hopefully the Dragonfly mission to explore Saturn moon Titan's surface will occur as scheduled.
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NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter: The First Aircraft on Mars
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NASA Mars Helicopter Technology Demonstration
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Update: July 14, 2021
Flight 9 Was a Nail-Biter, but Ingenuity Came Through With Flying Colors (
Written by Håvard F. Grip, Ingenuity Chief Pilot, and Ken Williford, Perseverance Deputy Project Scientist
It has been a week of heightened apprehension on the Mars Helicopter team as we prepared a major flight challenge for Ingenuity. We uplinked instructions for the flight, which occurred Monday, July 5 at 2:03 am PT, and waited nervously for results to arrive from Mars later that morning. The mood in the ground control room was jubilant when we learned that Ingenuity was alive and well after completing a journey spanning 2,051 feet (625 meters) of challenging terrain.
Flight 9 was not like the flights that came before it. It broke our records for flight duration and cruise speed, and it nearly quadrupled the distance flown between two airfields. But what really set the flight apart was the terrain that Ingenuity had to negotiate during its 2 minutes and 46 seconds in the air – an area called “Séítah” that would be difficult to traverse with a ground vehicle like the Perseverance rover. This flight was also explicitly designed to have science value by providing the first close view of major science targets that the rover will not reach for quite some time...
(Please read the article listed at the URL above)
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Related article here…
FECORE - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Globebusters (Bob Knodel) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Globebusters Bob Knodel displays his failed aviation skills
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Posted on August 28, 2020
The Newtonian gravitational constant: Latest advances of the measurements
Schematic diagram of four experimental devices used by the co-author's research team.
Newton's law of universal gravitation, which describes the attractive force between two masses separated by the distance, is one of the greatest achievements in the 17th century. The strength of this force is defined by the constant of proportionality G, which is called the gravitational constant, independent of the size, shape, and composition of the objects. G is one of the earliest fundamental constants introduced by human beings, and extensively used in the fields of cosmology and astrophysics, and also plays an important role in many other fields of physics.
However, the measurement precision of G is improved by only about two orders of magnitude through more than two centuries of efforts. Up to now, it remains the least precisely known during all fundamental physical constants, due to the extreme weakness and unshieldability of gravity, and in addition, there is not any quantitative relationship with any other fundamental constants....
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on August 21, 2020
FECORE now moving away from flat Earth research, into anti Covid-19 positions and esoteric research/speculation
Well, it's definitely a PANDEMIC since it's all over the world (as of August 2020)
- 213 Countries and Territories around the world have reported a total of 23,220,394 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 that originated from Wuhan, China, and a death toll of 804,955 deaths.
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So now FECORE has a new mission, to line up against government and any restriction of human rights and freedom of choice.
But that's not related to their flat Earth agenda.
While grappling over the definition of pandemic, FECORE says in their August 2020 newsletter:
Excerpts from Newsletter, as written by Robert Scott...
"Every government which has declared a state of emergency on account of COVID-19 has declared there is a pandemic. Many people looking at the numbers of cases and deaths of disease in 2020 rightly point out that the deaths claimed can not rightly be construed as a large proportion of the population. This observation becomes even more strongly accurate when the facts regarding testing data prove that there is no actual test for the disease. The result is that governments are being called liars. What is interesting is that government actors are actually quite careful to avoid lying when possible by leaving a legal definition way out of the lie.
As I try to lay out the governmental and human rights aspects of this pandemic the letter again becomes so large that it becomes a pamphlet. The same thing happens if I simply try to include a “what can be done” letter.
What I have done in this newsletter is to publish a document which is a good example of what people can do to counter the pandemic created by government actions...
Since this a very controversial subject and normally FECORE Inc. deals with subjects of a purely scientific nature and this newsletter deals with issues of law and legal claims I Robert Scott publish these things as my personal opinion not as the opinion of FECORE Inc. I state that they are true to the best of my knowledge and accept all responsibility for them...
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COVID-19 Actions, Facts and Reactions a Sample Notice of Liability for Government Actors
Preamble Notice
Daniel Chap. IV verse 17.
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demaund by the word of the Holy ones: to the intent that the liuing may know, that the most High ruleth in the kingdome of men, and giueth it to whomsoeuer hee will, and setteth vp ouer it the basest of men.
WHEREAS that it appears that there is a global agenda to implement so-called COVID-19 MEASURES; and
WHEREAS, it appears the said agenda is being or will be carried out on the landmass of the STATE OF UTAH, USA including but not limited to underwater areas, commonly known as “UTAH,”; and
WHEREAS, it appears that there is an agenda of false information regarding contamination, preventative measures, costs, health, safety, and other various matters or considerations, resulting in direct or indirect effects of the so-called COVID-19 MEASURES or some of the components, or both, including, but not limited to, so- called 6 ft. social distancing, business closures, restrictions on gathering, restrictions of movement, fines, mandatory wearing of face coverings, restrictions against close physical contact, forced isolation of men or women over 60, forced isolation of people deemed sick, mandatory vaccination and COVID-19 testing, any extensions of adaptations under the so named “color coded risk phases” collectively referred to as “COVID-19 MEASURES,”; and
WHEREAS, that it appears that the false information agenda is being used to mislead unsuspecting men and women, government officials, legislators, law makers, public health officials, et al., with the aim of implementing illegal mandates and restrictions, directives or other rules against the interests of the people to whom it applies; and
WHEREAS, that is appears that alternative hypotheses regarding the causality of the extensive cluster of symptoms called “COVID-19” have been routinely censored by the mainstream media and various professional organizations and disregarded as “conspiratorial” and dangerous to human health; and
WHEREAS, it appears some or all of the various forms of harm caused by the implementation of the so-called COVID-19 MEASURES and/or some of their components, including but not limited to so-called social distancing, closing businesses, limiting freedom of movement, limiting peaceful assembly or gatherings. limiting freedom of person to person contact can be considered a tort and are compensable by law; and
WHEREAS, a man, woman, or person with full knowledge of a potential harm, whether caused directly by the man, woman, or person or not, and that man, woman, or person is endowed with the ability and or duty to act upon the said knowledge in a way to avoid or otherwise mitigate the potential harm, and fails to do said actions, is liable for the inevitable harm caused, and or may be found negligent where there is a duty of care ; and
WHEREAS, it appears that the implementation of the so-named COVID-19 MEASURES and those involved such as the so-named Center for Disease Control “CDC,” Human Health Services “HHS,” National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases “NIAID,” Utah Department of Health “UDOH”, the Governor of the STATE OF UTAH, the Lt. Governor of the
STATE OF UTAH et al., without limits, are violating and breaching natural law, common law, laws, constitutions, federal laws and ordinances, codes, oaths of office, legal and lawful proceedings and thus decommissioning themselves as being unfit to set safety regulations, licensing and accreditation abilities for any nation, domestic and non-domestic; and,
WHEREAS, it appears any man, woman, organization, institution, agency, non-profit, corporation, industry that relies on, accepts, and or abides by any so-named “report and orders” of any regulatory agency, the so-named CDC, HHS, NIAID, UDOH, Governor, Lt. Governor, et al as having any regulatory powers of authority and ability to control, determine, and enforce COVID-19 MEASURES 18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of Treason and the so-named “Nuremberg Defense” just following orders, by committing crime, treason, fraud, medical fraud, medical treatment and human experimentation without the informed consent of the men, women and children; and,
WHEREAS, it is a fundamental legal principle that no one is above the law, including, but not limited to, all government actors. Any government immunity clause applies only to government actors when they perform their duties in good faith and that there is a verdict on officials who are held liable for acts or failure to take required actions.
THEREFORE I, __________________________________________Claimant/Libellant, do hereby issue, and serve by deliver, this instant contractual NOTICE OF LIABILITY regarding COVID-19 MEASURES to the above named and unnamed Respondents/Libellees as the situation requires.
I Corinthians Chap III verses 16-17
16Knowe yee not that yee are the Temple of God is holy, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17If any man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ve are...."
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New projects from FECORE:
Why Hydroponics? Why Research the Effect of Electrical Fields on Plants?
As we look around us we see a strange event of nearly all governments reacting to reports of a disease which is only identified by tests which are not validated to test for any disease. Further research shows this governmental attitude of oppression in the name of disease was seen around since the 1400s.
FECORE Hydroponic Gardening
Growing your own food is not only beneficial, but now it’s essential.
Beneficial, because you can grow healthy vegetables for your family and friends, become independent from “Big Food” and their supply chain with questionable quality products. For all we know in the future only those who…
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Current projects that are STILL unfinished:
Microwave results - pending
Mechanical gyro results - pending
Multistage Balloon results - pending
Airy's test results - pending
Prior projects abandoned:
Solar Speed Measurement
Arctic Midnight Sun Observation
Globe Earth vs Real Life Experiment
Satellite Contract Verification
Autonomous Balloon and Rocket Launch Platform
Enhanced Crop Yield Research
Prior projects thoroughly debunked:
Iru Landucci (FECORE flat Earth advocate) breaks his promise to keep guest airline pilot's identity confidential. A betrayal of trust.
Flat Earth NOT: Bob Knodel (FECORE and GLOBUSTER) leading the way. As flat Earther’s now contemplating making it a religion…
Iru Landucci – FECORE/Globusters flat earth puppet knocked down several pegs by Diego Bagú, astronomer and director of the Planetarium Ciudad De La Plata, Argentina
FECORE - Another flat earth failed adventure. The Gyro Compass. Also listed are 20 URL links to other FECORE failures for your review
FECORE - Long Distance Microwave Second Attempt, experiment FAIL
FECORE & Globebusters Debacle - Bob Knodel makes a MAJOR BLUNDER. He thinks that beyond 26.6 AU's the Sun is no longer visible - IS WRONG AGAIN! - we can't fix stupid
FECORE - their "Force the Level" experiment FAIL
FECORE (September 2019) - Their history, members, stated goals and current experiments
FECORE Inc - Mechanical Gyro test
FECORE flat Earth $20,000 gyro BOONDOGGLE
Gary John Heather (FECORE) - UK flat Earth advocate FAIL
Iru Landucci (FECORE affiliate) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
FECORE – now using litigation in an attempt to silence critics of their very own (FECORE's) flat Earth disinformation campaign
FECORE stumbles again. Their amateur non-scientist trilobites get WGS84 deadly wrong
FECORE 2018 - Lake Balaton and Lake Ijssel laser test - PEER REVIEW
FECORE 2018 - have they abandoned the following advertised projects?
FECORE - Lake Ijssel Netherlands Laser Test FAIL. Peer Review summary -> How atmospheric temperature inversion / ducting layer boundaries, over the water horizon, always yield erroneous and misleading results.
FECORE – Bungled 12-km Lake Balaton (Hungary) laser test 2018
FECORE Inc - (Netherlands Laser Test 2018 -- 40.55 km) claims a successful laser test, but once again shows zero evidence as proof
FECORE flat Earth Canada Conference 2018 - the same people as before pitching biblical literalism and pseudoscience
FECORE - Failed to provide evidence that the Earth is flat, at Lake Balaton (Hungary) Jan - Feb 2018
FECORE - 2018 Lake Balaton; The Biggest Laser Experiment in History goes BUST
FECORE - February 1, 2018 update: Lake Balaton laser experiment now moving to plan B & C
FECORE - January 10, 2018 update: "Flat Earth" heading/title dropped for upcoming April 2018 UK Convention
FECORE - January 9, 2018 update: doomed from the onset because of inadequate planning and lack of common sense, the Lake Balaton (in Hungary) flat Earth laser experiment is on the slippery slope to irrelevance
FECORE – is based at North Liberty Mennonite Church
Flat Earth NOT – Real Airline pilots know the Earth is not flat, by Wolfie6020
Rick Hummer – flat Earth advocate FAIL
Flat Earth International Conference (Canada) 2018 – A Christian religious tent revival meeting
flat Earth FAIL - Why ALL flat Earth laser experiments beyond the land-water horizon are inconclusive and worthless
Rolan Reddy (aka Rick Hummer) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Karen B (Karen B. Endecott) – Earth's Motion Can Not Be Detected | Flat Earth DEBUNKED
Flat Earth - follow the money scams latest update
Bob Knodel - flat Earth Globebuster dispenses nasty comments to bolster his failed belief system
Flat Earth NOT - Discovery Channel simple laser-over-water test demonstrates Earth curvature
Chris Monk Sellye - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Steve Torrence - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion
Exact same article here:
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Posted on August 14, 2020
Hello, sunrise!, by Deborah Byrd in Today's Image,
Dear flat Earthers, instead of using denial and obfuscation, it's time for you to prove your claim (no 24-hour sun). Take a trip to Antarctica to see for yourself what the reality is.
Concordia Research Station is a French-Italian facility, open since 2005, at a location called Dome C on the Antarctic Plateau. It’s 10,607 feet (3,233 meters) above sea level and about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) from the geographic south pole (where the U.S. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station has been permanently staffed since 1956). The researchers at Concordia were understandably excited this week when the sun rose there this week for the first time in four months, ending the winter darkness.
Read more about this photo from ESA
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on August 6, 2020
If the Sun is local (only 3,000 miles above the Earth) as flat Earth advocates claim, then why does it take a large solar magnetic flare (CME - Coronal Mass Ejections) 15-18 hours to reach the Earth's surface while traveling at (250 to 3,000) km/sec?
Fact check: You can time yourself how long it takes for the northern lights (aurora borealis) to appear after a solar eruption. As a ham radio operator you can time how long it takes for your airwave to be reduced to static and unusable.
Fact check: flat Earthers are delusional and have no clue. They are in denial of our reality.
Fact check: what is emitted from a solar flare?
A solar flare occurs when magnetic energy that has built up in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. Radiation is emitted across virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves at the long wavelength end, through optical emission to x-rays and gamma rays at the short wavelength end.
Fact check: Don't forget that the "lighter than air gas" called Helium was discovered first in the Sun (1868), and not on the Earth.
As science progresses new discoveries like the one cited in the article below; new understandings emerge about our 93-million mile away star.
New Solar Model Successfully Predicted Seven of the Sun's Last Nine Big Flares, by Nancy Atkinson (
Since it launched in 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory has helped scientists understand how the Sun’s magnetic field is generated and structured, and what causes solar flares. One of the main goals of the mission was to be able to create forecasts for predicting activity on the Sun.
Using mission data from the past 10 years, SDO scientists have now developed a new model that successfully predicted seven of the Sun’s biggest flares from the last solar cycle, out of a set of nine.
The team says that with more development, the model could be used to inform forecasts of these intense bursts of solar radiation, which influence life on Earth and can affect our technological systems.
Led by Kanya Kusano, the director of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research at Japan’s Nagoya University, a team of scientists built a physics-based model, which they call the k-scheme, to predict large solar flares. They based the model on a magnetic map created from SDO’s observations of magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Other wonderful pictures of the Sun at SDO Gallery
Solar Storm and Space Weather - Frequently Asked Questions
Solar telescope GREGOR unveils magnetic details of the Sun, by University of Freiburg (on
The Sun is our star and has a profound influence on our planet, life, and civilization. By studying the magnetism on the Sun, we can understand its influence on Earth and minimize damage of satellites and technological infrastructure. The GREGOR telescope allows scientists to resolve details as small as 50 km on the Sun, which is a tiny fraction of the solar diameter of 1.4 million km. This is as if one saw a needle on a soccer field perfectly sharp from a distance of one kilometer.
"This was a very exciting, but also extremely challenging project. In only one year we completely redesigned the optics, mechanics, and electronics to achieve the best possible image quality." said Dr. Lucia Kleint, who led the project and the German solar telescopes on Tenerife. A major technical breakthrough was achieved by the project team in March this year, during the lockdown, when they were stranded at the observatory and set up the optical laboratory from the ground up. Unfortunately, snow storms prevented solar observations. When Spain reopened in July, the team immediately flew back and obtained the highest resolution images of the Sun ever taken by a European telescope.
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina, professor at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg and Director of the Leibniz Institute for Solar Physics (KIS), is very happy about the outstanding results: "The project was rather risky because such telescope upgrades usually take years, but the great team work and meticulous planning have led to this success. Now we have a powerful instrument to solve puzzles on the Sun." The new optics of the telescope will allow scientists to study magnetic fields, convection, turbulence, solar eruptions, and sunspots in great detail. First light images obtained in July 2020 reveal astonishing details of sunspot evolution and intricate structures in solar plasma.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on August 4, 2020
Yikes ...
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Posted on August 3, 2020
VLT Measures Main - Belt Asteroid Euphrosyne and its Moon
This is just more bad news for flat Earth advocates. Larger asteroids are round globes and this one even has its own orbiting moon!
Using the high-angular resolution observations from ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have determined the 3D shape, diameter and density of the asteroid (31) Euphrosyne and the diameter of its moon
Euphrosyne, one of the biggest objects in the Solar System’s main asteroid belt, was discovered by James Ferguson on September 1, 1854, the first asteroid found from North America.
This asteroid is the namesake of an asteroid family that occupies a highly inclined region in the outer main belt and contains a remarkably large number of members.
Euphrosyne orbits the Sun every 5.61 years and has a small satellite, S/2019 (31) 1, discovered in 2019.
It is a C-type asteroid with a primitive surface possibly covered by ejection blanket in the same collision which created its moon and other Euphrosyne asteroids.
“The main asteroid belt is a dynamically living relic, with the shapes, sizes, and surfaces of most asteroids being altered by ongoing collisional fragmentation and cratering events,” said ESO astronomer Bin Yang and her colleagues.
“Space probes and ground-based observations revealed a fascinating variety among asteroid shapes, where large asteroids are nearly spherical and small asteroids are irregularly shaped.”
“Most asteroids with diameters greater than 100 km (62 miles) have likely kept their internal structure intact since their time of formation because the dynamical lifetime of those asteroids is estimated to be comparable to the age of the Solar System.”
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on August 2, 2020
Nathan Oakley - prominent flat Earther finally admits that there is a pressure gradient (pressure gets less with height above the surface) in our atmosphere
BUT, he still insists that the pressure does not go to zero (only very close to it) - "because zero is a complete vacuum which would suck all the air out into space" according to Nathan.
Fact check: Nathan's problem is not acknowledging/understanding that mass attracts mass, and the Earth's gravity keeps the atmospheric molecules closely bound to our surface. The vacuum of space does not change that.
Debunk by WheresWa11y
Nathan Oakley Says YES to Atmospheric Pressure Gradient - A Precedent For ALL Future Flat Earthers, by WheresWa11y
Of course we all know there is one, it is measurable, even within a single room. That gradient is a Globe-Sign that Nathan, a "Thought Leader" has now admitted. This admission will cause him, a half hidden boat load of trouble, for his pet Flat Earth cash cow.
As soon as Nathan accepted atmospheric pressure gradient, then you accept that the upper limit has to be 0 ( or 1x10^-6 TORR). That is a natural law, and just how it is Nathan, unless you can magic up some reason the gradient stops before reaching 0.
Get Some Help Nathan | Atmospheric Pressure
Bob the Science Guy =
TOP 3 - Gas Pressue WITHOUT A Container -
Featuring Thunderf00t Clown NathanOakley1980 -
Related article here:
Nathan Oakley - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on July 28, 2020
The three dimensional vector movement of Milky Way stars in our solar neighborhood have been measured by the RAVE project.
To flat Earth advocates - the stars in the sky are in constant motion in space. Because they are so far away from our Earth a powerful telescope is needed in order to see and track their velocity.
RAVE Survey Maps Nearly 452,000 Milky Way Stars, by
Astronomers from the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) Collaboration have released a database of spectra and associated fundamental stellar parameters for 451,783 unique Milky Way stars.
RAVE is a magnitude-limited spectroscopic survey of Milky Way stars randomly selected in Earth’s southern hemisphere.
The observations were performed at the 1.23-m UK Schmidt telescope (UKST) at the Anglo-Australian Observatory using a multi-object spectrograph.
RAVE used a dedicated fiber-optical setup to simultaneously take spectra of up to 150 stars in a single observation.
“By means of spectroscopy, the light of a star is decomposed into its rainbow colors,” said Dr. Matthias Steinmetz, leader of the RAVE Collaboration and an astronomer at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, and his colleagues.
“By analyzing the spectra, the radial velocity of a star — its movement in the direction of the observer’s view, can be determined.”
“Furthermore, stellar spectra also enable us to determine stellar parameters like temperatures, surface gravities, and composition.”
In order to trace the structure and shape of our Milky Way Galaxy, the astronomers successfully obtained 518,387 spectra for 451,783 stars.
The stars were also matched with stars from the second data release of ESA’s Gaia mission.
“The RAVE data releases provided new insights into the motion of stars and chemical structure of our Milky Way,” Dr. Steinmetz said.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
The technical research papers are here...
The Sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE). I. Survey Description, Spectra, and Radial Velocities
The Sixth Data Release of the Radial Velocity Experiment (Rave). II. Stellar Atmospheric Parameters, Chemical Abundances, and Distances
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Update: October 20, 2020
Evidence of broadside collision with dwarf galaxy discovered in Milky Way, by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Nearly 3 billion years ago, a dwarf galaxy plunged into the center of the Milky Way and was ripped apart by the gravitational forces of the collision. Astrophysicists announced today that the merger produced a series of telltale shell-like formations of stars in the vicinity of the Virgo constellation, the first such "shell structures" to be found in the Milky Way. The finding offers further evidence of the ancient event, and new possible explanations for other phenomena in the galaxy.
Astronomers identified an unusually high density of stars called the Virgo Overdensity about two decades ago. Star surveys revealed that some of these stars are moving toward us while others are moving away, which is also unusual, as a cluster of stars would typically travel in concert. Based on emerging data, astrophysicists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute proposed in 2019 that the overdensity was the result of a radial merger, the stellar version of a T-bone crash.
"When we put it together, it was an 'aha' moment," said Heidi Jo Newberg, Rensselaer professor of physics, applied physics, and astronomy, and lead author of the The Astrophysical Journal paper detailing the discovery. "This group of stars had a whole bunch of different velocities, which was very strange. But now that we see their motion as a whole, we understand why the velocities are different, and why they are moving the way that they are."
The newly announced shell structures are planes of stars curved, like umbrellas, left behind as the dwarf galaxy was torn apart, literally bouncing up and down through the center of the galaxy as it was incorporated into the Milky Way, an event the researchers have named the "Virgo Radial Merger."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on July 27, 2020
If the Sun is small and local as flat Earther's claim, then its apparent angular size in the sky must change radically throughout the day and night. Flat Earth FAIL - but it does not.
FEBS3 Sun Angular Size, by MCToon
Jump right to the web site with evidence here:
Disagree? Show the predicted angular size range of the sun if it is small and local, then show the predicted angular size range of the sun if it is 93,000,000 miles away and 865,000 miles in diameter.
Compare to measurements using a proper solar filter. If the measurements match the predicted flat earth angular size range, congratulations, you're the first to find evidence for flat earth.
Of course, the angular size measurements of the sun don't match the silly idea of "small and local". Therefore the sun is not small and local.
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If the Earth were flat, based on the "law of perspective," the Sun would never set.
Debunk by MCToon,
Flat Earth BS 6 The Sun Could Never Set, by MCToon
Jump right to the web site with evidence here:
MCToon does all the math to show based on Sun angle sigthtings around the world, the Earth is not flat.
Please read the entire article: Sun Minimum Angular Elevation (
Article Conclusion:
At the location most beneficial to flat earth, the lowest angular elevation of the sun in the middle of the night is 9.53°. This is too high for any known phenomenon to account for a setting sun. There is absolutely no way this could be considered a sunset.
When someone claims the sun sets due to:
- Perspective
- Circular perspective
- Atmospheric lensing
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Reflecting off the dome
- Bendy light
- Electromagnetic acceleration
- Angle of attack
- Rayleigh criterion
- Projections
- Holograms
- Luminaries
- Or anything else
Just ask them to explain the phenomenon responsible for dropping the apparent location of the sun by at least 9.53°. Since this is likely an as-yet unknown phenomenon, be sure to request formulas, derivations, and calculations to account for this angular declination.
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Posted on July 26, 2020
Did we (mankind) ever land on the Moon? Ample evidence to back that up is available even today. Let's take a look.
With regard to proving manned lunar landings after the fact, there are several sources we can look at today – the moon rocks brought back to Earth, current photos of the Apollo landing site, Earth based lasers bouncing their beam off the retro reflector left on the Moon, independent sightings by amateur astronomers, and a host of debunk articles written by reputable sources.
The Moon rocks brought back to Earth:
A glass spherule, of which many were found in the 382 kilograms of Moon rocks that were brought back by the Apollo crew.
Glass spherules are produced two key ways: in explosive volcanic activity and by high-speed meteorite impacts that melt and vaporize rock. In either case, the rock needs time to cool and crystallise slowly. On Earth, the elements quickly break down any volcanically-produced glass. But in space, glass spherules survive nearly pristine, and we’ve found them in both meteorites that have fallen to Earth and in the Moon rocks returned from the Apollo missions, proving that the Apollo crew were indeed space travelers.
When the first rocks were returned from the Apollo 11 mission, samples were given to 135 different countries around the world as a gesture of good will. These rocks have withstood every possible geology test from labs around the world, and these have confirmed they are indeed of lunar origin.
Much more info here for you to read -
Flat Earth FAIL - No Moon Rocks? Better check again before you fall off your cliff...
Current evidence from the Apollo 15 landing site:
We can actually see the footprints and spacecraft left behind by the Apollo astronauts.
It is often claimed that if we really landed on the Moon, then it should be fairly easy to see the evidence with a telescope such as Hubble. But as powerful as Hubble is at spying galaxies, it simply doesn’t have the resolution to pick up fine details like spacecraft on the Moon – they’re too small and the Moon is too far away.
Thankfully, we do have a closer spacecraft, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been in orbit around the Moon since 2009. And it has captured recent photographs of all the Apollo landing sites (see here and here). These images show the Apollo spacecraft in exactly the right locations and amazingly, you can even see the astronauts’ footprints as they explored their lunar home.
These landing sites have also been independently spotted by a variety of other spacecraft from China, India, and, as discussed above, Japan.
Bouncing Lasers off the Moon:
Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment
Excerpt (Overview):
The first successful tests were carried out in 1962 when a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology succeeded in observing laser pulses reflected from the Moon's surface using a laser with a millisecond pulse length.[2] Similar measurements were obtained later the same year by a Soviet team at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory using a Q-switched ruby laser.[3] Greater accuracy was achieved following the installation of a retroreflector array on July 21, 1969, by the crew of Apollo 11, and two more retroreflector arrays left by the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions have also contributed to the experiment. Successful lunar laser range measurements to the retroreflectors were first reported[when?] by the 3.1 m telescope at Lick Observatory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Lunar Ranging Observatory in Arizona, the Pic du Midi Observatory in France, the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, and McDonald Observatory in Texas.
The uncrewed Soviet Lunokhod 1 and Lunokhod 2 rovers carried smaller arrays. Reflected signals were initially received from Lunokhod 1, but no return signals were detected after 1971 until a team from University of California rediscovered the array in April 2010 using images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.[4] Lunokhod 2's array continues to return signals to Earth.[5] The Lunokhod arrays suffer from decreased performance in direct sunlight—a factor considered in reflector placement during the Apollo missions.[6]
The Apollo 15 array is three times the size of the arrays left by the two earlier Apollo missions. Its size made it the target of three-quarters of the sample measurements taken in the first 25 years of the experiment. Improvements in technology since then have resulted in greater use of the smaller arrays, by sites such as the Côte d'Azur Observatory in Nice, France; and the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO) at the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Bouncing Lasers = First two-way laser ranging to a lunar orbiter:
First two-way laser ranging to a lunar orbiter: infrared observations from the Grasse station to LRO’s retro-reflector array
We present the results of the first series of successful two-way laser ranging experiments from a ground station, the Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) station in Grasse, France, to a spacecraft at lunar distance, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). A 15 × 18 × 5 cm, 650-g array of twelve 32-mm diameter solid corner cubes is mounted on its anti-nadir deck. Ranging to this small retro-reflector array onboard a lunar orbiter from a ground station was a challenge compared to ranging to larger lunar surface retro-reflectors. Grasse measured 67 returns in two 6-min sessions on September 4, 2018. Clear returns were also recorded during two additional sessions on August 23–24, 2019 for which active slewing by LRO was performed to bring the array in view of the station. The measured echos yielded range residuals less than 3 cm (two-way time-of-flight RMS < 180 ps) relative to the reconstructed LRO trajectory. This experiment provides a new method of verifying theories of dust accumulation over decades on the lunar surface. It also showed that the use of similar arrays onboard future lunar landers and orbiters can support LLR lunar science goals, particularly with landing sites near the lunar limbs and poles, which would have better sensitivity to lunar orientation.
China just bounced a laser off reflectors on the Moon placed by NASA's Apollo 15 mission, by Andrew Jones (January 24, 2018) of the gbtimes
China has successfully used a 1.2-metre telescope laser ranging system to bounce light off a retroreflector placed on the Moon during NASA's Apollo 15 crewed lunar mission.
The Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiment, a national first, was carried out by the applied astronomy group from the Yunnan Observatories, operating under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
LLR is used to achieve the highest accuracy measurements of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Before now, only the US, France and Italy had successfully deployed LLR technology.
According to the group, the distance between the retroreflector in the Hadley–Apennine region of the near side of the Moon and the Yunnan Observatory was 385,823.433 km to 387,119.600 km from 9:25 pm to 10:31 pm Beijing Time on January 22.
The Apollo 15 Lunar Laser Ranging RetroReflector (LRRR) array is the largest of four such working arrays on the surface of the Moon, according to NASA, with a size of 105 x 65 cm. The other active LRRRs are at the Apollo 11 and Apollo 14 landing sites, and on the Soviet Union's Lunokhod 2 rover.
The hardware from Apollo 15 was placed on the Moon by astronaut David Scott on July 31, 1971.
YouTube video - China just bounced a laser off reflectors on the Moon placed by NASA's Apollo 15 mission
Independent observations:
Article -
Moon landing conspiracies debunked:
Article - Moon landing conspiracy theories aren't true - here's how we know,
- -
Exact same article here:
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Posted on July 20, 2020
UAE (United Arab Emirates) successfully launches Hope probe, Arab world's first mission to Mars,
So flat Earth people, since NASA is not party to this launch and the Illuminati is not in the UAE, what is your excuse now for denying that this space mission to Mars is fake?
A rocket carrying the unmanned probe, known as Al-Amal in Arabic, joins China and US in race to red planet.
The first Arab space mission to Mars has blasted off aboard a rocket from Japan, with its unmanned probe – called Al-Amal, or Hope – successfully separating about an hour after liftoff.
A live feed of the launch showed the rocket carrying the probe lifting off from the Tanegashima Space Centre in southern Japan at 6.58am (9.58pm GMT).
Almost exactly one hour later, the feed showed people applauding in the Japanese control room as the probe successfully detached.
In Dubai, the launch was met with rapturous excitement, with the UAE Mars mission’s deputy project manager Sarah al-Amiri declaring it “an indescribable feeling” to see the probe blasting off.
“This is the future of the UAE,” Amiri, who is also minister of state for advanced sciences, told Dubai TV from the launch site.
The Emirati project is one of three racing to Mars, including Tianwen-1 from China and Mars 2020 from the United States, taking advantage of a period when the Earth and Mars are nearest.
In October, Mars will be a comparatively short 38.6m miles (62m km) from Earth, according to Nasa.
Hope is expected to reach Mars’s orbit by February 2021, marking the 50th anniversary of the unification of the UAE, an alliance of seven emirates.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on July 17, 2020
Measuring the Earth's rotation (spin-rate and wobble) to the highest degree of accuracy yet.
Flat Earther's need to stop lying about the Earth's non-rotation, and eradicate their delusional unconscious views.
Reconstruction of the Instantaneous Earth Rotation Vector with Sub-Arcsecond Resolution Using a Large Scale Ring Laser Array
Abstract: Absolute rotation rate sensing with extreme sensitivity requires a combination of several large scale gyroscopes in order to obtain the full vector of rotation. We report on the construction and operation of a four-component, tetrahedral laser gyroscope array as large as a five story building and situated in a near surface, underground laboratory. It is demonstrated that reconstruction of the full Earth rotation vector can be achieved with sub-arcsecond resolution over more than six weeks.
A giant underground motion sensor in Germany tracks Earth's wobbles
The machine’s measurements could help ensure the accuracy of GPS navigation
"A giant underground motion sensor in Germany has taken its first measurements of Earth’s spin and tilt. Although researchers are still getting the machine’s accuracy up to snuff, their observations could someday keep GPS navigation working reliably on devices like smartphones.
Phenomena like earthquakes and ocean tides continually knock Earth’s rotation off-kilter, requiring constant correction of GPS satellite signals. Typically, corrections use telescope observations, which offer a set of celestial coordinates to determine Earth’s orientation in space. But telescope data can take days to process. The Rotational Motions in Seismology, or ROMY gyroscope array, can monitor Earth’s tiny wobbles continuously, researchers demonstrate in an experiment reported online July 17 in Physical Review Letters.
ROMY is an upside-down pyramid of pipes, about the length of a telephone pole on each side. Its four triangular faces measure motion in different directions. On each side, one laser beam runs clockwise through the triangular piping, while another runs counterclockwise. As the triangles move with Earth’s rotation, laser beams running in the same direction as that motion have to travel farther to loop around the triangle. That stretches out the beams’ wavelength. Meanwhile, the beams going the opposite way have their wavelength compressed by their shorter path. The mismatch between wavelengths reveals the speed and tilt of Earth’s rotation..."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on July 10, 2020
The orbital path of Comet NEOWISE shows that it travels AROUND the Sun in an elliptical trajectory.
To the dismay of flat Earthers, that proves GRAVITY is a real force, and permanent objects in our solar system ORBIT the SUN (Heliocentrism).
Comet NEOWISE Now Visible to the Unaided Eye, by
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Flat Earth challenge: Why does the comet tail(s) change orientation to always point AWAY from the SUN as it travels?
It turns out that Comet NEOWISE has TWO Tails. So flat Earthers, please explain what they are, and why is that so. OK?
Also today (7/14/2020) comet NEOWISE is bright enough to be seen at sunset from the Northern Hemisphere.
Parker Solar Probe Give a Unique Perspective on Comet NEOWISE, by
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
The orientation of a comet's tail in space changes, and depends upon where it is in relation to the Sun at the moment.
NEOWISE comet spotted streaking over Stonehenge in incredible picture, by FOX NEWS
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Comet Neowise may have sodium tail, new images suggest, by Fox News,
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Track Comet NEOWISE every day. It's still bright and visible to the naked eye (as of 7/16/2020)
Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), by
Don't miss this opportunity to see a real comet for yourself!
(Please visit the site at the URL posted above for up-to-the-minute brightness and position information)
Rendez-vous avec la comète NEOWISE
Comet NEOWISE, act 2
Comet NEOWISE, act 3
Other info:
Amazing Images of Comet F3 NEOWISE From Around the World
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Posted on July 10, 2020
Does Jeranism qualify as a Super Troll?
Jeran Campanella is a Super Troll. He knows the Earth is not flat, yet won't admit it. There is too much money to be made. He is laughing at you all the way to the bank.
Debunk by Hopeful Pessimist
Updated Flat Earth Trolls
Stop debating Optical Illusions!
Don't feed the FE Fixation...
Related article here:
jeranism (Jeran Campanella) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on July 6, 2020
Now that flat Earth traction is waning in the world, many of those same conspiracy channels are showing their endorsement of other connivances.
Globebusters back "OFF TOPIC" views presented by Spacebusters and others...
Spacebusters now going from flat Earth denial to supporting multiple other conspiracy theories. That highlights their delusional world view (of many topics) and that their flat Earth rants are disingenuous - crafted to fit the current mistrust and fear in American society. Fanning the flames of conspiracy is harmful to everyone.
Excerpt from the video (PART 2: ATLANTIS RISING):
"So beside the world’s largest gold silver and ivory deposit why has Atlantis been hidden from us? Because the entire control system matrix we are enslaved under today is solely built on one giant lie – that stems from deleting the history of Atlantis …
… Heliocentric fraud, the Jesuits, and lastly we are going to propose that Atlantis did not sink 12,000 years ago but rather not even a thousand years ago and that we may very well see it rise again in our lifetime"
Related article here:
Spacebusters - flat Earth advocate FAIL
GLOBEBUSTERS (Bob Knodel) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on July 4, 2020
One of the Best Pictures Ever Taken of ISS from the Ground. You Can Even See the Canadarm2, by Nancy Atkinson of
"Astrophotographer Thierry Legault is renowned for his amazing shots of spacecraft transiting the Sun. He’s now outdone even himself.
On June 24 and 25, 2020, Legault captured the International Space Station passing in front of the Sun with such clarity, even the station’s robotic arm, the Canadarm2, is clearly visible. The docked SpaceX Dragon capsule can also be seen. These latest masterpieces from Legault are the most detailed ISS images captured from Earth yet.
Legault credited some new equipment for the increased clarity.
“My new CFF apochromatic triplet 8″ refractor I bought 2 weeks before the shots seems to be optically very good,” he told Universe Today via email. “Focusing is critical and is always a challenge, especially nowadays because there are no sunspots. I had to focus on the solar limb, and fortunately, at the distance of the ISS, there’s no difference in focusing between the Sun and the ISS.”
Legault said the camera he uses, and Olympus E M-1 II, has the fastest continuous shooting: 60 frames per second in 20 Mpix Raw mode. But he has less than a second to capture the space station’s pass in front of the Sun....."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Website of Thierry Legault -
YouTube video at -
Solar transit of the ISS on June 24, 2020 showing the SpaceX Crew Dragon docked to the station. The multiple exposures were taken in less than a second, at 60 frames per second. Credit and copyright: Thierry Legault.
Some people allow their personal feelings to dictate what is truth for them. That is unfortunate because truth is determined by objective evidence.
People have irrational - emotions and needs. Part of our egoic make up. This is being, survival, and emotions; our primitive and limbic brains. It is pre-rational, so cannot be appealed to by reason and the mind. It’s looking for its needs to be met.
Flat Earth advocates adhere to that concept because they FEEL threatened with base consciousness, ego annihilation. It's all about FEELINGS for them.
International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC)
Day 1 of ISSRDC Online Series to Feature NASA Leadership and Promote Commercialization of Low Earth Orbit
These flat Earthers are in denial about the existence of the ISS orbiting the Earth in space:
Scientific Lee - feeds conspiracies with his opinion that "gravity and the ISS (International Space Station) do not exist"
Bling Bling The BS OF THE ISS (Christine)
GeoShifter (Randy Robichaud) - NASA mission imagination
Mike Helmick - 2 ISS Space Station How NASA NOW fakes weightlessness 100 explained in detail Flat Earth
Dilly Gill - Goodbye to the ISS. One more trick exposed - Flat Earth
DITRH (David Weiss) - Is NASA a bunch of liars and frauds? Flat Earth
Brian Mullin - Balls Out Physics Episode 4.0: The ISS, Satellites, and the Thermosphere
Anthony Harburn - Earth Shape Deception.. Flat. I Think.. Flight Path of the ISS
Alternative Cosmology - The ISS and the Flat Earth
jeranism (Jeran Campanella) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
... and others
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Posted on June 30, 2020
The erosion of confidence in SCIENCE and EXPERTS here in the United States, facilitated by conspiracy theorists, has led to increased misunderstanding, suffering, pain and death.
Why debunking anti-science videos is important, by Miles Davis
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Posted on June 25, 2020
Flat Earthers have never explained why there are spots on the Sun, why those spots move from day to day across the sun's surface, and why the 11-year cycle.
Motions in the sun reveal inner workings of sunspot cycle, by Max Plank Society
The sun's magnetic activity follows an 11-year cycle. Over the course of a solar cycle, the sun's magnetic activity comes and goes. During solar maximum, large sunspots and active regions appear on the sun's surface. Spectacular loops of hot plasma stretch throughout the sun's atmosphere and eruptions of particles and radiation shoot into interplanetary space. During solar minimum, the sun calms down considerably...
Helioseismology is to solar physics what seismology is to geophysics. Helioseismologists use sound waves to probe the sun's interior, in much the same way geophysicists use earthquakes to probe the interior of the Earth. Solar sound waves have periods near five minutes and are continuously excited by near surface convection. The motions associated with solar sound waves can be measured at the sun's surface by telescopes on spacecrafts or on the ground. In this study, Gizon and his team used observations of sound waves at the surface that propagate in the north-south direction through the solar interior. These waves are perturbed by the meridional flow: they travel faster along the flow than against the flow. These very small travel-time perturbations (less than 1 second) were measured very carefully and were interpreted to infer the meridional flow using mathematical modeling and computers.
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Flat Earthers also have no explanation what causes solar flares...
Measuring the structure of a giant solar flare, by
An ultraviolet image of a giant solar flare on 2017-09-10 as seen by SDO
"The sun's corona, its hot outermost layer, has a temperature of over a million degrees Kelvin, and produces a wind of charged particles, about one-millionth of the moon's mass is ejected each year. Transient events have been known to cause large eruptions of high-energy charged particles into space, some of which bombard the Earth, producing auroral glows and occasionally veven disrupting global communications. One issue that has long puzzled astronomers is how the sun produces these high-energy particles..."
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on June 22, 2020
ISS Station marks milestone with creation of 5th state of matter in space.
It's official AGAIN. The 5 states of matter are:
Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC)
Aboard the International Space Station, Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken are preparing for two spacewalks that will finish a multi-year battery replacement operation outside the ISS.
The new batteries will increase the outpost’s overall electrical efficiency and aid Station science utilization, which recently allowed scientists to create the fifth element of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate, for the first time in space...
Of publication, more than 2,800 experiments from 108 nations have been performed aboard the ISS, and 239 people from 19 countries have visited the orbital laboratory since its first sections were launched by Russia and the U.S. in November and December 1998.
Creating the fifth state of matter in space:
In 1924, Satyendra Nath Bose proposed a new field of study now called quantum statistics. After reading his paper, Albert Einstein worked in collaboration with Bose, and together they predicted a fifth state of matter (now confirmed) and now called the Bose-Einstein condensate.
A Bose-Einstein condensate is usually formed when extremely low density gasses of bosons are cooled to temperatures very near absolute zero, which is about -273.15℃ (-459.67℉).
At these temperatures, a large portion of the cooled atoms reach the lowest possible quantum state, creating a Bose-Einstein condensate. Here, the condensate displays on a macroscopic, visible to the naked eye, scale what occurs at the atomic and subatomic level.
The first Bose-Einstein condensate was created in a lab at the University of Colorado at Boulder by Cornell and Wieman using rubidium atoms in 1995; hundreds of teams around the world routinely produce the fifth state of matter in labs.
Now, the first Bose-Einstein condensate has been made in space aboard the International Space Station in the Cold Atom Laboratory, developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech and launched to the Station in 2018 on the OA-9E cargo resupply mission of Cygnus.
The Cold Atom Lab can cool gases down to near absolute zero and then make use of the Station’s unique microgravity environment to observe quantum phenomena that otherwise can’t be detected or are difficult to study on Earth.
In this case, the Cold Atom Laboratory used Rubidium, a soft and reactive metal just like Potassium, to form the Bose-Einstein condensate. The atoms were corralled and then supercooled. A magnetic trap was then created in the chamber with an electrified coil, which was used along with lasers and other tools to move the atoms in the dense cloud...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
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Posted on June 16, 2020
Eric Dubay, one of the founding fathers of the current flat Earth movement, now says that CODIV-19 is no more potent than the COMMON COLD, and rails against governments (his quote - "this is the biggest power play by the World Government, the new World Order") & the media.
Worldwide Lockdown Over The Common Cold?, by Eric Dubay (first published on April 21, 2020)
Eric says,
"Corona Virus, listed in old encyclopedias as the common cold, is admittedly one of the weakest viruses known to man, and a common product of respiratory disease, found in 7-15% of patients. Respiratory illnesses, in fact, kill over 3.5 million people every year, yet the entire world has just been locked down, businesses shut, curfews and checkpoints instituted, with military on the streets, over an old, common virus, that has to date killed only 40,000 people. The following video shows how this egregious excuse of an overreaction has been a PLANdemic from the start, to benefit an elite few at the expense of everyone else. Please download and share this video before it gets censored/banned like half the links in my last CV video."
Debunk by Team Skeptic
This Flat Earther Is Also A Covid Denier - Eric Dubay Is An Idiot, by Team Skeptic
"Today's video covers Eric Dubay's video titled, Worldwide Lockdown Over Common Cold. In this video we cover several myths concerning covid-19, and show exactly why flat earther Eric Dubay is an idiot."
Related article here:
Eric Dubay (Eric Michaels) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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Posted on June 15, 2020
Buoyancy requires the presence of gravity - proved in this drop tower. Flat Earthers lose another one.
For years the flat Earth community has claimed that there is no such thing as gravity. Instead, they said that an effect called buoyancy is the real reason objects fall to the Earth.
Well folks, the following experiment in a free fall column demonstrates clearly that there is NO BOUYANCY without gravity.
Inside a Drop Tower Creating Zero Gravity on Earth, by YouTube channel Seeker
At time mark: 7:52
So we see in the live video from our sample cell, that we had air bubble in the cell and they really stopped flowing. Such that you have no buoyancy anymore. Basically they just stop and you can have a look at them in microgravity….
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What is buoyancy?
the ability or tendency to float in water or air or some other fluid.
Water sinks because it is more dense than oil
The key points are:
a) Since density is a characteristic property of a substance, each liquid has its own characteristic density.
b) The density of a liquid determines whether it will float on or sink in another liquid.
c) A liquid will float if it is less dense than the liquid it is placed in.
d) A liquid will sink if it is more dense than the liquid it is placed in.
Buoyancy is dependent upon the force of gravity (g), the fluids displacement volume, and the density of the object...
Exact same article here:
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Posted on June 14, 2020
Parallax measurements from the New Horizons spacecraft is the Death Knell for flat Earth Geocentric Model proponents
NASA's New Horizons Conducts the First Interstellar Parallax Experiment, by
For the first time, a spacecraft has sent back pictures of the sky from so far away that some stars appear to be in different positions than we see from Earth.
More than four billion miles from home and speeding toward interstellar space, NASA's New Horizons has traveled so far that it now has a unique view of the nearest stars. "It's fair to say that New Horizons is looking at an alien sky, unlike what we see from Earth," said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado. "And that has allowed us to do something that had never been accomplished before — to see the nearest stars visibly displaced on the sky from the positions we see them on Earth."
On April 22-23, the spacecraft turned its long-range telescopic camera to a pair of the closest stars, Proxima Centauri and Wolf 359, showing just how they appear in different places than we see from Earth. Scientists have long used this "parallax effect" – how a star appears to shift against its background when seen from different locations -- to measure distances to stars.
An easy way to see parallax is to place one finger at arm's length and watch it jump back and forth when you view it successively with each eye. Similarly, as Earth makes it way around the Sun, the stars shift their positions. But because even the nearest stars are hundreds of thousands of times farther away than the diameter of Earth's orbit, the parallax shifts are tiny, and can only be measured with precise instrumentation.
"No human eye can detect these shifts," Stern said.
But when New Horizons images are paired with pictures of the same stars taken on the same dates by telescopes on Earth, the parallax shift is instantly visible. The combination yields a 3D view of the stars "floating" in front of their background star fields.
"The New Horizons experiment provides the largest parallax baseline ever made -- over 4 billion miles -- and is the first demonstration of an easily observable stellar parallax," said Tod Lauer, New Horizons science team member from the National Science Foundation's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory who coordinated the parallax demonstration...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Amateur Astronomers: Help NASA's New Horizons Mission with a Historic Stellar Parallax Experiment, by
For nearly two centuries, astronomers have used the parallax effect – how the apparent position of an object varies when seen along different lines of sight -- to measure the distances of faraway stars.
On April 22 and 23, the New Horizons spacecraft will take images of two of the nearest stars, Proxima Centauri and Wolf 359. When combined with Earth-based images made on the same dates, the result will be a record-setting parallax measurement. Read more about that here.
Amateur astronomers with small telescopes and CCD cameras can take part in this effort by imaging the same stars on the same nights from Earth. Combining their images with those made from New Horizons, it will be possible to create 3D images of nearby stars against their background star fields.
New Horizons' target stars can be observed by anyone with a camera-equipped, 6-inch or larger telescope. Once New Horizons sends its images to Earth, the mission team will provide them for comparison to images obtained with amateur telescopes. Wolf 359 and Proxima Centauri will appear to shift in position between the Earth-based and space-based images. Combined stereo images will show each star "popping out" from the background star fields. Expect to see all images from New Horizons – from the spacecraft alone and 3D images from the mission team – in May...
(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)
Related Article here:
Flat Earth NOT - Taking Parallax off the table as a flat Earth talking point
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Posted on June 13, 2020
Red Pill Philosophy (Chris Delamo) caught in more lies today. He makes sweeping comments with no evidence to back them up. When his mistakes are brought to attention, he just DELETES the comments.
They Now Know How FAKE It All Is!, by Red Pill Philosophy
JonahTheScientist commented,
"Show me your evidence to statement "top tier globe defenders now openly admit science doesn't prove anything."
Red Pill Philosophy said,
"Are you an actual scientist?"
JonahTheScientist said,
"Why did you not directly answer the question? Why this diversion to something else? I believe in real evidence. If you don't want to be exposed as a lair, prove your assertion.'
Red Pill Philosophy said,
"I did not directly answer your question (yet) because you don't get to tell me what to do. When you answer my question, I'll answer yours: are you an actual scientist?"
JonahTheScientist said,
"OK Mr. Delamo. I'll take that as an admission of guilt on your part. Your other lies are documented for the world to see at - Google Search - "Red Pill Philosophy (Chris Delamo) - - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion"
Related article here:
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Posted on June 12, 2020
Flat Earthers have yet to explain why the planet Venus displays to us in phases, just like our Moon does. From a geometric viewpoint (Earth - Venus - Sun) that's exactly how it should appear based on the current accepted Heliocentric model.
How Long is a Day on Venus? We Finally Know the Exact Answer.
How Long is a Day on Venus? We Finally Know the Exact Answer, by Matt Williams (
Venus, aka. Earth’s “Sister Planet,” has always been shrouded in mystery for astronomers. Despite being planet Earth’s closest neighbor, scientists remained ignorant of what Venus’ surface even looked like for well into the 20th century, thanks to its incredibly dense and opaque atmosphere. Even in the age of robotic space exploration, its surface has been all but inaccessible to probes and landers.
And so the mysteries of Venus have endured, not the least of which has to do with some of its most basic characteristics – like its internal mass distribution and variations in the length of a day. Thanks to observations conducted by a team led from UCLA, who repeatedly bounced radar off the planet’s surface for the past 15 years, scientists now know the precise length of a day on Venus, the tilt of its axis, and the size of its core.
The team’s study, titled “Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus,” recently appeared in the journal Nature Astronomy. The team was led by Jean-Luc Margot, a Professor of Earth and planetary sciences and astrophysics at UCLA. He was joined by researchers from Cornell University, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory‘s (NRAO) Green Bank Observatory.
(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)
Exact same article here:
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Posted on June 9, 2020
Our solar system planets are not "lights in the sky." They are globes (real massive physical bodies in space) that rotate like our Earth, shine due to reflected sunlight - but have different spin rates, axis tilt, and rotation directions (i.e., Venus and Uranus).
Before the invention of the telescope in 1608, one could say yes, the planets are wondering lights in the sky.
But not anymore - since the telescope magnifies the image and we clearly see what they really look like.
Exact same article here:
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Posted on May 31, 2020
It's important to understand how mis-information spreads
How YouTube Created 'Flat Earth', by Kurtis Baute
YouTube has a problem with misinformation. YouTube fostered the belief that the earth is flat in millions of people around the world. If that level of misinformation can happen regarding something so scientifically rudimentary, what does that mean for more complicated topics like climate change and COVID19?
Check out zentouro's video on YouTube's Climate Denial Problem, and subscribe to her excellent channel over here:
My bike video that I reference at the start:
The poll I reference:
The YouTube search trends, which I'm leaving here for you to explore because its fun:
Article about interviews with flat earthers at conference, demonstrating that YouTube brought them around to this belief:
Example" Flat Earthers claim that the Sun is local, only about 5,000 miles up (not 93-million miles) and tout the following "shade" type light source as an example of how it works - so that only 1/2 the Earth at a time is illuminated.
But that example fails on so many levels:
1. In that example the shape of the sun changes from oval, to a line, to nothing as it moves farther away. Observation clearly confirms that the shape and apparent size of the sun in sky remain the same - no matter how high up or down toward the horizon it gets.
2. The sun in that example is not able to shine on (illuminate) 1/2 of the earth at any given time.
3. Relying on magic and non-existent forces: The spotlight moving (north/south with acceleration and deceleration timed perfectly) to simulate the seasons is presented without explanation of the physical/force mechanism needed to accomplish it.
4. etc., etc., etc. ...
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Posted on May 30, 2020
SpaceX makes history, launches NASA astronauts into space from US soil for the first time since 2011, by Fox News.
"SpaceX has launched NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken on their historic Demo-2 mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The mission is the first time that astronauts have launched from American soil since the final Space Shuttle flight in 2011.
Hurley and Behnken blasted off from Kennedy Space Center’s historic launch pad 39A, which was also used for the Apollo and space shuttle programs, at 3:22 p.m. ET Saturday. An attempt on Wednesday was scrubbed due to weather conditions.
The launch is the first time a private company, rather than a national government, has sent astronauts into orbit."
Note: please go the Fox News (link above) to read more about this great day!
SpaceX Nasa Mission: Astronauts on historic mission enter space station, by BBC News - Jonathan Amos (May 31, 2020)
"Their Dragon capsule - supplied and operated by the private SpaceX company - attached to the bow section of the orbiting lab 422km above China.
After a wait for leak, pressure and temperature checks, the pair disembarked to join the Russian and American crew already on the ISS.
Hurley and Behnken launched from Florida on Saturday.
Theirs is the first crew outing launched from American soil since the retirement of the US space agency (Nasa) shuttles nine years ago.
The mission marks the beginning of a new era in which Nasa will be purchasing transport services from the commercial sector. No more will it own and operate the American vehicles that run to and from the station.
This will be done exclusively by firms such as SpaceX of Hawthorne, California, which is led by tech billionaire Elon Musk.
Confirmation of the Dragon's attachment at the ISS came at 14:16 GMT (15:16 BST) on Sunday, 19 hours after leaving the Kennedy Space Center atop a Falcon rocket also provided by SpaceX."
Note: please go the BBC website story (link above) to read more about this great event!
And now Flat Earthers - Rose777, Karen B, RV Truth, DITRH, Jeranism and Mark Sargent, put their science ignorance and denial of reality on display yet again...
Flat Earthers react to SpaceX Launch - Sunday Roast Second Servings, by Debate Flat Earth and more
"For the reasonable people who live in this side of the fence Yesterday was a day of awesomeness, as SpaceX launched humans into space for the first time marking the return of manned spaceflight to the free world, where it belongs, across the world groups of excited patriots gathered together to cheer on the live coverage of this event, lets take a look."
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Posted on May 28, 2020
To those flat Earth blockheads that deny gravity is a force of attraction between physical mass objects, please explain the existence of orbiting asteroids and now a comet, strategically (based on the law of gravity) placed in orbit around the planet Jupiter.
Jupiter Has Trapped a COmet in a Bizarre Orbit, by Sky And Telescope
A year ago, NASA's asteroid-hunting ATLAS project in Hawai'i discovered 2019 LD2, and further observations showed it was a comet. New observations this spring confirmed it as a periodic comet and placed its orbit near Jupiter, leading Larry Denneau (University of Hawaii) to announce May 20th that P/2019 LD2 was the first comet among the Trojans. This family of several thousand asteroids shares Jupiter's orbit but stays steady at about 60° ahead or behind of the planet. The discovery of a comet among Trojan asteroids was surprising because most of them are thought to have been captured in the solar system’s early years — any ices ought to have evaporated long ago.
However, when amateur astronomer Sam Deen used software on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's solar-system dynamics website to calculate the object’s orbit, he found P/2019 LD2 recently had a close encounter with Jupiter that left its orbit unstable. The model showed that the comet had likely been a Centaur, part of a family of outer solar system asteroids, with an orbit reaching out to Saturn. Then, on February 17, 2017, it passed about 14 million kilometers from Jupiter, an encounter that sent the comet on a wild ride and inserted it into an odd Jupiter-like orbit.
Yet although the swing past Jupiter put P/2019 LD2 into a Jupiter-like orbit, it didn’t move it near to one of the two Lagrange points where the combination of gravitational forces from Jupiter and the Sun hold Trojan asteroids. Instead of being 60° — one-sixth of the giant planet's orbit — from Jupiter, P/2019 LD2 is only 21° ahead of Jupiter. The model predicts the comet will drift to no more than 30° ahead before the two begin converging again.
Note: please go the Sky and Telescope article (link above) to read more about this great discovery!
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Posted on May 24, 2020
Attention all flat Earthers! IF you want to be believed, send us your updated flat Earth map that accurately depicts the movement of the north magnetic pole, heading toward Siberia at the current 30-40 miles/year clip. OK?
Why is Earth's magnetic north pole drifting so rapidly?, by
Magnetic north is migrating toward Siberia. Here's why, by Paul M. Sutter, Universe Today
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Posted on May 20, 2020
Not wearing your Corona Virus face mask while out in public is a case of disrespect of your fellow man/woman. Flat Earther "Red Pill Philosophy" laughs at the suggestion of wearing a face mask.
For COVID-19, data to date suggest that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe infection, requiring oxygen and 5% are critical infections, requiring ventilation.
When you wear a face mask, you protect YOURSELF from INFECTING OTHERS. That shows concern and humanity. Now that you are protecting others, it is appreciated that they also wear a mask to protect you. This helps stop the spread of the disease.
Simple decency and human caring.
People like Red Pill Philosophy often feel left out of society. They do not enjoy/have the best that society has to offer. And of course that failure is not seen by them as SELF INFLICTED. They never realize or accept that they are responsible for their own position in life. It's an ego "blame game" on their part.
They put down science and expertise since they have no higher education (Certification, Trade skills, Problem Solving, Services, Bachelors, MA, PhD.) themselves. This growing disrespect of expertise in our society has its root in feeling left out and not in control of your life. They are not an expert so they resent those who are.
But there are many types of expertise. It's really about being the best that you can. Life is equally fulfilling as a plumber, electrician, sales cashier, grocery clerk, insurance agent, paramedic, bank teller, etc.. It's not about money. At the end of the day, it's about being your best, in whatever you choose to do. That is what brings happiness and fulfilment to life.
Don’t pass the buck. If you want to blossom as a human being, for everything that you are, for everything that you are not, is fundamentally YOUR responsibility.
The salience of conspiracy theories has increased for a variety of reasons; including the increasing access to information among ordinary people, a pervasive sense of powerlessness among those same people, and a widespread distrust of elites.
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Red Pill says, “We are talking about the breaking news confirming that basically everything you see on television about the “health scare thingy” that’s going around, is all bullshit, it’s all fake.”
LIVE11 The Biggest HOAX Of Our Lives1
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Audience. Read the delusional rantings of Red Pill Philosophy. Obviously he has never taken or understood math in school, and skipped his science classes. He puts that ignorance on display here while perpetrating miss information about the coronavirus. …
They Now Know How FAKE It All Is!
In the above video Red Pill says, “You know like 2-months ago I said it. I said flat Earth is like a master class, it’s like training wheels, for understanding mathemagic, wizardry, and “scientific models” which of course are pseudo-scientific models.”
Purposeful lies from a flat Earther – Red Pill Philosophy
Red Pill says, “I gotta say thank you Bill Gates. Thank you to the dark shadowy forces behind this gigantic circus that we call the “health scare thingy.” Thank you so much for what you have done. Mr. Bill has red pilled, arguably hundreds of millions of people to the nature of mathemagic. To the techniques of “scientific models.” You know Dr. Fauci said it himself - a model is only as good as the assumptions you put into it.”
a side note:
Here we clearly see that Red Pill Philosophy has cherry picked to purposely relay only portion of what Dr. Fauci really said. Red Pill does not mention that models are refined and corrected as more information comes in. Science is a continuous "living" process.
Here is the video where Dr. Fauci speaks on that topic; “models are as good as the assumptions you put into them. And as we get more data, then you put it in, and that might change. So even though it says according to the model, which is a good model that we are dealing with, this is full mitigation. As we get more data, as the weeks go by, that could be modified.
Fauci: Models are as good as the assumptions you put into them…
FACT CHECK: Your bluster FAILS…
Red Pill says, “That’s exactly how the globe deception operates. The globe deception works by the presuppositions that THEY insert at every corner, to get you to beg the question, when it comes to any of the claims THEY make about the ball and how, and how we live on a ball and there’s a 100% proof we live on a ball. That’s right. THEY don’t believe in proof anymore so scratch that. Nothing’s proven. But if you disagree with the globe theory, then we’re gonna shut you down and silence you, is we haven’t even proven our globe, but shut up dissenters. THEY say this now; top tier globe defenders, the best the globe has to offer, will now openly admit science doesn’t prove anything.”
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Red Pill says, “when I started to hear the whispers of the coronavirus in the media 2.5 – 3, 4 months ago, and THEY were startled, it’s coming I knew from the first whispers I heard that this was a little whisper of Satan trying to get you to get scared …
Stress Is More Lethal Than Coronavirus
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Florida man who called coronavirus "fake crisis' gets infected, issues warning, by New York Post
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Posted on May16, 2020
Authentic Intent (Joshua Swift) is now pretending to be a medical expert, and telling folks that Covid-19 is not that bad. It is now part of his anti - government, media, science, flat EARTH propaganda campaign.
Joshua claims "the government" planed the outbreak.
A Heads-Up thanks to YouTube Channel "Not Authentic Intent"
Related article here…
Authentic Intent (Joshua Swift) - flat EARTH advocate FAIL
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Posted on May16, 2020
Flat Earthers have never acknowledged even the existence of galaxies, gas nebulae, black holes, asteroids, star clusters, that many of our solar system planets have their own moons, double stars, quasars, and pulsars
Astronomers Spot Enormous Bridge of Hot Gas between Two Galaxy Clusters, by
Image credit: NASA / CXC / SAO / V. Parekh et al / ESA / XMM-Newton / NCRA / GMRT.
From the article:
Astronomers using ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatories have observed a 3-million-light-year-long bridge of hot gas linking two unequal mass clusters of galaxies in the very peculiar cluster system Abell 2384; the two clusters collided several hundred million years ago and then passed through each other to arrive in this configuration.
Flat Earthers have never acknowledged even the existence of galaxies, gas nebulae, black holes, asteroids, star clusters, that many of our solar system planets have their own moons, double stars, quasars, and pulsars.
from: "A Flat Earther's guide To The Galaxy", by Arthur Cauty
What does (Liftin the Lid) Robin Campbell believe?
Robin says, “We believe in a geocentric model, a flat stationary plane, and what we’ve been told about the heliocentric model, doesn’t work.
Some believe in a dome above, and some believe the plane goes on infinitely. But all flat Earthers agree that there is no curvature, that water finds its level, and that we’ve been lied to.
We think the Sun is no more than 3,000 miles away. It shines local light like a lamp would, on the ground beneath it, leaving darkness everywhere the light doesn’t reach.
Planets to me are just two dimensional disks. They are like stars, they are luminaries. What they are, I have no idea. Are they three dimensional? I doubt it. They are just lights."
Related article here…
Liftin the Lid (Robin Campbell) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
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How low is your standard of evidence?
Circular Reasoning The Rise of Flat Earth Belief, by
In 2013, when Michael Marshall first interviewed the Vice President of the Flat Earth Society for his “Be Reasonable” program, it was hard to believe that one could genuinely think the earth would be flat. Five years later, the belief in flat land became popular, giving rise to thousands of hours of YouTube videos, receiving wide coverage from international media, and attracting countless supporters.
How did we get to this point?
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From our health care professionals - How Far Can We See and Why?
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Posted on May7, 2020
Ever since the first practical radar system was produced in 1935 by the British physicist Sir Robert Watson-Watt, militaries built "integrated air defense systems" to fill in the missing gap of planes flying below the horizon - that are not detectable due to the Earth's curvature.
So flat Earthers, please get a new life and stop your conspiracy nonsense.
How does Israel keep getting past Syria’s air defenses?, by Syria Direct
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Aristarchus and the Size of the Moon, by Bucknell University
The jump Aristarchus made from terrestrial measurements of scale to the celestial is truly remarkable. Without any measures of the sizes of or distances to any celestial objects, he was able to measure both for the Moon. His genius was to use something he knew about the Earth (its size) and a bit of clever geometry to deduce the size of the Earth's shadow at the distance of the Moon. Then by watching the Moon travel through the Earth's shadow (a lunar eclipse), he could determine the ratio between the size of the shadow at the distance to the Moon and the size of the Moon itself.
Aristarchus knew (as any natural philosopher at the time would have known), that on average twice a year, the surface of the full Moon became dark for a period ranging up to about two hours. It was correctly reasoned that during these times, the Moon was passing through the shadow cast by the Earth --- a lunar eclipse. The eclipse would only occur during the full Moon because that's the time when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. It didn't occur every time because the Moon's orbit and the Sun's orbit were tilted slightly relative to one another, so sometimes the Moon would pass above or below the Earth's shadow rather than right through it. Aristarchus realized that the longest lunar eclipses must occur when the Moon passes right through the center of the Earth's shadow, and furthermore, that the angular size of the Earth's shadow could be measured by noting the difference in the position of the Moon before and after the eclipse. He could then compare this angular size to the angular size of the Moon (which he could measure almost anytime) to get the ratio
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4 amazing astronomical discoveries from ancient Greece
Posted by Posted by EarthSky Voices in ASTRONOMY ESSENTIALS | HUMAN WORLD | SPACE | May 5, 2020
The ancients made some jaw-dropping discoveries without modern technology. For example, the size of the moon.
- The planets orbit the sun
A few centuries later, there had been a lot of progress. Aristarchus of Samos (310 B.C. to 230 B.C.) argued that the sun was the “central fire” of the cosmos and he placed all of the then known planets in their correct order of distance around it. This is the earliest known heliocentric theory of the solar system.
Unfortunately, the original text in which he makes this argument has been lost to history, so we cannot know for certain how he worked it out. Aristarchus knew the sun was much bigger than the Earth or the moon, and he may have surmised that it should therefore have the central position in the solar system.
Nevertheless it is a jaw-dropping finding, especially when you consider that it wasn’t rediscovered until the 16th century, by Nicolaus Copernicus, who even acknowledged Aristarchus during the development of his own work.
- The size of the moon
One of Aristarchus’ books that did survive is about the sizes and distances of the sun and moon. In this remarkable treatise, Aristarchus laid out the earliest known attempted calculations of the relative sizes and distances to the sun and moon.
It had long been observed that the sun and moon appeared to be of the same apparent size in the sky, and that the sun was further away. They realized this from solar eclipses, caused by the moon passing in front of the sun at a certain distance from Earth.
Also, at the instant when the moon is at first or third quarter, Aristarchus reasoned that the sun, Earth, and moon would form a right-angled triangle.
As Pythagoras had determined how the lengths of a triangle’s sides were related a couple of centuries earlier, Aristarchus used the triangle to estimate that the distance to the sun was between 18 and 20 times the distance to the moon. He also estimated that the size of the moon was approximately one-third that of Earth, based on careful timing of lunar eclipses.
While his estimated distance to the sun was too low (the actual ratio is 390), on account of the lack of telescopic precision available at the time, the value for the ratio of the size of the Earth to the moon is surprisingly accurate (the moon has a diameter 0.27 times that of Earth).
Today, we know the size and distance to the moon accurately by a variety of means, including precise telescopes, radar observations and laser reflectors left on the surface by Apollo astronauts.
- The Earth’s circumference
Eratosthenes (276BC to 195 B.C.) was chief librarian at the Great Library of Alexandria, and a keen experimentalist. Among his many achievements was the earliest known calculation of the circumference of the Earth. Pythagoras is generally regarded as the earliest proponent of a spherical Earth, although apparently not its size. Eratosthenes’ famous and yet simple method relied on measuring the different lengths of shadows cast by poles stuck vertically into the ground, at midday on the summer solstice, at different latitudes.
The sun is sufficiently far away that, wherever its rays arrive at Earth, they are effectively parallel, as had previously been shown by Aristarchus. So the difference in the shadows demonstrated how much the Earth’s surface curved. Eratosthenes used this to estimate the Earth’s circumference as approximately 25,000 miles (40,000 km). This is within a couple of percent of the actual value, as established by modern geodesy (the science of the Earth’s shape).
Later, another scientist called Posidonius (135 B.C. to 51 B.C.) used a slightly different method and arrived at almost exactly the same answer. Posidonius lived on the island of Rhodes for much of his life. There he observed the bright star Canopus would lie very close to the horizon. However, when in Alexandria, in Egypt, he noted Canopus would ascend to some 7.5 degrees above the horizon.
Given that 7.5 degrees is 1/48th of a circle, he multiplied the distance from Rhodes to Alexandria by 48, and arrived at a value also of approximately 25,000 miles (40,000 km).
- The first astronomical calculator
The world’s oldest surviving mechanical calculator is the Antikythera Mechanism. The amazing device was discovered in an ancient shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera in 1900.
The device is now fragmented by the passage of time, but when intact it would have appeared as a box housing dozens of finely machined bronze gear wheels. When manually rotated by a handle, the gears spun dials on the exterior showing the phases of the moon, the timing of lunar eclipses, and the positions of the five planets then known (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) at different times of the year. This even accounted for their retrograde motion – an illusionary change in the movement of planets through the sky.
We don’t know who built it, but it dates to some time between the third and first centuries B.C., and may even have been the work of Archimedes. Gearing technology with the sophistication of the Antikythera mechanism was not seen again for a thousand years.
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More and more flat Earthers are now touting the dangers of 5G and a fake corona virus. This proves our point that their flat Earth claims were always just phony ploys (based on personal interests) to sway the public.
zeTETic Truth Tube (Tom Eirik Thorstensen) - jumps on the 5G conspiracy bandwagon
The following post confirms that flat Earth advocates feed on conspiracy, and not fact.
5G TECHNOLOGY is not to kill u but to CONTROL U- Depopulation vs Overpopulation Social Credit System, by Zetetic Flat Earth.
"Hi, Hopefully, this video will give you something to think about and will make you look at this entire 5G and even Coronavirus situation from a different perspective. People in power use a technique called "reverse propaganda", so please don't jump too quickly to any new conclusions about any new theory and subject that circulates on the internet. Do your own research and your own thinking. And just because someone recorded themselves and shown his/her face on YT/Facebook, etc., it doesn't mean that such a person is not an actor/actress playing his/her part of distraction and confusion. I don't want you to believe me either in anything I present on my channel. Do your own research about it and do your own thinking and hopefully, you'll come to the same conclusions as me, myself and I. :-)"
Zetetic Flat Earth now pushing multiple conspiracies...
Debunk articles...
Zetetic Flat Earth - flat Earth advocate FAIL, exposed for making incorrect statements about the Moon as seen from both hemispheres
Zeteticism DotCom (Jeffrey Grupp) - Centrifugal force of carousel vs Earth's equator, relevant to the FLAT EARTH VS ROUND EARTH
Zetetic Society 1884 - all flat Earth meetings began with Bible readings and Christian prayer
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For something that is just a "light in the sky" why is it breaking apart, flat Earthers?
Stephen Fry (
“Progress is made in times of war. The cold war led to one of our most unifying achievements, with the astronauts lives resting on precise calculations. A far cry from today’s flat Earth society.”
Hubble Space Telescope Witnesses Breakup of Comet ATLAS
Update: June 3, 2020
ESA'S Solar Orbiter set for unexpected rendezvous with Comet Atlas
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For flat Earther deniers!. The Moon is a real physical globe-shaped-body in space, in orbit around the Earth (despite your hang-up that it's not), as the 3D surface topography has now been mapped with even greater accuracy.
First-ever comprehensive geological map of the moon, Posted by Eleanor Imster
"For the first time, the entire lunar surface has been completely mapped and uniformly classified by scientists from the USGS Astrogeology Science Center, in collaboration with NASA and the Lunar and Planetary Institute…
You can directly download the new moon map at its website:
The U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) announced the new Unified Geologic Map of the Moon on April 20, 2020. They said it shows the moon’s surface geology, with rock layers and craters charted “in great detail.” The map is a synthesis of six Apollo-era regional geologic maps, updated with data from more recent moon missions.
USGS said it’s designed to serve as “the definitive blueprint” for lunar science and future human missions to the moon, and to be used by the international scientific community, educators and the public at large."
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Liftin the Lid (Robin Campbell) flat Earth advocate FAIL is now pushing the conspiracy that 5G technology causes Covid-19 and other ailments
Here SciManDan explains the (ins and outs) of 5G technology. It causes no harm.
The Truth About 5G, by SciManDan
"After seeing an alarming amount of conspiracies about 5G, I thought I would bring out an information only video regarding all of the nonsense I've heard. This is the real truth about 5G!
Here are a list of some known channels that put out rubbish 5G videos:
Liftin the Lid:
Anthony Steele:
London Real:
Thank you all for watching. Please share this video as far as you can!!"
Debunking COVID-19 Conspiracies (Coronavirus Update #2), by Professor Dave Explains
Including 5G ...
The Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories Targeting 5G Technology, Bill Gates, and a World of Fear, by Amy Davidson Sorkin, New Yorker Magazine
"Over Easter weekend, arsonists set more than twenty 5G cellular towers in the United Kingdom on fire—forming a pattern of bunny-eared infernos that points to one of the many conspiracy theories surrounding the spread of the novel coronavirus. The basic idea is that 5G, a new generation of wireless communication, is responsible for the coronavirus crisis, and the idea has spread rapidly. According to some surveys, it is now the most widely disseminated pandemic-related conspiracy theory in the U.K., and has spread in Europe (there have been cell-tower attacks in the Netherlands and Belgium) and in the United States (where the actor Woody Harrelson posted about it on Instagram, albeit with a note saying that he hadn’t “fully vetted it”). The theory is false: the illness covid-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus sars-CoV-2, which is highly contagious..."
The Truth About 5G, by Real Engineering
Tim Ozman (aka Jack Larson) making money off 5G paranoia.
Related article here…
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Project New Horizons to measure stellar parallax using the longest baseline ever; distance from the Earth to the New Horizons spacecraft.
Using the current 2 AU (Astronomical Unit) = (2 * 93 million miles) baseline the Hubble Telescope in orbit around the Earth has a precision of 20 to 40 microarcseconds, enabling reliable distance measurements up to 3,066 parsecs (10,000 ly) for a small number of stars.
The current (April 2020) Earth to New Horizons spacecraft distance is 46.83 AU's.
Parallax is the perceived change in position of an object seen from two different places. Astronomers estimate the distance of nearby objects in space by using this method called stellar parallax, or trigonometric parallax.
Here is the following ...
Update: June 12, 2020
New Horizons conducts the first interstellar parallax measurement, by
For the first time, a spacecraft has sent back pictures of the sky from so far away that some stars appear to be in different positions than we'd see from Earth.
More than four billion miles from home and speeding toward interstellar space, NASA's New Horizons has traveled so far that it now has a unique view of the nearest stars. "It's fair to say that New Horizons is looking at an alien sky, unlike what we see from Earth," said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado. "And that has allowed us to do something that had never been accomplished before—to see the nearest stars visibly displaced on the sky from the positions we see them on Earth."
On April 22-23, the spacecraft turned its long-range telescopic camera to a pair of the "closest" stars, Proxima Centauri and Wolf 359, showing just how they appear in different places than we see from Earth. Scientists have long used this "parallax effect"—how a star appears to shift against its background when seen from different locations—to measure distances to stars.
An easy way to see parallax is to place one finger at arm's length and watch it jump back and forth when you view it successively with each eye. Similarly, as Earth makes it way around the Sun, the stars shift their positions. But because even the nearest stars are hundreds of thousands of times farther away than the diameter of Earth's orbit, the parallax shifts are tiny, and can only be measured with precise instrumentation.
"No human eye can detect these shifts," Stern said.
But when New Horizons images are paired with pictures of the same stars taken on the same dates by telescopes on Earth, the parallax shift is instantly visible. The combination yields a 3-D view of the stars "floating" in front of their background star fields.
(Please go to the listed URL and read the entire article)
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Happy Birthday - Flat Earth Lunacy !!
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Flat Earthers that claim satellites are fake and space does not exist - meet your DOOM. Just look up at the sky at the right time. Trust your eyes folks.
SpaceX Starlink satellites caused a stir over western Europe last night.
"We woke up today to many email questions from EarthSky readers in Europe, who saw a line of lights last night (April 19, 2020), trailing each other across the sky. Some on Twitter compared them to a string of Christmas lights, although they were all one color, and they moved. Others weren’t so gentle in their descriptions, because, indeed, these were the SpaceX Starlink satellites, which some fear will ruin the night sky for astronomy. The satellites seen last night over Europe were part of a much-larger group of thousands of satellites that SpaceX has launched or will launch to low-Earth orbit, with the goal of providing global Internet access. For example, Chris Jones wrote to EarthSky:
Hi, you’re probably inundated with the same question this evening but, I watched approximately 30 ‘star like’ objects traveling at speed from a general west to east direction at around 21:50 GMT. They all seemed to be in-line following each other … Now I realize we are having the Lyrid meteor showers at present but didn’t expect them to be in such a uniform trajectory …
Right! The meteors would not look like these artificial satellites did; instead, meteors are bright streaks across the sky that typically appear one by one, or just a few at a time. The Starlink satellites, on the other hand, can be seen in a group – sometimes referred to as a “constellation” of satellites – all moving across the sky together."
With the seventh flight of Starlink Wednesday (April 22, 2020) 422 Starlink satellites will have been launched across eight missions – seven dedicated Starlink flights and one ride-share.
Spectacular Starlink satellite train captured over Switzerland
A long line of SpaceX's Starlink satellites rise behind mountains and fly across the sky over Switzerland shortly before 10 p.m. on Thursday (April 23).
The filmer told Newsflare: "They appeared to the right of the Haut-de-Cry mountain, then flew just above Polaris, the North Star. it was absolutely stunning to see this."
The footage was filmed in real-time at 25 fps.
Guatemala launches Quetzmal cube satellite through UNOOSA and JAXA KiboCUBE programme
VIENNA, 28 April (United Nations Information Service) — Today the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), winner of the KiboCUBE programme 2017, run by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), saw their satellite deployed by JAXA from the International Space Station (ISS).
The satellite - Quetzal-1 - is Guatemala’s first and will unlock new possibilities for the country and help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The primary objective of the mission is to test a multispectral sensor to acquire remote sensing data for natural resource management. The sensor could be used to monitor water quality in inland water bodies, helping to achieve SDG Goal 6 - clean water and sanitation.
The project supports SDG Goal 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure - helping Guatemala develop its capacities in aerospace engineering and sparking innovations, such as the sensor created for the satellite. Women were an integral part of the winning team that engineered the satellite, contributing to SDG Goal 5 - gender equality.
The project has been made possible thanks to the strong collaboration of several entities: UNOOSA, JAXA, UVG, the UK Space Agency, the University of Colorado, the University of Chile, TEC Costa Rica, and the University of Würzburg among others. This is in line with SDG 17, partnership for the goals: international collaboration can unlock new frontiers in leveraging space for development.
The KiboCUBE programme offers the opportunity for institutions from developing countries to develop a cube satellite to be deployed from the ISS Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo). The programme, which recently completed its fifth round, enabled Kenya to deploy their first satellite in 2018, 1KUNS-PF, developed by a team from the University of Nairobi.
Update: June 13, 2020
SpaceX launches first Starlink rideshare mission with Planet Labs, by
"Since the announcement, companies such as Planet Labs, Exolaunch, and Momentus Space have signed contracts with SpaceX to launch on rideshare missions. The first fully-dedicated SmallSat Rideshare Mission program flight is currently scheduled to launch no earlier than December from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
In total, 61 satellites flew on Saturday’s mission: 58 SpaceX-built Starlink internet satellites and 3 SkySat Earth observation spacecraft, which are owned and operated by Planet Labs of San Francisco, California.
The Starlink V1.0 L8 mission was the eighth operational launch of Starlink satellites to date, with a total of 480 spacecraft launched as part of the initial deployment phase of SpaceX’s satellite internet constellation. This first phase will see 1,584 Starlink satellites launched over multiple missions, with additional deployment phases and satellite launches to follow."
(Please read the full article at the URL listed above)
Exact same article here:
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Jonah TheScientist