Flat Earth NOT - Discovery Channel simple laser-over-water test demonstrates Earth curvature
This simple & correctly done (laser-over-water) test demonstrates Earth curvature.
So why does FECORE, Globebusters, Jeranism, D. Marble, Hot Potatoes and others have such a hard time doing it themselves? It's so easy. One simple experiment and the whole flat Earth issue can be settled. Done. Over with.
Why such controversy? It's an easy open-and-shut case.
But meanwhile, FECORE and others continue to rake in thousands of dollars from gullible people.
Flat Earth CRUSHED by Discovery Channel
Laser beam measured above the water line...
500-feet from shore, the green laser beam is marked on the white board...
The laser beam hits the boat much higher, at 3-miles from shore. Why? Because the boat itself is lower due to Earth curvature...
Telescope test of helicopter landing at a distance..
Helicopter sighted in the telescope...
Helicopter is landing and disappearing from line-of-sight view...
Helicopter has still not landed, but cannot be seen from the telescope since it is now below the observable horizon, due to Earth curvature at that distance...
So after seeing this clear proof that the Earth is curved, why does the flat Earth community continue with their noise?
Published on – April 14, 2018
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist