Crrow777 - Satellites Do Not Exist As Described
Dear Crrow777,
Fact check = You FAIL
The lack of evidence is not evidence itself.
At time mark 2:16 you said, "I saw a good mathematician do a break down that if that was correct, we would expect to see from 1 to 500 satellites transit the Moon, every, I forget what it was, hour or three hours, or whatever, anywhere a lot."
Please post these detailed calculations, in their entirety, on your YouTube channel. I would like to analyze them to determine if the math is correct or not.
You stated ("if that was correct"). Why would you talk about something that you have not yourself verified as being correct?
Fact check = You FAIL
At time mark 4:30 you state, "and whatever these things are remains to be seen. There it is."
Since you mentioned that you don't know what these things are, how then can you be certain they are not satellites?
You first need to definitely know what something is, before you can say what it is not."
Fact check = You FAIL.
What about the pictures below of the International Space Station? Is that not real?
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Video at..
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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What about the Space Shuttle across the Sun?
What about the International Space Station across the Sun?
What about the International Space Station across the Moon?
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Update: December 16, 2021
Using land based observations of two geocentric satellites, from two different locations, the Radius of the Earth is correctly determined. The R proof with satellites.
Debunk by WheresWally
WheresWally Measures The Earths Radius - It was Super Easy, Barely An Inconvenience - 3 BTC PLZ, by WheresWally
So now will DIRTH admit defeat and award WheresWally the three Bit Coins fpr proving r (radius of the Earth)?
Seems DITRH is out of ideas so by default he has validated the proof of R. All the other prerequisites have been meet too.
The Original video submitted to DITRH
WheresWally And Wolfie6020 Measure "R" Twice, I Can Has 3 DITRH Bitcoins Now Plz
WheresWally -
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Update: February 5, 2022
Why do flat-eathers have such a hard time believing the International Space Station (ISS) is real when they can literally buy a telescope and see fo themselves?
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