

Dear Visitors,                                                                                                                                    April 21, 2017

Thank you for stopping at

As a scientist with college degree in Astronomy, minor in Physics and Mathematics, I was appalled to find folks telling outright falsities and presenting bad science to bolster suspicion of our known accepted reality - that the Earth is a beautiful blue globe.

This blog clearly shows scientific proofs that debunk everything that flat Earth proponents claim.  Here we also expose the comments those YouTube video channels delete, because they don't want you to see them.

The Earth is not flat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by ignorant people who have ulterior personal motives and agendas.

The Earth is a beautiful blue spheroid globe spinning on an axis 23.5° once each day, and orbiting the Sun every 365.25 days.



kind regards,  Jonah The Scientist

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JonahTheScientist SALES / Recommendations: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) science projects for young adults, and science books for everyone.  Enjoy! 

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Flat Earth NOT – FlatEarthLunacy articles for reference - U

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the FlatEarthLunacy archives, filled with lots of facts about our true globe Earth and explanations as to what motivates flat Earth folks.

These articles once appeared on our main blog page, but have been moved here to provide more room on the main page.   


Published on – March 2, 2020 

Discussion at -

Our home page all articles -

kind regards, JonahTheScientist

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The Sun really does set on a globe earth, but not on flat...


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FECORE - Form 1023 Application for Recognition of Exemption (October 2019)


Some items of interest:



They have very high hopes for future expansion:



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2019 Nobel Prize for Physics



"Peebles won one-half of the prize "for theoretical discoveries that have contributed to our understanding of how the Universe evolved after the Big Bang," professor Goran Hansson, secretary general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, told a press conference.

Mayor and Queloz shared the other half for the first discovery, in October 1995, of a planet outside our solar system—an exoplanet—orbiting a solar-type star in the Milky Way.

"Their discoveries have forever changed our conceptions of the world," the jury said.

Developed over two decades since the mid-1960s, Peebles' theoretical framework is "the basis of our contemporary ideas about the Universe".

Peebles built upon Albert Einstein's work on the origins of the Universe by looking back to the millenia immediately after the Big Bang, when light rays started to shoot outwards into space.

Using theoretical tools and calculations, he drew a link between the temperature of the radiation emitted after the Big Bang and the amount of matter it created.

'Unknown matter'

His work showed that the matter known to us—such as stars, planets, and ourselves—only make up five percent, while the other 95 percent are made up of "unknown dark matter and dark energy".

In a telephone interview at the press conference, Peebles said that what those elements actually are is still an open question..."

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The Rosetta Comet Landing Mission, one of the greatest achievements of mankind

"The European Space Agency (ESA) said on June 21, 2018, that the Rosetta spacecraft’s image archive is complete. Rosetta is the craft that blew our minds in 2014 by providing the first truly close-up views of a comet. And, behold, when seen close-up, comets really do look a bit like rubble piles, as astronomers have long suspected. But they also look like little worlds, complete with fractures, cliffs and massive rolling boulders. Now all high-resolution images and underpinning data from Rosetta’s pioneering mission at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko are available in ESA’s archives, with the last release including the iconic images of finding lander Philae, and Rosetta’s final descent to the comet’s surface..."

Thousands of images are available here for viewing:

Archive Image Browser
Planetary Science Archive







Update: September 9, 2020

Rosetta’s Philae Lander Was Alive on the Surface of 67P for 63 Hours, Trying to Communicate, by Evan Gough (


In August 2014, the ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft arrived at its destination, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, after a 10 year journey. Rosetta carried a small companion, the Philae Lander. On November 12th, Philae was sent to the surface of Comet 67P. Unfortunately, things didn’t go exactly as planned, and the lander’s mission lasted only 63 hours.

During that time, it gathered what data it could. But mission scientists weren’t certain of its precise location, meaning its data was difficult to interpret accurately. Only when scientists knew precisely where Philae was located on the comet, could they make best use of all of its data.

Rosetta was the third mission in the ESA’s Horizon 2000 program. On its way to Comet 67P, it performed flybys of Earth and Mars, and of two other asteroids. But Comet 67P was its target, and it was the first spacecraft to ever orbit a comet. And the Philae lander was the first spacecraft to land on a comet...

(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)

Update: September 21, 2020

Rosetta spacecraft detects unexpected ultrviolet aurora at a comet, at

Data from Southwest Research Institute-led instruments aboard ESA's Rosetta spacecraft have helped reveal auroral emissions in the far ultraviolet around a comet for the first time.

At Earth, auroras are formed when charged particles from the Sun follow our planet's magnetic field lines to the north and south poles. There, solar particles strike atoms and molecules in Earth's atmosphere, creating shimmering curtains of colorful light in high-latitude skies. Similar phenomena have been seen at various planets and moons in our solar system and even around a distant star. SwRI's instruments, the Alice far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectrograph and the Ion and Electron Sensor (IES), aided in detecting these novel phenomena at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G).

"Charged particles from the Sun streaming towards the comet in the solar wind interact with the gas surrounding the comet's icy, dusty nucleus and create the auroras," said SwRI Vice President Dr. Jim Burch who leads IES. "The IES instrument detected the electrons that caused the aurora."

The envelope of gas around 67P/C-G, called the "coma," becomes excited by the solar particles and glows in ultraviolet light, an interaction detected by the Alice FUV instrument.

(Please read this full article at the URL posted above)


Exact same article here:

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Flat Earth advocates have no explanation why stars vary in brightness (many with repeating cycles) over time

Hubble Catalog of Variable Sources Released, by Sci-News September 27, 2019

Using data collected by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have created the deepest ever catalog of variable sources (variable stars in our Milky Way and nearby galaxies, as well as transients and variable active galactic nuclei)...

In total, it includes 84,428 candidate variables — out of 3.7 million Hubble sources that were searched for variability — with the visual magnitude of up to 27 mag.

It can easily be explored using the HCV Explorer, a visualization tool developed specifically to navigate the catalog and look up your favorite objects or fields.




Exact same article here:

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Here is an experiment (in Faraday cage) that conclusively demonstrates that electrostatic force is not a substitute/replacement for gravity

Electrostatic Gravity, by BM Furball


"Faraday cage blocks all electromagnetic waves and electro statics.  That means that if electrostatics is the cause of the downward force (not gravity) placing something inside this box will break the connection between those objects and diminish or completely remove the downward acceleration."

So any object placed inside a Faraday cage should weight ZERO, if electromagnetic force is gravity.

The experiment result? 
Objects weigh EXACTLY the same inside/outside the Faraday cage = gravity is not an electromagnetic force of any kind. 








Exact same article here:

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Globebusters Bob Knodel makes a MAJOR BLUNDER.  He thinks that beyond 26.6 AU's the Sun is no longer visible

1.  The human eye resolution limit is 0.02 degrees.  The further away you are from an object, the smaller it looks.  If you travel far enough away so that it's apparent angular size shrinks to 0.02 degrees or less, the eye no longer sees it as a disk.  It's seen as a point source.


2.  The apparent angular size of the Sun in the sky is 0.5 degrees...


3.  1 AU (Astronomical Unit) is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth, or 93-million miles. 

Since light travels at speed 186,282.4 miles/sec, it covers that distance in 8-minutes and 20-seconds.

At a distance of 8-minutes and 20-seconds  (1 AU), the angular diameter of the Sun is observed to be 0.533-degrees.  Clearly a round disk.   

my calcs...


Fact check = Bob Knodel FAIL

Bob thinks that if you are so far away from the Sun that the human eye can no longer distinguish it as a disk, then the Sun can no longer been seen.  WRONG.

How far the Sun, Moon and stars can be seen from depends only upon its intrinsic luminosity and distance.  Our Sun is bright enough to be seen from a distance of 58-light years out (not 4-hours light time as Bob Knodel said).  

If we were to travel away from the Sun, it would become fainter. At Pluto's distance, the Sun will still be many millions of times brighter than the night sky's brightest star, Sirius. At the distance of Proxima Centauri, the Sun would be about as bright as Procyon, the brightest star in Canis Minor and the 8th brightest star in our sky. The faintest stars that most people can see are about 185 times dimmer than Procyon. For the Sun to appear this faint to us, we would have to be about 58 light years away from it. Some people have keener eyesight than most of us and they can see fainter stars. However, if we were all in a space vessel that was 58 light years from the solar system, we could still just barely see the Sun. We'd likely need a highly detailed star chart to locate it.


ALSO - The farthest star we can see with our naked eye is (V762 Cas in Cassiopeia) at 16,308 light-years away. Its brightness is magnitude 5.8 or just above the 6th magnitude unaided human eye limit.

Globebusters video - Street Activists and Commonly Asked Questions


At time mark 49:00 …
Bob Knodel says, “So let’s apply a little bit of common sense to this.  If at 93-million miles, eight light minutes away, the angular size of the sun is 0.52 degrees.  Then if you double that distance to 186,000 miles which is 16 light minutes away, then the angular size decreases to 0.26 degrees.

OK. Now if you double that again, from 186 to 372 million miles, that is now 32 light minutes away, and you have reduced the angular size to 0.13 degrees.  If you double that again to 744 million miles or 1 light hour away, then you have reduced the angular size to 0.065 degrees angular size.  If you do that again, double that distance again, to 1,488,000,000 miles this equates to 2 light hours away, and now our angular size is at 0.0325 degrees.

Now, one thing I need to point out that super important to understand, is the resolution best-case scenario of the human eye is only, is 0.02 degrees which equals 1 arcminute, or 0.0003 radians, so that is our angular resolution limit. 

Now if we go back and double that 1,488,000,000, or two light hours away, and we double that gain to 2,976,000,000 miles, and that takes it out to 4 light hours, than the angular resolution is 0.01625, which guess what, that has now gone below the 0.02 degree limit of the eye so at 4 light hours away the Sun would be invisible."

Fact check = FAIL

The planet Neptune is at distance further than the 26.6 AU limit that Bob Knodel states as the Sun's limit, yet here it is - shining due to reflected sunlight!


Due to magnification, even with this small telescope you can see the Sun's disk clearly beyond the 26.6 AU limit.  You can't see the disk with the human eye, but you can clearly see it with a telescope.  That's what a telescope does.





Debunk by George Hnatiuk
Bob Knodel - still a LIAR, still a FRAUD, and REALLY STUPID, by George Hnatiuk


"This is the edited version of the previous video regarding Bob Knodel and his lies and stupidity.

Seems Bob Knodel thinks an object such as the sun becomes invisible at the point its angular size reaches the angular resolution limit of the human eye of 0.02 degrees which is about 26.6 AU from the sun. One has to be profoundly stupid to even entertain this thought for a moment.

It appears that Knodel has doubled and tripled down on the stupid and more in the latest GlobeBusters episode aired Sept. 22, 2019. I may just have to make a part 2 video detailing and debunking his latest "thoughts" -- reference frames do not apply to rotating structures -- yes you read that correctly.

Does the stupidity of Knodel have any limits? That is the question."

Exact same article here:

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Flat Out Daft - Boxing legend Carl Froch believes Earth is flat - and slams "fake" Nasa,
by The Sun, author Sam Morgan




Debunk by Creaky Blinder
Boxer Thinks The Earth Is Flat, by Creaky Blinder

"Carl Froch Legendary Boxer Thinks The Earth Is Flat, has he been hit in the head one time too many?"

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Astrobotic and Spacebit Announce Agreement to Bring the First UK Commercial Payload to the Moon

Press Release From: Astrobotic Technology
Posted: Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Spacebit proudly announces at The UK Space Conference 2019 their signing of a joint agreement with Astrobotic to begin commercial and scientific lunar exploration with the first mission in 2021 on the Peregrine lunar lander.

Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander will be launched on a Vulcan Centaur rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The launch will carry the first lunar lander from American soil since Apollo.


...Astrobotic Technology, Inc. is a space robotics company that seeks to make space accessible to the world. The company’s lunar lander, Peregrine, delivers payloads to the Moon for companies, governments, universities, non-profits, and individuals for $1.2 million per kilogram. Astrobotic was selected by NASA in May 2019 for a $79.5 million contract to deliver payloads to the Moon in 2021. The company also has more than 30 prior and ongoing NASA and commercial technology contracts, a commercial partnership with Airbus DS, and a corporate sponsorship with DHL. The company is also an official partner with NASA through the Lunar CATALYST Program. Astrobotic was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA.


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Washington DC:  Sunset due west (270o) on the Summer Solstice, confirms the Sun cannot be moving in a circle above a Flat Earth   

A Monumental Equinox Sunset - September 2019, by Wolfie6020





Exact same article here:

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DSCOVR satellite confirms earth's rotation and spherical shape

Views Of Earth From A Million Miles Away - DSCOVR & EPIC, by Scott Manley

"It's been months since DSCOVR stopped sending out regular images of the Earth, from the L1 point between the Earth and the Sun. At this point the prospects for recovery seem remote so I took the data we have and compiled some cleaned up animations showing views of the Earth from the space. The video shows how the viewpoint changes through the year as the Earth orbits the sun and the spacecraft librates around the Lagrange point."


His YouTube channel...


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This is not about Flat Earth, but it's about you

Flat Earth rising: meet the people casting aside 2,500 years of science, by The Gardian 

This is not about flat Earth, but it's about you...
what we're all missing which is love...
so in the name of love, let's keep telling people that it's flat...




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Globe Lie UK Convention
September 13-15, 2019, United Kingdom

Except for the convention hosts (Roxanne Glen, Jason Disbury and Robin Campbell), the same presenters with the same stories from the other FE conventions:
D Marble, Paul on the Plane, Anthony Riley, Martin Liedtke, Dave Murphy, Mark Sargent and Dave Marsh.

150 attended over three days



The following review article and video by The Sun is well worth reading...


Regarding the tour, 3 United Kingdom countries visited so far.  The tour is currently on hold since they can't find drivers for the European portion.  They have a new tour van.

Jason Disbury needs to stay in the UK to work and make the van payments (high interest rate on the loan)

Roxanne with Dave Murphy were to do the EU tour portion, but Roxanne cannot get child care help so she is not going.

So now the tour will start at the Amsterdam convention.  New schedule to be drawn up.      

Tour missed dates so far:
Sept 14 - France
Sept 17 - Spain
Sept 18 - Portugal

Over $10,000 raised for the tour so far.




Also at -

Flat Earth Reset 3 is a flat Earther who does not support the activities of the Globe Lie Tour
Debunk video by Flat Earth Reset 3


"Jason told us his employer is giving him 4 months off to do the Globe Lie Tour.. Well that was a lie. Roxanne, Ranty, Nathan, Anthony and others told us over and over Jason is taking a 4 month leave from his work at XXX and we need to support him financially on the Globe Lie Tour.. That was a lie from Jason as he just started working for XXX 5 months ago and is on probation. Using your employer to construct a fraud against people online is not good Jason."

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Real time Himawari satellite images MATCH ground observations perfectly, another way to prove that satellites do exist  

SATELLITES EXIST  They provide incredible GLOBE EARTH PROOF, by Wade's Underworld


"These are definitely the clouds imaged by the Himawari 8 satellite which shows us what we already know, is that satellites are real, space is real, the earth is a globe, and flat earthers are psychotic moronic lunatics who need professional help and should be treated accordingly."


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Himawari satellite real time (every 10-minutes) internet site


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Predawn Atlas V 551 rocket launch clearly proves that rockets go UP into space (not up and down as FE claims) and that the Earth is a globe

How Smart is Antonio? Can he Understand What is Going on Here? Will he see a GLOBE?, by WhereWa11y








4K - Atlas V 551 Launch • AEHF-5 (Nikon P1000) Reds Rhetoric -

Atlas V AEHF-5 launch w/spectacular plume near Fort Lauderdale Pantherkitty Software -

Atlas V AEHF-5 Launch 8 August 2019 T4eTurtleC1ub -

ATLAS V AEHF-5 🚀 Rocket Launch 8 August BP Vlogs -

Atlas 5 launch, AEHF 5, 6/8/2019 Corona Kevo -

Our exact same article here: 

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Major event canceled.  Is the flat Earth movement running out of steam?



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University students now team up with ESA Academy to design, build, test, launch, and monitor cube satellites in space

What say you flat Earth idiots?

Fly Your Satellite!, by European Space Agency, ESA

Fly Your Satellite! is an educational programme for university students, created by ESA after the launch of seven university CubeSats on the 2012 Vega maiden flight. Six teams participated in the first edition of the programme, which concluded in 2016 with the launch of three satellites, while in parallel a pilot edition was undertaken to deploy a satellite from the International Space Station. The second edition of Fly Your Satellite! is currently ongoing since 2017, and participating university teams are advancing closer towards testing and launch. The call for proposals for the third edition is now open.














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Beautiful World, by NASA Johnson




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Flat Earth advocates can no longer claim that southern airline flights do not happen - the end of another flat Earth deception - Part 2

Qantas to run test flight on world's longest route, by BBC NEWS BUSINESS

Excerpt here: but please read the entire article...

Qantas will run test services of its planned 19-hour flights to determine whether passengers and crew can withstand the marathon journeys.

The airline wants to operate non-stop services from Sydney to London and New York by as soon as 2022.

If launched, the services would be the world's longest direct flights.

The trial flights will begin later this year, each carrying up to 40 passengers who will have their health monitored on the journey.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said direct flights from the east coast of Australia to London and New York represented the "final frontier in aviation".

Currently Singapore Airlines holds the record for the world's longest flight (almost 19-hours non-stop) - Singapore to New York.


Direct air flight from the Southern Hemisphere to Northern hemisphere cities have been taking place for some years. 

Flat Earthers are incorrect and deliberately misleading the public when they claim otherwise. 

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Gravity on the Moon, measured and demonstrated

Lunar Gravity, by Gempanda2012

Apollo 14 SEQ Bay Pendulum

Has a length (L) = 0.9 meter
and a period (P) = 4.8 seconds

Using g = L/(P/2 pi)2

Provides g = 1.54m/s2       (as calculated from this Moon video.  Actual value is 1.62m/s)



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Flat Earth FAIL - The horizon does not rise to eye level as claimed.  Here is an easy way to check for yourself

Horizon Drop at Varying Altitudes.  Flat Earth Debunked, by madmelon101






Horizon does not rist to eye level, by MCToon


(Go to the link above to read the remainder of this article.  Very worthwhile.  Has pictures and how to test for flatness)

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Not possible on a flat Earth - Looking due south at the night sky from South America, South Africa and Australia, the same south celestial pole star is visible.

South Celestial Pole Star Observation SCP, by Wade's Underworld

   8-10-2019 3-52-39 PM.jpg

Flat Earth FAIL - South on our Earth is only in one direction, not any direction (360-degrees) as shown on flat Earth maps.

   8-10-2019 3-52-17 PM.jpg

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Only creationists (still not one scientist) at International Flat Earth Conferences

Flat Earth International Conference (USA) 2017
November 9-10, 2017, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Flat Earth UK Convention
April 27-29, 2018, Birmingham, UK

Flat Earth International Conference (CANADA) 2018
August 9-10, 2018, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

SkyFall 2018
October 5-6, 2018
Biblical Cosmology & End Time Prophecy Conference
Auburn, AL, USA

Flat Earth International Conference (USA) 2018
November 15-16, 2018, Denver Colorado, USA

Flat Earth New Zealand Expo & Conference 2019
April 27 & 28, 2019, New Zealand

Truth Quest Calgary
May 17, 2019, Canada

Flat Earth – Exit The Matrix Expo 2019
May 25-26, 2019
Plaza Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Nuevo Evento Tierra Plana Barcelona - Junio 2019, Spain

Take on the World 2019
August 22-25, 2019, Vermilion, Ohio USA

Globe Lie UK Convention
Sept 13-15, 2019, United Kingdom

FE Convention Europe – Amsterdam, Neatherlands
Sept 27-29, 2019

Romania Flat Earth Conference 2019 (Romania)
October 5-6, 2019 - 
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Flat Earth International Conference (USA) 2019
November 14-15, 2019 - Dallas, Texas USA

Who are the prominent flat Earth speakers?


Presenter Creationist URL
Bob Knodel
Cami Knodel
Chad Taylor
Darryle Marble
Dave Marsh
Dave Murphy
David Weiss
Emmanuel Lokonga
Flat Earth Man
George Moss
Iru Landucci
Jared Chrestman
Jeran Campanella
Jonathan Christopulos
Joshua Swift
Karen Endecott
Karlee Midrano
Mark Sargent
Matt Long
Nathan Reynolds
Nathan Roberts
Nathan Thompson
Nathan Wolfe
Noel Hadley
Owen Benjamin
Pastor Dean Odle
Patricia Steere
Paul On The Plane
Richard Hopkins
Rick Hummer
Rob Skiba
Robert Sungenis
Robbie Davidson
Shelley Lewis
Zen Garcia

Every speaker at the Dallas 2019 convention is a Creationist.  Check this out...

Flat Earthers Full Retard Mode Episode 35 Part 1, by Tau Ceti Alpha



Jimmy Kimmel sends a crew to the Dallas Texas 2019 convention, and shows the comedy and fallacy of flat Earth.

Jake Byrd at the Flat Earth Conference, by Jimmy Kimmel Live



Related article here…

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Saildrone Completes First Autonomous Circumnavigation of Antarctica

SD1020 survived freezing temperatures, 15-meter waves, 130 km/hr winds, and collisions with giant icebergs to complete the 22,000-kilometer mission in 196 days.


By Saildrone, on August 5, 2019

A seven-meter (23-foot) long, wind-powered unmanned surface vehicle (USV) called a saildrone has become the first unmanned system to circumnavigate Antarctica. The vehicle, known as SD 1020, was equipped with a suite of climate-grade sensors and collected data in previously unchartered waters, enabling new key insights into ocean and climate processes.

The 196-day mission was launched from Southport in Bluff, New Zealand, on January 19, 2019, returning to the same port on August 3 after sailing over 22,000 km (13,670 miles) around Antarctica. During the mission, the vehicle survived freezing temperatures, 15-meter (50-foot) waves, 130 km/h (80 mph) winds, and collisions with giant icebergs.


This mission was sponsored by the non-profit Li Ka Shing Foundation and all data made publicly available at no cost in order to accelerate our understanding of critical processes affecting humanity. The mission is also an educational outreach initiative, aiming to expose future generations to the rapid changes taking place in the Antarctic. Saildrone and the 1851 Trust partnered to develop a series of STEM lesson plans rooted in science, technology, engineering, and math, which are available to teachers free of charge on the Saildrone website at

Science collaborators on this First Saildrone Antarctic Circumnavigation include experts from the following institutions: the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS), the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), the Norwegian Polar Institute, the University of Exeter, the University of Gothenburg, the Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, and the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).


continued... see article URL listed above

The trip in GPS coordinates kml file -

Antarctica Circumnavigation 2019 surface and ADCP measurements -

Antarctica Circumnavigation 2019 surface and ADCP measurements OVERVIEW -

The Antarctic Treaty - why it came about and what it's about:
Antarctica and the Antarctic Treaty, by Bob the Science Guy


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Update: January 22, 2021

72-Foot Robotic Saildrone Sets Sail to Map the Ocean Floor, by TomoNewsUS,

ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA — A Bay Area startup that builds autonomous ocean data collecting vessels launches its largest ship this week, the Saildrone Surveyor.

The Surveyor is powered by wind and solar energy and is designed to map the ocean floor while collecting DNA samples and climate data. The Surveyor is designed to spend up to 12 months at sea, according to Saildrone.

Only 19 percent of the world’s seabed has been mapped to modern standards, according to UNESCO.

The UN agency says a more complete map would help with ocean conservation efforts and facilitate a better understanding of weather systems, sea level rise and climate change.

Wired reports the Surveyor will sail from San Francisco to Hawaii after initial sea trials.

En route it will map regions near a series seamounts where fish and other marine animals congregate.

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Update: October 5, 2021

1st ocean drone video from inside a hurricane, by Kelly Kizer Whitt (

For the first time ever, an ocean drone has gone inside a hurricane and sent back video. This ocean drone, a 23-foot-long Saildrone Explorer SD 1045, entered the furious category-4 winds of Hurricane Sam on September 30, 2021, as it swirled in the Atlantic Ocean. The Saildrone sent back footage of 50-foot waves stirred up by 120-mile-per-hour (190 kph) winds. The resulting videos of the tempest-tossed ocean could make even those watching on solid ground feel a little seasick.


SD 1045 Inside Hurricane Sam 1400UTC Sept 30 2021

POV video captured by SD 1045's onboard camera from inside Hurricane Sam in the Atlantic Ocean at 1400UTC Sept 30, 2021.

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Exact same article here:

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Verifying Earth's rotation with the Eötvös effect.  An experiment Flat Earthers are afraid to try

by Wolfie6020

Wolfie6020 says...
"The idea here is that if an aircraft if flying at 500 mph across the ground and the earth is rotating, it is actually moving around curvature faster when it is flying east then when it is flying west.  And the result of the centrifugal force generated should be measureable.  Object should appear lighter when the aircraft is flying east compared to when it is flying west.

And I repeated this experiment myself numerous time flying east and west, and also flying north and south for a comparison.  And the results are in my videos on my channel ("

Measurement of the 500-gram std weight during the flight
On the left Westbound from Sydney to Broome, and on the right eastbound from Perth to Sydney


The result...


Other resource: Walter Bislin's...




Other methods:

   Methods to prove axial rotation - that the Earth does rotate.jpg

Exact same article here:

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The classic (YouTube Hangouts on Air) streaming experience with (YouTube Live) is going away on August 1, 2019

This will certainly take a byte out of flat Earth posters

Hangouts on Air
 is a portion of Google Hangouts designed for live broadcasting a conference call to viewers over the internet. Popular with podcasters, you schedule a Google Hangout for a specific time, which automatically generates a YouTube URL

Note: We do support freedom of speech and the discussion of alternate ideas.  However, just as 1 + 1 = 2, the Earth is a globe proven by direct observation and science - so no need to oppose that.  Some people may believe that 1 + 1 = 5 and have a personal need for it to be true, but it's 2 always.  Discussion that 1 + 1 = 5 is a waste of energy and pulls society back to the dark ages.  
Since Flat Earth supporters can start their own website to express their personal views, the actions by Google do not restrict free speech.
Google is a for-profit enterprise and therefore is under no obligation/requirement to allow certain types of YouTube posts.  There is no freedom of speech issue here.  If Google advertisers don't want their ads to appear next to certain posts, Google as an ongoing economic company has the right to restrict/allow such items.

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First stellar occultation by the Galilean Moon Europa - what does this epic even mean?

A direct real observational measurement of the actual size of the moon Europa has now been obtained. 

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Context. Bright stellar positions are now known with an uncertainty below 1 mas thanks to Gaia DR2. Between 2019–2020, the Galactic plane will be the background of Jupiter. The dense stellar background will lead to an increase in the number of occultations, while the Gaia DR2 catalogue will reduce the prediction uncertainties for the shadow path.

Aims. We observed a stellar occultation by the Galilean moon Europa (J2) and propose a campaign for observing stellar occultations for all Galilean moons.

Methods. During a predicted period of time, we measured the light flux of the occulted star and the object to determine the time when the flux dropped with respect to one or more reference stars, and the time that it rose again for each observational station. The chords obtained from these observations allowed us to determine apparent sizes, oblatness, and positions with kilometre accuracy.

Results. We present results obtained from the first stellar occultation by the Galilean moon Europa observed on 2017 March 31. The apparent fitted ellipse presents an equivalent radius of 1561.2 ± 3.6 km and oblatenesses 0.0010 ± 0.0028. A very precise Europa position was determined with an uncertainty of 0.8 mas. We also present prospects for a campaign to observe the future events that will occur between 2019 and 2021 for all Galilean moons.

Conclusions. Stellar occultation is a suitable technique for obtaining physical parameters and highly accurate positions of bright satellites close to their primary. A number of successful events can render the 3D shapes of the Galilean moons with high accuracy. We encourage the observational community (amateurs included) to observe the future predicted events.

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What is an occultation?

An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by another object that passes between it and the observer (see image below). A stellar occultation by small bodies occurs when an object (Europa, Eris, asteroid, our Moon, etc.) passes in front of a star (occults a star) temporarily blocking its light.



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Video example:
Lunar occultation of Jupiter - December 25, 2012, by Rafael Defavari

The Moon moving in front of Jupiter and slowly covering it up...


Exact same article here:

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Dwayne Kellum - his high altitude balloon flights deflate flat Earth delusions


Original video - 
High Altitude Balloon 24 (I_See_Stars!), by Dwayne Kellum

"This was the second flight with the new camera Sony A7s II. Also on board was a Go Pro Hero 4 Black. The hero 4 was used to gauge the performance of the Sony. The Sony camera setting were as follows:

F stop (auto most of the flight was F1.8), Focus (manual too infinity), ISO 102400, Lens Sony FE 50mm F1.8
The GoPro Hero 4 Black had a fix focus 5.4mm lens F stop F2.8 ISO was 6400.

The flight was launched from a field South of Dos Palos, Ca. on 24 July 2019 at about 02:42am PDT, and Landed in a Almond grove south of Patterson, Ca.

I haven't had time to analyze video yet, but while viewing through the footage I notice something interesting. When the sun got close to stars it seemed to switch them off. It seemed as though the energy from the sun effected the light from the stars even when the stars were still in darkness. I will do a complete analysis of this video and upload my results on my next video."







The follow analysis done by Wolfie6020
Night Balloon flight debunks three Flat Earth claims, by Wolfie6020

Balloon flight 24 shattered these flat Earth fallacies:

1.  Seeing the stars – The Moon is over exposed.
2.  Pressure Gradient confirmed.
Air pressure reduces from 29.88 in.Hg to 0.15 (0.005)
3.  Absolute Ceiling – an aircraft could not fly into space if you tried.

The absolute ceiling is the highest altitude at which an aircraft can sustain level flight. Due to the thin air at higher altitudes, a much higher true airspeed is required to generate sufficient lift on the wings. The absolute ceiling is therefore the altitude at which the engines are operating at maximum thrust, yet only generate enough thrust to match the drag of the aircraft. Hence, the aircraft will not have any excess capacity to accelerate or climb further. At absolute ceiling, the aircraft can no longer accelerate, since any acceleration will lead to higher airspeed and therefore excess drag. Stated technically, it is the altitude where the maximum sustained (with no decreasing airspeed) rate of climb is zero.

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The follow analysis done by BlueMarbleScience
What's Pressure in the First Place?, BlueMarbleScience

"There seems to continue to be confusion over what pressure and gas pressure actually is an how we measure it. Here's a brief video offering some insight."





Exact same article here:

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Rainy Lake Epic Survey dethrones the Bedford Level Experiment

George Hnatiuk's Rainy Lake Experiment - Reported & Animated By Walter Bislin, by Jesse Kozlowski


George Hnatiuk's YouTube Channel

The Rainy Lake Experiment - Walter Bislin's Blog

The Rainy Lake Experiment - Animation By Walter Bislin



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How long will flat Earth deniers continue their charade that the Moon has never been landed on?  It's more than just NASA

India today launched its 2nd spacecraft to visit the Moon
Chandrayaan-2: India launches second Moon mission



Chandrayaan-2 was launched at 14:43 local time (09:13 GMT) from the Sriharikota space station.

India's space chief said his agency had "bounced back with flying colours" after the aborted first attempt.

India hopes the $145m (£116m) mission will be the first to land on the Moon's south pole.

The spacecraft has entered the Earth's orbit, where it will stay for 23 days before it begins a series of manoeuvres that will take it into lunar orbit.

If successful, India will become the fourth country to make a soft landing on the Moon's surface. Only the former Soviet Union, the US and China have been able to do so.

The lift-off was broadcast live on TV and the space agency's official social media accounts.

There was applause in the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) control room minutes after the launch, as the rocket took off towards the outer atmosphere.

For the first time in India's space history, an interplanetary expedition is being led by two women - Muthaya Vanitha, the project director, and Ritu Karidhal, the mission director.


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REPLAY: India's Moon lander Chandrayaan-2 launches on GSLV Mk.3 rocket!





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Which Countries Have Been On the Moon?

The United States is the only country to have ever put people on the moon. However, Russia (the USSR), Japan, China, the European Space Agency, and India have all made visits to the moon via probes.

Note: That article did not mention Israel's Beresheet Spacecraft that crash landed on the Moon on April 11, 2019.  That makes Israel the 6th country to get a spacecraft all the way to the moon. 


Space exploration is an expensive and risky affair, even with the modern-day advances in technology. Vast amounts of money are used in the research, development, and launching of probes into space as well as when training astronauts. There is also a very high chance that things could go wrong as accidents do happen like the Challenger Disaster of 1986 and the Columbus Space Shuttle Explosion in 2003. The United States is the only country to have ever put people on the moon. However, Russia (the USSR), Japan, China, the European Space Agency, and India have all made visits to the moon via probes.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) carried out famous moon landings including the one in 1969 that took the first man to the moon, Neil Armstrong. Before this achievement, there were unmanned probes that were sent to the moon with the aim of conducting scientific studies that would give the US prestige and an edge in national security there. The US has launched further probes to the moon with the latest being on September 7, 2013, where the LADEE probe mission began and ended on April 18, 2014.


Due to the Cold War with the US, the USSR carried out space explorations with the aim of getting prestige ahead of the Americans. This was known as the Space Race. Tests were conducted in secrecy to avoid any leakage of plans that would reach the west. Like the Americans, the Soviets at first experienced setbacks and built up on its success of sending the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin, by sending lunar missions to the moon. The Lunar Missions were unmanned and were conducted from 1958 to 1976. Information about the tests and launches were revealed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


Japan rose from the ashes of the Second World War and occupation to not only become an economic success story but also send a space probe to the moon. Japan launched two orbits, the Hiten and Selene, that both orbited the moon before crashing on its surface as planned. The Hiten probe was launched on January 24, 1990, and crashed on April 10, 1993, while the Selene orbiter was launched September 14, 2007, and crashed on June 10, 2009.


China has also launched two lunar orbiters to the moon, the first one being on October 24, 2007, and it was called the Chang’e-1. The orbit completed its 16-month mission and crashed on March 1, 2009. The second lunar orbit called Chang’e-3 managed to land a rover on the surface of the moon.


India has already successfully launched a probe to the moon that crashed on March 1, 2009, after its launch on October 22, 2008. The probe was dubbed the Chandraayan-1. The Chandraayan 2 was launched on July 22, 2019. 

European Space Agency 

The European Space Agency (ESA) drove by the moon in 2003 with the SMART-1. It took clear images of the moon before crashing into it as planned.

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Flat Earth advocates can no longer claim that southern airline flights do not happen - the end of another flat Earth deception

Enhanced Airon Space-Based ADS-B Fight Tracking is worldwide and in real-time.

Space based Global aircraft tracking hits another nail in the Flat Earth coffin, by Wolfie6020

Direct link to Aireon Space Based ADS-B on Flight Aware

Coverage map -

How ADS-B works on the AirServices Australia website





Exact same article here:

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Satellite TV on flat Earth, by Jos Leys









Exact same article here:

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Flat Earth: why is YouTube helping spread conspiracy theories? – by BBC Trending








Exact same article here:

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Videos from the Earth's geographic South Pole

Robert Schwarz



Benjamin Eberhardt


Exact same article here:

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Navigating Apollo to the Moon and back

The Inertial Measurement Unit: Mechanical Engineering Wizardry

It was an amazing ball of wizardry that helped us find our way to the moon.

The concept of sea navigation is fairly need to know where you are and where you need to go and these two points are stationary. So with a naval sextant you can pretty much figure it out by pointing at a couple of stars. But if your ship was in space where everything is constantly moving and your target is a quarter million miles away, how on earth can you hit that target? Well that is exactly the problem that Doc Draper and his lab of space engineers had to figure out to land the first man on the moon.



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Apollo Mission: 50 technical/journal papers for 50 Years from AIAA


For those flat Earth folks that still insist it is not possible to get past the Van Allen radiation belts, look at this research paper...
Apollo 4 and 6 Radiation Analysis -

ARC - Aerospace Research Central

Celebrating the Apollo 11 Anniversary: 50 Papers for 50 years

Celebrating 50 years since the Apollo 11 moon landing, the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR) is proud to host this virtual special section highlighting AIAA journal papers related to the Apollo program. The goal is to illustrate the breadth of Apollo-related work that is discussed in the AIAA journals. In addition, these papers provide an interesting historical visit to the early manned spaceflight challenges, many decades ago.

The articles in this virtual special section are made available for free by AIAA to celebrate this anniversary of the first humans landing on the moon, with 50 papers for 50 years. These particular papers were selected to represent a range of technical fields and time periods pertaining to the Apollo program. Many articles published during the Apollo program are from JSR, which was the primary technical journal for astronautics during the 1960s and early 1970s. The Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (JGCD) was created after the Apollo program ended and has published some interesting Apollo-perspective papers that are included here. A few science-related Apollo articles appeared in the AIAA Journal (AIAAJ). In 1963, AIAA was formed by the merger of the American Rocket Society and the Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, and journals published by these predecessor societies are available in the AIAA archive. Articles in the Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences 1934–1957/Journal of the Aerospace Sciences 1958–1962 (JAS) representing foundational work that eventually contributed to the Apollo program also are included in this special section.

The articles are presented here, grouped into topical areas.

Pre-Apollo Work and Events

The first grouping of manuscripts includes papers discussing work that preceded the Apollo program. The JAS technical papers consider the feasibility of sending objects into space and surviving the fiery reentry with a blunt body. Included also is a nontechnical JSR paper with a pre-Apollo historical perspective; this paper discusses events that culminated with the national decision to accelerate the American space program and reach to land humans on the moon before the end of the 1960s.

Malina, Frank J., and Summerfield, Martin, "The Problem of Escape from the Earth by Rocket," JAS, Vol. 14, No. 8, 1947. doi: 10.2514/8.1417

Van Dyke, Milton D., "The Supersonic Blunt-Body Problem — Review and Extension," JAS, Vol. 25, No. 8, 1958. doi: 10.2514/8.7744

Bogdonoff, Seymour M., and Vas, Irwin E., "Preliminary Investigations of Spiked Bodies at Hypersonic Speeds," JAS, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1959. doi: 10.2514/8.7945

Kemp, Nelson H., Rose, Peter H., and Detra, Ralph W., "Laminar Heat Transfer Around Blunt Bodies in Dissociated Air," JAS, Vol. 26, No. 7, 1959. doi: 10.2514/8.8128

Chu, Hu-Nan, "Influence of Large Amplitudes on Flexural Vibrations of a Thin Circular Cylindrical Shell," JAS, Vol. 28, No. 8, 1961. doi: 10.2514/8.9113

Emme, Eugene M., "Historical Perspectives on Apollo," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 8, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29263

Ground-Support Development

Before the mission can take off, it is critical to have proper ground support to launch the rocket. A particular challenge is handling the massive exhaust plume.

Lanzkron, Rolf W., and Fischer, William C., "Checkout Criteria and Ground Support Equipment for the Apollo Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 3, No. 6, 1966. doi: 10.2514/3.28541

Susko, Michael, and Kaufman, John, W., "Exhaust Cloud Rise and Growth for Apollo Saturn Engines," JSR, Vol. 10, No. 5, 1973. doi: 10.2514/3.27761


Being able to remotely monitor the Apollo capsule and engage with its crew is a critical flight capability. Articles cover the challenges of communication network coverage and data compression, as well as with concerns regarding the communication black-out period during reentry.

Huber, Paul W., and Hunt, James L., "Reynolds Number Dependence of Apollo Near-Wake Temperature," AIAAJ, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.4474

Meigs, B. E., and Stine, L. L., "Real-Time Compression and Transmission of Apollo Telemetry Data," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.29999

Land, Jr., Walker A., "Network Support Simulation and Sensitivities Analysis for the Saturn–Apollo Missions," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 8, 1979. doi: 10.2514/3.30076

Landing-on-Earth Challenges

The splash-down landing of the returning Apollo capsule posed several technical hurdles. This set of articles discusses the challenges of landing in water, dealing with the mechanical impact, and addressing the safety aspect of recovering the capsule. One article discusses landing on land after a launch abort.

Benson, Harold E., "Water Impact of the Apollo Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 3, No. 8, 1966. doi: 10.2514/3.28640

Baker, Wilfred E., and Westine, Peter S., "Model Tests for Structural Response of Apollo Command Module to Water Impact," JSR, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1967. doi: 10.2514/3.28835

Lands, Jr., Jack F., "Development of a Terminal Landing Rocket System for Apollo-Type Vehicles," JSR, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1967. doi: 10.2514/3.28862

Hammack, J. B., and Stonesifer, J. C., "Safety in Recovery of Apollo Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29289

Flight Simulations for Astronauts

Because astronauts periodically controlled the Apollo vehicle, much technical effort was spent on how to develop flight simulators for docking maneuvers and the powered lunar landing. These simulations also were used to develop the pilot control solutions and validate the handling qualities.

Nassiff, Samuel H., and Martikan, Fred O., "Integrated Operating Mode of the Apollo Mission Simulator," JSR, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1965. doi: 10.2514/3.28344

Cheatham, D. C., and Hackler, C. T., "Handling Qualities for Pilot Control of Apollo Lunar-Landing Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 3, No. 5, 1966. doi: 10.2514/3.28506

Lindquist, O. H., "Development of a Manual Thrust-Vector-Control Mode for Apollo," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29242

Siller, J. F., "SYNOPTIC: Full-Scale Apollo Docking Simulation Tests," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 8, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.59644

Supporting Human Flight

Flying humans in space requires sophisticated space suits to survive the harsh vacuum and space radiation environment. These articles discuss the testing of space suit prototypes as well as measuring the radiation doses.

Frankel, G., Albright, G., and Axelrod, I., "Manned Chamber Testing of the Apollo Prototype Space Suit." JSR, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1965. doi: 10.2514/3.28296

Tappen, W. B., "Apollo ECS Man-Rated Simulation Systems," JSR, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1967. doi: 10.2514/3.28886

Warren, Carlos S., Lill, Joseph C., Richmond, Robert G., and Davis, William G., "Radiation Dosimetry on the Gemini and Apollo Missions," JSR, Vol 5, No. 2, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29217

White, Timothy T., and Hardy, Alva C., "Apollo 4 and 6 Radiation Analysis," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 7, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.30041

Launch-Vehicle Design

Developing the Saturn V rocket required many new technological advances. These articles discuss rocket-flight simulations, the development of the launch escape system, the Apollo engine pressure spikes, and lightning strikes on the Saturn V vehicle.

Von Pragenau, George L., "Free Flight Simulated on Ground with the Apollo Saturn V Space Vehicle," JSR, Vol. 4, No. 9, 1967. doi: 10.2514/3.29054

Valentine, R. S., Rossi, F. S., and Kromrey, R. V., "Fluid Dynamic Effects on Apollo Engine Pressure Spikes," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29181

McCarthy, Jr., J. F., Dodds, J. Ian, and Crowder R. S., "Development of the Apollo Launch Escape System," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 8, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29390

Krider, E. P., Noggle, R. C., Uman, M. A., and Orville, R. E., "Lightning and the Apollo 17/Saturn V Exhaust Plume," JSR, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1974. doi: 10.2514/3.62011

Flight-Control Development

A key new technology of the Apollo program was its guidance and control solutions. This included new computer-controlled steering solutions to point the spacecraft autonomously using gyro information.

Martin, Frederick H., and Battin, Richard H., "Computer-Controlled Steering of the Apollo Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29267

Chubb, W. B., Schultz, D. N., and Seltzer, S. M., "Attitude Control and Precision Pointing of Apollo Telescope Mount," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 8, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29385

Miller, John E., and Feldman, Julius, "Gyro Reliability in the Apollo Guidance, Navigation, and Control System," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 6, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29323

Miller, John E., and Laats, Ain, "Apollo Guidance and Control System Flight Experience," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.29989

Orbital Dynamics

Apollo orbital dynamics is represented by a series of papers discussing the simulation of injection burns, lunar orbit insertion, performing rendezvous in lunar orbit, and also predicting the motion after jettison of the service module.

Martin, D. T., and Sievers, R. F., "An Empirical Simulation of the Translunar Injection Burn for Apollo," JSR, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1960. doi: 10.2514/3.29686

Berry, Ronald L., and Wiley, Robert F., "Real-time Targeting for the Apollo Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver," JSR, Vol. 6, No. 7, 1969. doi: 10.2514/3.29708

Young, Kenneth A., and Alexander, James D., "Apollo Lunar Rendezvous," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 9, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.30106

Merchant, D. H., Gates, R. M., and Murray, J. F., "Prediction of Apollo Service Module Motion after Jettison," JSR, Vol. 8, No. 6, 1971. doi: 10.2514/3.59697

Reentry Flight Dynamics

A challenging flight phase is the reentry of the Apollo capsule into the Earth’s upper atmosphere. A series of technical articles discusses the complex aerothermodynamics during this hypersonic flight regime, predicting the heating load, and designing the thermal protection system with a novel heat shield.

Korkan, Kenneth D., and Hanley, Gerald M., "Apollo Command Module Aerothermodynamic Characteristics at Hyperbolic Earth Entry Velocities," JSR, Vol. 3, No. 8, 1966. doi: 10.2514/3.28639

Griffith, B. J., and Boylan, D. E., "Postflight Apollo Command Module Aerodynamic Simulation Tests," JSR, Vol. 5, No. 7, 1968. doi: 10.2514/3.29368

Crowder, R. S., and Moore, J. D., "Apollo Entry Aerodynamics," JSR, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1969. doi: 10.2514/3.29589

Erb, R. Bryan, Greenshields, D. H., Chauvin, L. T., Pavlosky, J. E., and Statham, C. L., "Apollo Thermal-Protection System Development," JSR, Vol. 7, No. 6, 1970. doi: 10.2514/3.30027

Bartlett, Eugene P., Anderson, Larry W., and Curry, Donald M., "An Evaluation of Ablation Mechanisms for the Apollo Heat Shield Material," JSR, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1971. doi: 10.2514/3.59679

Cagliostro, D. E., Goldstein, H., and Parker, J. A., "Silica Reinforcement and Char Reactions in the Apollo Heat Shield," JSR, Vol. 9, No. 5, 1972. doi: 10.2514/3.61685


While significant advances in science resulted from the Apollo program, few such papers are published in the AIAA engineering journals. One JSR paper discussing the determination of the gravity field for the Apollo 14 landing site is included. Several AIAAJ papers discussing lunar surface material properties and solar reflectance of injection plumes illustrate the range of scientific investigations that resulted from the Apollo missions.

St. Armand, Joseph, and Goodwin, Jr., Kenneth R., "Determination of Gravity at Apollo 14 Landing Site," JSR, Vol. 8, No. 8, 1971. doi: 10.2514/3.30334

Cremers, Clifford, J., "Density, Pressure, and Temperature Effects on Heat Transfer in Apollo 11 Fines," AIAAJ, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1971. doi: 10.2514/3.50023

Birkebak, Richard C., "Spectral Reflectance and Emittance of Apollo 11 and 12 Lunar Material," AIAAJ, Vol. 10, No. 8, 1972. doi: 10.2514/3.50295

Kung, R. T. V., Cianciolo, L., and Myer, J. A., "Solar Scattering from Condensation in Apollo Translunar Injection Plume," AIAAJ, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1975. doi: 10.2514/3.49725

Historical Perspectives

The final set of articles has been published in the post-Apollo time period and presents a historical perspective of the program. Articles in JGCD provide a more personal narrative of some of the Apollo guidance, navigation, and control developments. Articles in JSR discuss technical studies that revisit the lunar orbit rendezvous design and the Apollo capsule seals using current engineering tools.

Battin, Richard H., "Space Guidance Evolution — A Personal Narrative," JGCD, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1982. doi: 10.2514/3.19761

Hoag, David, G., "The History of Apollo Onboard Guidance, Navigation, and Control," JGCD, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1983. doi: 10.2514/3.19795

Battin, Richard H., "Some Funny Things Happened on the Way to the Moon," JGCD, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2002. doi: 10.2514/2.4850

Reeves, David, M., Scher, Michael D., Wilhite, Alan W., and Stanley, Douglas O., "Apollo Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Architecture Decision Revisited," JSR, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2006. doi: 10.2514/1.18837

Finkbeiner, Joshua R., Dunlap, Jr., Patrick H., Steinetz, Bruce M., and Daniels, Christopher C., "Review of Seal Designs on the Apollo Spacecraft," JSR, Vol. 45, No. 5, 2008. doi: 10.2514/1.27188

The Apollo program achieved an astounding number of technical objectives in a relatively short time period. AIAA celebrates these technical achievements and is proud to present such work within the Institute’s family of journals.

Hanspeter Schaub
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Joseph M. Powers
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Propulsion and Power
Craig A. Kluever
Deputy Editor, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics


June 2019


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Is public intertest in flat Earth really waining, or is this just a temporary lull?

Google Trends for flat Earth


Over the past 2-years a multitude of fabulous flat Earth YouTube debunk sites turned out hundreds of videos.  These sites explain correct science and expose the ignorant and wrong arguments recited (over and over again) by flat Earth advocates. 

Is it too early to say that reason, correct science, and exposing conspiracy falsehoods are having a positive effect?   

A few of the YouTube channels that are doing the heavy lifting...

Astronomy Live
Bob The Science Guy
Conspiracy Catz

Critical Think

Fight the Flat Earth

George Hnatiuk

Godless Engineer
Jesse Kozlowski
Martymer 81

Miles Davis
Respect Your Intellect

Right Side Up

Shawn Hufford
Sly Sparkane

Tau Ceti Alpha

Team Skeptic
The Creaky Blinder

The Red Shift
Wade's Underworld
Reds Rhetoric


List of internet sites:

Flat Earth Insanity
FlatEarthLunacy - you are here right now!


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Seven inventions from the Apollo space program we still use today, by New York Post, Ebony Bowden

(Seven inventions from the Apollo space program we still use today)


... lives on Earth today.

From the tiny cameras in our cellphones to the heat-proof uniforms used by firefighters to protect them from the dangers of the job — here are seven famous inventions from the 1960s moon shot.








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One More Orbit - the upcoming July 9, 2019 circumpolar (over both the North and South Poles) flight to commemorate the Apollo Moon landings

So will globe deniers still hide their heads in the sand, and not face reality?

Action Aviation Chairman Hamish Harding and former International Space Station Commander Col. Terry Virts will attempt to break the Round-the-World record for any aircraft flying over the North and South poles in a Qatar Executive Gulfstream G650ER ultra long-range business jet.








More info at ...



Journey for One More Orbit with Qatar Executive, by Qatar Airways

Meet the crew who are on the record-breaking journey for One More Orbit, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the #Apollo 11 moon landing.




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Update: July 12, 2019




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Update: September 26, 2020

ONE MORE ORBIT documentary trailer released October 6, 2020

On July 11, 2019 at 12:12:23 UTC , Action Aviation Chairman Hamish Harding, Astronaut Terry Virts and crew made history by beating the world record for any aircraft flying over the North and South poles in a Qatar Executive Gulfstream G650ER aircraft. The mission’s record flight time is 46 hours, 39 minutes and 38 seconds.

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Update: October 6, 2020

The documentary is now here, and released for viewing...

   One More Orbit 2020.jpg

One More Orbit - Movie Review

One More Orbit 2020 Documentary - Where to see it

   One More Orbit - 5.jpg

   One More Orbit - 6.jpg

   One More Orbit - 7.jpg

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CNN Travel
Apollo 11
Flight crew breaks record for circumnavigating globe via both poles
Amy Woodyatt, CNN . Published 11th July 2019

CNN) — An international flight crew has broken the record for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe via the North and South Poles, with an impressive margin of almost six hours.

The 25,000-mile mission, dubbed "One More Orbit" and counting a former International Space Station commander among its leaders, was launched in honor of the Apollo 11 moon landings, the 50th anniversary of which is later this month.

The flight, in a Gulfstream G650ER ultra-long-range jet, was completed in 46 hours, 39 minutes and 38 seconds, with an average speed of 860.95 km/hr (534.97 mph).


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A prior Pole to Pole flight...

TAG Transpolar08 has set a new Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) record for fastest average speed around the earth flying over both the North and South Poles. The flight on a Global Express business jet departed from TAG Farnborough Airport near London on 21 November 2008 and returned 52 hours, 31 minutes and four seconds later after averaging 822.8 km/h (444.2 kts).


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Where to Watch the July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse Online, by Sky & Telescope Magazine

Live Feeds of Totality on July 2, 2019

  • The Exploratorium in San Francisco is offering a live stream of the eclipse from the Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile from 3:23 p.m. until 5:46 p.m. EDT. Experience totality from the museum's website, the free iOS and Android apps, or come to the museum to see the big-screen broadcast. In addition to other eclipse programming, the Exploratorium will feature data-driven sonification of live telescope images by composer Wayne Grim.
  • NASA is partnering with Exploratorium to carry out its own livestream of the eclipse, offering the same views as Exploratorium while also giving updates on the Parker Solar Probe and Magnetospheric Multiscale missions. NASA will have three different livestreams available: Live telescope views without audio from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. EDT, an English-language program from 4 to 5 p.m., and a Spanish-language program, also from 4 to 5 p.m. The English-language program will also be available on NASA TV.
  • Slooh Observatory is presenting a live viewing of the event from on their website, between 3:15 p.m. and 5:50 p.m. EDT. They will also host the event on their Facebook page.


Update: July 2, 2019 live cam view from the International Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile.












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During the eclipse, here is the Moon's shadow on the Earth as seen from the Chinese Chang'e 4 companion satellites currently in orbit around the Moon.




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We have come a long way since this...

   1919 solar eclipse.jpg

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   Solar exclipse explanation.jpg

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Flat Earth Cruise - canceled and not yet rescheduled

Details of the voyage are pending, but an image used for its promotion appears to be adapted directly from a Royal Caribbean advertisement for the Haromony of the Seas, one of the world's largest cruise vessels.

Flat-earth believers generally hold that the earth is a disc, with the Arctic ice cap at the center and Antarctica (an "ice wall barrier") stretched around the perimeter. This makes it impossible to circumnavigate Antarctica, since this view suggests that it is not a continent, but it prevents the oceans from draining off the sides. In general, flat-earth believers dismiss photographs of the earth from space as a form of doctored propaganda: the conference's organizers "believe government space agencies are taking creative liberties with your tax dollars and producing misleading materials." 

Was to be...


Now unscheduled...


(18 November 2019) Reports of Flat Earth cruise to Antarctica are 'blantantly false,' conference founder says

"Davidson acknowledged a cruise is coming up, with a Flat Earth conference on board, but its course is not quite as dramatic as rumours would lead you to believe.

He wouldn't publicly say where the cruise is heading as it has yet to be announced, but firmly denied all reports the FEIC is involved in a cruise to Antarctica."





A group of people who believe the Earth is flat have announced their “biggest, boldest, best adventure yet”: a Flat Earth cruise scheduled for 2020.

The cruise, organized by the Flat Earth International Conference, promises to be a lovely time. Flat earthers – who include the rapper B.o.B. and reality television person Tila Tequila – will be able to enjoy restaurants, swimming pools and perhaps even an artificial surf wave.

There’s just one problem for those seeking to celebrate the flatness of the Earth. The navigational systems cruise ships, and other vessels, use rely on the fact that the Earth is not flat: theoretically puncturing the beliefs of the flat Earth crowd.

“Ships navigate based on the principle that the Earth is round,” said Henk Keijer, a former cruise ship captain who sailed all over the globe during a 23-year career.

“Nautical charts are designed with that in mind: that the Earth is round.”

Keijer, who now works as a forensic marine expert for Robson Forensic, said the existence of GPS, the global positioning system, alone is proof that the Earth is a sphere, not a flat disc. GPS relies on 24 main satellites which orbit the Earth to provide positional and navigational information.

“The reason why 24 satellites were used is because on the curvature of the Earth,” Keijer said.


Update: October 15, 2020

The Flat Earth Cruise is no longer scheduled as an upcoming event.  Has been abandoned.

   Flat Earth Cruise.jpg

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The flat Earth movement tainted by sexual misconduct allegations...

Founder of the Biblical Flat Earth Society is charged with 56 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor after 'stash of child pornography on his computer'




Additional information here:

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The flat Earth movement tainted by anti-Semitism


How To Prepare for Flat Earth Conference Coming to North Texas in November, by the Dallas Observer



The Flat Earth International Conference 2019 will hold their next gathering on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 14-15, at the Frisco Conference Center.

The guest roster and schedule for the November conference have to be seen to be believed. Some of the guest speakers include the conference's founder Robbie Davidson who showed his IQ when he got fooled for a prank documentary by Logan Paul, the YouTuber who didn't possess enough intelligence to know that filming a dead human body while giggling and wearing a stupid hat isn't a great idea.

Other guests include a musician named Alex O the "Flat Earth Man" who's a mix of Toby Keith, Johnny Cash and severe mental strain and alt-right comedian Owen Benjamin, who's best known for posting anti-semitic and racist rants on YouTube and for questioning the authenticity of the moon landing and the Earth's roundness while sometimes playing a piano because, um, comedy?



Every speaker at the Dallas 2019 convention is a Creationist.  Check this out...

Flat Earthers Full Retard Mode Episode 35 Part 1, by Tau Ceti Alpha


Related article here…

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Alejandro Tarsia ArFlat accepts (then rejects) the Chile July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse Challenge

from Curve planet...

On July 2 there will be an eclipse in Chile.  Consequently we this past June 2nd have done a simulation of what we should see in the eclipse based on a spherical model.

Therefore we challenged the collective flat land to MAKE A SIMULATION BASED ON A FLAT MODEL.  Once both models are available we can see which of the two is correct, based on the actual recording of the event that our colleague Christian Avalos. It will be a good technical observation made with attention to detail.

Christian Ávalos is the right person to record the eclipse; has a company dedicated to event broadcasting (streaming) and is equipped with a Celestron telescope that will be managed by the Stellarium program, a Nikon P1000 plus sunscreen etc, etc.

So today (June 5th) we have raised the great challenge to Terraplanism!


This 2nd of July the eclipse in Chile will put the flat belief to the test, and we want the main believers of this current to join the experience effectively.

We will see, then, the real interests behind this hypothesis if any of you dares to defend it.

More information in the following link:
Those flat land TOP who accept the challenge download the PDF and get in touch at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June 19, 2019 update:

The ArFLAT group accepted our challenge and an hour later informed us that they would not participate in our challenge.

Well, after trying to communicate with flat land we find that they are deleting all our links and blocking all users who inform them of our challenge, we know that they know our challenge but do not want to talk about it.

Evidence of acceptance:

FAA OFFICIAL - Hi all! If you are going to accept the eclipse challenge in Chile, it would be a magnificent opportunity to demonstrate the flat earth with irrefutable science and silence the mouths of those who deny it!


"If the TP are convinced of their belief that they present the prediction of the eclipse of July 2 of this year with day, time, altitude, azimuth as in their model tp. Let's see if you're so awake"

   WhatsApp Image 2019-06-22 at 03.29.20.jpeg

Message below (yellow arrow): 
to Curve Planet  "The owner of this video or a moderator temporarily blocks you."  ARFLAT, first accepted, now does not want to discuss the challenge anymore.

   WhatsApp Image 2019-06-22 at 03.29.22.jpeg



Nobody accepted the challenge, nor is it a surprise, "coincidentally" Iru Landucci on the day of the eclipse will be giving a talk in Barcelona just like last year, they say that this is not the first time that Iru Landucci is not in Argentina when there is a natural event of this type which destroys the flat earth.

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Our Solar eclipse globe earth model calculations and simulation can be found at:

Calculo teorico altitude Y azimuth del sol para dia hora del eclipse de sol 2 de julio de 2019
Theoretical altitude calculation and azimuth of the sun for the hour of the solar eclipse July 2, 2019

Calculos basados en una aproximacion al modelo de efemerides de200 para el eclipse total de sol del 2 julio de 2019
Calculations based on an approximation to the efemerides model of200 for the total solar eclipse of July 2, 2019

... and other great documents.

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Totality of the 2019 eclipse will be 70 percent longer than the 2017 event. This is because Earth is not always at the same distance from the Sun, and the Moon is not always the same distance from Earth. Since the Earth-Sun distance varies by 3 percent and the Moon-Earth distance by 12 percent, the length of totality fluctuates from one eclipse to the next. So, while the eclipse of August 2017 had a totality lasting 2 minutes 40 seconds, the next one will be a bit longer.

Maximum eclipse, a worthy 4 minutes 33 seconds, occurs over water 665 miles (1,070 kilometers) north of Easter Island — and some people may travel there to experience that length of totality. Most people who want to see this eclipse, however, will be standing on terra firma, and that means South America.


Exact same article here:

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Authentic Intent (Joshua Swift) cited for disorderly conduct

During the confrontation his cell phone ended up in the lake.  So now he needs your money to pay for repairs / new phone.


Joshua uses every excuse to suck your money...


Not $1,000, by Not Authentic Intent

Our related article here…

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Every day in the media we see once-unthinkable science headlines. More than seven hundred cases of measles across 22 states in the U.S., largely due to vaccine deniers. Climate change legislation stalled in the U.S. Senate—due mainly to partisan politicians who routinely confuse climate and weather—even as scientists tell us that we have only until 2030 to cut worldwide carbon emissions by half, then drop them to zero by 2050. And, in one of the most incredible developments of my lifetime, the Flat Earth movement is on the rise.

To make matters worse, scientists (and others who care about it) have not really found an effective way of fighting back against science denial. In this "post-truth" era—with headlines like "Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds"—it is an open question how to convince people who reject evidence, not just in science, but also on a host of other factual matters. In the empirical realm, scientists often choose to respond by presenting their evidence, then get upset and refuse to engage more when their data aren't accepted or their integrity is questioned. Perhaps this is understandable, but I also believe it is dangerous just to walk away and dismiss science deniers as irrational (even if they are.) Even worse is to react to their hectoring on the question of whether there is "100 percent consensus" on global warming, or whether we're "certain" that vaccines don't cause autism, by blustering about "proof," which only gives aid and comfort to one of the most damaging myths about science.


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The public is fighting back against (Internet / Facebook / YouTube / Books) conspiracy folks spreading lies. Anti-vaxxers and flat Earth propaganda among others, have been recognized as detrimental to the welfare of society. 

Father of Sandy Hook Victim Wins Defemation Suit Against Hoaxers

Lenny Pozner’s 6-year-old son Noah died in the shooting. Two authors wrote a book saying it never happened.

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The father of a victim of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre has won a defamation lawsuit against the authors of a book that claimed the shooting never happened — the latest victory for victims’ relatives who have been taking a more aggressive stance against conspiracy theorists.

The book, “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” has also been pulled to settle claims against its publisher filed by Lenny Pozner, whose 6-year-old son Noah was killed in the shooting.

Parker is now part of a lawsuit against Jones, has testified before Congress and pushed for changes on social media platforms, such as YouTube, which announced this month it will prohibit videos that deny the Sandy Hook shooting and other “well-documented events.”

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How the Internet Made Us Believe in a Flat Earth (And Put the Planet in Danger?), by The Good Stuff

“Identifying and challenging unrealistic perceptions or beliefs (i.e., the earth is flat) in a constructive non-confrontational manner is one of the central methods of the professional cognitive behavioral therapy…”  




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For all the flat Earth delusionist that insist the South Pole cannot be reached, and it's not the land of the 24-hour Sun & Moon

The changing phase of the moon at the geographic South Pole. Since the moon is up for 2 weeks at a time (and down 2 weeks) it goes through the moon phases during that time. At sunset the full moon will rise and reaches one week later it's highest position as half-moon and then after another week sets as a very small crescent.

To operate a tracking camera for 14 days straight at temperatures around -60°C is not an easy task.



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Patricia Steere - flat Earth leader and celebrity call it quits



What does this mean?

At first glance it appears that Patricia voluntarily terminated all of her social media accounts.
Gone are her YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

After enduring a personal battering by fellow flat earth advocates, Patricia decided to exit the scene.


Flat Earth Trolls The Reason Patricia Closed Her Channel, by Ranty Flat Earth


Everything That Was Beautiful Became Ugly | Escaping Flat Earth With Patricia Steere, by Noel Hadley

An inside look into the private lives of neurotic flat Earth leaders - Antonio Subirats, Stephen Chess, Jason Laufanberg, Jason Gibson, Pastor Dean Odle, Nathan Roberts, Mark Sargent  ...


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Flat Earth attempt to negate science knowledge and fact, and turn humanity back to the dark ages

Behind the Curve | 7 Myths about the Flat Earth Movement, by Dr. Todd Grande

Dr. Todd Grande - the 7 Myths of flat Earth movement:
1/ Flat Earth is not a Movement or Conspiracy Theory
2/ Flat Earth is just Skepticism
3/ Flat Earth uses Science and Scientific Method
4/ Flat Earthers have low intelligence
5/ Science lacks compassion

6/ Flat Earthers can be taught
7/ Flat Earth is a dangerous idea

Review and commentary:

Mark Sargent Indoctrination, by Bob the Science Guy

The Seven Myths of Flat Earth Part 1, by Bob The Science Guy

The Seven Myths of Flat Earth Part 2, by Bob The Science Guy

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Graffiti artist, 34, is arrested for pushing neo-Nazi and flat earth propaganda and causing $5,000 worth of damage

A 34-year-old graffiti artist has been arrested after 'tagging' buildings with support for a neo-Nazi group and flat earth research. 

Skyler Gene Butts had been the subject of a year-long investigation involving more than 30 incidents of graffiti spraying on federal land in Colorado.  

The latest tagging was on a Bureau of Land Management bathroom and the damage was estimated at $5,000. 

Throughout the year-long investigation Butts has spray-painted support for 'Flat Earth Research' and the 'Rise Above Movement'. 

The Rise Above Movement is a militant alt-right group based in California that describes itself as openly neo-Nazi, white nationalist and white supremacist. 

The group, started by Robert Rundo, is only believed to have between 20 and 50 members.

Four of its members were arrested last year for violating the federal rioting statute during a Unite the White rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. 

It is unclear whether Butts is affiliated with the group.  

A statement from the Colorado River Sheriff's Office said: 'On May 22, 2019, Butts was seen on surveillance cameras driving his company vehicle and spray painting the side of a BLM restroom facility near Parker Dam Rd.

'Butts was positively identified as the suspect during the investigation. Estimated damages for defacing the property is estimated at over $5,000.

'Butts was arrested and booked into the Colorado River Station jail on felony vandalism charges. His bail amount was set at $25,000.'  

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NASA to open International Space Station to tourists, BBC News

Nasa's announcement on Friday is part of a move towards full privatisation of the ISS. US President Donald Trump published a budget last year which called for the station to be defunded by the government by 2025.

The space agency recently announced that it planned to return to the moon by 2024, taking the first woman there and the first person in decades.


The US space agency said it would open the orbiting station to tourism and other business ventures.

There will be up to two short private astronaut missions per year, said Robyn Gatens, the deputy director of the ISS.

Nasa said that private astronauts would be permitted to travel to the ISS for up to 30 days, travelling on US spacecraft.

"Nasa is opening the International Space Station to commercial opportunities and marketing these opportunities as we've never done before," chief financial officer Jeff DeWit said in New York.

Nasa said that private commercial entities would be responsible for determining crew composition and ensuring that the private astronauts meet the medical and training requirements for spaceflight.

The two companies hired by Nasa are Elon Musk's SpaceX, which will use its Dragon capsule, and Boeing, which is building a spacecraft called the Starliner.

These companies are likely to charge any private astronaut a similar "taxi fare" to what they intend to charge Nasa for its astronauts - close to $60m per flight.

Nasa had previously banned any commercial use of the space station and prohibited astronauts from taking part in for-profit research.

Nasa does not own the station however - it was built, beginning in 1998, with Russia, which has taken a more relaxed approach in recent decades to commerce.

In 2001, US businessman Dennis Tito became the first tourist to visit when he paid Russia around $20 million for a round trip.

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Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chair Horn Comments on Opening the ISS to Commercial Opportunities

Press Release From: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 

Posted: Friday, June 7, 2019

Earlier today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that it will open the International Space Station (ISS) for commercial business and private astronaut missions with the goal of increasing the supply and demand of a low Earth orbit economy.  This includes opportunities for commercial activities to be conducted on the ISS, the use of an ISS port for commercial module attachment, and partnership with industry to develop free-flying commercial stations.  

Chair of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Rep. Kendra Horn’s (OK-05), made the following statement.

“The International Space Station is a treasure.  For nearly twenty years, it has expanded our understanding of what it means to live and work in space.  In investing in the ISS, we’ve built a laboratory to enable scientific research, development, and technology demonstrations from DNA sequencing to advanced technology for water purification now used worldwide.

“But we haven’t done it alone.  The ISS is a shining example of international cooperation as well as innovative relationships for transportation services and expanded partner users of the ISS laboratory.  

“We all know that the ISS has a finite lifetime and when and how we transition the ISS is critical. NASA just released a strategy for commercial use of the ISS and low Earth orbit development plans.  I look forward to reviewing it as we thoughtfully consider the best pathway to transition beyond the long and successful operation of the unique ISS facility.”

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NASA Opens International Space Station to New Commercial Opportunities, Private Astronauts


Commercial Activities Aboard the Space Station

More than 50 companies already are conducting commercial research and development on the space station via the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory, and their results are yielding great promise. In addition, NASA has worked with 11 different companies to install 14 commercial facilities on the station that support research and development projects for NASA and the ISS National Lab.

This effort is intended to broaden the scope of commercial activity on the space station beyond the ISS National Lab mandate, which is limited to research and development. A new NASA directive will enable commercial manufacturing and production and allow both NASA and private astronauts to conduct new commercial activities aboard the orbiting laboratory. The directive also sets prices for industry use of U.S. government resources on the space station for commercial and marketing activities.

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Flat Earth joins UFO conference in Chile.  Conspiracy theories both.  Birds of the same feather flock together.

Note: There is no doubt that some events that occur in the sky remain as "unidentified."  They could be natural phenomena, or man-made aerial crafts of many types (airplanes, jets, government experimental planes, rockets, etc.). 
But alien ships - very very unlikely.

Flat Earth Congress Reflections on the place where we live

From Colombia the teacher Padma who spoke of ancestral cosmology and flat earth
From the group Ufo Experinece Pablo Araya, introduction to the phenomenon UFO
Special guest Guillermo Wood, reflections on the geocentric model


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There are no perpetual motions machines or free energy.  No secrets of Nikola Tesla hidden from the public.  Get off that bandwagon conspiracy nuts.

Are perpetual motion machines possible?, by Physics Girl




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Jupiter will get so close to the earth this month its largest moons will be visible with binoculars, by CBS News

NASA has a message for space lovers this month: Look up. The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, will be clearly visible June 10 — and to see its biggest moons you'll only need to grab a pair of binoculars.

NASA said the gas giant is at its "biggest and brightest this month" and will be visible all night. The planet will reach opposition, the annual occurrence when the Jupiter, Earth and the Sun are arranged in a straight line, with Earth in the center. So, mark your calendars for Monday, as it will be the best time of the year to see it.

While the planet famous for its brilliant stripes and swirls will be visible to the naked eye, binoculars or a small telescope only enhance its clarity. The devices will also allow people to spot Jupiter's four largest moons, and possibly even a "glimpse" of part of the banded clouds that surround the planet. Scientists believe the planet has a combined 79 moons — 53 named and 26 awaiting official names.

However, for those who want an even closer look at the planet, NASA's Juno spacecraft is currently orbiting Jupiter and has captured stunning footage.

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Using Rileys Independent Variable to prove GRAVITY is an acceleration, by WheresWa11y








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The Cavendish Experiment - original intent was to measure the density of the Earth

The Cavendish Experiment, by BlueMarbleScience

Experiments to determine the Density of the Earth, By Henry Cavendish Esq.  F.R.S. and A.S.



Compared to today's value, Henry Cavendish came to within 1/100th accuracy of the density of the Earth...





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Measure the FORCE of GRAVITY with this simple app.  There are many apps available that do the job.



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Amateur astronomer captures "the ISS Transits the Sun"

the ISS Transits the Sun, Sky & Telescope Magazine


To take this photo I used my Lunt 152T with TV 2x Barlow lens, ZWO ASI 174MM ccd.



His telescope...


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Earthshine.  Increasing the exposure value allows us to capture “earthshine” on the unlit portion of the moon

Time Lapse of the Moon setting in Broome., by Wolfie6060

The crescent moon...


The presence of earthshine...


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LIGO and Virgo Observatories Detect Two New Gravitational Waves, and the NANOgrav signal

May 8, 2019 by News Staff / Source, SCI-NEWS


On April 25 and 26, 2019, NSF’s Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the European-based Virgo detector registered two new gravitational waves, the ripples in space-time predicted by Albert Einstein. The first was from a neutron star crashing into another neutron star 500 million light-years away, and the second was from a neutron star gobbled up by a black hole 1.2 billion light-years away. If confirmed, the second event will be the first of this kind to be detected.

The discoveries come just weeks after LIGO and Virgo observatories turned back on.

The twin detectors of LIGO — one in Washington and one in Louisiana — along with Virgo, located at the European Gravitational Observatory in Italy, resumed operations April 1, 2019, after undergoing a series of upgrades to increase their sensitivities to gravitational waves.

Each detector now surveys larger volumes of the Universe than before, searching for extreme events such as smash-ups between black holes and neutron stars.

“The latest LIGO-Virgo observing run is proving to be the most exciting one so far,” said Caltech’s Professor David Reitze, executive director of LIGO.

“We’re already seeing hints of the first observation of a black hole swallowing a neutron star. If it holds up, this would be a trifecta for LIGO and Virgo — in three years, we’ll have observed every type of black hole and neutron star collision.”

The April 25 neutron star smash-up, named S190425z, is estimated to have occurred about 500 million light-years away from Earth.

Only one of the twin LIGO facilities picked up its signal along with Virgo. Because only two of the three detectors registered the signal, estimates of the location in the sky from which it originated were not precise, leaving astronomers to survey nearly one-quarter of the sky for the source.

The possible April 26 neutron star-black hole collision, dubbed S190426c, is estimated to have taken place roughly 1.2 billion light-years away.

It was seen by all three LIGO-Virgo facilities, which helped better narrow its location to regions covering about 1,100 square degrees, or about 3% of the total sky.

“The Universe is keeping us on our toes,” said University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Professor Patrick Brady, spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.

“We’re especially curious about the April 26 candidate. Unfortunately, the signal is rather weak. It’s like listening to somebody whisper a word in a busy café; it can be difficult to make out the word or even to be sure that the person whispered at all. It will take some time to reach a conclusion about this candidate.”

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I visited the first gravitational wave detector! LIGO | STELLAR, by Physics Girl


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Atoms As Big As Mountains - Neutron Stars Explained



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Update: October 29, 2020

LIGO and Virgo Announce 39 New Gravitational-Wave Discoveries, by Rochester Institute of Technology,

   gravitational waves.jpg

LIGO and Virgo announce 39 new gravitational wave discoveries during first half of third observing run

Visit the - LIGO Scientific Collaboration Website - for up-to-date discoveries and announcements.

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Update: November 23, 2020

Why We're Seeing More Gravitational Wave Events Than Ever Before, by Seeker

LIGO and Virgo recently updated their gravitational-wave catalog with 39 new discoveries, including signals that could help us probe unresolved mysteries about the universe further than ever before. 

On May 21, 2019, LIGO and Virgo detected gravitational waves generated by two huge black holes, one at around 66 solar masses and the other at a gigantic 85 solar masses. They combined to form a black hole with a mass around 142 times that of our sun, making it the first ever directly observed intermediate black hole.

It exists in the size range between stellar mass black holes that form when stars collapse and the supermassive black holes found at the center of galaxies. Even the existence of the 85 solar mass black hole is interesting, because scientists think there should be a gap in the spectrum of black holes between 65 and 120 solar masses. A phenomenon called pair-instability should prevent stars from collapsing and forming black holes in this range, so that 85 solar mass black hole could call our understanding of stellar evolution into question.

These 39 new gravitational wave events certainly give us a lot to ponder, but remember that’s just from the first half of observing run 3. Unfortunately, the second half had to be cut a month short because of COVID-19, but with observing runs 4 and 5 still planned for some time in the near future, and the inclusion of data from detectors in Japan and India, expect to see a lot more interesting discoveries from the laser interferometers of the world. 

Read More:

LIGO and Virgo announce new detections in updated gravitational-wave catalog
"The sharp increase in the number of detections was made possible by significant improvements to the instruments with respect to previous observation periods. These included increased laser power, improved mirrors and, remarkably, the use of quantum squeezing technology."

Big Black Holes Dominate New Gravitational-Wave Catalog
"What’s really eye-catching about the new catalog is just how many of the black holes are big. More than half of the mergers involved at least one black hole weighing 30 solar masses or more."

When Virgo Joined LIGO 
Quantum field theory, our present standard theory of relativistic quantum mechanics, has many triumphs. However, it not only gets the energy density of empty space wrong by a factor of 10120, but it also is plagued by some embarrassing infinities that crop up when parts of the formalism are closely examined."

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration. “Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog.” Posted to on October 27, 2020.

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration. “GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the First Half of the Third Observing Run.” Posted to on October 27, 2020.

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration. “Tests of General Relativity with Binary Black Holes from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog.” Posted to on October 27, 2020.

T. Kibédi et al. “The radiative width of the Hoyle state from γ-ray spectroscopy.” Physical Review Letters. October 27, 2020. Preprint here.

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Update: January 27, 2021

All The Gravitational Waves Detected So Far, by Andy Tomaswick (


Few events in the astronomy community were received with more fanfare than the first detection of gravitational waves, which took place on September 14th, 2015.  Since then, different events have been recorded using the same techniques.  Many include data from other observational platforms, as the events that normally create gravitational waves are of interest to almost everyone in the astronomical community.  Black hole and neutron star mergers and the like provide a plethora of data to understand the physics that happen under such extreme conditions.

To distribute that data equitably, researchers at LIGO, one of the main observatories for gravitational waves, have released a data set that contains information about all 50 confirmed gravitational wave events that have taken place since observations began.  What’s more, a team from the Cardiff University made a tool that makes it much easier to navigate the data.  

   LIGO today - Jan 2021.jpg

That data was primarily collected by three different gravitational wave observatories – two different sites for LIGO (LIGO Livingston in Louisiana and LIGO Hanford in Washington State) as well as the Virgo interferometer, located in Italy.  The events that were captured included the most observed astronomical event ever recorded – the merging of two neutron stars that took place on August 17th 2017.

(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)

Two other resources:


LIGO- Virgo Compact Binary Catalogue, by Cardiff University

   Virgo - Cardiff University.jpg

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Update: February 17, 2021

Gravitational Wave Background Discovered?, PBS Space Time

It was pretty impressive when LIGO detected gravitational waves from colliding black holes. Well we’ve just taken that to the next level with a galaxy-spanning gravitational wave detector that may have detected a foundational element of space itself - the gravitational wave background.

Using Pulsars in our universe as a standard clock to detect the gravitational wave plane of least exitation (the ground state of the physical universe?)

North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves

Gravitational Wave Search Finds Tantalizing New Clue, JPL California Institute of Technology

Astronomers edge closer to detecting background “sea” of gravitational waves (
Pulsar observations hint at omnipresent rumbles in space-time caused by the largest black holes in the universe — though their confirmation requires further analysis.

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Update: March 2, 2021

Theoretical interpretations of the pulsar timing data recently released by NANOGrav, by Ingrid Fadelli (

The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) is a gravitational-wave detector that monitors areas in the vicinity of Earth using a network of pulsars (i.e., clock-like stars). At the end of 2020, the NANOGrav collaboration gathered evidence of fluctuations in the timing data of 45 pulsars, which could be compatible with a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) signal at nanohertz frequencies.

(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)

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Antimatter keeps with quantum theory. It’s both particle and wave, by Maria Temming, May 3, 2019, ScienceNews

“A variation of the classic double-slit experiment is applied to a positron for the first time”

 Continuing the human quest to better understand how our universe functions)


For the first time, researchers have performed a version of the famous double-slit experiment with antimatter particles.

The double-slit experiment demonstrates one of the fundamental tenets of quantum physics: that pointlike particles are also waves. In the standard version of the experiment, particles travel through a pair of slits in a solid barrier. On a screen on the other side, an interference pattern typical of waves appears. Crests and troughs emerging from each slit reinforce each other or cancel each other out as they overlap, creating alternating bands of high and low particle density on the screen.

This kind of experiment has revealed the wave-particle duality of photons, electrons, atoms and even large molecules (SN: 11/20/10, p. 20). But it’s very difficult to generate a strong, uniform beam of antiparticles to do the experiment with antimatter. Now, a new double-slit–style experiment, reported online May 3 in Science Advances, has confirmed the wavelike nature of the electron’s antimatter counterpart: the positron.  

The researchers designed a device in which positrons, generated through the radioactive decay of the isotope sodium-22, travel through two successive rows of vertical rods less than a micrometer thick. The gaps between these rods, each a few hundred nanometers across, work like the slits in the classic double-slit experiment. The positron waves propagate out to a nuclear emulsion detector, where the antiparticles alter the chemical structure of silver bromide crystals.

The nuclear emulsion detector “is like a photographic film,” says study coauthor Marco Giammarchi, a physicist at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Milan. Developing the nuclear emulsion film in a darkroom and viewing it under a microscope reveals the positrons’ chemical footprints. Sure enough, Giammarchi’s team found a positron interference pattern, with alternating stripes of high and low positron density.

Giammarchi and colleagues hope to use their new technique to probe the nature of other antimatter conglomerates, such as positronium (SN: 9/15/07, p. 163).

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The flat Earth “you can’t have gas pressure without a container" argument drops dead.
See helium filled balloons fall in a vacuum as no air pressure is present, and they succumb to the downward force of Earth's gravity.    

It's just another failed flat earth sham attempt to deny space & gravity, but affirm a dome.

Gas Pressure Without a Container, by BlueMarbleScience




The vacuum of space would not suck out all of the Earth atmosphere, because GRAVITY holds it down.  Reality confirms that there is an atmosphere pressure gradient.  If a dome were present (a container), then the atmospheric pressure would be the same at all altitudes - and that is not what is observed.




Gas Pressure Without a Container - Round 2, by BlueMarbleScience

Talk About Moving the Goal Posts!

* You presuppose the nonexistence of gravity that comes with a lengthy list of logical fallacies beginning with an argument from ignorance

* In your amateur vernacular, you clearly equate a pressure vessel with the word container but now you want to redefine it.

* You argue that an open pipe by your new definition is now a container even though you repeatedly stated that the requirement for a sealed system universally applies to a gas and discussed at length how a gas behave differently than a liquid.

* And you made the unequivocal claim that gas in an open system, regardless of its density, would dissipate into the atmosphere due to the law of entropy even giving a time period of 3 hours beyond which a heavier gas would have “dissipated into the room”.




More info and explanation:
BlueMarble Review Gas Pressure without Container, by Bob the Science Guy

Metabunk - Gas Universe Calculator



Earth's atmospheric pressure gradient confirmed by Wolfie6020.  Direct measurements made during a cable car ride down a Colorado mountain.

Looking for a pressure gradient in Colorado, by Wolfie6020

"Yep, found it."






Fact check =  YOU FAIL = a closed container is not needed to have a pressure or a gradient = no DOME over the earth.

Summary: A measurable atmospheric pressure gradient does exist on the Earth.


Update: January 14, 2021

This Weird Shape Rolls Uphill Instead of Down, by The Action Lab

In this video I show you some objects the roll uphill instead of down. Then I talk about how it is possible and how it is still falling down.

   Helium filled balloons fall in a vacuum.jpg

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Update: January 18, 2021

Gas Pressure Without a Container Revisited, by BlueMarbleScience

Since this demonstration upset the flat earth community so badly, I thought it would be worthwhile covering it again!


Update: March 28, 2021

Debunk by Wades Underworld
How to test what flat earthers say/ air pressure next to a vacuum #Shorts, by Wades Underworld

Flat earthers say lots of things, but very rarely do they test them. This is a #Shorts version of a much longer video on my channel testing the atmospheric pressure gradient, to see if the atmosphere is capable of existing in the vacuum of space.

   Atmosphere 1.jpg

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Exact same article here:

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Hoover Dam upon its completion in 1935

That event (year/month/day/time) was recorded and is on display at the Monument Plaza – Precession of the Equinoxes Terrazzo Floor Tapestry Astronomy Circle

So our North Star (now Polaris) does change over time, contrary to globe Earth deniers.

Hansen’s Star Map And The Precession Of The Equinoxes Circle, by Wally Motloch, Published 2nd September 2017



The inclination of axis of rotation to our sun (ecliptic plane) as well as the wobble and nutation affects the Earth. An observer on the surface of the spinning Earth looking east at sunrise would see different stars rising at different times, the result being that over 25,920 years, the entire circle of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac will successively appear on the horizon at very predictable intervals. Approximately every 2,150 years (25,920 /12), a new constellation will rise.

The second place to look is north, to see the Pole Star, a different face on our clock. Were we to attach a powerful laser to the axis of the Earth’s rotation, it would trace a giant circle on the celestial sphere. Stars which are on or near this circle successively become “pole stars” over a period of approximately 26,000 years. Currently, in the Northern Hemisphere, Polaris is the north star, but in 12,000 years, the axis will point to Vega.

As you can see, we have two ways to read time on our giant clock of 26,000 years. One way is to look NORTH at the circumpolar region to see which star the Pole Star is; or, we can look EAST during sunrise on the spring equinox to see which constellation is rising.

One complete axial rotation of Earth’s axis is called a Platonic Year. This very slow movement of constellations and pole stars has been measured by astronomers as being 1° arc for every 72 years. Therefore, 1 Platonic Year equals 360° x 72 years, or 25,920 years.

This very slow progression of 1° in 72 years has been immortalised in ancient lore, legends and literature. We see references to celestial numbers like 72, 108 (72 plus half of 72), and 43,200 (which is number of seconds in 12 hours: 12x 60x 60) and ratios, fractions and multiples of these numbers repeated in ancient literature, architecture, the Bible and myths from all over the world.

We see 72 co-conspirators against Osiris in the drama of Osiris, Isis and Set; in Exodus 14:19-21, each of the three verses consists of 72 Hebrew letters; the Catholic Bible is made up of 72 books; and the designers of the Great pyramid used the ratio of 1/43,200 for the perimeter of the base to the Earth’s circumference at the equator.

Various past cultures were able to measure these celestial motions, but only to the accuracy of whole numbers like 72.

Also, we now know that orbits are ovular and each planet’s mass and gravity speeds up or down, so the Earth’s wobble changes from year to year.

As the number “72 years” becomes 71.6 or 71.0008887 etc. we must adjust the length of the Platonic Year to keep up with cosmos.

Given the aid of modern telescopes in outer space, very precise atomic clocks and the precision of computers, we see that planetary motions are not that consistent and do change over time. The length of a Platonic Year will continue to vary because of the uneven orbital distances and gravity of the Moon and Planes. As our equipment and the skill of astronomers improve, we will fine-tune this number by adding digits after the decimal point. Today, astronomers use 25,782.34 Julian years to 1 Platonic Year.



More info here:

The 26,000-Year Astronomical Monument Hidden In Plain Sight, by Alexander Rose, January 29, 2019

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Hubble Captures Nearly 265,000 Galaxies in Legacy Field Image, May 2, 2019 by News Staff / Source (SCI NEWS)



Astronomers have produced the largest, most comprehensive ‘history book’ of galaxies in the Universe, using 16 years’ worth of observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The ambitious endeavor is called the Hubble Legacy Field. The image, a combination of nearly 7,500 separate Hubble exposures, contains roughly 265,000 galaxies. They stretch back through 13.3 billion years of time to just 500 million years after the Universe’s birth in the Big Bang.


The Hubble Legacy Field combines observations taken by several Hubble deep-field surveys.

In 1995, the Hubble Deep Field captured several thousand previously unseen galaxies.

The subsequent Hubble Ultra Deep Field from 2004 revealed nearly 10,000 galaxies in a single image.

The 2012 Hubble eXtreme Deep Field was assembled by combining ten years of Hubble observations taken of a patch of sky within the original Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

The new set of Hubble images, created from nearly 7,500 individual exposures, is the first in a series of Hubble Legacy Field images.

“Now that we have gone wider than in previous surveys, we are harvesting many more distant galaxies in the largest such dataset ever produced by Hubble,” said Dr. Garth Illingworth, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

“This one image contains the full history of the growth of galaxies in the Universe, from their time as ‘infants’ to when they grew into fully-fledged ‘adults’.”


No image will surpass this one until future space telescopes like the NASA/ESA James Webb Space Telescope are launched.

“We’ve put together this mosaic as a tool to be used by us and by other astronomers,” Dr. Illingworth said.

“The expectation is that this survey will lead to an even more coherent, in-depth, and greater understanding of the Universe’s evolution in the coming years.”

The Hubble Legacy Field image yields a huge catalog of distant galaxies.

“Such exquisite high-resolution measurements of the numerous galaxies in this catalog enable a wide swath of extragalactic study,” said Dr. Katherine Whitaker, an astronomer at the University of Connecticut, in Storrs.

“Often, these kinds of surveys have yielded unanticipated discoveries which have had the greatest impact on our understanding of galaxy evolution.”

“One exciting aspect of these new images is the large number of sensitive color channels now available to view distant galaxies, especially in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum,” said Dr. Rychard Bouwens, an astronomer at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

“With images at so many frequencies, we can dissect the light from galaxies into the contributions from old and young stars, as well as active galactic nuclei.”

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Update: January 11, 2021

Image: Hubble views a dazzling 'fireworks galaxy', by Lynn Jenner, European Space Agency (

   Fireworks galaxy.jpg


The galaxy NGC 6946 is nothing short of spectacular. In the last century alone, NGC 6946 has experienced 10 observed supernovae, earning its nickname as the Fireworks Galaxy. In comparison, our Milky Way averages just one to two supernova events per century. This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the stars, spiral arms, and various stellar environments of NGC 6946 in phenomenal detail. 

We are able to marvel at NGC 6946 as it is a face-on galaxy, which means that we see the galaxy "facing" us, rather than seeing it from the side (known as edge-on). The Fireworks Galaxy is further classified as an intermediate spiral galaxy and as a starburst galaxy. The former means the structure of NGC 6946 sits between a full spiral and a barred spiral galaxy, with only a slight bar in its center, and the latter means it has an exceptionally high rate of star formation.

The galaxy resides 25.2 million light-years away, along the border of the northern constellations of Cepheus and Cygnus (The Swan).

(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)

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Update: January 12, 2021

Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on NGC 613, by Enrico de Lazaro (

   NGC 613.jpg


Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have captured the most detailed image so far of the central part of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 613.

NGC 613 lies 84.8 million light years away in the southern constellation of Sculptor.

Otherwise known as ESO 413-11 and LEDA 5849, this galaxy was discovered by the English astronomer William Herschel in 1798, and then re-discovered by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop.

It was catalogued by the Danish-Irish astronomer John Louis Emil Dreyer in his famous ‘New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars,’ published in 1888.

NGC 613 is classified as a barred spiral galaxy for the bar-shaped band of stars and dust crossing its intensely glowing center.

It also has a weak inner ring structure circling the bar and moderate to loosely wound spiral arms.

“Featured here in a new image, NGC 613 is a lovely example of a barred spiral galaxy,” Hubble astronomers said.

“It is easily distinguishable as such because of its well defined central bar and long arms, which spiral loosely around its nucleus.”

“As revealed by surveys, about two thirds of spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way Galaxy, contain a bar,” they said.

“Recent studies have shown that bars are more common in galaxies now than they were in the past, which gives us important clues about galaxy formation and evolution.”

(Please read the article at the URL's posted above)

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Update: April 24, 2022

Happy Birthday, Hubble (

The Hubble Space Telescope turns 32 on April 24th, and the team behind the telescope is marking the occasion with the release of a galactic family picture.


Three spiral galaxies, an elliptical, and a lenticular feature in this Hubble Space Telescope image, all packed into a volume less than 200,000 light-years across, or twice the diameter of the Milky Way’s disk. Their light traveled 300 million light-years before it reached Hubble’s cameras.

At first glance, the five stunning galaxies of Hickson Compact Group 40 look disconnected, placed next to each other in space by chance superposition. But a closer look reveals connections between them, bridges made of gas and stars.

The galaxies make up one of the most crowded compact galaxy groups known, and it’s getting more crowded still. They’re falling inexorably toward each other — in about 1 billion years, there’ll be nothing to see here except for a giant elliptical fuzzball of stars.

Such compact groups might have been more common earlier in the universe’s timeline. Galactic interactions fueled the supermassive black holes that lurk in most galaxy centers and, indeed, most of the galaxies here show evidence of such a central black hole.

The image, taken late last year, was released recently in celebration of the Hubble Space Telescope’s 32nd year of operations. Hubble has far outlived its expected lifetime, having captured 1.5 million images of about 50,000 celestial objects along the way so far. HCG 40 is one more under its belt.

(Please read the article posted at the URL above)


Visit the main NASA Hubble site here ...

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Saildrone is currently circumnavigating the continent of Antarctica 

a feat not possible on the Gleason Flat Earth map

(shown here


Follow the adventure:
100 Days in the Southern Ocean
SD 1020 is more than halfway around Antarctica, well on its way toward completing the first autonomous circumnavigation of the Southern Ocean.

By Saildrone on April 29, 2019


The 2019 Saildrone Antarctic Circumnavigation marked 100 days in the Southern Ocean on April 29. SD 1020 has sailed more than 7,300 nautical miles since launching from Point Bluff, New Zealand, on January 19.

The challenge of completing the first autonomous circumnavigation of the Southern Ocean is not only the distance—15,000 nautical miles—but the conditions. Storms are fast-moving and frequent, and icebergs and sea ice abound. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current moves up to 150 million cubic meters of water per second (750 times the Amazon River), and whales and marine debris are a constant threat.

Shortly after leaving New Zealand, the fleet was hit by a series of storms with gusts over 60 knots. SD 1022 suffered damage and had to return to port for repairs; the saildrone is expected to relaunch this spring. SD 1020 survived the storm, surfing giant waves and setting speed records. The first major mission milestone occurred five weeks into the mission when SD 1020 crossed 60°S and officially entered the Antarctic Region. In mid-March, SD 1020 completed the first autonomous circumnavigation of Cape Horn.


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What Is a Saildrone, and Why Is It Sailing Around Antarctica?
In January 2019, two saildrones departed New Zealand on an epic journey.

By Saildrone on January 28, 2019


A saildrone is an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) that can sail the oceans, autonomously following a series of pre-set waypoints. In January 2019, a fleet of two saildrones departed Bluff, New Zealand, on a mission to complete the first autonomous circumnavigation of Antarctica and teach students about the rapid changes taking place that affect the Antarctic ecosystem, and why this impacts humanity.

What is a saildrone?

Saildrones are designed and built in Alameda, CA. They’re seven meters (23 feet) long and sail entirely by wind power, propelled along by a 4.5-meter (15-foot) wing (a wing is a rigid sail) at an average of 2.5 to 4.5 knots (three to five miles per hour). Each ocean drone is equipped with a variety of onboard scientific sensors, autonomous navigation capabilities, and a satellite link, all powered by solar energy so that they can collect a variety of data as they sail.

The saildrones will endeavor to follow a course along latitude 60° south, sailing some 15,000 nautical miles during the estimated nine- to 12-month mission. Each vehicle also carries an experimental hydrogenerator, generating electricity via a small propeller which transforms vehicle motion into electrical power. During the Southern Hemisphere’s dark winter months, the saildrones will deviate north to avoid total darkness and growing ice, to catch a bare minimum of sunlight to power the onboard instruments.

Why are saildrones sailing around Antarctica?

The Antarctic ecosystem, part of the Southern Ocean, is one of the most productive and diverse on earth and plays an essential role in balancing the global climate. Tiny organisms called phytoplankton (algae) absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) during photosynthesis. In fact, scientists estimate Antarctic phytoplankton absorb almost 25% of the CO2 we emit. However, the rate of absorption of CO2 in the Southern Ocean remains an estimate; the saildrones will carry a high-accuracy sensor developed by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists that can measure atmospheric and dissolved CO2 with the goal to collect better facts and reduce the carbon budget uncertainty.


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JM Truth TV (Joshua Michael) masquerades as a scientist yet has no formal training or degree in physics, chemistry, math or astronomy

Flat Earther smacked down by The Red Shill




Related article here…
JM Truth TV (Joshua Michael) - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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Zoom in to see multiple ships going over the horizon

Anthony Liely & Ranty - That Sinking Feeling Again, by dazzathecameraman




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Update: September 12, 2021

Here is zoom in proof that shows the globe is real

The footage flat Earthers asked for, by Wade's Underworld

A quick flat earth debunk. After the ship elevator I released, a couple of flat earthers wanted footage of me zooming out at the Lower elevation. So, here It is. The ship Is around 12 miles away, and the camera Is about 8 ft above the water.

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Related article here...
Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley) - - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion

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Dear Mr. Sargent, an easy experiment for any young adult (14+) to prove that the Earth moves and is orbiting the Sun

NOTICE of April 27th: Mark has already deleted our invitation to do this experiment.  By deleting this comment, Mark is also now complicit in hiding reality from his YouTube audience.  


Mark, before you say that the planet Jupiter is a light in the sky and there is nothing there to land on, think again.  A small telescope reveals that Jupiter is large, round and rotates.  Satellites revolve around it.  Why do you adhere to the same denial as the clergy who sentenced Galileo to death?  You are lost and live in your own world of make believe, afraid to accept reality.

All you need is:
A small telescope (3-inches or larger)
A stop watch
Ephemeris listing of Jupiter moon eclipse times
Math skills such as adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying
The ability to read and understand what you read

The experiment:
The four major moons of Jupiter are easily seen with a 3-inch telescope.  They look like bright stars.
Consult the Ephemeris for the time that a moon will be eclipsed (enter the shadow of Jupiter and disappears from your telescope view).

20 minutes before the eclipse take your telescope outside and point a Jupiter.  Focus the eyepiece to see Jupiter and the moon(s). Since the four moons of Jupiter are always in rotational orbit around the planet, at any given time you may see one or several. 

Watch the eclipse and determine the time the moon disappeared from view as it enters Jupiter's shadow (you no longer see it).  Start your stopwatch when the moon disappears and then reference that to Coordinated Universal Time site to get the actual Universal Time of the eclipse event.

Record the time and date of each event in a notebook.

Continue for 6-month to observe as many eclipses as weather permits.  Best to start your experiment on a date that the Earth is closest to Jupiter, and end the experiment on a date when the Earth is farthest from Jupiter.  Consult the Ephemeris listed below.

How does this work?
Referring to the photo below, determine the eclipse time at distance (a).  Calculate when you should see the next eclipse at distance (b).  You will find that the eclipse at distance (b) occurs minutes later than the predicted time.  That is because light now has to travel a further distance to get to the Earth, (b) - (a) = x miles further away. 
Since distance = velocity * time,  we can also write this as ... 
distance change between the earth and Jupiter = speed of light * time [between calculated and observed eclipse at point (b).] 

Since you actually observed the eclipse to occur later than predicted, that proves the Earth moved between the time of eclipse (a) and eclipse (b).  YES.  You have now proved earth movement around the Sun.    

This is a reproduction of the Ole Roemer experiment conducted in 1676, the first successful determination of the speed of light.  Galileo tried in 1638 using lanterns on two different mountain peaks, but did not get a number.  However, Galileo did conclude that the speed of light was at least several times faster than the speed of sound.

Do this experiment for each of the four large moons of Jupiter.

"I did this experiment myself in 1971 - 1972 and got accurate results," JonahTheScientist


More complete and detailed article here:
Mr. Mark Sargent, the Earth is not stationary. Try this easy junior high school experiment yourself to find out the reality

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Nathan Oakley playing "pin the tail" on the curve.  What other excuses do you have?

Why is Nathan Oakley Afraid of Bob the Science Guy ??? 

Here Nathan insists that the Rayleigh Criterion issue (at some distance two objects next to each other merge and appear as one) should have been incorporated in the standard curve calculator.  Yet, Nathan does not know how big/small that value actually is for the human eye.

The reality is that the human eye Rayleigh Criterion does not need to be accounted for in the standard curve calculator, since objects merging due to that Criterion happen well past the distance that they disappear "over the horizon" due to Earth curvature.


Nathan Oakley said…
There is only one assertion made by the Earth curve calculator, in spite of the fact that things can disappear with distance.

Bob the Science Guy said…
Tell me all about it.

Nathan Oakley said…
Yeh, I just did.

Bob the Science Guy said…
How can they disappear

Nathan Oakley said…
Because they are too small to see

Bob the Science Guy said…
Oh please do...

Nathan Oakley said…
They get too small to see.  Their angle is too small.  Their angle…

Bob the Science Guy said…
What’s the angle?  What’s the critical angle?

Nathan Oakley said…
I’ll say gain, something that’s ignored in your calculator

Bob the Science Guy said…
I’m asking you, Nathan Oakley, what the critical angle of the human eye is that anything…

Nathan Oakley said…
I don’t know.  Let me answer him.  I don’t know…  

. . . 

Bob the Science Guy said…
Two objects of the same size, sitting next to each other, and you move one further away from the other, the further object will appear smaller than the nearer one because of reduced angular size.  That’s just the way perspective works.

Now what you’re attempting to do is you’re trying to say that objects disappear because they become too small for us to see based on the Raleigh Criteria.  I’ve tried to press you on this and not only don’t you know what the Raleigh Criteria is, when I ask you specifically to cite the critical angle of the human eye that you feel accounts for objects disappearing, you don’t even know what it is.   

Related article here…
Nathan Oakley - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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How does your iPad and smart phone know if you are holding it in portrait or landscape mode? 
It's called GRAVITY FOLKS!

The internal BMA280 - digital, triaxial acceleration sensor does it. 

Proving Gravity with an iPad, by Bob the Science Guy    





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April 21, 2019


Articles written - 1,161
Blog posts written - 266

Total blog pages read - 216,805
Total unique visitors to this site - 170,802
We have been debunking flat Earth claims since 2012 on this and other forums

Thank you everyone for visiting!

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Flat Earthers do not comprehend what the NASA announcement about the extent of the Earth's atmosphere into space (about 0.2 atoms per cubic centimeter at the moons distance) really means

About 99% of our Earth’s atmosphere is contained within the first 20-km


Nice debunk video by SciManDan…
Globe Defacer Has a Dig at NASA about the Moon!, by SciManDan




20 February 2019

The outermost part of our planet’s atmosphere extends well beyond the lunar orbit – almost twice the distance to the Moon.

A recent discovery based on observations by the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, shows that the gaseous layer that wraps around Earth reaches up to 630 000 km away, or 50 times the diameter of our planet. 

“The Moon flies through Earth’s atmosphere,” says Igor Baliukin of Russia’s Space Research Institute, lead author of the paper presenting the results.

“We were not aware of it until we dusted off observations made over two decades ago by the SOHO spacecraft.”

Where our atmosphere merges into outer space, there is a cloud of hydrogen atoms called the geocorona. One of the spacecraft instruments, SWAN, used its sensitive sensors to trace the hydrogen signature and precisely detect how far the very outskirts of the geocorona are.

These observations could be done only at certain times of the year, when the Earth and its geocorona came into view for SWAN.

For planets with hydrogen in their exospheres, water vapour is often seen closer to their surface. That is the case for Earth, Mars and Venus.

“This is especially interesting when looking for planets with potential reservoirs of water beyond our Solar System,” explains Jean-Loup Bertaux, co-author and former principal investigator of SWAN.

The first telescope on the Moon, placed by Apollo 16 astronauts in 1972, captured an evocative image of the geocorona surrounding Earth and glowing brightly in ultraviolet light.

“At that time, the astronauts on the lunar surface did not know that they were actually embedded in the outskirts of the geocorona,” says Jean-Loup.

Cloud of hydrogen

The Sun interacts with hydrogen atoms through a particular wavelength of ultraviolet light called Lyman-alpha, which the atoms can both absorb and emit. Since this type of light is absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, it can only be observed from space.

Thanks to its hydrogen absorption cell, the SWAN instrument could selectively measure the Lyman-alpha light from the geocorona and discard hydrogen atoms further out in interplanetary space.

The new study revealed that sunlight compresses hydrogen atoms in the geocorona on Earth’s dayside, and also produces a region of enhanced density on the night side. The denser dayside region of hydrogen is still rather sparse, with just 70 atoms per cubic centimeter at 60 000 kilometers above Earth’s surface, and about 0.2 atoms at the Moon’s distance.

“On Earth we would call it vacuum, so this extra source of hydrogen is not significant enough to facilitate space exploration,” says Igor.




Related article here…
Flattening Atheism (Allan Spencer) - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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It's time to upgrade (version 2019 of human life) religious views and get in synch with reality.  Your flat out denial only perpetuates ignorance. 


Related article here…
Josh Sparrow - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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Science education.  Don't let flat Earthers dismiss, deny, belittle or denigrate our human knowledge heritage






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Behind the Curve Documentary - Bob Knodel and Jeran Campanella prove the Earth is a rotating sphere, then blatently lie about their results

"Their premise of the Earth being flat was falsified by both experiments.

Bob Knodel who performed the test (laser gyro) was also recorded as saying to keep it a secret because it could be really bad for the flat Earth movement, showing who is really willing to lie to everyone.

The curvature test by Jeran Campanella also showed curvature, but instead of admitting it and reworking the premises as he’s supposed to do (via the scientific method) he instead waited to be off camera with no one watching to say he performed the experiment again and proved flatness."

Scientific Reasoning vs Flat Earth & Conspiracy Reasoning, by Respect Your Intellect





Exact same article here:

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Flat Earthers have no clue how their model pancake world creates a magnetic field.  But worse yet, the AE Map fails when compared to real magnetic measurements (see below) taken around the world.

Globe Denier Lacks Kindergarten Understanding of Magnets, by MCToon

The flat Earth map fails to explain the FOUR fundamental observed aspects of magnetism.




Magnetic declination...



Magnetic inclination or dip, is how much below the horizontal the magnetic field points...



Magnetic field strength...


Related article here…
Patrick Shank - flat Earth advocate model failure

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While flat Earthers continue to deny satellites in space, mankind makes history, day after day

Falcon Heavy Launch and Landing - Nikon P1000, by Reds Rhetoric

The successful soft return recovery landing of three rocket boosters while launching the Arabat 6A satellite into orbit.


CNBC: SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy and lands all three rocket boosters for the first time, by Michael Sheetz

Key points:

1.  This was the second flight for SpaceX Falcon Heavy, which is the most powerful rocket in use in the world.

2.  Built out of three of the company’s Falcon 9 rockets, Falcon Heavy’s cores stand side by side to create a 27-engine colossus.

3.  In the months since its demonstration flight, SpaceX has seen orders for Falcon Heavy launches grow.

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The standard response of flat Earthers that the Big Bang caused the universe to come from nothing (by chance) is far from the truth 

Fluctuations in the void, by Oliver Morsch, ETH Zurich



In quantum physics, a vacuum is not empty, but rather steeped in tiny fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. Until recently it was impossible to study those vacuum fluctuations directly. Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a method that allows them to characterize the fluctuations in detail.

Emptiness is not really empty – not according to the laws of quantum physics, at any rate. The vacuum, in which classically there is supposed to be "nothing," teems with so-called vacuum fluctuations according to quantum mechanics. Those are small excursions of an electromagnetic field, for instance, that average out to zero over time but can deviate from it for a brief moment. Jérôme Faist, professor at the Institute for Quantum Electronics at ETH in Zurich, and his collaborators have now succeeded in characterizing those vacuum fluctuations directly for the first time.

"The vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field have clearly visible consequences, and among other things, are responsible for the fact that an atom can spontaneously emit light," explains Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus, a recently graduated Ph.D. student in Faists laboratory and first author of the study recently published in the scientific journal Nature. "To measure them directly, however, seems impossible at first sight. Traditional detectors for light such as photodiodes are based on the principle that light particles – and hence energy – are absorbed by the detector. However, from the vacuum, which represents the lowest energy state of a physical system, no further energy can be extracted."


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Astronomers Capture First Image of a Black Hole

An international collaboration presents paradigm-shifting observations of the gargantuan black hole at the heart of distant galaxy Messier 87




The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a black hole. Today, in coordinated press conferences across the globe, EHT researchers reveal that they have succeeded, unveiling the first direct visual evidence of a supermassive black hole and its shadow.

This breakthrough was announced today in a series of six papers published in a special issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The image reveals the black hole at the center of Messier 87 [1], a massive galaxy in the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster. This black hole resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the Sun [2].

The EHT links telescopes around the globe to form an Earth-sized virtual telescope with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution [3]. The EHT is the result of years of international collaboration, and offers scientists a new way to study the most extreme objects in the Universe predicted by Einstein’s general relativity during the centennial year of the historic experiment that first confirmed the theory [4].

"We have taken the first picture of a black hole," said EHT project director Sheperd S. Doeleman of the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. "This is an extraordinary scientific feat accomplished by a team of more than 200 researchers."


The telescopes contributing to this result were ALMAAPEX, the IRAM 30-meter telescope, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, the Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano, the Submillimeter Array, the Submillimeter Telescope, and the South Pole Telescope.  Petabytes of raw data from the telescopes were combined by highly specialised supercomputers hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomyand MIT Haystack Observatory.


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In the Shadow of the Black Hole, by European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Note: the following text is from selected portions of the ESO video. 

8 locations, 10 instruments working as a single integrated telescope the size of the Earth.

Together, they can achieve a resolution equivalent to reading a newspaper in Paris, while sitting in New York.

On April 5, 2017 the EHT was for the first time aimed at the chosen target M87 (the black hole at the center).
It's one of the biggest black holes known, and isn't too far north or south in the sky, crucial if telescope all over the world have to observe it at the same time.

To computation centers, one in Europe and one in the US, combined a staggering quantity of data, about 350-terabytes per day from each telescope.  The data had to be synchronized by atomic clock.  Transported on special helium filled hard drives.
After countless hours of work on the data, an image began to take shape.
Although black holes themselves are completely dark, they influence the path of photons travelling in their vicinity, and leave an unmistakable signature on the light from the accretion disk surrounding the black hole - a large disk of matter gradually spiraling in toward its host.

The in falling matter becomes very concentrated, causing friction to heat it to form a glowing plasma.  The path of the light emitted by this glowing glass is determined by the black hole: the light passing close by it is bent by the enormous gravity, skirting the edges, but light passing too close is captured, never to escape.

Seen from Earth with radio telescopes, these effects manifest themselves as the shadow of the black hole - a dark central region silhouetted against the luminous plasma.

After 2 years of painstaking calculations, the image was finally ready.  Although taken from a staggering distance of 55-million light years, the image revealed a ring-like structure with a dark central region.  For the first time in history, the shadow of a black hole!            

Where are these radio telescopes located?

ALMA, Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array, Chile  
APEX, Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, Chile
IRAM 30-meter telescope, Spain
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, Hawaii
Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano, Mexico
Submillimeter Array, Hawaii
Submillimeter Telescope, Arizona
South Pole Telescope, Antarctica
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany
MIT Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts

. . . 

Black hole stats:
The M87 black hole is 40-billion kilometers in diameter, which is more that 3-million times the size of the Earth.  It’s about 53-million light years away.  The black hole has a mass of
about 6.5-billion times that of our Sun.

What we actually see is the bright accretion disk, the cloud of gas that surrounds the black hole at the event horizon.  Anything past the event horizon cannot escape, and that includes light itself.

The gas at the event horizon is millions of degrees in temperature, and emits radiation visible to us.  This gives us a clear outline of the black hole and the event horizon.  
The brighter area in the accretion disk is due to its rotation.  We have not seen any of this before.

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is new technology.  Over 200 scientist, from over 100 institutions around the globe participated.

So far the black hole data gathered verifies Einstein’s theory of General Relativity.  The edge of the shadow, as far as the Event Horizons Telescope can see, is a perfect circle, just as physicists in the 20th century working with Einstein's equations of general relativity predicted.

Six detailed papers will be submitted for peer review and discussion in the next few days.  The data gathered by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) will also be made available to the public.  

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The Rayleigh Criterion - flat Earthers ignorantly distorting physics once again to promote their fairy tale universe  

Flat Earthers now claiming that objects disappear at the Rayleigh diffraction limit.  Therefore that accounts for the bottom of boats disappearing at distance over water (instead of due to earth curvature).

Fact check:  False
Because at the diffraction limit of resolution two objects appear to merge into one.  Nothing disappears.  For physical objects the original image size stays the same.    

What are the science facts about it? 

The Rayleigh criterion is the generally accepted criterion for the minimum resolvable detail - the imaging process is said to be diffraction-limited when the first diffraction minimum of the image of one source point coincides with the maximum of another.


Figure 38.13 Individual diffraction patterns of two point sources (solid curves) and the resultant patterns (dashed curves) for various angular separations of the sources. In each case, the dashed curve is the sum of the two solid curves. (a) The sources are far apart, and the patterns are well resolved. (b) The sources are closer together such that the angular separation just satisfies Rayleigh’s criterion, and the patterns are just resolved. (c) The sources are so close together that the patterns are not resolved. 

What is Rayleigh cretieria for resolution?
In that case, the angular resolution of an optical system can be estimated (from the diameter of the aperture and the wavelength of the light) by the Rayleigh criterion defined by Lord Rayleigh: two point sources are regarded as just resolved when the principal diffraction maximum of one image coincides with the first...

What does diffraction limited mean?
An optical system with the ability to produce images with angular resolution as good as the instrument's theoretical limit is said to be diffraction limited. The resolution of a given instrument is proportional to the wavelength of the light being observed, and inversely proportional to the size of its objective.

How does diffraction affect resolution?
An optical system with the ability to produce images with angular resolution as good as the instrument's theoretical limit is said to be diffraction limited. The resolution of a given instrument is proportional to the wavelength of the light being observed, and inversely proportional to the size of its objective.




For the human eye which has a pupil size of about 5 mm (millimeters) angle = 0.007 degrees. 


Bob the Science Guy further shows that talking about Rayleigh’s criterion with regard to the bottom of boats is a fallacy.
Do the calculations (something flat Earthers don't often do) and look at the numbers. 

For two 100-meter tall buildings next to each other, according to the Rayleigh criterion they appear to merge together as one - at a distance no less than 818.5 kilometers.  But due to earth curvature those two buildings would be over the horizon and not even visible.  So using the Rayleigh criterion for the boat explanation is an outright deception.  It stems from flat Earthers not understanding physics and their desire to prove no curvature at any cost.


Related article here…
Does Rory Owe Anyone 5000 Pounds?, by Bob the Science Guy

Exact same article here:

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Flat Earthers like Anthony Riley don't even understand what density is, yet continue the falsity of (density & buoyance) instead of gravity

Flat Earth Can't Science 33 Riley and FTFE Dissecting a Debate

Fact check: AnthonyRiley = YOU FAIL.  Density is not a force as you claim.


(YouTube subtitle voice software translated the spoken word "force" as "false."  Listen to the video for verification.)

Bob the Science Guy says,
"Hey Anthony, boom bah.  Density is a physical property of mass per unit volume.  There is no force involved.  There is no vector involved and this is a sixth grade science question…"


Related article here…
Sleeping Warrior (Anthony Riley) - - caught deleting video comments that expose flat Earth as a delusion

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Earthquake seismological data conclusively shows the Earth is a sphere

The detection of different frequency waves (and arrival times) at multiple locations on the Earth's surface - cannot be explained by a flat Earth.  Period.








Related article here…
Flat Earth NOT - Earthquake seismological data conclusively shows the Earth is a sphere (with Respect Your Intellect)

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Flat earthers continue to misrepresent science and the lives of those who pursuit it

Science and God, by Jerry Newcombe (Townhall)

From the article:

An award-winning scientist recently told the world that science and religion are not incompatible.

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports (3/19/19), “The annual Templeton Prize, which recognizes outstanding contributions to ‘affirming life's spiritual dimension,’ was awarded Tuesday to Brazilian Marcelo Gleiser---a theoretical physicist dedicated to demonstrating science and religion are not enemies.”

Gleiser, a professor at Dartmouth College since 1991, said, “Science does not kill God.”

Although he is described as an agnostic, the AFP reports that Gleiser “refuses to write off the possibility of God's existence completely.” He said, "Atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method…Atheism is a belief in non-belief. So you categorically deny something you have no evidence against…I'll keep an open mind because I understand that human knowledge is limited."

I agree with this man’s sentiments. How is it that science and God are somehow viewed as enemies?

The great British jurist, Sir William Blackstone, whose four-volume set of Commentaries on the Laws of England were of great value to our founding fathers, put it this way: “Thus, when the Supreme Being formed the universe, and created matter out of nothing, He impressed certain principles upon that matter, from which it can never depart, and without which it would cease to be. When He put that matter into motion, He established certain laws of motion, to which all moveable bodies must conform.”  

I think it is fascinating that virtually all the early scientists historically were professing Christians. They were, in the words of Johannes Kepler, “thinking God’s thoughts after Him” in their scientific explorations. Modern science arose near the end of the medieval period. The early scientists believed that a rational God had made a rational universe, and it was their job---using the words of Kepler, “as priests of the highest God”---to try and catalogue what laws of the universe He had created.

Consider some of the thoughts of scientists who were Christians through the ages.

Blaise Pascal was a brilliant mathematician in 17th century France. He is credited with  discovering principles that would ultimately lead to the creation of the computer.

Pascal said, “Faith tells us what senses cannot, but it is not contrary to their findings. It simply transcends, without contradicting them.” Pascal also said, “Jesus Christ is the only proof of the living God. We only know God through Jesus Christ.”

Isaac Newton, the discoverer of gravity and one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, wrote more about the Bible and about Christian theology than he did science. Said the great Newton: “I have a foundational belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.”

The father of modern chemistry was Oxford professor Robert Boyle, born in 1627. Boyle was not only a diligent student of chemistry, but a diligent student of the Bible. In his will he left a large sum of money to found the "Boyle lectures" for proving the Christian religion.

19th century American Matthew Fontaine Maury is credited as the father of oceanography. He got his idea that the sea has “lanes” and currents from a verse in the Bible. Psalm 8:8 speaks of “the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.”

One time Maury gave a speech at the inauguration for a college in which he said, “I have been blamed by men of science, both in this country and in England, for quoting the Bible in confirmation of the doctrines of physical geography. The Bible, they say, was not written for scientific purposes, and is therefore of no authority in matters of science. I beg your pardon: the Bible is authority for everything it touches.” That includes, he said, “physical geography, the earth, the sea and the air.”

Maury added, “[W]hen, after patient research, I am led to the discovery of any one of [the physical laws the Creator has built into His creation], I feel with the astronomer of old [i.e., Kepler], as though I had 'thought one of God's thoughts,'— and tremble. Thus as we progress with our science we are permitted now and then to point out here and there in the physical machinery of the earth a design of the Great Architect when He planned it all.”

Indeed, as science professor Marcelo Gleiser points out, “science does not kill God.” Far from it.

The late Dr. Robert Jastrow was an astronomer and a planetary physicist with NASA, and he wrote a book called, God and the Astronomers.

Jastrow noted, “The scientist has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; and as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries

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Questions for Science Deniers, by Martymer81


1.  Can anyone study science at a college/university, or is security clearance required?

2.  If anyone can, then what is taught?  The truth or the lie?  If the lie, how are new scientists useful to “them”?   If the truth, how is the conspiracy maintained?

3.  If clearance is required, where are all the people who didn’t get in despite meeting all “official” requirements?

4.  If clearance is required, how do you get clearance straight out of high school?

5.  How go “they” fake the results of experiments the students themselves set up and perform?

6.  If there is a conspiracy to maintain the status quo, how come new science is published every single month?

7.  If new “discoveries” are lies, how is it that technology advances along in science?

8.  How is it that you are better able to determine what parts of science are lies, than those who are actually educated in science?

9.  Where are the whistle-blowers?  Wouldn’t most people who go into science become disillusioned when they learn the truth?



Jeran verified Earth curvature with his own experiment, but has a mental/emotional block that prohibit him from accepting his result.

Talk to a Science Denier | The Dinner, by Bob the Science Guy

Continuing our series on the work of Dr. Lee McIntyre, we look at how science deniers look at science. What they think it means, how they misapply the scientific method and how they counter scientific evidence.

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Flat Earth is now indoctrinating children.  What a sad day for humanity...


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Exposing the mental illness of conspiracy theorists

Alex Jones blames ‘psychosis’ for his Sandy Hook conspiracy theory, by Ben Feuerherd at


Conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones blamed a personal “psychosis” for spreading the theory that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, he said in a court deposition.

Jones made the remarks in his response to a lawsuit filed against him by the family of a 6-year-old who was among the 20 children slain in the Sandy Hook attack, the Austin American-Statesman reported.

The suit was filed in Travis County, Texas, where Jones’ media company is based.

Jones claimed his psychosis was brought on by his deep distrust of the media.

“I basically thought everything was staged, even though I’m now learning a lot of times things aren’t staged,” his deposition reads.

“The trauma of the media and the corporations lying so much, then everything begins — you don’t trust anything anymore.

“Kind of like a child whose parents lie to them over and over again, well, pretty soon they don’t know what reality is.”

The defamation suit is one of two filed against him by relatives of victims of the Newtown, Connecticut shooting. In Connecticut, several families have said in a suit that Jones’s rhetoric has subjected them to torment and mental anguish.

But in his deposition, Jones continued to posit conspiracy theories about the mass shooting.

“I still think that there was a man in the woods in [camoflauge]… and just a lot of experts I’ve talked to, including retired FBI agents and other people and people high up in the Central Intelligence Agency, have told me that there is a cover-up in Sandy Hook,” 

he said.

Jones’s lawyers have said his speech is “rhetorical hyperbole.”

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Filming the Speed of Light at 10 Trillions FPS (frames per second), by The Slow Mo Guys


Hopefully there are no-more flat earth doubts about the actual speed of light.





Light tracked while traveling thru a container of light milk.  Notice the picosecond count change...









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Learn how a tiny butterfly can overcome the force of gravity and fly away, while people are stuck to the surface by that same gravity 

Jon of Respect Your Intellect says,

“The smaller you are the less massive you are in proportion to your surface area.  So your terminal velocity will be slower which means that less force is necessary to overcome gravity

As for anything that doesn’t exert any force to counter gravity, then everything will simply settle based on their density with a higher pressure toward the center of the earth.

Considering that this takes only a few minutes to research and learn and that some flat eathers essentially swear by this statement, it literally just seems to me like flat earth is a contest of who can appear the least educated for the longest amount of time…”

The Science of Butterflies and Gravity for Flat Earthers, by Respect Your Intellect


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More incorrect and misleading flat Earth fake news, from Mark Sargent



Related article here…
Mark Sargent - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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A bit of old (2018) lunar news, but so what...

China just bounced a laser off reflectors on the Moon placed by NASA's Apollo 15 mission, by Andrew Jones (January 24, 2018) of the gbtimes



China has successfully used a 1.2-metre telescope laser ranging system to bounce light off a retroreflector placed on the Moon during NASA's Apollo 15 crewed lunar mission.

The Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiment, a national first, was carried out by the applied astronomy group from the Yunnan Observatories, operating under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

LLR is used to achieve the highest accuracy measurements of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Before now, only the US, France and Italy had successfully deployed LLR technology.

According to the group, the distance between the retroreflector in the Hadley–Apennine region of the near side of the Moon and the Yunnan Observatory was 385,823.433 km to 387,119.600 km from 9:25 pm to 10:31 pm Beijing Time on January 22.

The Apollo 15 Lunar Laser Ranging RetroReflector (LRRR) array is the largest of four such working arrays on the surface of the Moon, according to NASA, with a size of 105 x 65 cm. The other active LRRRs are at the Apollo 11 and Apollo 14 landing sites, and on the Soviet Union's Lunokhod 2 rover.

The hardware from Apollo 15 was placed on the Moon by astronaut David Scott on July 31, 1971.

YouTube video - China just bounced a laser off reflectors on the Moon placed by NASA's Apollo 15 mission

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StinkyCASH - flat Earther still a vile anti-Semite

Spreading hate and conspiracy on the way to work. "Israel Did 9-11"  




Related articles here…
StinkyCASH spreading truth to and from work - his anti-semite rant
StinkyCASH - flat Earth advocate FAIL

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The Flat Earth: to the Edge and Back, by Logan Paul  

His publicity opportunism adds views ($$) to his YouTube channel and more awareness of the flat Earth debate. 
A nice comedy spoofing the flat Earth movement.

FLAT EARTH: To The Edge And Back (Official Movie) - 4.5 million views and counting

Now go watch the movie!

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After that, be sure to watch the sequel by Logan Paul...
How we made the Flat Earth documentary (bloopers & secrets)

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The aftermath as reported by the press (Forbes magazine):

Flat Earth Supporters Now Plan An Antarctica Expedition To The Edge Of The World, by Jim Dobson

short excerpt:

Even controversial YouTube star Logan Paul recently expressed his desire to journey to the edge of the Earth and released a mockumentary called The Flat Earth: to the Edge and Back giving many flat-earthers hope for a well-known supporter, but in the end, it was just a publicity stunt.

According to Logan Paul...

"While I am certainly not a flat-earther, I am always intrigued by the mystery of our planet and can't ignore the dedicated and growing Flat Earth organizations and followers throughout the world.  I had a chance to speak with dozens of Flat Earth supporters to talk about exploring Antarctica and to get their response to the recent highly publicized journey across Antarctica by Colin O'Brady."

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The aftermath as discussed by the flat Earth community:

Patricia Steere / Robbie Davidson. 286. Logan Paul recap. Flat Earth & Other Hot Potatoes 

Patricia says,
“But is there some way to bar the door (not allow into the conference) when people are coming to troll us?”

Robbie Davidson says,
"Logan Paul punked the entire flat Earth community..."

“Thanks so much for having me on Patricia.  I felt this was very important to do a show, multiple shows after it came out good or bad, and obviously it’s horribly bad (for the flat Earth movement) and I will talk more about that. 

… I will go on the record and say that it’s worse (for the flat Earth movement) than Behind the Curve …

… I want to put this out there, I was punked, I was duped, I really truly believed what the story line was …


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