Flat Earth International Conference 2019 - only creationists need attend - scientists not welcome
Flat Earth International Conference 2019 - only creationists need attend - scientists not welcome
Flat Earth International Conference (USA) 2019
November 14-15, 2019 | Dallas, Texas USA
The following is our commentary on the upcoming Conference...
Who are the prominent flat Earth speakers?
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Jimmy Kimmel sends a crew to the Dallas Texas 2019 convention, and shows the comedy and fallacy of flat Earth.
Jake Byrd at the Flat Earth Conference, by Jimmy Kimmel Live
Every speaker at the Dallas 2019 convention is a Creationist. Check this out...
Flat Earthers Full Retard Mode Episode 35 Part 1, by Tau Ceti Alpha
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This largest segment of the flat Earth community is driven by their religious belief to deny and attack science in any manner.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Creationism, the belief that the universe and the various forms of life were created by God out of nothing (ex nihilo). It is a response to modern evolutionary theory, which explains the emergence and diversity of life without recourse to the doctrine of God or any other divine power. Mainstream scientists generally reject creationism.
Biblical creationists believe that the story told in Genesis of God’s six-day creation of all things is literally correct. Others, such as old-Earth creationists, believe that a creator made all that exists, but they may not hold that the Genesis story is a literal history of that creation. Both types of creationists, however, believe that changes in organisms may involve changes within a species (often understood as the “kind” mentioned in Genesis 1:24) or downward changes such as negative mutations, but they do not believe that any of these changes can lead to the evolution of a lower or simpler species into a higher or more-complex species. Thus, the theory of biological evolution is disputed by all creationists.
Creationism became the object of interest among conservative religious groups following the publication in 1859 of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1809–82), the first systematic statement of evolutionary theory. Within two decades most of the scientific community had accepted some form of evolution, and most churches eventually followed suit. In the early 20th century, some state legislatures in the United States banned the teaching of evolution on the ground that it contradicted the biblical creation story, which they considered a revealed truth. The result was the famous Scopes Trial (the so-called “Monkey Trial”) of 1925, in which a high-school teacher, John T. Scopes, was convicted of unlawfully teaching the theory of evolution (he was later acquitted on a technicality). Creationism has largely been promulgated by conservative Protestant Christians.
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Flat Earth creationists - motivated by their psychological need to feel special, that the universe was created just for them. That there is a creator. Otherwise they have no sense of purpose and value.
According to Bob Knodel...
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Flat Earther at the 2019 Dallas Convention says this hen asked who is THEY...
"You just can’t have a blanket statement and say it’s the global scientists or say it’s the Jesuits or say it’s the Mossad or say it’s the you know the Rockefellers or say it’s the Illuminati. It’s probably ALL OF THEM.”
Debunk by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earthers Get Owned, by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earthers Get Owned In an age where people are able to access information seemingly on any perspective or theory - even if decisively incorrect - this video shows the dangers of confirmation bias.
SOURCE VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H110v...
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Published on – August 6, 2019
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist