Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock - iPhone app REVIEW
Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock - app fails to accurately show the positions of sunrise and sunset (among other failures)
Dear Readers,
This iPhone app was created by folks who have an agenda to change your mind about reality. They are Biblical literalist dedicated flat Earth believers.
Contrary to their misguided belief system, the Earth is a beautiful blue globe, rotating on an axis, and orbiting the Sun once every year. No amount of flat Earth conspiracy will ever change that.
This app is actually one of the best evidences that the Earth is not flat, and that their AE (Azimuthal Equidistant) world model is incorrect. The YouTube video listed below shows that on this app, the position of the sun at sunrise and sunset - are not correct. Just go out at sunset and look to the west. Check the app and you will see that the app Sun's position is not where the Sun really is at that time of evening. Same for sunrise.
Reprinted with permission. Cartoon from - thinkthebook.org
The current flat Earth fallacies…
Space images are fake
ISS videos are shot in a zero-gravity plane
Antarctica is an impenetrable ice wall
The Earth has no curvature
Gravity doesn’t exist
The Sun isn’t millions of miles away
The sky is a glass dome
The shadow object causes lunar eclipses
Rockets can’t reach space
NASA was founded by the Nazis
… but contrary to that, the beautiful reality is…
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Here is the AE map that flat Earth advocates claim the world actually is:
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map - of North Pole
But here are other AE map version, that the flat Earth community does not want to talk about...
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map - of Johannesburg, South Africa
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map - of New York City, USA
Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map - of Antarctica, South Pole
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Flat Earther's new App debunks their own model. Why would they do that?, by Wolfie6020
The following road in Australia runs directly east to west. As you can clearly see the Sun is setting significantly South of due West.
Look at the Sun on the app (above the 6). It shows that the Sun should be setting in a north westerly direction. Reality has the Sun setting in the direction where the pen is pointing.
The Sun angles on the AE map do not work.
So the flat Earth app FAILS.
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2nd test in Hawaii by Wolfie6020 confirms that the this flat Earth app is wrong there also.
Aloha Flat Earthers - Sorry but your App debunks your model in Hawaii too, by Wolfie6010
Update: February 21, 2019
David Weiss wants to enhance his app to show the Moon, on every day of the year, in the correct zodiac constellation.
However, during his conversation with Jeran Campanella we uncovered many errors in his proposed method to do just that. David Weiss just does not understand the astronomy at all; the many reasons why the moon moves as it does. He therefore does not have the knowledge to duplicate that in his app accurately. It will just be another failed feature of the app.
So Robert Oberdove gave David some pointers on what he missed - how to do it properly. Instead of learning and taking Roberts advice knowledge, David deleted the comment. He does not want his subscribers to see how ignorant he really is.
Robert Oberdove said...
Concerning your app discussion with jeran...
DITRH - Mr David Weiss, the sun's movement through each zodiac constellation is more complicated than you think...
1. Since each constellation does not occupy exactly 15-degrees, the Sun spends more than one month in some constellations and less than one month in other. So if you base the movement in your app to 365.25/12 = 30.44 days, or the more traditional 360/12 = 30 days, you will be off.
Each year the Sun spends the most time in Virgo (more than 40 days) but only about a week within the boundary of Scorpius. Those folks who are into Astrology will be the first to point out that your app is wrong
2. Every year the enter enters a zodiac constellation on a different date. For example,
Jan 19, 2018: Sun enters constellation Capricornus
Dec 22, 2019: Sun enters sign Capricornus
This is the procession of the equinox effect that you need to also accurately account for. The equinoxes drift westward along the ecliptic at the rate of 50.3 arc-seconds annually as the celestial equator moves with Earth’s precession.
3. But wait, if you use India Vedic astrology, it's different yet again.
App developed and pushed by David Weiss (YouTube channel DITRH - Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole)
DITRH debunked here:
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Published on – November 27, 2018
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist