Enslaved By No Media (David Mispilkin) - Clouds Behind The Moon debunked
Dear Enslaved By No Media,
Due to the comparative brightness of Sun, Moon and clouds, it can sometime seem thatclouds are behind thos celestial bodies, but in reality that is not the case. Using a good filter to tone down the brigthenss of the Sun and Moon brings out a better definition of cloud patterns.
Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds that sometimes look like pieces of floating cotton. The base of each cloud is often flat and may be only 1000 meters (3300 feet) above the ground. The top of the cloud has rounded towers.
Cumulonimbus clouds are thunderstorm clouds that form if cumulus congestus clouds continue to grow vertically. Their dark bases may be no more than 300 m (1000 ft.) above the Earth's surface. Their tops may extend upward to over 12,000 m (39,000 ft.).
Cirrus Clouds: thin and wispy. The most common form of high-level clouds is thin and often wispy cirrus clouds. Typically found at heights greater than 20,000 feet (6,000 meters), cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of super cooled water droplets.
Please explain the following... Those Cumulonimbus clouds are found in our atmosphere at altitudes from 700 to 10,000 feet. So if those clouds are "behind" the Moon, that implies that the Moon MUST BE less than 10,000 from the ground. But commercial jet airplanes fly at a cruising height of 35,000 feet, which is higher than those clouds you referred to in the video. Yet not one airplane has ever crashed into the Moon or seen the Moon directly below it. So how do you explain that?
Enslaved By Media:
Your correct in what your saying but with the flaw of not researching the true nature of the luminaries. Get the religion of science out of your head for a moment and do some speculating. Do it for the research not because you want to. We say the sun and moon are like a rainbow and the closer you get to them the further away they become. Also real science gives us a horizon line calculation that gives us how far we can see. I think you would agree. a man standing 6ft at sea level will see about 3 miles to the horizon. However a man standing at 150ft elevation to the sea he can see about 15 miles. A man with trees, buildings and hills etc in his way will have even more limitations. But what about the guy who stands at 4,600ft and looks outward. Does he see 90 miles and see everything clearly? I beg not. He does see 90 miles but only if the object in the distance is higher than him. The sky is rendered to us and elevation controls what we see. Take this picture taken from Kathmandu https://www.google.com/search?q=view+of+mt+everest+from+kathmandu&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjc1fOV2c_XAhVM2IMKHa1RB_0Q_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=734#imgrc=kQ5GJoow5H-4ZM
: Now looking at this picture do you see anything clearly between the viewer and Mt everest which is 91 miles away? No you don't, all you see is whats at a higher elevation. We as humans have a very limited circle of sight. If your a person standing on sea level with 10 miles all around you being flat. Then you will only see about 3-4 miles all around you. Even with the best telescope or camera zoom. You do see clouds/luminaries because they are being rendered to you. Not because they are physical objects. and contrary to what people say a camera or telescope cannot bring into view something that isn't already in their view. I mean you can't zoom something not there into existence. It all has to be within a persons local sight circle. and like I said it's determined by elevation and perspective of whats around you.
All you are trying to do is create confusion against our research and place science wedge between us and anyone who visits us to see something different being offered. I stand on finding the truth and the truth is right in front of everyone's face. There is much more I can discuss but all you are trying to do is create confusion etc. So I rather not discuss with you if all you are willing to do is mock and name call and stand on newtons space etc... I will not entertain you in your efforts to deceive people. I would rather erase you and not deal with you. I don't have time. Right now I have several time lapse videos going on in my backyard and plan to carry out more tests today,tomorrow and the next so dealing with Jonah TheScientist isn't high on my list of things to do. I do hope you understand.
+Enslaved By Media, It's very simple. If clouds are behind the Moon as you say, and those clouds are not higher that 10,000 feet up, and the Moon is directly overhead, than the Moon must be less than or equal to 10,000 feet up. YES or NO?
+Enslaved By Media, what do you mean by "the true nature of the luminaries?" The Moon is a massive large ball, 2,160 miles in diameter, and an average of 238,900 miles away. YES or NO? The Sun is a giant gas ball burning nuclear fusion, is 864, 576 miles in diameter, at an average distance of 93-million miles. YES or NO?
Enslaved By Media:
This will be the last time I entertain your questions. Certainly you will have enough of my response to twist the truth and show what you want. For the moon question I tell you to re read what I wrote in my past email. Sun and moon elevation is determined by elevation of the viewer.
Enslave By Media:
The sun is not a giant gas ball burning nuclear fusion. and the moon is certainly not a massive large ball 2,160 miles in diameter. and not 238,900 miles away. Both luminaries are being rendered to your mind by the creator of earth. Now I have basically answered all your questions. Now I have one for you. Can you please show me your video proof of the sun and moon showing what you say they are? Your video proof and not somebody else video. Yours only with you talking and showing yourself on camera. If you can't provide your own video proof then please stop stinking up my comment section with your stupid science ball crap.
JonahThe Scientist
+Enslaved By Media, you are talking gobble gook nonsense. Let's see your mathematical proof - of how the Sun and Moon's elevation is determined by the elevation of the viewer. If the Sn is 3,000 miles up as most flat Earth advocates claim, then how could those clouds that only reach 2-miles up ever be behind the Moon.
JonahThe Scientist
+Enslaved By Media, tell me why claim that the clouds are behind the when, when it's only the full Moon phase? Why not show me clouds behind the Moon when it's a small crescent?
JonahThe Scientist
+Enslaved By Media, if the Sun is not a ball of gas, show here your evidence that proves what you say it is. If not 2160 miles in diameter, than what size is it - and show your measurements. Truth is, you make up your own laws of physics to create your delusional life viewpoint?
JonahThe Scientist
+Enslaved By Media, why did you deleted the comment from Mindfulness after he told you that a simple Moon filter will put the clouds in front of the Moon every time? When the brightness of the Moon is reduced by the filter and it no longer overwhelms the faintness of clouds, then you can see how it really looks - clouds ALWAYS in front of the Moon.
Enslaved B Media
I told you everything you need to know if you can figure out circle of sight nothing else will ever make sense. You need to start at a humans circle of sight. and know the distance to the horizon is also what your limit is over head in the sky. Meaning if your standing on the beach and your 6ft then your circle of sight is 3 miles all around you. Including above you. Once a person does this for himself they will always side with you and your attempt to trick them. But if they actually do the work of buying a camera like the p900 and discover we have been lied to about how far we see. so I will not entertain anymore from you and if you keep it up I'll delete you from this channel. Because I am not here to argue with globe believers. It's an endless circle with you because all you do is lie. Show me 1 prove on video that you yourself has done? if you can't then stop commenting on my channel.
JonahThe Scientist
+Enslaved By Media,
I don’t do videos, but here is short incomplete list of experiments that I have personally done:
a) College chemistry lab Sun black body radiation measurement. The measured radiation spectrum verified a Sun temperature of 5,800 Kelvin (= 9980 degrees Fahrenheit)
b) I was a solar observer for three years during the early 1970’s, working for ESSA (Environmental Science Services Association) which is now NOAA. We tracked the daily changes to Sunspots, observes solar gas prominences, and in Calcium / Hydrogen alpha filter light studied the magnetic fields on the sun. We also measured solar storm gamma and cosmic ray strengths.
c) I took telescope spectra images of the Sun (on glass photographic emulsion plates), which showed thousands of chemical absorption lines, produced by them absorbing energy from the Sun.
d) I have personally observed with telescope about 2 dozen lunar eclipses.
e) I traveled to Kentucky during the last August 21st solar eclipse and witness beautiful prominences on the sun.
f) In high school physics class we built a Foucault pendulum and verified that the Earth does rotate.
g) In college I did a reproduction of the Ole Romer Jupiter moon experiment, which was the first real evidence that the speed of light is not infinite, but very fast. It also proves that the Earth is in orbit around the Sun.
h) and many other items....
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How high are those clouds?
But according to flat earth...
He says the elevation is 300 feet. Wrong, it's 508 feet.
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Here are some pictures of clouds in front of the Moon...
Clouds in front of the Moon...
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The following article clearly explains why clouds sometimes appear to be behind the Sun or Moon, when they never really are.
Article is here:
From the article...
"Sometimes clouds appear to be behind the sun or the moon in photos and videos, like the example above (source). This confuses people, as the sun is 93 million miles away, so it's impossible for clouds to be behind it. Some people take this as evidence that reality is an illusion, or the Earth is flat. But what's really going on here?
Basically the sun is really really bright. So bright that in most photos and videos it just appears as something at the maximum brightness the camera can handle, so just appears as flat white. If there's something in front of it that's transparent enough to let though a lot of the sunlight, then that bit will be less bright, but still higher than the maximum brightness the camera can handle. So the camera will still see it as the same as the rest of the sun, bright white. This creates the illusion that partially transparent objects go behind the sun.
The upper cloud that goes "behind" the sun is transparent, so the sun shines through it.
The middle and lower clouds are less transparent, so they partially block the sunlight enough to fall below the maximum brightness the camera can handle, hence they are visible, and seem to go in front (which is what all the clouds are really doing)"
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Debunk by SciManDan
YouTube Channel Makes Rediculous Claim About Mountains, by SciManDan
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Enslaved By No Media (David Mispilkin) - gets distances very wrong. He does not measure, just guesses ...
Please watch the following debunk video by CoolHardLogic
Not 1/4 mile away as he claimed
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Debunk by SciManDan
Is this the Worst "Theory" Yet?
"Hello everyone and welcome to another Tinfoil Tuesday where we re-visit Enslaved by no media. They seem to have come up with a theory that Miles per Gallon is a hoax! I mean, seriously!
Let's investigate the claim and see if it has any "mileage"...I'm here all week!"
Here is enslaved by no media's original video:
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Update: April 2, 2021
Experience the Apollo 11, 13 and 17 missions in real time.
For those that say these events never happened, listen to the hundreds of hours of space-to-ground audio, see the pictures, video & voice from the surface during the walks, mission details - so please stop your DENIALS since you are just embarrassing yourself.
Apollo in Real Time
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Apollo 11
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All TV transmissions and onboard film footage
- 2,000 photographs
- 11,000 hours of Mission Control audio
- 240 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All onboard recorder audio
- 15,000 searchable utterances
- Post-mission commentary
- Astromaterials sample data
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Apollo 13
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All on-board television and film footage
- All Mission Control audio (7,200 hours)
- 144 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All on-board recorder audio
- Press conferences as they happened
- 600+ photographs
- 12,900 searchable utterances
- Post-mission commentary
- Onboard view reconstructed using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data
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Apollo 17
Included real-time elements:
- All mission control film footage
- All on-board television and film footage
- 302 hours of space-to-ground audio
- All on-board recorder audio
- 3,600+ photographs
- 35,800 searchable utterances
- Landing area reconstruction using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data
Other info...
Official NASA Apollo photo archives at...
Apollo Lunar Landing Missions:
Apollo 11 - Landed on Moon 20 July 1969, Sea of Tranquility, Returned to Earth 24 July 1969
Apollo 12 - Landed on Moon 19 November 1969, Ocean of Storms, Returned to Earth 24 November 1969
Apollo 14 - Landed on Moon 5 February 1971, Fra Mauro, Returned to Earth 9 February 1971
Apollo 15 - Landed on Moon 30 July 1971, Hadley Rille, Returned to Earth 7 August 1971
Apollo 17 - Landed on Moon 11 December 1972, Taurus-Littrow, Returned to Earth 19 December 1972
Apollo 11 Image Library
Apollo 12 Image Library
Apollo 14 Image Library
Apollo 15 Map and Image Library
Apollo 16 Map and Image Library
Apollo 17 Image Library
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Published on – November 22, 2017
Video at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaYcEIPng18&t=4s
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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Enslaved By Media also deleted this comment from “They lie ohio” after being told that a camera Moon filter will being out the clouds as they are, all in front of the Moon, not behind as you contend.
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May 2018 logo update...
August 2019 update... Enslaved By No Media
Enslaved by Media
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