Shelley Lewis - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear Shelley Lewis,
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
Shelley wants YOU to pay the movie production tab - $3,000 per month - for the small production staff and travel expenses.
Update: July 2020
So where is the money Joshua Gennari?
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Here is who will be shooting the video (a known delusional flat Earther -> JM Truth TV (Joshua Michael):
More on JM Truth TV here:
JM Truth TV (Joshua Michael) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Interview with Shelley Lewis from and More!
From Jeran...
Thanks for joining me as I interview Shelley Lewis! Shelley is a passionate truther, a licensed holistic health practitioner, a certified lymphologist and a film director and producer. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point. There, she entertained hopes of becoming an Astronaut. But not anymore. Find out why and much more including info on her coming documentary film "The Plane Truth." Links are below! Hope you enjoy the show!
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A dispute about equipment and the video...
Flat Earth Infighting - JM Truth vs Shelley Lewis (Supposedly Shelley), by Trolls vs Trolls
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Shelley Lewis presenter at the 2019 Flat Earth International Conference (Dallas, Texas. November 14-15, 2019)
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Update: May 18, 2020
Shelley Lewis claims to have a medical condition that does not allow her to wear a mask. So she argues with a grocer store manager and clerk to gain entry.
Is this the proper time (covid-19 pandemic) and way to exercise your constitutional rights?
FLAT EARTH FREEDOM✊FIGHTERS - Shelly Lewis (Supposedly Shelly) vs Gelson's (Grocery Store),
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Update: May 21, 2020
Shelly Lewis WILL NOT Wear a Mask | I Want The Manager | Flat Earth Can't Mask, by Brainy Beaver
Shelly Flat Earth Lewis is at it again, now we have her complaining to innocent workers, plus 1 manager "Ben" about how they have INFRINGED on her rights as a person with a medical condition by requiring her to wear a mask. She has so much trouble breathing she can spend what seems like an endless amount of time expelling wind to show her outrage. And also i just dont believe her because we all know that Flat Earth wont give up. TBH the way to make her wear a mask would have been to have a special sign for people with mental health issues that simply states "you are not allowed to wear a mask" and watch how fast they all mask up .. "Tell me what to dfo , il show them!"
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Update: May 23, 2020
by Team Skeptic
"Recently, Flat Earther Shelley Lewis, was denied service in Dana Point California for refusing to wear a mask in public. Is Shelley Lewis the new "Karen"
A Flat Earth Karen Refuses To Wear A Mask, Gets Triggered, and Denied Service!, by Team Skeptic
There was no source video to download, but here is the twitter post that I got it from :
Here is that video -
When the manager offers to shop for her, Shelly claims that she needs personal items that she doesn't want them to see.
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Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Shelley Lewis Presentation - Livestream with BtSG review, by Bob the Science Guy
"Shelley Lewis talks about her journey to flat earth and activism at the Dallas Conference. BtSG looks at her speaking points and discusses her presentation."
Her original Video:
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Published on – June 7, 2019
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist