Barnabas Nagy - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear Barnabas Nagy,
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
Listed below are posts that debunk flat Earth claims made by Barnabas Nagy on his YouTube channel
1. Debunk video by Sarcastic Barman
* warning - adult language used
The Dome Inside the Dome, by Sarcastic Barman
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2. Debunk video by Creaky Blinder
NO ICE IN ANTARCTICA | Flat Earth, by Creaky Blinder
"So today we take a look a friend of the channel Barny, no, not the dinosaur Barnabus Nagy the biggest conspiracy nut on youtube. He believes it all from Flat Earth to space is fake so grab some"
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3. Debunk video by Creaky Blinder
How the Internet Works | ACCORDING TO BARBABUS
"How The Internet Works, according to Barnabus Nagy, The Internet is made up of a massive network of specialized computers called routers. Each router's job is to know how to move packets along from their source to their destination. This is achieved worldwide by using submarine cables."
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4. Debunk video by SciManDan
Watch Out or the Mud Flood, People!!, by SciManDan
Hello all and welcome to another Tinfoil Tuesday where we are addressing a conspiracy that I cannot believe I haven't covered yet. The Mud Floods!
We'll be taking a look at YouTuber Barnabus Nagy who seems to have found the ultimate proof of the mud flood. Let's take a look and see....
Here is Barnabus' original video:
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5. Debunk video by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earth RAINBOW (Do they prove local domes?), Creaky Blinder
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6. Debunk video by Planarwalk
Flat Earther Tries To Prove Flat Earth With An Encyclopedia, by Planarwalk
Barnabus Nagy manages to prove that he's one of the few Flat Earthers that can read, he also tries to prove the earth is flat, but we all know how that's going to turn out.
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Update: June 11, 2022
Debunk video by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earths Worst Argument | Is the Sun Local?, by Creaky Blinder
Flat Earths Worst Argument | Is the Sun Local? Well of course it isn't, that would be really REALLY stupid wouldn't it, but my old mate Barny seems pretty convinced that it is.
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Published on – June 9, 2019
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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