Hill Side (Mike) - flat Earth advocate FAIL. He doesn't understand how the "Black Swan" proves the globe Earth
Dear Hill Side (Mike),
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
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Debunk by MCToon
FE Debate vs Hill Side, by MCToon
Hill Side challenged me to debate. He is concerned that I haven't explained the "Black Swan" to my subscribers.
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Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
A Flat Earth "Debate" - FTFE VS Hill Side, by FTFE
I predict "nuh uh"
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Update: March 4, 2022
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Final Analysis of the Black Swan Still a GLOBE, by Bob the Science Guy
The flat Earth loves to have very low to the water observations over relatively short distances and then go out and claim it doesn't show any curvature of the Earth. So I decided to introduce the white board and develop a technique to actually measure the refracted radius of the Earth from these very low observation points. Now I not only did this so I could better evaluate flat earth videos. I wanted some measurable evaluation of the refraction present...
...and that geometric horizon (1.22 miles) says that if you are one foot off the ground, you horizon is 1.22 miles away. Now what the claim is is that if you are observing from one foot above the ground, your horizon can be no more than 1.22 miles away. THAT'S WRONG. That's a complete misunderstanding of what refraction does to your horizon, and what a geometric verses a refractive horizon is...
Talk with Brandon Toy
Dear Hillside,
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
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Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
A Flat Earth "Debate" - Massive Rage Quit Within 30 Mins!, by FTFE
Why do they insist on embarrassing them selves multiple times?
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Update: July 30, 2022
ADebunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
AFlat Earth "Debate" - FTFE VS Hill Side - AGAIN!, by FTFE
Hill Side wants to destroy me....lol.
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Published on – January 12, 2022
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist