eftupworld (Joe Hill) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear eftupworld (Joe Hill),
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
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Debunk by MCToon
Flat Earth space exploration? with Eftupworld
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Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
Monday Night Debates - Flat Earth - PHD Teaches a Flat Earther, by FTFE
But its all fake i tells ya!
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Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
Monday Night "Debates" - Ex Flat Earther VS Flat Earther
Seek Truth Speak Truth comes out swinging to take on Captain "Magic Space Physics" Eftupworld!
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Update: October 27, 2021
Debunk by MCToon
FE Debate with Joe Hill aka EfupWorld
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Update: November 26, 2021
Debunk by Planarwalk
Flat Earther Thinks That Planets Are Evil!, by Planarwalk
Flat Earther, Eftupworld, makes a video that seems like it's trying to be a flat earth comedy video, and another video that claims that planets are evil.
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Update: December 3, 2021
Debunk by MCToon
ManOnTheEdge81 (Andy) Chickened out, so Eftupworld had a challenge for me, by MCToon
This guy is a chicken amongst cowards: https://twitter.com/Mctoon27/status/1...
Go poke him for a free insta-block.
Eftupworld, on the other hand, is a decent guy, go tell him MToon says hi: https://www.youtube.com/user/eftupworld
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Debunk by Planarwalk
Flat Earther Thinks That Planets Are Evil!, by Planarwalk
Flat Earther, Eftupworld, makes a video that seems like it's trying to be a flat earth comedy video, and another video that claims that planets are evil.
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Published on – February 23, 2021
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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