WaterIsAlwaysLevel (Dave) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear WaterIsAlwaysLevel,
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble. You are currently on the wrong side of history.
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Debunk by MCToon
Flat earther agrees: @WaterIsAlwaysLevel, by MCToon
I was challenged to debate by a flat earther from Instagram: @WaterIsAlwaysLevel I couldn't agree more.
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Debunk by MCToon
Flat Earther gets Math Very Wrong, by MCToon
"Water Is Always Level" seems to think negative pressure is possible.
10-17 torr = 0.00000000000000001 torr, just a VERY VERY VERY small positive number.
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Debunk by MCToon
Flat Earther Thinks Game Controllers Look at Stars to work?, by MCToon
"WaterIsAlwaysLevel" thinks that the rotation measuring circuits inside game controllers somehow track stars in the sky.
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Debunk by FTFE - FIght The Flat Earth
Monday Night "Debates" - Flat Earths WORST Debater Demonstrates That Gravity Is Real, by FTFE
Davey boy thinks im a retard, lets show him how much he is projecting.
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Published on – January 28, 2021
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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So we see here right-off-the-bat, that @WaterIsAlwaysLevel chooses religious emotional belief - over evidence, reality, and logic.
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