GlobeKrusha - flat Earth advocate FAIL email rant
Dear GlobeKrusha (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Your reliance on the Bible (concerning creation) rather than on actual reality observation and science has led you down the wrong path. Please come join the 21st century.
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
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GlobeKrusha said...
No one wants to engage in dialogue , Full of conjectural incredulities of your satanical and egotistical Blue Ball. It wouldn't be nice if one of your testies turned to that size or colour now, wouldn't it? It's people like yourself, who hides behind mainstream scientific establishments politically and militantly(also religiously) , only to serve the Status Quo, and not of the people.
You have been indoctrinated imperviously, which actually be no fault of your own, excepting the fulfilment of your blind-sightedness agenda. You want to bag FEr's that they know nothing, but fail to address, simple questions the scientific communities evolving Astronomy, avoids. FErs don't want a comprise of edited footage and images, nor BS bogus claims, that Astronomers had guessed, long before their technological capacities, to do so. Though A FE is not there to force their cosmologies onto belligerent individuals, though you beLIEve to have enough proof, hence to 'be in the know'?
Truth is a hell lot stranger than the fiction, you take as real. The scam is almost over. The Banking Cartels and their Cabal conglomerates season, is drawing to a closure, no one has ever seen or experienced before, at this magnitude. Just remember, any BS you feed onto as a report of truth, you are being witnessed by the Almighty, and you may need to repent, when he seeks retribution for your lies and sins. I care not for your agnosticism nor atheisms, I'm just warning you of what is most likely to occur for your brash actions.
Good Luck to you ever really finding out the true shape of our world.....
I'm out!
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GlobeKrusha said...
You should be very careful, whom you choose to sleeper against. There are countless vids, podcasts, radio shows, pictures, diagrams, and devices, supporting the Flat Earth Truth. I keep coming across the same textbook strawman arguments, your team fosters to the masses. I know you're full of feces, though I know you don't think that of yourself. You also claim their were no experts at the conference, or never supported FE model. Well you are very WRONG in that spectrum. You clearly ignored, good verifiable science done by people, that don't share those same degrees of doctrines, you mentioned that no FE possess. Hmmnn, Where have you been? Are you stating that only University graduates are inclined to an opinion? Or that All Scientific Establishments, had never got anything wrong? Well of course that's the way Educations' Defaults, go undetected, always blame the professor who got it wrong, even under the hands of keepers.
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Update: March 13, 2019
More religious rants and nasty comments from GlobeKrusha, as left on our discussion page...
"This clown Has plastered his shit on my search results as Flatearthlunacy. I wonder how many Google employees he would of had to prostitute to. This clown forgot to mention angular resolutions on ALL Axis and not only the exclusive diagrams he's shown. Eg: He's claiming ( i< ) is the only resolution we view , but fails to add (i<>) is what we truly see. This prick here knows this and he's duping all you guys. Use your brains people. These disinformationists are PAID shills, are taking the helm out of you guys (globesupporters/ fence sitting globeskeptics). They're CONmercailizing on your time, data , and ad streams. These people have no true thought of their own. I know of this because I could come out with far more convincing thoughts, actually in support for their Globetardedness especially to their unresolved anomalies , though I'm not here to dupe anybody in digression, nor I'd risk being one of them (Globe defenders). For all you One lifer's God deniers, just ask yourselves this, Would you rather criminals to have full reign over you ( Government Banking Cartel) whom swear their allegiance to a demonic deity (the spirit of the system/corpos/dead/crypto) or would you prefer a benevolent divination to be your auxiliary to the supreme ? I feel for absolute atheists, because they haven't reached to those specific portals, into their minds . This world is expiring any morality, it once possessed, And the state is abolishing families step by step. We live in a desiring materialistic world. Gees how many clues do the Elite have to SMACKDOWN to your faces, in order to see?"
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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Published on – February 7, 2019
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist