Dear Captain Obvious (Brett Salisbury),
So why did you take a nice and honest interview, where Neil Tyson tells the truth about how the universe is, and turn it into a mockery presentation?
I will now examine some of the statements that you made in the video.
I would also like to point out, that you provided zero proof as evidence to back up the validity of ANY of your statements.
Therefore I and the readers have to conclude that you are just repeating flat Earth talking points, which are not scientifically and logically correct.
Your statement:
8 inches per mile squared. The curvature has never been proven in the history if the world
The "8 inches per mile squared” is only correct for the first miles.
This is how it really is...
Here is the correct formula to calculate the curvature of the Earth from any height above sea level.
Curvature of horizon
Refer to -
Some examples are:
At a height of 35,000 feet above the Earth's surface you can see a curvature of 3.3 degrees.
At a height of 100,000 feet above the Earth's surface you can see a curvature of 5.6 degrees
At a height of 200,000 feet above the Earth's surface you can see a curvature of 7.9 degrees
At a height of 300,000 feet above the Earth's surface you can see a curvature of 9.7 degrees
So if you visually want to see the curvature of the Earth as noticeable, you really need to get higher than 300,000 feet (56.8 miles) above the Earths surface to see it.
Your statement:
Science is a way of thinking? Tyson’s pseudo science is fraudulent theories.
Fact check = You FAIL. That is just your personal opinion. You offered no proof to back up that claim.
Real science is a self correcting method...
The Scientific Method is the procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
Only when a scientific theory has been tested and verified as correct by multiple independent people, it becomes accepted fact.
And even then, as new knowledge constantly unfolds, any accepted scientific fact may be modified or thrown out.
Your statement:
Spherical trigonometry proves the Earth is flat you bozo
Fact check = You FAIL
Spherical Trigonometry was developed because the Earth is a sphere. It was used (before the advent of GPS) by all ocean going boats to navigate (determine where on the spherical Earth they were) via the aid of a sextant.
Navigational triangle...
Working with the curvature of a spherical Earth...
Your other statements that make fun of Neil are also wrong.
Why don’t you just grow up?
Published on – April 6, 2017
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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