Flat Earth NOT - The problem with flat Earther's challenges (no one can ever win) and how to correct that.
The problem with flat Earther's challenges (no one can ever win) and how to correct that.
Ten Million Dollar Challenge, by roohif
Ten Million Dollar Challenge| Prove Flat Earth
Roohif offers up to 10 MILLION Aussie Dollars to a flat earther willing to put up an equal amount.
Prove the Flat Earth against Roohif proving the Globe,
independent mediator judges the evidence,
winner takes all.
Unlike the typical click bait Flat Earth Challenges to the Globe, it appears Roohif can put up to 10 Million Aussie Dollars in ESCROW, sign a legal contract, and accept professional mediation.
Another challenger...
Here is the challenge from Flat Earth Millionaire:
Nathan Thompson stops by to discuss the $200k Challenge, by Flat Earth Millionaire
Tanner says, "Here we give a recap of my $200k Challenge to all globetards out there who beLIEve they’re upside down on a spinning rock ball defying and superseding natural laws like centrifugal force, Law of thermodynamics, and the physics of water finding and maintaining a flat and level surface."
Our prior article on T Stew:
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Published on – January 31, 2020
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist