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As a scientist with college degree in Astronomy, minor in Physics and Mathematics, I was appalled to find folks telling outright falsities and presenting bad science to bolster suspicion of our known accepted reality - that the Earth is a beautiful blue globe.

This blog clearly shows scientific proofs that debunk everything that flat Earth proponents claim.  Here we also expose the comments those YouTube video channels delete, because they don't want you to see them.

The Earth is not flat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by ignorant people who have ulterior personal motives and agendas.

The Earth is a beautiful blue spheroid globe spinning on an axis 23.5° once each day, and orbiting the Sun every 365.25 days.



kind regards,  Jonah The Scientist

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Mitchell from Australia (Mitchell Stinson) - flat Earth advocate FAIL

Dear Mitchell from Australia, 

It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path.  The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
Listed below are posts that debunk flat Earth claims made by Mitchell Stinson on his YouTube channel...
1.  Globebusters Failed - Torque the Line Flat Earth Experiment - Self Cancellation

2.  Globebusters - promoting Torque the Line Experiment

3.  NO! YOU DON'T SEE TOO FAR!, by Critical Think

Mitchell from Australia thinks we can see too far, but of course he is mistaken because he used the wrong numbers.






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4.  Debunk by MCToon
The Only Way to Find Evidence for Flat Earth is... 

Mitchell from Australia tries to show how something can be obstructed bottom-up without a physical obstruction.



Mitchell's original video -

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5.  mitchel from Australia Goes On Cherry Picking Mode With No Shame, by 

Fair suck of the sav Mitchell, we are not going to let you get away with cherry-picking on such a massive scale.
Even Ranty Flat Earth is more intellectually honest than this, and he is wrong as much as That Guy is wrong.

Why Objects Disappear Bottom Up -
Part 2 CURVATURE DOESN’T EXIST mitchell fromAustralia

An interview with George Musser FTFE -

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mitchell fromAustralia The Galah Who Thinks He Spots a Black Swan But It Turns Out To Be A Turkey, 
by WheresWa11y

mitchell fromAustralia Being a typical galah, has jumped on the Black Swan band wagon. He just hasn't realized the Black Swan is a Turkey, what a dodo.
The Number 1 Globe Killer mitchell fromAustralia -
9.41 Mile Earth Curvature, Platforms Habitat / Hillhouse bmlsb69 -

- - -

7. Flat Earth Debate - Mr. Sensible VS Mitchell from Australia, By FTFE

Mr Sensible VS Mitchell from Australia Flat Earth Debate hosted by FTFE
Mr Sensibles channel
Mitchell from Australia channel
   Mitchell from Australia.jpg

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8. Debunk by WheresWa11y
Did Mitchell from Australia Fake His Drone Hover Proves Reference Frames?  You Decide, by WheresWa11y

Seems Mitchell fromAustralia, in his videos, likes to make things act in ways that is not what we see in reality.

Star Rotation & Sun Sets Debunk The Globe! mitchell fromAustralia - 

7 Questions That Destroy The Globe mitchell fromAustralia -

Earth Does NOT Spin! mitchell fromAustralia -

Flat Earther Proves the Globe! Mr Sensible -

The ISS is the Flat Earth Ideology Killer- The Only Tool Needed to Show The Earth Is a Globe.
WheresWally -

- - -

9. Debunk by SciManDan
Australian Flat Earther Debunks Himself!, by SciManDan

Welcome welcome welcome to another Flat Earth Friday where today Mitchell from Australia believes that Star rotation and sunsets debunk the globe.

The amazing thing is that during his video he debunks himself and shows the Earth's curve. This is classic!

Here is Mitchells' original video:

Here is Mr Sensibles project video:

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9. Debunk by SciManDan
Flat Earth Fail Compilation 15, by SciManDan
At video time mark:  2:05 - 8:10

It's Flat Earth Friday once again and today sees the 15th, yes 15th edition of the Flat Earth Fail Compilation! Another fantastic set of flat earth fails for your viewing pleasure coming your way right now!!

Here is Mitchell's original video:

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Other remarks from Mitchell...




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Update: June 30, 2021

Debunk by FTFE
I'm A Dumb Flat Earther, And I Don't Understand Science!, by FTFE

After Mitchell's recent video "debunking" the heliocentric model, I invited him for a chat. Why do I do this to myself?


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Update: September 10, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
mitchell fromAustralia Thinks Compasses Prove FE I Have A Pre Solstice Challenge For Him, by WheresWally

Mitch once again misrepresents the facts to his "School" I guess he wants to be a flerf-daddy too.

LIVE! Flat Earth School #18 - Compass Doesn't Work On Globe mitchell fromAustralia -

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Update: September 21, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell fromAustralia Has His R Solved Handed To Him On A Platter By WheresWally And Wolfie6020, by WheresWally

In multiple proofs that can not be denied I show Mitchell just how very wrong he is.

Brandon and Jeremy Exploring Why Latitude Lines Get Shorter South Of The Equator

LIVE! Flat Earth School #22 Mr Sensible Globe Proof DEBUNKED
mitchell fromAustralia -

- - -

Update: October 1, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell from Australia Goes R's Over Apex Trying To Debunk Wheres Wally, by WheresWally

The Fails are as numerous as they are hilarious

Mitchell fromAustralia Has His R Solved Handed To Him On A Platter By WheresWally And Wolfie6020
WheresWally -

Will The Real Black Swan Please Stand Up? - So I Can Slap You Down Again
WheresWally -

Walter Bislin's Satellite Distance from Angle Measurements for Globe and Flat Earth

LIVE! Flat Earth School #28 - 8 More Globe Proofs DEBUNKED
mitchell fromAustralia -

The Number 1 Globe Killer
mitchell fromAustralia -

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Update: October 5, 2021

Debunk by BlueMarbleScience
Mitchell From Australia is Directionally Challenged, by BlueMarbleScience

In a failed attempt to claim Polaris visible south of the equator, Mitchell forgets which way is north!

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Update: October 8, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
mitchell fromAustralia Admits His Polaris Error And Then Makes An Even Funnier Mistake Straight Away, by WheresWally

Mitchell pulled his foot from the poop puddle that was his Polaris fail and then went and sat right back down in the same puddle and rolled around in it.

Earth's Rotation Visualized in a Timelapse of the Milky Way Galaxy - 4K
Aryeh Nirenberg -

LIVE! Flat Earth School #38
mitchell fromAustralia -

- - -

Update: October 14, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
mitchell fromAustralia Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader, by WheresWally

Was really nice to see Mitchell as a doting dad and proud of his sharp kids.

==============THE R PROOF===================
Mitchell fromAustralia Goes R's Over Apex Trying To Debunk Wheres Wally
WheresWally -

Shawn Hawkins -

LIVE! Flat Earth School #40 - You're Gunna Need R For That!
Mitchell fromAustralia -

- - -

Update: October 31, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell fromAustralia Want To Have A Year Of The SEXTANT? Then You're Gonna Need H For That, by WheresWally

Every time he says "Area of Equal Altitude" we all know he hasn't the foggiest.

Bob Rant- When is Close Enough, Good Enough?
ResearchFlatMoon -

Bob The Science Guy
Watch moonset filmed from International Space Station!
New China TV -

LIVE! Flat Earth School #50! Dropping Anchor On The #1 Flat Earth Proof
mitchell fromAustralia -

The Number One Flat Earth PROOF! mitchell fromAustralia -

1 Degree Every 69 Miles Debunked! Mirror Sleeping Warrior
mitchell fromAustralia -

Triangulation & Flat Earth NathanOakley1980 -

- - -

Update: November 5, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell fromAustralia Is Running Scared From The R Measurement Of FE Doom, by WheresWally

He's hiding in Coward's Castle behind the BAN BUTTON. I wonder why? That didnt last long, we all knew Mitch would block me again once he had the money.

#Mitchell #BLOCKS #WALLY

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Update: November 11, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell fromAustralia So Many Fails in #59 So Let Me Pick One, by WheresWally

Mitchell goes full strawman on the Earths Radius.

LIVE! Flat Earth School #59 - Triangulation Using A Sextant!
mitchell fromAustralia -

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Update: November 22, 2021

Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Mitchell - The Blunder from Down Under, by Bob the Science Guy

Remember to hit 'Like' and 'Subscribe', your support of this channel is appreciated.

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Update: November 27, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell fromAustralia Upset Nathan And Nathan Delighted In Pointing Out Mitchell's APPARENT Fail, by WheresWally

Oh Dear, a little bit if tension Thanks to crowxe for this one.

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Update: November 28, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
mitchell fromAustralia Must Be Making A Pie With All The Cherries He Picked Tonight, by WheresWally

So much fail Mitchell. Why do you do this to yourself?

Globers Caught In The Sextant Trap mitchell fromAustralia -
- - -

Update: December 1, 2021

Debunk by Planarwalk
The Sextant "Proof" For Flat Earth Is Worse Than I Could've Imagined, by Planarwalk

Mitchell from Australia made a video which was somehow meant to explain how the sextant was some flat earth proof, but it is embarrassingly bad.
@Mr Sensible                  :
@Bob the Science Guy   :
@WheresWally                :

- - -

Update: December 8, 2021

Debunk by WheresWally
Mitchell FromAustralia and Rob Durham Make A Complete Dog's Breakfast Of These Globe Tools, by WheresWally

When will these guys learn, the Nautical Almanac is a GLOBE TOOL.

Flat earth excuses: Sextants don't work on a globe
Bert Rickles -
- - - 

Update: December 9, 2021

Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
End of Flat Earth, by Bob the Science Guy

Can we demonstrate the radius of the earth without using optics or the horizon? Yes we can, all we need to know is the distance between two cities and their lat/long coordinates...

- - - 

Update: December 22, 2021

Debunk by Planarwalk
The Flat Earth Sextant Argument Somehow Got Even Worse,

Mitchell from Australia decided to make a response video to me, claiming I had fallen into the "sextant trap," where he somehow managed to make the arguments even worse.

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Update: February 19, 2022

Debunk by FTFE (Fight The Flat Earth)
Killing 2021's Best Flat Earth "Proof"!, by FTFE

Game Over. Flat Earths Dead.

This video took me while to make, mainly because of the fact every time I thought I'd finished the script, one of the short bus riders in the Flat Earth Crew spat out some more stupid about Sextants. (Then real life like jury duty and pc issues delayed it a few more days)

I changed the script over and over, but when I realised the video was going to be over an hour I decided to make a choice and focus on just one video, and that video is the one one that really kicked off the "year of the sextant" for Flat Earth. After Mitchell from Australia took 10th mans nonsense to heart, he started the "Flat Earth School" and claimed sextants as the best Flat Earth "proof" ever.

That was dumb. He is Dumb.

Sextants are designed to work on a globe, it is LITRELLY part of its function when using them for celestial navigation.

The good news is that I can now do separate videos on Nathan Oakley, Brains Logic, 10th Man ect who also fail to understand how sextants work.

Please enjoy the death of Flat Earth.

FLAT EARTHERS GET A FREE SEXTANT AND DESTROY THE GLOBE This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MCToon Celestial Navigation Challenge Escrow Trailer -

The Only Question now is how will Mitchell wiggle out of this? Denial? avoiding the challenge? Claiming I didnt address the curved adjacent claim? I can't wait to find out!

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Update: February 23, 2022

Debunk by Planarwalk
Flat Earther Tries To Explain Ships Disappearing Bottom First On A Flat Earth, by Planarwalk

Mitchell from 'Straya is here to try and explain how things can disappear bottom first on a flat earth with a coin on a table. It's an interesting experiment that has seemingly unexpected results, but there's actually a good explanation for what happened.

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Update: March 7, 2022

Debunk by MCToon
Top Left - Mitchel from Australia, by MCToon


1 view = 1 vote, 1 like = 10 votes

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Update: March 21, 2022

Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
The Blunder from Down Under and the Sextant, by Bob the Science Guy

In this episode we look at Mitchell from Australia and his misconceptions concerning the sextant. Not only do we point out the errors, we demonstrate how to do it correctly.

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Update: April 13, 2022

Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
A Flat Earth "Debate" FTFE VS Dave & Mitchell From Australia Runs Away, by FTFE

I'm BACK. And nothing has changed, Flerfs are still pushing a sextant as evidence the earth is a magic pizza.

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Update: April 22, 2022

Debunk by FTFE (Fight the Flat Earth)
A Flat Earth "Debate" FTFE VS Dave (Enter PhD Tony),  by FTFE

Dave the Oakleyite is back, and this time he says he is prepared! Yeah, sure...

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Update: April 23, 2022

Debunk by MCToon
Flers in Grief brings Anger, by MCToon

Mitchell's video with the intentional cuts deceiving people:
Let him know your opinion of his editing work.

Video showing Mitchell's deception:

Full video from Gempanda with analysis illustrating Mitchell's deception:

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Update: November 11, 2022

Debunk by SciManDan
This Flat Earther Gets Things Very Wrong (and the Biggest Community Experiment of All Time), by SciManDan

Mitchell from Australia seems to think that documenting one broken Foucault's pendulum proves that the Earth doesn't rotate.

Let's do a massive community experiment to prove him wrong!

Thanks for watching.

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Published on – May 18, 2019

Discussion at -

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kind regards, JonahTheScientist

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