The Pure Gospel on the Flat Earth (Jouke Elsinga) - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear The Pure Gospel on the Flat Earth (Jouke Elsinga),
It's unfortunate that your lack of science understanding and susceptibility to conspiracy theories has led you down this wrong path. The Earth is a beautiful blue globe spinning on axis once per day, and in revolution around the Sun.
Your Biblical inspiration has shut your eyes to the reality of what the universe truly is and how it functions. In our mind(FlatEarthLunacy) there is nothing wrong with being religious - only don't trash science or try to rewrite the laws of nature to suit your personal world narrative. That end result is harm to yourself and the human race, for perpetuating 17th century ignorance. It's high time for you to reconcile with the 21st century. Update your religious views and live with today's human race.
When you believe in a conspiracy theory because you want it to be true, that's when you get into trouble.
You are currently on the wrong side of history.
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Listed below is a debate...
Jack of all trades Vs The pure gospel of Flat Earth | Flat Earth Debate |, by Flight the Flat Earth
Flat Earth debate moderated by Fight the Flat Earth
Jack of all trades VS
The Pure Gospel of Flat Earth
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Published on – May 17, 2019
Discussion at -
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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We are going to treat the pure or pure gospel on a flat earth from a bunker in Arnhem. We do this with various video recordings where crucial life issues are discussed. We assume that the ultimate truth can only deliver liberation for man and that God cannot lie. We use the Bible as God's authority and authority and also our factual investigations. We do not promote any religion or are associated with it. On 31-10-2017 we will deposit our positions and Manifesto with a famous religion in the Netherlands 500 years later after Martin Luther did that with his religion. The videos fall under FAIR USE. Editing consists of Jouke Elsinga and Willibrordus van der Weide. Our website ; and our email; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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