Mike Boll - flat Earth advocate FAIL
Dear Readers,
Listed below are several posts that debunk flat Earth claims made by Mike Boll on his YouTube channel...
1. Response to Mike Boll re Moon Rotation, by dazzathecameraman
My response to Mike Boll's video "Answering Lunar Leap Questions Part 2" regarding the videos he and MrThriveAndSutvive took back in February.
2. Answering Lunar Leap Questions Part 2, by Mike Boll
Debunk by dazzathecameraman
Reply Mike Boll re Moon Rotation Lunar Leap - Short Version, by dazzathecameraman
Fact check = FAIL
dazzathecameraman said…
"As it happens what you have presented are time-lapse videos full of holes, full of breaks, with rotations, you’ve stopped the camera multiple times, you’ve zoomed in and out, you’ve obviously adjusted the camera, and I think it’s fair to say that we were right all along and our conclusion that the camera had been bumped, you’ve admitted yourself that the camera went off at times and you have adjusted the camera and even the rotation shown in Rich’s images on the left do not agree with rotation shown on your images on the right.
Isn’t it funny how at the exact moment the Moon suddenly rotates, it also zooms out! What an Amazing coincidence."
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3. Debunk by dazzathecameraman
Mike Boll Debunked in Less Than 30 Seconds, by dazzathecameraman
Fact check = FAIL. You did bump it.
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4. Debunk by dazzathecameraman
Mike Boll Lunar Leap Speed Debunk Part 2, by dazzathecameraman
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5. Debunk by dazzathecameraman
Mike Boll - Dazza's Debunk Debunked - Debunk, by dazzathecameraman
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6. Debunk by dazzathecameraman
MrThriveAndSurvive Lunar Leap Rotation - Mike Boll Explains
Did Mike Boll just confirm the cause of the apparent rotation of the Moon in the time lapse videos taken by he and MrThriveAndSurvive?
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7. Mike Boll confirms Astronomy Lives's predictions
So A.L.'s spreadsheet was able to prove that math DOES indeed reflect reality - even though Mr Boll does NOT want to believe in any such thing.
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8. Debunk by dazzathecameraman
Mike Boll Non Fisheye Flat Horizon Debunked, by dazzathecameraman
"We take a look at Mike Boll's video "Space Selfie Versus The ISS" where he claims to compare the Samsung Space Selfie images with "Non-Fisheye Lens Balloon Footage" showing what he claims is a "flat horizon". Is his comparison an honest and accurate one?"
The Mike Boll video that was debunked - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odqueis8dKg
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Published on – April 22, 2019
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
Our home page all articles - http://flatearthlunacy.com
kind regards, JonahTheScientist
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