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As a scientist with college degree in Astronomy, minor in Physics and Mathematics, I was appalled to find folks telling outright falsities and presenting bad science to bolster suspicion of our known accepted reality - that the Earth is a beautiful blue globe.

This blog clearly shows scientific proofs that debunk everything that flat Earth proponents claim.  Here we also expose the comments those YouTube video channels delete, because they don't want you to see them.

The Earth is not flat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by ignorant people who have ulterior personal motives and agendas.

The Earth is a beautiful blue spheroid globe spinning on an axis 23.5° once each day, and orbiting the Sun every 365.25 days.



kind regards,  Jonah The Scientist

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Patrick Shank - flat Earth advocate model failure


His video

We shall now show that each and every point of Patrick's flat earth model has no scientific corroboraton.  In short, it's a fictional dream story not based on real world experience.  

Patrick Shank's video tries to explain the following topics in terms of the flat Earth model:

Time Zones

We have listed his talking points under each of those heading.  Below that find our debunk analysis as labeled "Our evidence to the contrary"

Please enjoy reading this article.  Get grounded in real science fact.  Don't travel down the flat Earth conspiracy rabbit hole because the earth is not flat - it's a beautiful blue globe rotating on an axis, in orbit around the Sun.

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The sun is smaller and closer than we’re told.  Its light does not reach the entire earth.

Our evidence to the contrary:
The brightness of the sun should also change very noticeably as the sun crosses the sky during the day.  But it does not.
The rate of passage of the sun across the sky, 15-degrees per hour, should be variable for a local sun.
Sunrise & sunset azimuth is not as shown by the flat Earth AE map.
Sun elevation angle during the day, at any location, is not as shown by the flat Earth AE map.   

The farther away a light source is from you, the dimmer it is.  Double the distance away, and the light is 4 times dimmer.  
This is a noticeable effect that can be proved time and again very easily.
So if the Sun really was small and close, say only 3,000 miles up as the flat Earth model claims, then the brightness of the Sun on the equinox day, as viewed from any location on the equator, would at that very same time of day, be 3-times brighter that the sun as seen at 50-latitude.

Since that is not the case, since the brightness of the sun (flux) is the same - the Earth is not flat and the Sun is very far away.




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   Sun angles.png

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The apparent diameter of the sun in the sky does not change at all during the day.  For a local sun it should.

That is not possible on a flat Earth - because we all know that as objects move further away from us, they look smaller and smaller.  That's what should happen on a flat Earth with a Sun in close proximity (3,000 miles up as their model claims).


The following real time calculator by Mike West shows what the apparent size of the Sun would be IF the Earth were really flat and the Sun only 3,000 miles away.  But the Earth is really a beautiful blue globe orbiting the Sun about 93-million miles away...

Calculator is here -


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This following video posted by flat Earth advocate (Philipp Druzhinin, "Flat earth proof Clouds behind the sun" clouds both in front and behind the Sun.  

But how high is the highest clouds?

"Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds in Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometers (47 to 53 mi)."

Since the flat Earth Sun is only 3,000 miles high, and some clouds are behind that sun => the clouds must also be 3,000 miles or greater in height.  But we know that is untrue.  Case closed.  This Sun is not 3,000 miles up Mr. Patrick Shank!


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The sun, moon and planets are caught in the earth’s magnetic field.
That field rotates and oscillates throughout the year.
The atmosphere acts like a lens.

Rob Skiba and Zen Garcia are the culprits who came up with the fiction that on the AE flat Earth map, the Sun travels in a larger circle during the winter than during the summer.  However, they never address what the physical force is that holds the Sun (centrifugal force) in a circle, and what accelerates and decelerate the Sun along those circular paths during the year. 

Flat Earth explanation...


As mentioned before, what about...


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Time zones:
Time zones are generalized into sections so that everyone in the same region has the same time.
But the sun determines time zones.  When the sun is above your head, it’s noon.

Our evidence to the contrary:

Solar noon is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky each day. It occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial meridian (an imaginary line running across the sky from due South to due North, passing through a point directly overhead (the zenith))

At solar noon, the Sun is due south in the Northern Hemisphere, and due north in the Southern Hemisphere.  The Sun is directly overhead (at the zenith) at solar noon at the equator on the equinoxes; at Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5o N) on the summer solstice in June, and at Tropic of Capricorn (23.5o S) on the winter solstice in December.

The Sun casts its shortest shadow when it is at its highest point of the day.  That is solar noon. 

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On a flat earth with no atmosphere the sunset would look like this.
But on a flat earth with an atmosphere, the sun is also refracted and magnified.
The atmosphere acts like a lens.  A combination of perspective, refraction & magnification causes the illusion of sunsets.

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Planets are not what we are told, they are translucent balls of energy caught in earth’s magnetic field.
Some are so transparent we don’t even know about them.
During a solar eclipse the moon passes under the sun.
During a lunar eclipse Rahu passes under the moon.
Rahu and Ketu are considered as two strong planets as per the principles of Vedic Astrology, although, astronomically, they do not exist?


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Earth’s magnetic field produces a harmonic frequency.  That frequency resonates along the dome, which we call the schumann resonance.
Intersecting frequencies on the outside of the dome cause bubbles within fluidic space to cavitate and produce stars via sono-luminescence.
Our atmosphere acts like a lens.

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All materials on earth are diamagnetic.  Diamagnetic materials are repelled by magnetic fields.  This includes our atmosphere.  Gravity is a push from above, not a pull from below.

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The sun and moon affect tides because water is diamagnetic.

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(images of a compass are show, but no word description)

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Another of his videos debunked...

Globe Denier Lacks Kindergarten Understanding of Magnets, by MCToon

The flat Earth map fails to explain the FOUR fundamental observed aspects of magnetism.




Magnetic declination...



Magnetic inclination or dip, is how much below the horizontal the magnetic field points...



Magnetic field strength...


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Another of his videos debunked...

Flat Earther Presents More Knowledge Than Tthe Brain Can Handle!!, by SciManDan

Here is Patrick's original video:

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Published on – December 3, 2018

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kind regards, JonahTheScientist

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