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As a scientist with college degree in Astronomy, minor in Physics and Mathematics, I was appalled to find folks telling outright falsities and presenting bad science to bolster suspicion of our known accepted reality - that the Earth is a beautiful blue globe.

This blog clearly shows scientific proofs that debunk everything that flat Earth proponents claim.  Here we also expose the comments those YouTube video channels delete, because they don't want you to see them.

The Earth is not flat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by ignorant people who have ulterior personal motives and agendas.

The Earth is a beautiful blue spheroid globe spinning on an axis 23.5° once each day, and orbiting the Sun every 365.25 days.



kind regards,  Jonah The Scientist

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Logan Paul - YouTube celebrity pranks flat Earth

Dear Logan Paul,               

We appreciate your YouTube videos and all the hard work you have put into them.  You have earned celebrity status.

 it's unfortunate that you have endorsed the flat Earth conspiracy craze.  The Earth is not flat as we will show in this article.  Please get some excellent scientific assistance to see the real picture, before you fall further into conspiracies.  We are hoping that after you study the following globe earth proofs, you will change your mind.

Best wishes to you.  Send your questions or comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




We will now elaborate on the two points that you mention - that the Moon emits its own light, and that gravity is not proven.

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about the moon...

Flat Earth - If the Moon is just a LIGHT, why is it 6-times brighter when FULL then when 1/2 full? And why the shadows?

The Moon in not self-illuminating.  It does not generate light of any kind on its own.  The Moon is visible to us here on the Earth only because it reflects the light of the Sun.

A spectrum analysis of the Moon's light indicates that it is indeed only reflected Sun light.   

Take any beam of light, pass it thru a prism, and look at the rainbow colors.  All those colors are part and parcel of the white light.  

Look more closely at the prism light (called spectrum) and observe lines, which are missing frequencies of light due to chemical elements absorbing it.  Each chemical element has its own unique specific absorptions at various light wavelengths.  They are a signature indicating the presence of that element in the light source.


Here is the spectrum of the Sun and Moon.  They are essentially the same - indicating that Moon light is the same as Sun light.

   Spectrum of Sun and Moon.png

If the Moon was self-luminous, this could not happen.  Shadows on the crater shown below obviously indicates that a single point light source in somewhere off to the FAR RIGHT. 

Sunlight on crater Plato cast shadows, highlighting the craters rugged mountainous rim...


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How does the Flat Earth model account for the lunar month (new Moon to new Moon) on December 18, 2017, being the longest of this century?  Is there some slip up in their Moon's circular path 3,000 miles above?

Truth be told, it doesn't.  The FE model does not even address this reality.

It's really because the New Moon is at orbital apogee.

from the Earth Sky article, by Bruce McClure…

"On December 18, 2017, the moon will be new, or most nearly between the Earth and sun for this month. Astronomers mark the beginning of each lunar month, a period of approximately 29.5 days, at new moon. Lunar months are slightly different lengths, however, and this particular new moon ushers in the longest lunar month of the 21st century (2001 to 2100). 

A lunar month (also called a lunation or synodic month) is defined as the period of time between successive new moons. Although the mean length of the lunar month lasts 29.53059 days (29d 12h 44m 03s), this upcoming lunar month will be more than 7 hours longer than the mean, having a duration of 29 days 19 hours 47 minutes"


Look up at the sky on Jan. 31 and you may witness a sight unseen for 150 years. For the first time since 1866, a total lunar eclipse will occur with the blue moon, or second full moon of the month, which—like the one visible on New Year's Day—will also be a super moon.

When the moon is at or near the closest point to Earth in its orbit (aka, a super-moon), it appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter than full moons that occur at the farthest point in the moon's orbit.

Full moon distance (2017 Dec 3 at 15:47 UTC): 357,987 km
Lunar apogee distance (2017 Dec 4 at 8:42 UTC): 357,492 km

Full moon distance (2018 Jan 2 at 2:24 UTC): 356,846 km
Lunar perigee distance (2018 Jan 1 at 21:54 UTC): 356,565 km

Full moon distance (2018 Jan 31 at 13:27 UTC): 360,199 km
Lunar perigee distance (2018 Jan 30 at 9:54 UTC): 358,995 km

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July 10, 2018 occultation of the bright star Aldebaran by the moon   

See for yourself that the Moon is a solid celestial sphere (not transparent) and not a hologram, image or just a light in the sky.

The term occultation is most frequently used to describe those relatively frequent occasions when the Moon passes in front of a star during the course of its orbital motion around the Earth.

As the Moon moves in front of Aldebaran it will disappear for a period of time, and the reappearance at egress.



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The phases of the Moon that we all observe is easily explained by the Heliocentric model.  Flat Earth fails entirely.



Here is the flat Earth model FAIL...


More complete and detailed article here:

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Distance to the Moon - flat Earth con game - easily exposed by you and a friend

Flat Earth conspiracy advocates readily claim that both the Sun and Moon are very close to the Earth, say only about 3,000-miles up.  A local Sun is necessary for their flat model (which fails against reality in every aspect) and their pseudo explanations (using magical made up physical laws) to simulate seasonal changes on the Earth.

However, for hundreds of years we have known that the Sun is about 93-millions miles away, and the Moon is about 239,900 miles away..

The first distance to be measured with any accuracy was that of the Moon. In the middle of the 2nd century BCE, Greek astronomer Hipparchus pioneered the use of a method known as parallax. The idea of parallax is simple: when objects are observed from two different angles, closer objects appear to shift more than do farther ones.

This is the simple experiment that you and a friend can replicate TODAY.


More complete and detailed article here:

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Lunar Orbiter 1 photograph of the Earth from the Moon taken on August 23, 1966, well before the advent of CGI and computer image software

The original (analog transmission picture) is a non-composite pristine image.  Taken 52-years ago as of today 8/23/2018.   



Other noncomposite images of the Earth

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The flat Earth community cannot explain or predict even the most basic sky events

An example is the Super Moon.  What is it, how does it occur, and when are the next ones?

It’s time to dump that entire FLAT conspiracy.

When the Full Moon occurs during the Moon's closest approach to Earth, its perigee, it appears larger and brighter in the sky. This phenomenon is often called a super moon.

A New Moon at perigee is also often referred to as a super moon. However, this event usually garners less attention because a New Moon is invisible from Earth.

Perigee and Apogee

The Moon's orbit around Earth is not a perfect circle, but elliptical, with one side closer to Earth than the other. As a result, the distance between the Moon and Earth varies throughout the month and the year. On average, the distance is about 382,900 kilometers (238,000 miles).

The point on the Moon's orbit closest to Earth is called the perigee and the point farthest away is the apogee.



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What we observe as reality (right side up AND upside down moon) is just not possible on a flat Earth



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about gravity...




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Gravity is a law of nature and also a theory (which explains how & why it functions).




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Kepler’s second law of orbital motion and Einstein’s General Relativity (space/time/gravity) still holds true for stars extremely close to our Milky Way Galaxy’s central Black Hole (mass about 4-million Suns)


Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

Kepler’s first law: The orbital paths of the planets are elliptical, with the Sun at one focus.

Kepler’s second law: An imaginary line connecting the Sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas of an ellipse in equal intervals of time.  Thus, the speed of the planet increases as it nears the central mass and decreases as it recedes from the central mass.


Kepler’s second law can also be used to describe the motion of stars around black holes. 

The study of the motion of the nearby stars can be used to determine the mass of the black hole. 

A good example is the determination of the mass of the black hole at the center of our galaxy.  Based on the motion of the star S2 we have determined that the mass of the black hole in 4,000,000 times the mass of the Sun.

Kepler’s third law: The square of the planet’s orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis.

More complete and detailed article here:

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Modern technology and physics takes the Cavendish Experiment to new heights of accuracy

The Cavendish experiment, performed in 1797–1798 by British scientist Henry Cavendish, was the first experiment to measure the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory and the first to yield accurate values for the gravitational constant.

The strength of gravity has been measured to new precision


"We obtain G values of 6.674184 × 10-11 and 6.674484 × 10-11 cubic meters per kilogram per second squared, with relative standard uncertainties of 11.64 and 11.61 parts per million, respectively."

Measurements of the gravitational constant using two independent methods






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Students participate in real life zero gravity experimentation

NASA Glenn Selects Winners of Drop Tower Challenge

Press Release From: Glenn Research Center 
Posted: Wednesday, August 8, 2018

NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland has selected winners of the 2018 Microgravity Expulsion from Water Experiments Challenge. The winning teams have been invited to participate in the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) conference in Washington D.C. in November.

Students who participated in the challenge designed and built objects that sunk in water in normal gravity, but were expelled from water during a free fall from Glenn's 2.2 second drop tower.

"The key part of this challenge is that the expulsion must result from the hydrophobic, or water fearing, properties of the surface of each object," said Nancy Hall, challenge director. "While it is known that liquids in general behave differently in microgravity due to surface tension having a greater effect, this experiment allows us to see the effects of liquid behavior on a hydrophobic surface."

This is important to the space program because a liquid's interaction with solid surfaces ultimately affects the rate of chemical reactions and heat transfer.

The selection of the best-performing designs was based on the expectations of the objects expelled, analysis and the students' written reports.

Teams from the following schools have been selected to present at the 2018 ASGSR meeting Nov. 3:

First place, Grafton High School, Yorktown, Virginia
Second place, Broadway Creek Homeschool Academy, Medina, Ohio
Second place, West Geauga High School, Chesterland, Ohio
Fourth place, Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego, California
"If you have an opportunity to participate in a challenge, definitely do it," said Hall. "It's a great way to learn about the engineering process and the work that NASA is doing in various areas."

Students interested in NASA's competition opportunities can visit:

Article is here:     



Video and article here:

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The Earth spins so darn fast why don’t we all just fly off the surface as flat Earthers constantly claim?

It’s because if you look closely at the forces involved (gravity vs centrifugal) and do the calculations, gravity wins hands down.  No contest.  

Gravitational force acceleration holding you down = 9.8 meters/sec2

Centrifugal force acceleration throwing you out into space = 0.03 meters/sec2

So at the Earth's equator, the force of gravity is 9.8 / .03 = 327 times stronger.  That’s why you don’t fly off.

   Earth rotational speed by latitude.png







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Observing that gravity is real and measuring its force of attraction is easy for you to do

The Cavendish experiment using simple household items

Flat Earth: You Wanted Gravity, by Sly Sparkane

To eliminate static electricity in the air where you are performing this experiment, make sure to use a very good dehumidifier. 



The Cavendish experiment, performed in 1797–1798 by British scientist Henry Cavendish, was the first experiment to measure the force of gravity between masses in the laboratory and the first to yield accurate values for the gravitational constant.

The experiment:
The apparatus constructed by Cavendish was a torsion balance made of a six-foot (1.8 m) wooden rod horizontally suspended from a wire, with a two 2-inch (51 mm) diameter 1.61-pound (0.73 kg) lead spheres, each attached to each end. Two 12-inch (300 mm) 348-pound (158 kg) lead balls were located near the smaller balls, about 9 inches (230 mm) away, and held in place with a separate suspension system.  The experiment measured the faint gravitational attraction between the small balls and the larger ones.


Or you can just buy the following kits used at local community colleges.


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the earth is not flat, it's a big blue beautiful globe...

Water does find its level, but that does not mean the Earth is flat.

At any particular surface point, water is level with reference to the center of the Earth’s gravitational field.  

So referring to the picture below, standing at points a b and c, you will see level water.  However, at point (a) that level is tilted with respect to the surface orientation of points (b) and (c) on the Earth.  Yes.  Water is level wherever it rests because it conforms to the curvature of the Earth.





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From the Apollo 11 Image Library -


We have verified this image to be pristine, an original with no overlays of any kind, or CGI manipulation.
PhotoForensics validation of this image yielded the following results.  Hashtag algorithm (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) values indicate this is an original.


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The FotoForensics data displayed below each picture is not from the image you see here on this page, but from the actual NASA library image on their site.  For example, analysis was done on  image  -


We have verified this image to be pristine, an original with no overlays of any kind, or CGI manipulation.
PhotoForensics validation of this image yielded the following results.  Hashtag algorithm (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) values indicate this is an original.


More complete and detailed article here:

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During the following interview with Logan Paul, it's easy to get the impression that Logan has no clue or understanding of science, and why flat Earth talking points "allegedly" disprove a globe.  He just keeps saying that "The Earth is Flat" as if it's an established fact, which most certainly IT IS NOT. 

Logan Paul Trolled Flat Earth Conference! Punked at FEIC 2018!

When asked about flat Earth evidence or proof, he just says "Oh.  Now you're getting technical.  That's not really our specialty."

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Published on – November 20, 2018

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kind regards, JonahTheScientist

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