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As a scientist with college degree in Astronomy, minor in Physics and Mathematics, I was appalled to find folks telling outright falsities and presenting bad science to bolster suspicion of our known accepted reality - that the Earth is a beautiful blue globe.

This blog clearly shows scientific proofs that debunk everything that flat Earth proponents claim.  Here we also expose the comments those YouTube video channels delete, because they don't want you to see them.

The Earth is not flat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by ignorant people who have ulterior personal motives and agendas.

The Earth is a beautiful blue spheroid globe spinning on an axis 23.5° once each day, and orbiting the Sun every 365.25 days.



kind regards,  Jonah The Scientist

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Tiago Klafke - flat Earth Facebook advocate failure

Dear Tiago Klafke,       

You are on the wrong side of history.  Get a new life and join the 21st century.

In the process of Facebook posting you are polluting the minds of the Americas and contributing to their fall, accepting greater and greater conspiracy theories.  A world based on mistrust and disdain for science, which is what you are ignorantly promoting, leads people to oblivion.

Listed below are some psychological facts that expose why you are, who you are.  Do you even know that about yourself?

Also below we have debunked several of your Facebook flat Earth claims.  Using real science, we expose your outright lies and ignorant interpretations of physics.  

The proper way to "research flat Earth" is to go back to high school and college.  Try that instead.

So here is your current fantasy based path...



Reprinted with permission.  Cartoon from -

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Flat Earth: What Fuels the Internet's Strangest Conspiracy Theory?

Some excerpts:

That subculture is flat-Earthers, people who argue that centuries of observations that the Earth is round (including astronaut photographs from space and the fact that round-the-world travel itineraries work) are either mistaken or part of a vast cover-up. Instead, flat-Earthers argue, the planet is a disk. Exactly what this looks like varies by who is theorizing, but many flat-Earth believers say that walls of ice surround the edge of the disk, and that the planets, moons and stars hover in a sort of dome-shaped firmament above Earth, much closer to Earth than they really are. 

As conspiracy theories go, it's a pretty all-encompassing one. So what is the appeal? For many believers, it's a matter of distrust of the scientific elite and the desire to see the evidence with their own eyes. And, psychologists say, flat-Earth conspiracy theorists may be chasing many of the same needs as believers in other conspiracies: social belonging, the need for meaning and control, and feelings of safety in an uncertain world.

Flat-Earth theories aren't new; in the modern era, they date back to an English writer named Samuel Rowbotham, who came up with a variety of creative interpretations of cosmology in the mid-1800s. There was a smattering of interest in the 1950s with the creation of the International Flat Earth Society, but today's resurgence of the theory seems to derive from social media,

Finally, conspiracy theories can give believers a self-esteem boost and allow them to feel good about the groups they belong to. Some studies suggest narcissism and conspiracy belief are linked.

"One thing I've found interesting in my own adventures on the flat-Earth side of YouTube is, people are often pretty upfront about their motives," Wood said. They'll say that they find it more appalling to believe in the universe as a huge, uncaring place, and that it seems more reasonable to imagine Earth was made for humans like a perfect snow globe.

Some flat-Earth believers are motivated by religion, Wood noted; some harken back to biblical passages mentioning "the firmament" of the heavens. For others, the flat-Earth belief seems to grow out of other, space-related conspiracy beliefs, such as the belief that the moon landings were faked, Wood told Live Science.


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Mr. Klafke,

It's unfortunately that you have given up on logic, fact and scientific verification.  It's now very clear to the public that your flat Earth stance is driven solely by your Christian biblical literalist views.  
By abandoning science and twisting into deception, you have perpetrated an injustice to your religion as well as the worlds' people.


   2018-12-08_19-53-43 copy.png

Tiago Klafke's full post:

December 6 at 2:51 PM

This post is directed specifically to all the heliocentric Christians but also to anyone who asks the question "why would they lie?...for what reason?...what do they gain?"

Well for one, if you call yourself a Christian and believe the heliocentric model, you are directly contradicting the clear specifications as mentioned in the Bible about the origin of earth and secondly have been deceived by the lies of satanic pseudoscience. 

Understand this, Flat Earth in itself isn't the main message to the world of whether it's flat or a ball. The message is that it's leading people to the Bible and the gospel of the truth and salvation and why is it the truth? Because it has been archaeologically, geographically, historically and scientifically proven in accordance to itself and if it is historically accurate then that means that it will be accurate in its future predictions as well.

We're running into dark times and people are too zombified to realize, whether Christians or not. People are getting chipped every day with RFID's, violence and wars at their peaks, knowledge being increased, earthquakes and other natural (or man provoked) catastrophes are occurring all over the earth...guys, you all need to wake up and fast! We're reaching what the Bible calls "The Times Of The End!" And when s*** hits the fan, and you realize the RFID's aren't optional anymore and you can't buy nor sell without them, you'll be in trouble if you don't have the faith to stand against that New World Order system! All prophets in the past were mocked and ridiculed for their teachings and warnings...I only pray this message reaches the honest and truth seeking hearts that I know are out there and to the trolls, I could care less for their foolishness. When the world realizes this, then we will be at peace again because on a Flat Earth, your race, sex, religion, political position, educational or social status doesn't matter at all. We are all brothers and sisters and one big family, all children to a God creator who is our loving father and begs us to get to know him wholeheartedly and free willingly and love him through his son who died for all mankind so that we might receive salvation and have faith to withstand great tribulations that are soon to come. The price of sacrifice and suffering lasts shortly and is worth going through for the priceless reward of living in the afterlife. I hope you get the point.

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Mr. Klafke,

Since you seem to be an expert on photo analysis, please tell me what full-proof scientific technique you use to determine authenticity (i.e., an image is not doctored in any way).

Do you use photo-forensics?  What criteria do you use to inspect and evaluate pictures?   Do you check every pixel? 

Time to face the music.  We have determined the following photo to be pristine - real - and never altered.

Prove to us that it's a fake.


We have verified this image to be pristine, an original with no overlays of any kind, or CGI manipulation.
PhotoForensics validation of this image yielded the following results.  Hashtag algorithm (MD5, SHA1 and SHA256) values indicate this is an original.


Mr. Klafke, please pick any of the photos listed in this article below, and show us your proof that they are cgi.  OK?

Non-composite images of the Earth from space

send your cgi proof to - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Mr. Klafke, unfortunately your post below is just an out-right ignorant deception, and purposeful lie.  And you know it because you willfully skipped images of our globe earth in that same video, to not post! 

Yes.  Take any photo of a sphere, and narrow down the field of vision, until the curve is no longer apparent.  That is the case here.    

Since when do you use ISS pictures and claim them to be real in order to support your pseudo-science of "no curvature," but then on the other hand claim all space pictures cannot be trusted because they are cgi?  Isn't that a contradiction.

Below are other pictures from the SAME VIDEO (from the EESA - European Space Agency) as the one you posted in your Facebook comment.  Look at them.  Curvature is very visible.  You deliberately kept those secret. 

Fact check = YOU FAIL


Planet Earth seen from space (Full HD 1080p) - Original

Dear Readers, here are some images from the same video that Mr. Klafke viewed, but decided not to mention...






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There are no (peer reviewed and approved) or authentic scientific studies that invalidate the motion of the Earth, or it's curvature.  Yes, YouTube is filled with pseudo-science trash and fantasy videos created by backward facing flat Earthers.    

For those people who want to learn about our reality and how it function, step away from conspiracy theories.  It's best to head back to school and college.

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"Do your own research" means only look at YouTube videos by flat Earthers. 

Forget about public education.  Forget about the thousands of human beings who over the years helped unravel the mysteries of our universe for the betterment of world civilization. 

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Mr. Klafke, instead of making fun of things and embracing fantasy theories, how about opening your mind to reality?  Here is the Caspian Sea with very apparent Earth curvature.  There are hundreds of thousands of pictures (non-cgi) taken from space.



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   TK 12.jpg

Time to get the facts straight folks!  We will now debunk each of the misguided misconceptions of Tiago Klafle...

1.  "Still a problem to solve the southern “hemisphere’s” summer solstice when 3 continents witness daylight at the same time (S. Africa, S. America and Australia)"

Local noon in Athens, Greece, June 21, 2018, shows that on a globe Earth the Sun is visible from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.   



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2.  "flight path and distance of S. America-Australia, vice-versa"

SkyVector Flight Plan

Departure from SUCA - Colonia Airport, Uruguay, South America

Arrival at YPPH - Perth Airport, Australia

Total flight distance is 6,817.5 miles
Total flying time is 11-hours and 45-minutes 

Shortest distance on a globe is a great arc circle

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Boeing 777

The Boeing 777 is a long-range wide-body twin-engine jet airliner developed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. It is the world's largest twinjet and has a typical seating capacity of 314 to 396 passengers, with a range of 5,240 to 8,555 nautical miles. Wikipedia

Top speed: 590 mph

Wingspan: 200′ 0″

Cruise speed: 562 mph

Unit cost: 258,800,000–315,000,000 USD

Engine type: General Electric GE90

Did you know: With six wheels on each main landing gear, and two wheels on the nose gear, it has an unmistakable footprint. 

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Here is the flight plan, passing over Antarctica for the shortest distance route on a sphere...


Why the path looks curved on a globe...



larger view...


TAS - True Airspeed

Track/WCA - Wind correction angle

Th/Var - True Heading/Variation

MH - Magnetic heading 

GS - Ground Speed

ET/ETO - Expected time /Expected time over

ATE/ETO - Actual Time/Actual Time over

Fuel/EFR - Expected Fuel remaining/ Actual Fuel Remaining

- - 


SUCA - starting point at Uruguay, South America
S 34°27.08'
W 057°46.02'

TOC - we then fly on track 174o  to this position at a distance of 81.4 nautical miles away to complete the climb to 35,000 feet
S 35°48.22'
W 057°35.95'

TOD - we then fly on track 174o  to this position at a distance of 6384.7 nautical miles away, all the while at 35,000 feet
S 37°46.52'
E 115°14.76'

YPPH - we then turn northward to track 6o  for a distance of 351.3 nautical miles as we descend from 35,000 feet to land at the Perth Airport, Australia airport.
S 31°56.42'

E 115°58.02'


The great-circle distance or orthodromic distance is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere.


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3.  "ISS sighting, which I honestly think is a laughable argument considering the ISS travels 5 miles per second and orbits the earth every 92 min at over 17,000 mph!!!"

Sizing up the International Space Station Using the Moon

This landmark parallax study of the ISS as viewed from the Earth's surface confirms that it is real, and currently in orbit.

Experimental results conducted and presented by YouTube channels:

Astronomy Live (using Meade LX200 telescope)

Reds Rhetoric (using P900 camera)

and Vincent (using P900 camera).

Transit occurred on March 3, 2018.

Altitude, size and velocity of the ISS determined by transit over the Moon, as seem at 2 different surface locations simultaneously.

Both observers see the ISS at the same time, at slightly different positions in the sky, due to parallax.


Notice that in the image below, where Vincent and Astronomy Live are at the same location, the ISS appears at the same apparent position over the moon.  NO PARALLAX because both observers are at the same Earth surface point.

As the ISS gets closer to the observers on the ground as it rises higher in their sky, the two tracks are correctly closer together at the bottom and farther apart at the top of the Moon.

"The difference in the path is due to parallax and we can use that to actually measure the range to the space station, and from that calculate things like the altitude of the ISS, the size, and the velocity.




The complete article is here for you to read:


Update: June 14, 2020

A modern day measurement of parallax

New Horizons is so Far From Earth That the Positions of the Stars Look a Little Different From its Perspective, by Matt Willimans at

   star Wolf359 from the Earth and New Horizons spacecraft 1 , April 22, 2020.jpg

   New Horizons parallax of Wolf 357 - April 22, 2020.jpg


For example, we here on Earth are used to thinking that the positions of the stars are “fixed”. In a sense, they are, since their positions and motions are relatively uniform when seen from our perspective. But a recent experiment conducted by the New Horizons team shows how familiar stars like Proxima Centauri and Wolf 359 (two of the closest stars in our neighbors) look different when viewed from the edge of the Solar System.

Located in the constellation Leo, Wolf 359 is an M-type (red dwarf) star that is roughly 7.9 light-years from Earth. It can be found close to the same path the Sun follows through the sky (the ecliptic), but can only be seen with a telescope. And if you’re a Trekkie, you might recognize the name since it was where that major battle with the Borg took place (don’t act like you don’t know!)...


This technique involves measuring the relative positions of stars from two different locations to detect any possible shift with respect to more distant objects. For almost two centuries, astronomers have used this technique to measure the distance to nearby stars. Traditionally, astronomers have relied on Earth’s own orbital motion to determine these distances.

Since Earth’s orbit is about 300 million km (186 million mi) in diameter, its vantage point changes considerably in the course of a year. But with greater distances and Earth’s orbit as a “baseline”, astronomers can conduct greater parallax measurements. Given its current distance from Earth, the New Horizons mission team and NASA have decided to do this very thing, and invited the public to participate...

(Please go to the URL listed above and read the entire article)

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4.  "start by stating that scientifically the earth’s been proven to be motionless and stable"

Fact check = You FAIL.   True and correct scientific observation and analysis HAS NEVER SHOWN the Earth to be motionless.  No college or institution teaches that.  The only place one can find stuff like what you suggest, is on pseudo science YouTube videos.  



Excerpt, from the Bob James article cited above...

We had no direct view of Earth until the dawn of the Space Age. Finding physical evidence that our planet revolves around the Sun took some clever thinking to prove that this heliocentric model of our solar system represents reality.

The idea is ancient. Around 230 b.c., the Greek philosopher Aristarchus suggested that this was the case. He was an outstanding observer and based this idea on careful observations. Still, without direct proof that Earth moves, Aristotle’s Earth-centered universe remained the dominant model for centuries.

In 1610, Galileo turned his new telescope toward Venus. To his amazement, he saw the planet pass through phases just like the Moon. Galileo correctly surmised that this could happen only if Venus had an orbit closer to the Sun than Earth’s orbit.

With improved telescopes, astronomers started looking for another proof of Earth’s motion around the Sun, stellar parallax. Earth’s orbit is huge — some 186 million miles (300,000 kilometers) in diameter. If an astronomer measures the position of a nearby star, and then measures it again six months later, the star’s apparent position against the background of more distant stars should shift a tiny amount.

Observing this would prove that Earth in fact is not stationary. It wasn’t until 1838 that an astronomer finally detected this shift. That year, German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel successfully measured the parallax of the star 61 Cygni.

And there’s yet another proof. Imagine standing still with rain coming straight down. To stay dry, you just hold your umbrella directly over your head. As you begin to walk, however, you need to tilt the umbrella “into” the rain, even though the rain is coming straight down. The faster you walk, the greater the tilt needs to be.

As Earth orbits the Sun, we can detect a “tilt” of incoming starlight. English astronomer James Bradley discovered this phenomenon in 1725 by accident — while he was searching for stellar parallax! This aberration of starlight, as it is called, is a result of light having a finite speed and Earth’s motion around the Sun.

End of subject.  Period.

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5.  "water has never even been observed attaching itself to a spinning sphere and always finds its level and 70+% of earth is water."

Water does find its level, but that does not mean the Earth is flat.

At any particular surface point, water is level with reference to the center of the Earth’s gravitational field.  

So referring to the picture below, standing at points a b and c, you will see level water.  However, at point (a) that level is tilted with respect to the surface orientation of points (b) and (c) on the Earth.  Yes.  Water is level wherever it rests because it conforms to the curvature of the Earth.





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6.  "Gravity is still a theory."

Fact check = You FAIL

Gravity is a law of nature and also a theory (which explains how & why it functions).



Conclusion - ALL of your flat Earth assertions are fantasy.    

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Update: November 19, 2018

As proof that you just parrot flat Earth talking points, have zero understanding of science, and cannot logically refute a single fact presented in this article that supports of our globe Earth - your response is only ridicule and more fake news.

Get a new life buddy and join the 21st century.  You are currently on the wrong side of history.  


Interesting that in his post above he did not share the specific URL for the debunk article that we wrote.
Since we are not a member of his Facebook group, we had no way to directly alert him that we published an article.

Mr. Klafke, our email is listed as (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on our site's main page.  Contact us if you wish.


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   Tiago Klafke.png


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