Flat Earth community falls in love with the Nikon P900 - but its optics are no substitute for a real telescope
It's APERTURE (lens) size that determines the quality and resolution of pictures, NOT zoom or magnification capability.
Ignorance about basic optics leads people to think that the P900 could be a substitute for telescopes. NO WAY.
Resolution is best at lower power...
Resolution deteriorates with increasing magnification...
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View from REAL telescopes...
The middle pictures are from a telescope that cost the same as a Nikon P900. Notice how much better the resolution detail of Jupiter is.
From a 9.25 inch backyard amateur astronomy telescope...
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P900 to small Celestron Nexstar 4SE comparison...
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Inside the P900 camera: Lens - Zoom-Nikkor ED VR; 16 elements in 12 groups including a super extra-low dispersion (ED) glass element
Focal Length (35mm equivalent): 24 - 2,000mm, Focal Length (actual): 4.3 - 357mm, Zoom Ratio: 83.00x
83 power is just an advertisers numbers game. With an actual zoom range of (4.3 - 357mm), the real apparent magnification is 56 power.
With respect to celestial object resolution, the P900 cannot resolve objects more than 2.11 arc-seconds apart.
By comparison, the Meade LX70 6-inch reflector telescope priced at $479.95, can resolve objects to 0.77 arc-seconds apart. A larger aperture means that more light can be collected, so that fainter objects now become visible.
The human eye can detect stars down to magnitude 6.
Magnitude is a logarithmic scale, so a 7-magnitude star is 2.5 times fainter that a 6-magnitude star.
A 6-inch reflector telescope at 120x can detect stars down to magnitude 13.8
A 8-inch reflector telescope at 120x can detect stars down to magnitude 14.3
A 60-inch reflector telescope at 120x can detect stars down to magnitude 15.8
That is why larger and larger telescopes are always being built.
Taking a long exposure photograph (from seconds to hours) greatly increases any instruments ability to record fainter objects.The P900 Digital sensor:The Image Sensor size of p900 = (6.2mm x 4.6mm) = 28.52 sq mm Diagonal = 7.72 mm
Image sensor size of any full frame camera (35 mm) = 36mm x 24 mm = 864 sq mm . Diagonal = 43.232 mm
Ratio of Diagonals = 43.232 mm / 7.72 mm = 5.6. This is called crop factor. This is the pseudo zoom we get because of using a small sensor as compared to 35mm format.
Explained in the most simple terms, the sensor inside a full-frame camera is the size of a standard frame of 35mm film. This is where the term full-frame comes from. APS-C sensors, on the other hand, are about half the size of your standard 35mm negative and, as a result, create what’s called a crop factor.
The P900 has a 1/2.3" digital sensor.
The iPhone 6S has a 1/3” digital sensor, which is LARGER than the P900’s.
A larger sensor will either have larger pixels, or more pixels. Larger pixels mean a greater capacity to store charge (all else being equal) and more light being captured per pixel hence less light in the shadows, hence greater dynamic range. More pixels mean the similar noise per pixel but more pixels to average over to reduce shadow noise, and hence increase dynamic range.
And let's remember that the P900 is not a DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex) camera. It has a nice zoom, but a small sensor. That means it has less detail, less sharpness, less depth of field, and more noise than a DSLR.
The P900 image stabilizer can also distort the image you see.
- -Flat Earth advocates often publish photos like the one below.
The P900 camera "aperture stop" is hexagonal in shape. Combine that with a deliberately out-of-focus star image and you get that monstrosity. Passing that off as reality is predetermined fraud...
Here are the image shapes (6-blade camera) that you get when you focus on the f-stop...
Misunderstand of photographic diffractions rings and the Airy disk is another popular deception perpetrated by the flat Earth community, as demonstrated below.
What you are seeing is a light diffraction pattern caused by the camera optics itself.
ROTR wants you to believe this is what the planet Venus really looks like. Please tell him you don't buy into his fraud.
The size of the Airy disks in an image depends upon the iris/aperture dimensions of the camera. It’s strictly a light diffraction pattern.
The shocking thing few camera-buyers realize is that these fuzzy blobs are often larger than the individual pixels in a digital camera sensor.
Instead of a sharp pinpoint, light is actually focused into a fuzzy bulls-eye pattern. Its bright center is named the Airy disk, after the British scientist who first described it.
Examples of Airy disk diffraction...
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So what do REAL telescopes look like?
The First Ritchey-Chretien Telescope, 19.9-inch aperture, c1930 George Willis Ritchey at the telescope and Henri Chretien on the right
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The South African Astronomical Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa
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Tonantzintla 64-cm Schmidt telescope
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University of Alabama - 36-inch telescope
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82-inch Otto Struve Telescope
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Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) is a 3.9 m equatorially mounted telescope operated by the Australian Astronomical Observatory and situated at the Siding Spring Observatory Australia
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Published on - December 23, 2017
Discussion at - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ipUKERU0tzYFxALJBli4A/discussion
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kind regards, JonahTheScientist