Rob Skiba - Atmospheric Lensing explanation is flawed. Time for YOU to take an optics 101 class.
Dear Rob Skiba,
As explained very clearly by VoysovReason below, your atmospheric lensing demo if flawed - does not represent what really happens in Earth's atmosphere.
Atmospheric Lensing Debunked - Flat Earth Falsities, by VoysovReason
"One of the many excuses flat Earthers have for the common observation that buildings and boats appear hidden at the bottom behind the horizon, is an affect they call "atmospheric lensing". I will show reasons why atmospheric lensing absolutely cannot work the way that they assert.
Rob Skiba's biggest mistake is in the direction of the effect. It does not make things appear lower. It makes them appear higher.
It is true that the atmosphere works like a lens, but not the kind of lens Skiba is using in his experiment, and not in the way he uses it.
Rob Skiba uses a convex magnifying lens, which bends light away from the center, making objects appear bigger in all direction. If the atmosphere worked like that, you would see distortion in every direction, and distortion would change as you change your position in relation to the object. We don’t see that.
What we do see is refraction in a vertical direction, caused by the vertical density gradient of Earth’s atmosphere.
And this is why refraction can explain why distant cities can sometimes be farther than expected on a curved earth. The refraction bends the light around the curve. When light travels at a shallow angle through a density gradient with the denser material at the bottom, it will always bend down, making objects appear higher."
Refraction makes objects appear higher than they really are...
Rob's test and explanation using a "convex lens" is not atmospheric lensing. The atmosphere does not behave the way that he asserts.
His is a pseudoscience creation that is not supported by reality. His is how ignorant people start myth and deception.
Debunk by Bob the Science Guy
Does Rob Skiba See Too Far? | Creationism, Bob the Science Guy
In a Saturday Premiere Video Bob the Science Guy has a second look at Rob Skiba from FEIC 2019 in Dallas. In this episode Rob Skiba presents his 'Skiba Lensing' talking point, and Bob the Science Guy dismantles it, while showing how he deliberately misleads his gullible followers.
Published on – January 14, 2019
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